Host Papa Revisión 2024. Es buen alojamiento web en Canadá?

106 opiniones de usuarios; 40 respuestas de apoyo; 0 testimonios; 25 productos, 0 promociones, 8 cuentas sociales; 84.597 dominios alojados, Alexa #19435; 📆 listado 2007 (#5927)
Host Papa
5063 North Service Road, Suite 102
Burlington , ON l7l 5h6
☎ Teléfono 1-888-959-7272
☎ Teléfono +1 905-315-3455

Idioma (s) del sitio web: en-CA en-GB en-US fr-BE fr-CA fr-FR de-DE es-MX es-ES
🏆 SemRush Rating nuevo 130.841 👤 Opiniones de usuarios 🙌 Promedio 4.4 de 10
👉 Revisiones totales: 106
👍 Recomendado por: 41
👎 Opuesto: 65
🤝 Respuestas oficiales: 40

💰 Rango de precios $ 1,00 - $ 249,99⏰ Apoyo 24x7
💳 Opciones de pago Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🏆 SEO MOZ Authority 66/61🔗 Campo de golf 4.853.515
Estado de finalización del perfil:
Cosas hechas
Descripciones de la empresa está bien
La ubicación de la dirección de la empresa está completa
Se ha añadido el teléfono / fax de la empresa
Se agregan las cuentas de la empresa Twitter y Facebook
"Sobre página" URL o "Página de contacto" URL agregadas
Foro, Blog / Anuncios, Knowledgebase o Preguntas frecuentes se agregan URL
Se agregan productos (planes), pero algunos no se actualizan desde hace más de 2 años
Nota: Añadir una promoción o cupón


👪 Opiniones de clientes más recientes

-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
Calificación global
😁 Besides the reasonably priced domain hosting, including a complete Wordpress backend, HostPapa's customer service is always amazing. Anytime I have a question, no matter how small or complex, they are quick to help. And, as a techie, I appreciate their respectful responses and assistance.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) / anonymous
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😁 A few months before, I started a new business & I purchased WordPress hosting from HostPapa. Their services are affordable & best. But 2 days ago I faced a problem with the SSL certificate. Then I contacted its customer support & they solved my issue in a few minutes. I hosted my one other website on domain racer VPS hosting which is also affordable & excellent. I am really satisfied with the services provided by Hostpapa & domain racer.
-oculto- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
Relación con el cliente
Panel de control
😠 Complete Rip-off
These guys are the absolute bottom of the barrel. Incompetent, sleazy sales techniques and they really hate their customers. For example phone support does not exist. Calling one of the published numbers results in hold-times of exactly 45 minutes before you are prompted to record your message. Always. No one is ever getting back to you. Tried many time, because their primary support (email) is extremely bad. They always delete the message history which makes it really hard on customers. Other than that, they don't read your emails. Hostpapa gets most of their customers by buying out other companies and with that their customers. Those customers then leave as fast as possible and Hostpapa initiates another hostile take-over. Avoid a
🗨 Hello,

Unfortunately we could not find an account under the domain or email address provided. It appears you may not be a HostPapa customer as our phone line configuration is not as you have described.

If you have a HostPapa account please confirm the email address on file, primary domain, an invoice number, client ID or any other identifying information so that we can review the support related issues raised here.


✍️ Customer Service (James Grey - review-management@h..., 📅 ).
Más críticas
Verificado 2007 logo

📄 Revisión editorial

🔃 Host Papa es parte de HostPapa
🔧 Servicios: Alojamiento webRegistro de DominioCreador de sitios web Registrador de la ICANN
⇔ Dominios redirigidos:
⇔ Redirigido desde

HostPapa es una empresa ecológica independiente que se asegura de que sus clientes tengan acceso a todo tipo de aplicaciones que necesitan. Al mismo tiempo, ofrecen facilidades de respaldo de datos y servicios de monitoreo para identificar posibles problemas que puedan ocurrir. Hostpapa no solo promete satisfacer a sus clientes con la gama de posibilidades que ofrece la empresa, sino que la lista de premios que han ganado a lo largo de los años confirma las palabras de su personal. HostPapa promete confiabilidad, experiencia técnica, seguridad y soporte.

HostPapa está considerado entre las 10 principales empresas líderes de la industria en términos de alojamiento web. No solo ofrecen una amplia gama de productos, sino que no requiere experiencia previa por parte del cliente. Por ejemplo, si un cliente desea utilizar una herramienta de creación de sitios web, no necesita conocimientos en diseño web.
A diferencia de otras empresas, HostPapa ofrece un desempeño de servidores orientado al cliente, ayuda profesional, una gran variedad de productos (Web Hosting, VPS, Certificados SSL, Hosting WordPress, Website Builder, etc.), así como una buena relación calidad-precio.

Otro ejemplo podría ser el caso de WordPress Hosting. A diferencia de Bluehost o WPEngine, HostPapa viene nuevamente con un paquete completo de herramientas y características altamente requeridas incluidas a un precio menor que los proporcionados por las compañías mencionadas anteriormente.
HostPapa Wordpress Hosting viene con: un registro de nombre de dominio gratuito; 2 sitios web alojados; instalación automática; asignación de tráfico ilimitada; certificado SSL gratuito o transferencia web gratuita.
Teniendo en cuenta algunos testimonios de clientes, las reseñas escritas sobre HostPapa muestran que, en general, los clientes están satisfechos con los servicios proporcionados por esta empresa y definitivamente lo recomendarían más. Algunos aspectos destacados con respecto a las características de HostPapa provenientes de los clientes serían:
- Servicios fáciles de usar;
- Panel de control fácil de usar;
- Fiabilidad;
- Precios razonables;
- Alojamiento ecológico;
- Gran soporte técnico;
- Gran conjunto de características;
- 100% de satisfacción;
- Una forma sencilla de abrir una cuenta;
- Flexibilidad;

La marca HostPapa utiliza un nombre de dominio separado para dirigirse a diferentes países, aunque el contenido del sitio web es similar (tal vez solo la moneda) y no hay una ubicación física real de la oficina en ese país.

💰 Precio de coste

Los costos varían de un tipo de plan a otro, pero siguen siendo razonables. Por lo general, los precios son más o menos similares a los que ofrecen otras grandes empresas. En algunos casos, los precios ofrecidos por HostPapa para Web Hosting son más altos, sin embargo, la gama de servicios y la gestión profesional prometida por HostPapa crean un buen equilibrio.
Por ejemplo, cuando se trata de certificados SSL, HostPapa viene con una selección de características populares, todas incluidas en sus planes (licencias de servidor ilimitadas, sello de seguridad, símbolo de candado, cifrado de 256 bits, protección contra malware) mientras que otras, como Network Solutions o GeoTrust, no incluye, por ejemplo, protección contra Malware.

⌛ Confiabilidad

La empresa garantiza un 99,9% de tiempo de actividad para que el cliente tenga una experiencia de calidad.

🏢 Centro de datos

Los centros de datos de HostPapa están en Canadá y EE. UU., Pero también tienen varias oficinas ubicadas en Reino Unido, Alemania o Australia. HostPapa asegura al cliente que su infraestructura es de primer nivel, utilizando equipos como sistemas de alimentación ininterrumpida (UPS), generación de energía redundante o generadores de respaldo diesel.

Atiende principalmente a clientes de: Toronto / Vancouver / Calgary / Quebec / Nueva Escocia

✍️ Atención al cliente

HostPapa garantiza a sus clientes un reembolso dentro de los 30 días posteriores a la compra si el cliente no está satisfecho con los servicios disponibles. Teniendo en cuenta el tipo de producto, hay algunos servicios que no se pueden reembolsar, incluidos nombres de dominio, tarifas de configuración, impuestos aplicables o servicios complementarios en general.
Sin embargo, como cliente, es posible que descubra que existen algunas discrepancias en las tarifas y que el precio de los planes podría confundirlo, ya que principalmente debe comprar el contrato a largo plazo para obtener el precio más bajo. Tomemos, digamos, su Plan de inicio de alojamiento web. De hecho, lo anuncian a un precio muy bajo de $ 3,95. Sin embargo, debe aceptar un contrato de tres años para pagar solo esta cantidad de dinero.

En caso de que necesite ayuda, puede comunicarse con la empresa por teléfono, correo, correo electrónico o fax. Además del hecho de que HostPapa ofrece soporte 24/7, le ofrecen la posibilidad de unirse a un seminario web semanal u obtener una sesión de capacitación en video de 30 minutos con un experto en el campo en el que encuentre problemas o preguntas. Lo que también es una característica considerable es que la atención al cliente se proporciona en varios idiomas, incluidos inglés, francés o español. Además, ofrecen tutoriales sobre una gran cantidad de temas.

🔨 Panel de control

HostPapa funciona con uno de los paneles de control estándar y más populares: cPanel. Esto lo ayudará a administrar una gran cantidad de cosas solo accediendo al panel principal.

🎯 Conclusión

HostPapa es un sitio web de alojamiento ecológico y fácil de usar que ofrece un apoyo y se preocupa por sus clientes. Desafortunadamente, puede ser un poco engañoso cuando se trata de precios y la velocidad que ofrecen es bastante baja. Sin embargo, sus paquetes vienen con ventajas considerables, precios competitivos y un gran rendimiento.

Un elemento desventajoso es la velocidad . Sus clientes se quejan de este aspecto ya que la carga de páginas parece funcionar con bastante lentitud. Entonces, HostPapa no ofrece servicios de respaldo gratuitos, lo que probablemente sea una desventaja si lo comparamos con otras grandes compañías en el campo.

Invierten bastante en publicidad online, aunque todavía no figuran en Crunchbase o Instagram.

🌏 Ubicaciones de servidor:

Ubicaciones del centro de datos para

📢 Páginas especiales captura de pantalla
Sitio web de investigación para Host Papa en marzo 6, 2019 por WebHostingTop

🎁 Host Papa Promociones

No hay cupones de sitios web anunciados! ¿Desea obtener una excelente oferta de alojamiento web mediante vales? Revisa nuestra lista actual de cupones de alojamiento web!
Si administra esta marca, debe iniciar sesión para actualizar sus promociones!
Usted puede envíe directamente su cupón aquí!

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si las promociones caducan
Tu correo electrónico (no se mostrará)
Cuánto es 4 + 3 ? Responder con 7

📤 Host Papa Productos del sitio web

🔧 Compartido - 💻 Linux Mantenga el mouse
sobre las características!
💰Precio💿 Espacio del disco 📶 Transferir 📆 Actualizado🆓 Dominio gratuito /
🔌 Permitido
Starter caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : CPanel
🔧 Categoría : Green Hosting, Creador de sitios web
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔌 Dominios alojados : 2
🆓 Dominios libres : 1
📌 IPs dedicadas : 0

captura de pantalla de Starter desde hostpapa.comPerfect for a basic blog or website

Email Accounts 100
Free Apps (ie: WordPress, Joomla!, etc.) 200+
HostPapa Website Builder Starter Edition
State-of-the-Art Performance Servers & Equipment
Accelerated Speed & Performance
Server [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
($ 7,99 después primer periodo)
100 GB SSDsin medir 1 / 2
Business caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : CPanel
🔧 Categoría : Green Hosting, Creador de sitios web
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 1
📌 IPs dedicadas : 0

captura de pantalla de Business desde hostpapa.comIdeal for small business owners

Over $150.00/year in extras!
Email Accounts Unlimited5
Free Apps (ie: WordPress, Joomla!, etc.) 200+
HostPapa Website Builder Starter Edition
State-of-the-Art Performance Servers & Equipment
Accelerated Speed [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
($ 12,99 después primer periodo)
ilimitadosin medir 1 / ilimitado
Business Pro caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : CPanel
🔧 Categoría : Green Hosting, Creador de sitios web
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 1
📌 IPs dedicadas : 0

captura de pantalla de Business Pro desde hostpapa.comEnhanced performance, security and speed

Rocket fast premium servers
More resources allocated per account
Fewer accounts on server
Enhanced performance

Over $400.00/year in extras!
Email Accounts Unlimited
Free Apps (ie: WordPress, Joomla!, [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
($ 19,99 después primer periodo)
ilimitadosin medir 1 / ilimitado
🔧 Revendedores - 💻 Linux Mantenga el mouse
sobre las características!
💰Precio💿 Espacio del disco 📶 Transferir 📆 Actualizado🆓 Dominio gratuito /
🔌 Permitido
Bronze caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : CPanel, WHM
🔧 Categoría : Green Hosting
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 2

captura de pantalla de Bronze desde hostpapa.comNo matter which HostPapa Reseller Plan you choose, you'll be able to create valuable web hosting packages to sell under your own brand name. You determine the pricing, features, and packaging, and you keep all of the money you collect. As a [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
$29,99/mes.50 GB SSD500 GB 0 / ilimitado
Silver caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : CPanel, WHM
🔧 Categoría : Green Hosting
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 2

captura de pantalla de Silver desde
🔗 URL del plan :
$39,99/mes.100 GB SSD1 TB 0 / ilimitado
Gold caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : CPanel, WHM
🔧 Categoría : Green Hosting
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 2

captura de pantalla de Gold desde
🔗 URL del plan :
$64,99/mes.150 GB SSD1.500 GB 0 / ilimitado
Platinum caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : CPanel, WHM
🔧 Categoría : Green Hosting
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 2

captura de pantalla de Platinum desde
🔗 URL del plan :
$89,99/mes.200 GB SSD2 TB 0 / ilimitado
Titanium caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : CPanel, WHM
🔧 Categoría : Green Hosting
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 2

captura de pantalla de Titanium desde
🔗 URL del plan :
$119,99/mes.250 GB SSD2.500 GB 0 / ilimitado
🔧 Intercambiar - 💻 Windows Mantenga el mouse
sobre las características!
💰Precio💿 Espacio del disco 📶 Transferir 📆 Actualizado🆓 Dominio gratuito /
🔌 Permitido
Office 365 Essentials caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔧 Categoría : Green Hosting
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 0

captura de pantalla de Office 365 Essentials desde hostpapa.comMicrosoft Office Online Edition + Business-class email

Secure online file storage and sharing per user with OneDrive 1TB
Office Online: Web versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more
Business-class email using your domain name
Storage for [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
($ 9,99 después primer periodo)
50 GBsin medir 0 / ilimitado
Office 365 Business caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔧 Categoría : Green Hosting
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 0

captura de pantalla de Office 365 Business desde hostpapa.comMicrosoft Office Online Edition + Microsoft Office Suite

Fully Installed Microsoft Office Apps for up to 5 PCs or Macs
Automatic Office updates - always be running the latest version
Office for Tablets: Office on Windows tablets and iPads [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
($ 10,99 después primer periodo)
ilimitadosin medir 0 / ilimitado
Office 365 Business Premium caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔧 Categoría : Green Hosting
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7

captura de pantalla de Office 365 Business Premium desde hostpapa.comMicrosoft Office Online Edition + Microsoft Office Suite + Business-class email

Fully Installed Microsoft Office Apps for up to 5 PCs or Macs
Automatic Office updates - always be running the latest version
Office for Tablets: Office on Windows [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
($ 16,99 después primer periodo)
50 GBsin medir
🔧 VPS - 💻 Linux Mantenga el mouse
sobre las características!
💰Precio💿 Espacio del disco 📶 Transferir 📆 Actualizado🔋 RAM /
📌 IPs dedicadas
Mercury caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔋 RAM : 2000 MB
💪 UPC : 4 Cores CPU
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 2

captura de pantalla de Mercury desde hostpapa.comHost unlimited domains & websites
Manage multiple servers
Increase your power anytime
Guaranteed dedicated resources
eCommerce optimized
🔗 URL del plan :
$19,99/mes.60 GB SSD1 TB 2 GB / 2
Venus caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔋 RAM : 4000 MB
💪 UPC : 4 Cores CPU
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 2

captura de pantalla de Venus desde
🔗 URL del plan :
$59,99/mes.125 GB SSD2 TB 4 GB / 2
Earth caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔋 RAM : 8000 MB
💪 UPC : 8 Cores CPU
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 2

captura de pantalla de Earth desde
🔗 URL del plan :
$109,99/mes.250 GB SSD2 TB 8 GB / 2
Mars caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔋 RAM : 16000 MB
💪 UPC : 8 Cores CPU
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 2

captura de pantalla de Mars desde
🔗 URL del plan :
$169,99/mes.500 GB SSD4 TB 16 GB / 2
Jupiter caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔋 RAM : 32000 MB
💪 UPC : 12 Cores CPU
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 2

captura de pantalla de Jupiter desde
🔗 URL del plan :
$249,99/mes.1000 GB SSD8 TB 32 GB / 2
🔧 Dominios Mantenga el mouse
sobre las características!
💰Precio 📆 Actualizado
.com caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : WebsitePanel
🔧 Categoría : Green Hosting, Totalmente administrado
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7

captura de pantalla de .com desde hostpapa.comDomain Privacy 1 year term $9.99
Protection Power Website Security 1 year term $29.95

Get your custom email address: Build trust in your business.

Send the right message to your customers and prospects by using a professional email [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
🔧 Certificados SSL Mantenga el mouse
sobre las características!
💰Precio 📆 Actualizado🔐 Dominios protegidos
Single caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : WebsitePanel
🔧 Categoría : Green Hosting, Totalmente administrado
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔐 Dominios protegidos : 1

captura de pantalla de Single desde hostpapa.comWas $29.99/year!

SSL security seal
Multi-year options 1-3 years
Issuance time Minutes*
Padlock symbol
"https" domain protection
Unlimited server licences
256-bit data encryption
2048-bit future proof issuing authority
99.9% [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
$19,99/año 1
Wildcard caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : WebsitePanel
🔧 Categoría : Green Hosting, Totalmente administrado
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔐 Dominios protegidos : Ilimitado

captura de pantalla de Wildcard desde hostpapa.comWas $99.99/year!

Unlimited subdomains
SSL security seal
Multi-year options 1-3 years
Issuance time Minutes*
Padlock symbol
"https" domain protection
Unlimited server licences
256-bit data encryption
2048-bit future proof issuing [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
$69,99/año todos los subdominios
🔧 Creador de sitios web Mantenga el mouse
sobre las características!
💰Precio💿 Espacio del disco 📶 Transferir 📆 Actualizado🆓 Dominio gratuito /
🔌 Permitido
Starter caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🆓 Dominios libres : 1
📌 IPs dedicadas : 0

captura de pantalla de Starter desde hostpapa.comMobile-friendly, responsive design templates
Up to 2 pages
Free Domain Registration*
eCommerce enabled for physical or digital products. Start selling online!
Choose from a large library of mobile-friendly templates with flexible designs and [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
$2,99/mes.ilimitado SSDsin medir 1
Business caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🆓 Dominios libres : 1
📌 IPs dedicadas : 0

captura de pantalla de Business desde hostpapa.comMobile-friendly, responsive design templates
Up to 1000 pages
Free Domain Registration*
eCommerce enabled for physical or digital products. Start selling online!
Choose from a large library of mobile-friendly templates with flexible designs and [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
$9,99/mes.ilimitado SSDsin medir 1
Premium caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🆓 Dominios libres : 1
📌 IPs dedicadas : 0

captura de pantalla de Premium desde hostpapa.comFree Domain Registration*
Up to 1000 pages
Mobile-friendly, responsive design templates
Advanced HTML & CSS editing
Header/footer code injection
eCommerce enabled for physical or digital products. Start selling online!
Choose from a large [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
$19,99/mes.ilimitado SSDsin medir 1
Enterprise caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🆓 Dominios libres : 1
📌 IPs dedicadas : 0

captura de pantalla de Enterprise desde hostpapa.comFree Domain Registration*
Up to 1000 pages
Mobile-friendly, responsive design templates
Advanced HTML & CSS editing
Header/footer code injection
Ecommerce enabled
45+ payments gateways
No additional transaction fees
Digital goods [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
$39,99/mes.ilimitado SSDsin medir 1
🔧 Correos electronicos - 💻 Linux Mantenga el mouse
sobre las características!
💰Precio 📆 Actualizado
Basic Email caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔧 Categoría : Green Hosting, Totalmente administrado
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7

captura de pantalla de Basic Email desde hostpapa.comjust $.1.00/month per mailbox
Maximum file attachment size 35MB
Maximum email storage capacity 1GB per mailbox
Customize your full email address to match your identity:

Access email anytime, anywhere, from any device
Easy to [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
$1,00/mes.1 GBsin medir
Advanced Email caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔧 Categoría : Green Hosting, Totalmente administrado
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7

captura de pantalla de Advanced Email desde hostpapa.comJust $2.00/month per mailbox
35MB (larger files can be sent
using file sharing - no limit)

Take your email to the next level with HostPapa Advanced Email

Keep email in sync on all your devices
5GB of storage per inbox
Generous sending [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
$2,00/mes.5 GBsin medir

La información de contacto es gestionada por representantes carrie@h..., James Grey - review-management@h..., info@h..., mike.brown@h..., sales@h..., kateryna.koll@h... [iniciar sesión]

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📊 Estadísticas web

Focalización: (12) Australia, Canadá, Francia, Alemania, India, Irlanda, Mexico, Nueva Zelanda, Singapur, España
📂 Detalles para
📥 Sitio web de DNS: => ( San Francisco ) / CloudFlare Inc. - => ( San Francisco ) / CloudFlare Inc. - => ( Mountain View ) / Google LLC - => ( Mountain View ) / Google LLC - => ( Mountain View ) / Google LLC - => ( Mountain View ) / Google LLC - => ( Mountain View ) / Google LLC - => ( Mountain View ) / Google LLC - => ( Mountain View ) / Google LLC -
🔨 Software de servidor: cloudflare
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📍 Localización de IP: United States, California, San Francisco - ver los mejores proveedores en United States, California
🔗 Nombre del ISP / URL del ISP: CloudFlare Inc.,
📌 Sitio web extra IPs: ( San Francisco, California ) CloudFlare Inc. -

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Opiniones👪 Host Papa Calificaciones de clientes

Las estadísticas rápidas de Host Papa perfil muestra una nota promedio de 4,4 de 10, contando 106 opiniones. (algunos enumerados en la parte superior de la página)

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(36 = 33,96%)
(4 = 3,77%)
(1 = 0,94%)
(4 = 3,77%)
(61 = 57,55%)
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-anónimo- (evanmmann@a...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 I have found the support at HostPapa to be extremely responsive, responding within hours to my support ticket to a situation where I had installed a password protection plugin and lost my password. In another situation they helped me with accessing my FTP. Also, when I originally transferred my website to HostPapa, they helped with making sure the site worked properly and helped with getting Google to recognize the new url.

-anónimo- (sanguin790@m...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😠 Absolutely the worst hosting company. Since the merge of I host, I have spent endless hours fixing the site. Now the entire site has features that no longer work and they keep telling me it works fine....if you can take a screen shot of a site, I guess that means that it works!!??? No managers or tech support to actually speak to. They tell you that they are sending an "elevated" report to tech support......but it can be DAYS waiting for stuff to get fixed.
🗨 Hello,

Thank you for your feedback.

I would like to extend my sincerest apologies for the inconvenience incurred throughout and after the migration of your data. I can confirm your ticket has been raised with one of our most senior Plesk technicians and this should now be fully resolved for you, please do reach out ASAP if you notice any further issues and we will continue to assist.

Richard M
HostPapa, Inc

✍️ Customer Service (James Grey - review-management@h..., 📅 ).
The Department of Marketing | trevor@t...
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 Great product and great service
We have a number of websites with Hostpappa and are completly happy with both the product and with the service provided. Our clients range from straightforward to complicacated and we are happy they are all suitabky catered for. Of particular note is the service provided... we have always been provided with great service from the team at Hostpappa working hard to resolve any technical issues we have had. Happy to recomnend.
-anónimo- (swati.persaud@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 I am very happy with HostPapa. I moved from GoDaddy to hostpapa and couldn't be more happier with the switch. The customer support is second to none, the quick chat service is like having your own personal assistant. I was paying at least 4 times higher for the web hosting earliar. All in all, very reasonably priced and excellent service.
-anónimo- (grant@s...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
Calificación global
😠 Worst service in all aspects I've ever had. They have the standard set of tools, so no complaints about that, but ... and this is a big but ....
I was using Crazy Domains for my other websites and email. I was keen to try something new and Hostpapa had a good offer. I signed up, created 2 email accounts and started working on building a website. 2 months in and with only a few pages on my website, no visitors, I started getting emails from Hostpapa support saying that my website traffic was too heavy and I needed to update to a much more expensive plan or my website would be suspended. I argued with them that it's a new website, still being built, not advertised, with no visitors. They were still insistent that it would be suspended if I didn't upgrade. I checked the backend for traffic stats and checked the website visitor stats. All showed little use. I kept arguing with support until they told be to make some changes to the settings in the backend. Once they knew I was tracing the
🗨 Hello Grant,

Thank you for your feedback.

Our pricing is very clear from signup that the initial promotional rate being paid is heavily discounted, this is why our order form shows the percentage discount you are receiving deducted from the standard service price (the price paid at renewal) in order to achieve the promotional rate. This pricing is also visible within the HostPapa Dashboard under My Services and is freely available on our website (, and is noted throughout our Knowledge Base. As such it should not come as a surprise that the renewal price is an increase on the promotional rate, the promotional rate is intended to be low cost to prevent any barriers to entry, allowing customers to try our services at minimal financial risk (and with a 30 day money back guarantee too) before paying the standard rate at renewal. We do also help customers at renewal who may be struggling for any reason, or may simply need to make changes to their

✍️ Atención al cliente (James Grey - review-management@h..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
Calificación global
😃 My domains (2) were moved to HostPapa when they took over Lunarpages. The up time and services offered continue to be excellent. They made some beneficial changes to my 2nd domains dashboard (made it match the other), which improved some functions.

Support and troubleshooting has gone down considerably. There are now multiple layers to traverse, and no access to actual technicians (which I had previously). All interaction handled by call-center folks.

Pricing and features are from good to excellent, cost-comparison is superior.
-anónimo- (gerard.van.goolen@u...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 I am really delighted to have chosen HostPapa as my web host this August 31, 2021. The service is very responsive, and the problems encountered (by my fault) to transfer the 85 Gb of my site were resolved very quickly thanks to the technical support who responded to my emails immediately, with clear, friendly and precise advice. Everything was sorted out in two days, thank you again to them !

Je suis vraiment enchanté d'avoir choisi HostPapa comme hébergeur Web ce 31 août 2021. Le service est très réactifs, et les problèmes rencontré (par ma faute) pour transférer les 85 Gb de mon site ont été résolu très rapidement grâce au support technique qui répondait à mes mail immédiatement, avec de bons conseils clairs, aimables et précis. Tout a été réglé en deux jours, encore merci à eux !

-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 We chose HostPapa as a local provider to host and support our corporate website. The technical support team is always very responsive and helpful. Inquiries are answered immediately and even difficult problems are resolved within hours. We've been with HostPapa over 6 years and have never experienced website outages.
I wouldn't hesitate to recommend their services.
📅 (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 Legendary service
After more than a year working with HostPapa, I can say with no doubt they are number one in all terms, especially in their customer service. Their chat team are outstanding. Wonderful support, always available just in a few seconds, very passionate steam to help clients, working out of boundary to find a solution for customers issues. They have extended knowledge and never ever leave you alone. They have been always peace on my mind while other companies are most of the time out of reach!!
I will stay with HostPapa and fully recommend them to all. You may in some cases pay a bit more but it worth because they add confidence to your business. They are super wonderful!
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 I have been with HostPapa since March 2012 and cannot fault the level of service that I have received during that time. I have had cause to raise support tickets for various technical issues during this period and they always go out of their way to resolve any issue for you quickly. Most recently I had an issue with my SSL security certificate showing as expired which they resolved and responded to me within 20 minutes of my raising that ticket. Absolutely brilliant service and very happy with the package options and pricing available to me for my business. Thank you HostPapa - keep up the great work.
-anónimo- (edalstrom@a...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😁 Host Papa took over for my LFC Hosting, and I then transferred my domain names to them so everything was under one roof. This was done very easily and without a hitch. Since then, they have been super-helpful and responsive in helping me overhaul me website. Nothing but respect for these folks; highly reccommended!
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
Calificación global
😁 I've used HostPapa for a number of my clients, projects, businesses, etc., and they've had the absolute best customer service of any other company I've used.

I keep reading these one star reviews and have never experienced anything like that with HostPapa or it's customer service team. I had one issue where a domain was charged twice and I got a refund in literally 24 hours. Anytime I have an issue their team just says "leave it with us" and it's fixed a short time later.

I'd highly recommend HostPapa!!
-anónimo- (hdalenott@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 I have only been with HostPapa for about a week. Normally I don't do reviews this early into something new, but the service has been absolutely fantastic. Any questions I had about setting up an FTP client, or MySQL workbench were answered in a professional and helpful way, and I did not have to wait very long to receive the help that I needed to get completely set up. I suspect that I will be very happy with them for a very long time!
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😠 Watch out
Put credit card online and come invoice time did nothing as account set to auto renew. Hostpapa take the hosting money automatically but not the domain fee. Invoice expires, domain gets harvested and then I'm held to ransom to by back my domain at 5x the original price. Watch these guys. Long list of bad reviews.
🗨 Hello,

Thank you for your feedback.

Reviewing your account we show that the domain in question failed to renew as the card on file could not be charged, the card issuer rejected the charge attempt confirming the CVV of the card was incorrect:

Transaction has failed: Could not process transaction: Your request has failed the CVV check. Please note that the amount may still have been reserved on the customer's card, in which case it will be released in 3-5 business days.

This impacted the renewal of both Web Hosting and Domain Registration, with the invoices for both services unable to charge automatically and requiring manual intervention on your part to complete the renewal.

Unfortunately in this instance manual payment of the domain renewal was not received prior to the renewal due date, as such the domain was instantly placed into redemption as per the NZ domain registry, at which time the domain can only be renewed with a redemption fee applied. The redemption fee is

✍️ Atención al cliente (James Grey - review-management@h..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (jeanfrancois.d@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😠 Business ethic problem - AVOID AT ALL COST
For 0: Pretty much all other web hosting reviews sites are just disguised advertisements where Hostpapa looks good. WH Top is real.

For 1: Bad reviews below which Hostpapa pushed aside saying they are anonymous: they are real. They are not from me and not from a competitor: those are real reviews and pretty much ALL about a real business ethic problem at Hostpapa. This is getting worse through the years I have been a customer.

For 2: This problem is about Hostpapa doing very poor provisioning of resources. For any shared hosting, they will not let you use what you pay for. They cap the resource usage to match your contract with the limiting functions of Cloudlinux, which is fine. But then they come at you saying (lying) you are over your limits, you are negatively impacting the service and you must lower your usage EVEN IF YOU BARELY USE ANY RESOURCE 99% OF THE TIME. They are doing such practice by using a vocabulary implying they will close your account. So they use fear to get
🗨 Hello Jean-Francois,

Thank you for your feedback.

Reviewing your account we are showing this is currently hitting I/O limits, this has been communicated to you by our Solutions team along with options to increase the resources available to your account via an upgrade or to optimize your account to bring it within the resource limitations available on your Wordpress Business plan. We are as clear as possible in the resources available to you on each of our plans, more information can be found here: ultimately a shared hosting environment is by name and nature "shared" with other users, as such we do have to place certain limits to ensure each customer has a fair share of the server resources available.

Unfortunately we cannot by default make changes to your website and configuration on your behalf as we are a web hosting provider, not a webmaster/developer, the design, configuration and running of

✍️ Atención al cliente (James Grey - review-management@h..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😠 Aggressive sales technique and threat with locking account
I thought using Hostpapa was a good idea as a leading host provider that counts in SEO, but I had to realise they are neither a good a service provider nor improve SEO ranking. The server response times are bad, and the customer service is terrible.

I have to agree with other reviewers, they use AGGRESSIVE SALES TECHNIQUE to push you into buying a more expensive plan.

They keep abusing with their "excessive resource usage" nonsense. With 3 small websites with about 50-100 average visitors a day, they tell me that I use the server resources excessively. They say high I/O usage, high CPU usage, high visitor access, etc...

First of all, I think a hosting company should leverage their resources by themselves and limit overusing resources, and not nag their clients.

But okay, let's accept this is their concept.
Spending hours with analysing this, in fact, there are only rare occasions when resource limitations were implied, and that was due to website updates. I use Cloudflare
🗨 Hello,

Unfortunately as you have not provided your first/last name, or domain name, account number, an invoice number (no identifying information was provided) etc we are not able to locate your account.

We would like to review your interaction with our Solutions team to investigate why you were being contacted regarding resource usage issues if your usage is as low as confirmed here, as at this time we can only speak generally about such situations.

We can confirm that we only contact customers where resource usage limits are being hit as this negatively impacts your website performance and can result in the website not loading for visitors; this is simply to provide opportunity for website owners to either optimize to avoid such errors and ensure their site runs properly or to upgrade to a plan better suited to the current usage needs of their site. We are of course happy to provide time for optimization and to work with customers who are actively working on their resource

✍️ Atención al cliente (James Grey - review-management@h..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😠 Terrible company with ridiculous practices and methodology. You buy an unlimited hosting plan with a simple less than 50 visitors a month wordpress site and they will keep bugging you every week and say " you are using too much of resources please try the listed methods to fix it [ 30 different steps only someone from the field with solid background would understand]" They expect you to solve the problems for themselves lol. And if you can't, they suggest " buy this super unlimited deal with >500$ and we will hopefully won't bother you until we ran out of money " Not to mention, servers are waay slower compared to big dudes in the market. Anyway it started well yet ended miserably. They did not give me a penny after 2 months of purchasing a 3 year hosting. This company is a joke just pay 5$ dam dollars more and go with the trustworthy one.
🗨 Hello,

Unfortunately as you have not provided your first/last name, or domain name, I cannot look into your account to put things right for you.

I would be happy to assist with ensuring you do receive a refund as should be case if you are cancelling due to resource usage issues; please reach out to us via FAO Richard M for further assistance.

Richard M
HostPapa, Inc

✍️ Atención al cliente (James Grey - review-management@h..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
Calificación global
😠 Hostpapa used to be great for years until recently when a new account manager started sending rude emails about website over usage and performance issues causing problems.
He threatened we had to upgrade our Business Plan account for an extra £39 per month or our site would be blocked.

Our technical website developer and an independent website expert performed a thorough inspection of our website, and could not find any issues to suggest our website was causing hundreds of overloads/faults

Even Hostpapa support team advised they could not qualify what the account manager was saying, and that our website was not causing hundreds of overloads/faults, and that we were well within the usage limit of our business plan.

Despite this, the account manager sent threatening emails almost every day, demanding we upgraded.

Our independent website expert provided a detailed report of our websites performance and usage , and compared it with our Hosting Business Plan to concur that [lee mas...]
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
Calificación global
😠 Hostpapa have shut down our site on a few occasions citing 'too much traffic' and malware - in the first instance we purchased Power Protection Pro as they recommended - a few months later we received the same email stating that we needed to purchase Power Protection Pro because of malware on site...we advised we had already purchased the plan and were wondering why they were trying to sell it to us a second time - they replied a further scan had revealed no issues...we now have out account manager trying to coerce us into buying another more expensive plan "VPS" - he suspended our website on the weekend which appears to be part of his strategy to have us upgrade - we are searching for another, ethical host. Do not do business with these people
-anónimo- (sam@l...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 Been with Hostpapa for many years with multiple domains. No issues. Fast support and friendly. Websites load fast. Highly recommended.
-anónimo- (chris@f...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
Calificación global
😠 Host Papa tried to extort us to upgrade our hosting by shutting us down for "excessive faults" we worked with them for months to correct what we thought was a problem only to realize they were lying to us. we removed one site entirely and cut another site in half and they still reported the same number of faults??? its pure extortion. they recently (yesterday) shut down an EMPTY website that were were building a one page placeholder page on, that wasn't even live, because we were 'exceeding limits'. they are not ethical or honest.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😠 They wanted me to send all my most personal and private documentiation to some shady company in the USA, who promised they would
- do whatever they wanted with it
- give it to whomever they wanted
- keep it as long as they wanted

I just said no.
-anónimo- (don@l...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😠 I was very pleased with HostPapa until I wasn't. On a site with extremely low traffic, a rogue search decided to aggressively index my site. Their response was to demand that I pay over $400 to upgrade to a high-performance host or they would suspend my account.

I added filtering to block the known robots, and it happened again. This time they locked out my Cpanel and suspended all of my sites and demanded that I upgrade. There is no traffic, it is lucky that I had not moved my main business site over to them yet.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😠 I would give them 0 starts if i could. Nearly every week they try to say my site has excessive usage or is over the "unlimited" limit on email storage or something stupid. Just so they can try to "upgrade" (read "UPSELL ME AKA EXTORT ME") to a higher hosting plan. So much for an "unlimited" plan!! My site had ONE fault in a month, that might not have even been related to anything I did and they suspended my account. This is EXTORTION plain as day. They are holding me hostage until I pay more. Not gonna happen, I am moving my data as soon as they reinstate my account and never looking back!!! I have been a paying customer for 9 years and this last year they have tried to screw me every chance they get! Whoever took over must be greedy and want to screw over their entire customer base!!! STAY AWAY FROM HOSTPAPA AT ALL COSTS!!!
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😠 Muy decepcionado con HostPapa. He pagado un año por adelantado y a los 2 meses me exigen que pague un 50% más, con la amenaza de cortarme el servicio si no accedo.
Saben que denunciarlos sale más caro.
No he pagado y me han cortado el servicio perdiendo mi dinero.
Su atención en castellano demasiado deficiente, chulesca y llena de desconfianza
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😠 Don't give HostPapa your credit card
Chat people are great. But the business practices are terrible! HostPapa renewed an unused website using my credit card without fair notice. I've transferred the domain and they still keep sending bills.
johnr ( /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😠 Accicdentally(?) Deleted my Website
I've been with hostpapa for many years now and on the whole until recently I had no major complaints. But then nothing had gone wrong before and I'd never had to deal witht the appauling customer support system.

About a month ago I transferred an new domina to hostpapa and upgraded my hosting to accomodate both the new and the old website. On hostpapa advice I made the new site my primary site and the old site an add on sud domain. They did the work for me BUT DELETED MY ENTIRE SITE IN THE PROCESS!!!!!!! Naturally I complained. But they didn't understand the problem. Eventually I was told a manager would call me back but no one called. I tried again and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and still no call back.

It has now been almost 4 weeks and no help. I have now threatened legal action.

Trible (trish.parr@l...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😠 After 15 yrs with HostPapa, I had to leave...
Was with HostPapa for 15 years, and lately (December 2014 - January 2015) the tech support had become the worse I have EVER experienced.

They could not or would not resolve my email issues. The issues were definitely with the HostPapa web server, yet I could not get them to resolve the issue.

Once my website was transferred to the new hosting server, I had email once again.
acorn602 (danielberea@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😠 host papa used my card and stole me
hostpapa have used my debit card and I had no service domiciled, they used it WITHOUT CONSENT.
an assistant said that i had selected the automatic surcharge that is LIE.

they have taken account of € 101.49 for a service that neither enjoyed or wanted.

they used my card to get me my money, that's a STEAL, and if this will not fix ASAP i will take legal action. I'm already in contact with the bank to perform them but if this goes well I will get a police report to host papa.

give me back my money!
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😞 poor customer service when the issue is complex
I have had my hostpapa account for less than a week. My initial experience was very positive - my DNS record was processed very quickly and I was online within hours.

My first experience with tech support was in regards to the online automated backup. This was resolved promptly and to my complete satisfaction.

My next experience with tech support involved a problem with WebDisk - which is still not resolved. I have provided tech support with a complete breakdown of exactly what is causing the problem (confirmed by multiple google search results on the issue - see "the website you want to view requests
identification please choose" for more info) and what needs to be done (which as far as I can see requires sysadmin access).

I have received nothing but the most inane responses from technical support in regards to this issue. These responses indicate they have not done even the most rudimentary research to check whether or not the issue as described responds to the method
undisclossed (undisclossed@h...) / -
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😞 Avoid hostpapa for business or real webpages
I've been with hostpapa for more than a year now. I had a reseller account just to hold my own websites. It was great till I started to gain good daily traffic, when I had downtime for more than an hour in some days. Complete waste of time to try to contact them by chat, phone or ticket support. They will come back to you the next day when everything seems to work fine again saying that you have no problems at all or they had not detected nothing. Sure will have nothing if they check 1 day later doens't it? I've been changed of server at least 3 times after plain of complaints with non stop. If you just forget the problem so will they, so I didn't stopped questioning.
After some days of good and proper working I've decided to go for a SSL certificate since they offered for free if you get a dedicated IP. None in the sales department could tell me how to get the promotion, completely useless support assistants. They will not check nothing for you, not even solve, answer or keep your [lee mas...]
🗨 Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about our services and the support team. We'd like to offer you a sincere apology for the negative experience you've had while hosting with HostPapa. As your review is confidential, there's no way for us to locate your account to review your ticket history. That being said, with the information you've provided, we'll do our best to address as many of your concerns as possible.

You mentioned you are using a reseller account to host your websites, and recently started experiencing issues. We can certainly appreciate how frustrating that must be, especially if your websites are business related. From the sounds of it, you must be marketing your websites really well given the increase in traffic! Is it possible you've outgrown the plan you originally selected? We offer five reseller packages which can be found here:

With respect to your comments about our support team; we were very surpri

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Cleve Stordy (vcstordy@g...) /
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😠 Customer service is an utter nightmare
I needed to have my password reset. TWO WEEKS later still not done. No access to account the entire time. No way to resolve the issue. Support personnel have to put you to 'Level 2' people. You cannot communicate to level 2 people until they email you and then only be email. you cannot even talk directly to anyone in billing. 50% of time you are completely ignored 25% of time they ask inane questions which you have already provided answers to. Nobody gives a rats ass. I have asked for a refund under their 30 day money back guarantee policy....this should be interesting.
📅 (debbie@d...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😠 Customer Service
I have tried to cancel my service with Hostpapa and in this process I have found this to be an impossible task. THis company no longer is in touch with it's customers. It is impossible to speak to anyone or get a decent answer within a reasonable amount of time. If I had a website to host I would want to deal with a company that I could at the very least speak to. Email and chat just doesn't cut it. For future they have lost me as a loyal customer for the lack of support and a way to communicate that suits ALL of its customers.
🗨 Hi Debbie,

Sorry to hear you decided to cancel your service. I can verify that your account was indeed cancelled .

If you did have any questions we ARE AVAILABLE via toll-free in Canada at 1-888-959-PAPA (7272). For security reasons we (currently) take all cancellation requests via the email from the email address we have on record for your account. You can simply email

Debbie, I see you sent in a ticket #762528 asking for "how do I backup my website" on April 29, 2012 and I see it was responded to by Dan with instructions on to do that and a link to our knowledgebase for further information.

I also see your cancellation ticket #762526 which was posted the same time requesting a cancellation to take place which was responded to via email with the instructions how to log in and cancel your account. In which you responded "I could care less..." and our billing team was very kind to confirm your identity and security through a manual process to

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Solona Armstrong (solona.armstrong@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😠 HostPapa is a SCAM!
I run a green web design business: By green I mean that most of my clients are ENGOs (Environmental Non-Government Organizations), I use web hosting services that run on renewable energy and I myself have and will again run my equipment using off-grid, renewable energy.

HostPapa has been my hosting company of choice for three years. When I first signed up their customer service was excellent: prompt replies and intelligent responses. Soon afterwards, I noticed they were running fairly aggressive campaigns, primarily using Google Ads and a Facebook Page to grow their social media following and customer base. Since their fan base, and I assume customer list, have grown their customer service and their integrity have declined significantly.

Upon logging into a new reseller account using the info provided in HostPapa's welcome email, I noticed one of my clients' names at the top of the screen. Not my company name for which I had enrolled the reseller [lee mas...]
🗨 Hi Solona,

Thanks for your email and we appreciate the feedback, even if some of the feedback is critical of our performance. I see you have been (and are still are) an active Hostpapa customer and we do not take your words lightly as to the feedback regarding our performance regarding our customer support.

We do have been a fast growing shared web hosting company thanks to our dedicated and loyal customer base that provides a number of referral clients based on what we believe is a solid foundation of customer support. Of course, like most service companies we are not perfect and we not only strive for continual quality improvements in our staff training, investment in new technologies, etc.

We are a bit disappointed to see that our service of 3+ years is rated a 1/10 but I guess that is something we will have to live with and try to improve on. Considering that we are hear on a third-party forum answering this complaint would be I hope at least a raise to 2/10 :)

In th

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Ian Millard (ian@m...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😠 Big problems with Hostpapa
In my opinion - and that of many others - HostPapa has a multitude of problems with customer service and honesty.

In direct contradiction of ICANN regulations, they will list themselves at the domain name administrative contact. Essentially, they are taking control of your name, and will do everything they can to prevent you transferring it away - unless you pay "renewal" or "unlocking" fees.

ICANN does NOT allow a "losing" registrar to extort money to release a domain name for transfer.

If you want to complain about registry problems, send a copy of your message to the "real" registrar, TuCows. HostPapa is NOT an ICANN-Accredited Registrar.

I believe that HostPapa is a business front for TuCows who is an Accredited Registrar. HostPapa has "offices" in England and France so they can avoid taxes, and appear 'international.'

My advice, based on my experience is: stay away from HostPapa. I really don't care how "green" they appear to be. I don't think they can be [lee mas...]
🗨 Ian,

I tried to find you in our customer support system and do not recognize you as a client of our service. With respect to your accusations, they are false, misleading and inaccurate.

1) We do not extort money from our clients
2) our clients own their domain names and we do not charge them to "release" them to another registrar.
3) Hostpapa is ICANN-accredited through a subsidiary company - thanks for the support there.
4) Tucows is a supplier to Hostpapa (and good friends of ours BTW..good guys there). We are not a "front" for Tucows - who is a publicly traded Canadian company.
5) With respect to "Green" - we were the pioneer in that space and want every host to be - would be happy to share our certifications in this area.

To all readers - I hope you can read between the lines of random posts on the Internet - shame we have to deal with this with respect to posts such as this.

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Kartini (gowralli@y...) /
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😠 Horrible Ongoing Experience
Never in my life have I ever come across a company that has such horrible, disgusting service. So much so in such a way, you really feel that you have been deliberatly lied to, cheated on, and completely messed with. Since day one, I haven't been able to log into anything, and even when I resetted the password many times, it always stated that the authentication code was wrong. So I could never do anything with my website.

That's when I decided to cancel my services with them and remove my domain name as well. But removing the domain name cannot be done, so I was planning a transfer. Almost no one answers the phone, and when they do, they act as if they don't care and have no desire to truly help you. They always say oh, just e-mail "blah,blah,blah" and when you ask how long something will take they just completely disregard you. They don't give full answers and it's always a game when you talk to them. I was trying to talk to a man there and he was not even paying attention.

Timothy Habinski (harper@t...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 HostPapa Makes Switching Easy!
I couldn't be happier with my HostPapa webhosting service. When I moved my home and business from Ontario to Nova Scotia I was dreading moving my websites from my old service (which was connected to our home phone service) to something new, because I'm not particularly technically adept. However, HostPapa's technical staff were incredibly patient and helpful and walked me through the reposting step by step. My business web presence was back in place so smoothly I could hardly believe it. Every time since that I've needed a hand, the folks at HostPapa have been similarly efficient and helpful. In addition to all of which, my web-hosting service now costs substantially less than it ever did before.
Corina Upham (ufo@e...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😁 It has been a pleasant one, no complaints.
It has been a pleasant one, no complaints. Which has meant no down time! service is great, help is fast.
Luke (luke@t...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😠 hostpapa is the worst host ever!
Everything started well. It looked like a great deal, £1.95 a month for hosting and a free domain. So I took the plunge.

2 years down the road and really happy with HostPapa until my site grew too big for normal hosting and needed a dedicated host. I decided it was time to leave HostPapa and move my domain to my new dedicated hosting provider. That is when it all went wrong. My site was taken down almost instantly, including email. 4 days later and I am still waiting for them to give me my domain. They are saying that it is with the "billing department" and to wait 72 hours. How can it take such time to change a DNS record but only 1 hour to set up a new domain?
Customer service is next to useless and I keep getting fobbed off.
It is such a shame, I recommended HostPapa to everyone and now after this I will be doing the opposite.
Very unhappy HostPapa!
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😠 Host Papa Complaint:
I am also having a problem getting Host Papa tp let my Domain go. I want to move my site to a different host and they told me I had to pay $26.20 to keep my domain. FINE. I payed the money and 4 days later. They have not sent me over a transfer code. My site is down and the support is useless. I’ve called 7 times only to get alot of hums and haws. They did’t have a clue. They kept telling me that it had to go to accounting, then to some other department. I noticed thay took the time to take my site down. But that’s all they took the time to do. Now they say they can’t do anything until Monday. What a bad experience this has been.
🗨 To the reviewer - we would be happy to sort this out if there is any issue related to your domain name. Sorry we cannot be of assistance as this review was not related to a specific customer. Please contact our customer service department so we can address this issue.

These anonymous complaints posted on the Internet are difficult for a company to address as we certainly have all intention to provide the support you are looking for.

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Ferents Taptich (rafajna@y...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 So far, I had no problem with HostPapa. All my questions and requests were answered right away. The downtime is insignificant and HostPapa always warned ahead if some downtime was expected.
Trahan (jean.pierret@x...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😁 hostpapa is super good
HostPaap is just great – i've been taking full advantage of the Fantastico script library and wooo does my site ever look good! I love that HostPapa provides all sorts of tools – little things that you might not think you need at first. But then you find your site is way better than you ever thought it could be, thanks to the papa.
Dominique (dominique@d...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 Excellent team
I host a number of sites with HostPapa and I can honestly say I'll never go to another web host. I've always been treated with courtesy and professionalism by the excellent HostPapa team.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
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😠 To see how bad they are,simple:Just try to call their support number and see what happen, no one will answer your call...
This company is so bad,bad, bad.
🗨 Please do call our customer support number - we encourage it. Or you can connect with us 24/7/365 through online chat or our ticket system. This is an anonymous response from someone who we have no idea who it is. Please look at our website under "testimonials" and you will see over 2000+ customer testimonials from REAL HostPapa customers.

We are here to help..if we knew what the issue was.

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Gord Warrenchuk (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 is tops!
I've been completely satisfied with their service and both their 24/7 Live Chat and Email support are excellent. The price is reasonable considering all the features they provide. Unlimited band width and unlimited storage are really nice, and so is the fact that they're powered by 100% renewable energy sources. I can't recall any down time - every time I go to my site it's up. Highly recommended.
wendy henry (wendy.42@h...) /
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😠 new customer instructions unclear- never did get into soholaunch website builder- support? what support. open ticket- wait 2-3 days. 1 sentence reply. No customer service. OMG worst experience ever!
can't report on up time- customer service SO BAD never got up :(
🗨 Hi Wendy,

We are sorry to hear that you have not had a pleasant experience with Hostpapa. I have looked up your tickets with us. I see you are having a challenge setting up SohoLaunch and we certainly are here to help. I see that ticket #65089 which was issued on March 14, 2011 at 1:16pm was handled by one of our support technicians and that ticket was resolved over the telephone and closed at 1:26pm on the same day. That was a 10 minute turn around from the time of service to close of the ticket.

You still have an open ticket with us on the same issue #68393 that was opened on march 18, 2011 at 12:59pm and our techs have responded twice to that ticket and have been trying to get in touch with you over the telephone to assist.
Please contact our support department through the ticket, online chat or telephone so we can support you.

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
j schmidt (jschmidt85@y...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😠 I picked Host Papa because they are a Cdn. company and offer "green hosting." When I first registered and it took more than a week and several requests to get my automated email with login details, I put it down to some flukey error.

I didn't think about it too much…

My site went down a few times but never for long. Recently our IP address was blocked by their server for no apparent reason, not once, but twice. That means I am not able to check email or access the website from our IP address.

The first time I attributed it to a fluke, the second time, we were down 5 days with no response, you cannot speak to anyone, you can only communicate with tech support by email.
Then you get vague incoherent responses to your emails from tech support.
Finally when I asked how I go their refund policy, they sent me a link on how to cancel! That's it. And still no response to the down time issue or resolution to email issues.

I find their service to be deplorable and [lee mas...]
🗨 Dear J. Schmidt,

We have no record of someone using your email address as a client of Hostpapa. We certainly would like to assist and resolve this matter. Please contact our customer support department and we would be happy to sort this out. Unfortunately, you have provided us with no relevant contact information with respect to this third-party post for us to deal with this situation.

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Samuel Jacks (sam.jacks1972@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 I went to Hostpapa because of their green web hosting and environmental concerns. I have not been disappointed, their web hosting is excellent with almost no downtime, great customer support and friendly service. Highly recommended!!
Dominique (dominique@d...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 The overall experience with HostPapa has been just fantastic. Easy setup, they have a ton of templates to choose so my site was up and and running fast and it looks totally professional. Plus If i ever need to go back and change something its easy to do with the support that the awesome CSRs gave me. My customers also love the green badge that I could put on my site! I am so happy with my choice to go with hostpapa.
Sam Bradford (sam.bradford@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 Simply put, Hostpapa is one of the best web hosting companies on the planet. I have been hosting with them for over 3 years and find their service to be exceptional. I wish I could say the same for my local internet service provider. Hostpapa is always up and the server speeds are incredible. I just referred a friend over to their service and he is getting his free domain name for life.
Wendy Faulkner (faulk99@h...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😠 I have been trying to log into my account for over 3 weeks, I have tried their online support 3 times, it is a hit or miss if you can even get that online support. Today I was told I could have my account reset but it might have to manually be reset, as it turns out it did, I went back to online support to try and get that underway about 2 minutes after they told me I may need a manual reset and the online support was set to offline. I am ready to switch but I paid $86 and I would really like that money back, but I doubt that will happen. Guess I got scammed again!! I am getting tired of all these stupid internet scams!
🗨 Hi Wendy,

Sorry to hear about your support issues with Hostpapa. We would sincerely like to help you with your login issues. I see from our support system that you submitted a ticket #25747 on January 16th regarding this issue. This posting took place on January 17th. Again, we apoligize that you have been waiting a day for a response to your login issues but we would like to help. I see that our support people have been responding to this ticket including a response on January 17th & January 19 & January 20th.

If there is anything else we can do - please contact our support group and hopefully this matter will get resolved. As far as your money-back guarantee we will honor all matters as per our terms of service listed on our website and certainly want you to be a happy Hostpapa customer!!

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
sten (steph@y...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😞 Really disaointed after loosing 1 month with them. they can't manage to find why it's impossible to get wordpress - using them panel I precise (not filezilla).
at least having a chat with mean that you have time to drink a hot chocolate between 2 answers...
🗨 We are sorry to hear about your issues with Wordpress. Our customer support group is hear to help. We h ave tried to find a client using the email address but cannot find it in the system.

If you would like please submit a ticket so our customer support group can assist.

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Tom (-sin correo electrónico-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😃 Firstly, the price of their packages is phenomenol. I am hosting many websites off this seemingly low-end priced packaeg.

The biggest downside is problem resolution time. More complex and crucial procedures tend to take a lot longer which is not very useful. Technical suppport are not directly reachable however if you re use old tickets things seem to be considerably quicker.

I have noticed some downtime for the sites but if you want a mission critical server or rapid response then you have to pay for it (£200 a month).

For the money they can't be beaten.
Jean-Pierre Trahan (jean.pierret@x...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😉 I am really impressed with HP`s reliability, CRS and overall service which they commit too. I`ve been a customer for 4 years and I haven’t experienced any over the top issues that could not be solved with and online rep in no time.
🗨 Thanks Jean-Pierre - we appreciate the support.
✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Janis Sanderson-Kowolchuk (jsk74@y...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 I have been hosting with Hostpappa for 8 months and have had a very good experience. I use them mainly for my email and newsletter list which I send out once per month. There has been zero issues and downtime.
Marc P (marc@h...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😃 I am a huge fan of hostpapa. They have one hosting plan that is so full of features there is no need for an upgraded plan. I have renewed time and time again and have never been dissapointed. They know how to stay at the top of their game! Linux-based, unlimited features, databases, Fantastico and more and more. Definitely worth checking out, trust me!
Ron Azawa (Rwa@C...) / blog
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 I have been hosting with Hostpapa for a few years and find their support to be excellent. I highly recommend Hostpapa who was far superior to my previous web host - who was a nightmare.

I have a custom wordpress blog which is popular and have setup a bunch of custom scripts and analytics. I love the Cpanel web hosting and took advantage of the fantastico installer to upload wordpress initially before I modified it with my custom theme.

If you are looking for an ideal wordpress web host, I would sincerely recommend Hostpapa.
Michael Meggin (mmeggin1972@h...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 Hostpapa currently hosts my small business and they have been excellent. Their customer support is very helpful and I have learned quite a bit by watching the help videos in their support center. I would recommend Hostpapa to anyone looking for an excellent shared web hosting company.
trang (wu.trang@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😠 horrible horrible service. server is constantly down. customer service non-apologetic- keeps passing blame and acting like it's not their fault. i prepaid for the 3 yr hosting plan and can't wait until my plan is over so I can find a better hosting service provider!!~
🗨 Hi,

Our quality assurance team will be contacting your directly to address your concerns. I have looked up your ticket history with Hostpapa and only see 2 tickets, one from November 2008 and one from December 2008.

We would be happy to address your concerns.

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Susan (footagerep@a...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😠 UGH! I have been trying to transfer my domain name for over two weeks with no luck. No phone customer service (leave a message only). Online support says to email/call them, no response. Submit a support ticket and I can't even log into my account, even after they reset my password. If you are thinking about signing up with them... RUN!
🗨 Hi Susan,

We are sorry to see you leave our service at Hostpapa.

I have looked up your ticket history with us regarding your domain name transfer of from Hostpapa to Godaddy. The ticket ID XUJ-499234, where you were working with our Domains team to transfer out the domain name. I see there was quite a bit of "back and forth" with the team in order to ensure that your request was done properly.

We are sorry that this process took so long but we do see no less than 10 replies including responses from Godaddy to ensure that your domain name transfer out request was done properly.

Also on another note - looking at your ticket history, I see you switched from Citymax to Hostpapa in 2009 and started to use the Soholaunch sitebuilder. I see from your ticket MRX-806319 with the title "Very Disappointed" in November 2009, that you did not like the Soholaunch site builder - we certainly appreciated your feedback and passed in onto the developer.

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (xlippery@h...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😠 Hostpapa truly suck. We have been trying to move a domain from them for two weeks, and their support is non-existent. Our email and web site are down, we are loosing business and Hostpapa is nowhere to be found. Continued calls into them only run into a dead-end, with no humans answering. It would seem that they are severely understaffed and underfunded to provide reasonable support for their clients. What started out as a reasonable experience with this hoster a year ago has turned into a tail-chasing exercise with no resolution in sight. CIRA should deny them as a registrar!
🗨 Hi, we have no record of "" as a customer of Hostpapa. We would like to help you with the "moving of your domain". If you could please provide your website and/or email address that you have on account at Hostpapa, I am sure we can help you through your situation.

With respect to staffing and funding, we are one of the larger web hosts in Canada and have local North American support. Unlike many other shared hosting companies we have not outsourced our support to support call centers in Phillipines, India, etc. Our staffers are dedicated to Hostpapa and have all been trained in web hosting.

Please open a ticket so we can help you.

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Simon Blakelock (sbb1974@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😁 I had INCREDIBLE issues with my last web host. They were continually going down and the customer support was terrible. I have been with Hostpapa for over 2 years and I have had ZERO issues.

I am trying to understand some of the negative reviews about this web host posted here - as I have not had ANY negative experiences whatsoever.
Simon (sfmonks@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😠 Technical support is about the worst I have encountered of any hosting provider. They are generally OK for minor problems but if they hit a bigger snag then forget any help.

Take this as an example. Paid my annual web hosting fee - all OK so far. Made the mistake of asking them to remove an unused domain. Instead they suspended everything and despite acknowledging the cockup I never got back my business domain or email.

My advice is don't ever host offshore or across borders, particularly for a business domain because you are not going to have any legal comeback whatsoever if the supplier goes under or screws up.

Hostpapa? - Losers!
🗨 Simon,

I have reviewed your ticket QTG-203375 in our ticket system (amongst others) and from all of us here at Hostpapa sincerely apologize for any confusion with respect to which domain name you wanted active and which one you wanted canceled.

From my understanding of the final results of the ticket we have completed the request after the initial confusion. Your domain name and are still active at Hostpapa and your account is active and in good order and we have canceled the domain name as per your initial request.

We would be happy to provide any further assistance on this matter and will be sending you a note from our quality assurance department. Again, sorry for any confusion or inconvenience.

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Stan Makeen (stan_makeen@r...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😃 Who can go wrong at $5.95/month for unlimited hosting. I have had no issues with Hostpapa whatsoever. Sure a couple of years ago they had a bad month on our server and it was slow with some downtime since then its been smooth as good. Always up and avaiilable All things have been great. Highly recommended
Sam Glendon-Jones (gj457@i...) / s
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 I host my small business website with Hostpapa and the support staff have been an incredible help. I originally chose them because they were a Green hosting company but I did run into some issues when I originally setup my account but they walked me through what I had to do. I remember using their walk through videos which were a great help.
lucy grey (lucygrey3921@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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for 3 months that we have been with them, we have been unable to connect our FR domain to their server. it is upsetting to feel that we left previous host company to join them, they have been so unprfessional beyond belief. all of our emails is responded with a ticket number and no one cares to help us to resolve, even internal emails within their own server get spamed. quited frankly if you want to join them, think again, as you will get trapped in a truly unpleasant situation as we have been
🗨 We really would like to help this particular person and hopefully the fact that we responding to this complaint is an indication to the reader that we do indeed care about our customers and solve any issues that they may have regarding our service.

Here is the issue we have, we DO NOT have a customer in our system by the name of Lucy Grey or email address provided. They DID NOT leave their domain name so we cannot look them up.

In a matter of fairness, the Internet is an open place for people to leave feedback (both positive and negative) and we would like a fairness level to make sure we can get back to customers who have issues.

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
John C. Shannon (jcshannon@c...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 Hostpapa has been an excellent host and my brother is also going to become a Hostpapa customer with his soon to be launched company. Highly recommended.
Aaron (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😠 Absolutely abysmal hosting service. Don't even think about it.

I've been a Hostpapa customer for almost 3 years. The service was initially decent, but has become worse over time. I have experienced many technical problems and poor customer service. I will switch hosting providers this month.

Technical problems have included issues with not receiving email from contacts, problems with site downtime, slow page load issues, access problems, and more.

Even worse, the customer service and tech support is nearly non-existent. Support calls are routinely dismissed as simply not happening - in other words no acknowledgment that a site was down, or "user error" and very little effort seems to go into actually fixing problems.

For instance some of my contacts couldn't send me mail intermittently. They received bounced messages with errors that proved problems connecting to Hostpapa servers. "Dan C" in support blamed the problem on my junk mail filter in outlook. Other support [lee mas...]
🗨 Aaron, we certainly would like to sincerely support you with any issues regarding email that you may be having. There are numerous factors that can relate to email related issues as it is a highly complex topic. The web host of course is one of the factors as it relates to the email transmission through the email servers but other factors do include ISP related issues related to the sender or receiver.

For example, many ISP's will ban certain IP addresses or related zones due to unwanted spammers, phishing attacks, etc. and HostPapa works closely with ISP's to ensure that are IP addresses are not on their black lists. I am not sure if you are on a dedicated IP or shared IP address with us but email related issues are often related to third party ISP's.

With respect to "receiving" mail issues, we would have to take a look at your POP email and software settings to ensure they are correct and go through a number of steps to ensure their are no issues. Furthermore, an understand

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Samuel Jenkins (samj1967@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 I have been hosting my blog with Hostpapa for a few years and have found their service to be amazing. No issues at all, I would highly recommend them.
Phil Canaman (phil.c@c...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 We have been hosting with Hostpapa for a few years without any issues. The servers never go down and are very fast. I am looking at buying another package and would not consider another web host as Host papa has met all our needs.
Sandy Walker (sandywalker4@h...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😁 I went with Hostpapa because of the Green Web Hosting, I am very interested in companies that are doing good for the environment. I have had no issues with my domain name and web hosting and would highly recommend Hostpapa to my friends. The customer service staff are excellent and I had some issues in setting up my blog and wordpress themes but with their support it quickly was fixed.

David Cohen (dcohenn@m...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😠 1) As one of the internet's largest "tenants," we are now fairly convinced that HOSTPAPA is a scam, and not only because the ownership is shrouded, with no consistent customer service hours or access to help. It is easily one of the worst three of our current 84 hosting accounts with dozens of companies.

On sixteen occasions between Nov 2009 and Aug 2010, we would search "Quantum Reflex Analysis," and, as always, our site appears at the top of the list on most every search engine. Clicking, however, only produced a dead page.

Each time, it takes up to ten or eleven tries to get the site to show up, which we all know NO VISITOR will do.

Apparently, HOSTPAPA, which has a phony LIVE OPERATOR button (19 or 20 tries in the past year, it has NEVER produced a live operator), appears to be intentionally stopping sites from loading, just to save some of their bandwidth. Now that we found another customer having the same problem, it looks more and more like an intentional [lee mas...]
🗨 We would like to thank David for his response. We would like to respond to his comments and would be happy to help him out if he would provide us with a support ticket through our support system I am sure we can figure out how to solve his issues related to his account.

Our acceptance as an accredited member in good standing of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) certainly does not come easily and I hope would provide support that we are not a "Scam" enterprise.

With respect to having a "phony" live operator, we offer three layers of support. Live telephone support 7 days per week in two languages (English & French soon to be in Spanish), Live Chat (with LIVE OPERATORS!), and a support ticket system. We back this up with an extensive knowledge database and educational videos.

We are not really sure what he means by "On sixteen occasions between Nov 2009 and Aug 2010, we would search "Quantum Reflex Analysis," and, as always, our site appears at the top of the list on most ever

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Major Thomas (majort@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😁 I have been with Hostpapa for a few months. The uptime has been excellent compared to my other provider. I have not really used support very often so cannot comment on that but I will say that they have been available when required. I would highly recommend Hostpapa.
Samantha Roberts (sam_novascotia@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 I have been with Hostpapa only a short period of time but they really helped me out transferring my domain and web content to them. My last host went out of business and left me stranded including website and email down for over one month. I was in a really bad situation and my friend recommended Hostpapa. They have been excellent.
Bill Campbell (billyboy9@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😁 I have been with Hostpapa for over 4 months. Not really sure why there are so many negative reviews here. The staff have been excellent and my server has NEVER gone down - even once (exception of maintenance when they added RAM).

I am thinking of adding more domains to my service as I am starting a small business and would not look anywhere else to go. I have also told my girlfriend who setup her own wordpress blog.
Sam Burks (sam.burks@r...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 Hostpapa has been a great web host. I have a number of domains hosted there and have had zero issues. Technical support has been great when I needed them. I would recommend this host.
Boomerang (janedoe@h...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😠 I had to pay a whole year of web hosting for nothing because they gave me the wrong information. Also they make it really difficult to move sites around because of their shared domain setup, so if you ever want to change your primary domain you basically have to start from scratch and re-load all your sites and related files! The few times I tried to use customer service to get information they either avoided answering (presumably because they didn't know or couldn't be bothered trying to find it) or gave me the wrong information. Don't get suckered in by their'll pay for it in the end!
🗨 Hi,

We certainly would like to help with this client but that is difficult as the "reviewer" chose to leave a review with the email address

In response to their query, changing the primary domain name is not an issue, although we would have to take into account the fact that many of our clients "primary" domain name is associated with their "Free Domain name for Life" promotion with Hostpapa. Therefore, simply changing the "primary" domain name requires that the client replaces the "Free" domain name by purchasing a second domain name.

This process happens all the time and should not have been an issue.
With respect to "loading all your files again", if you purchase a second domain name, you would of course have to upload all your files for that second domain name.

Our support team of course is here to assist any client through this process.

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
David (david@s...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😠 Hostpapa have become quite simply the most horrible company to deal with. After watching their customer service take a vertical drop, I decide to move a couple of site I had with them.

They try to make is as difficult as possible for you to close your account with each email coming from them ending with the assumption that if the latest 'hoop' isn't jumped through, you wish to continue service with them.

They even charge for domain renewal 45 days in advance of the actual renewal date. Huh? Please stay clear of them. Please!
🗨 We would like to thank David for his response. We are currently in process of reviewing our domain name renewal process.

The 45-day is only a notification period for upcoming expiration of domains. A number of web hosting companies provide even greater notification (up to 90 days) for domain renewals. This includes some of the large web hosters such as GoDaddy, etc. We want to ensure that all of our customers do not have any risk of losing their domain names do to expiration. With respect to "charging" 45 days in advance that simply is not the case. Our current process is to provide advance notification 45 days in advance and if there are any domain related fees to bill the customer 15 days prior to expiration of the domain name to ensure that the domain is not lost or goes into redemption. Furthermore, if there are any billing related issues i.e. expired credit card, this gives the customer 15 days to correct the issue.

A number of our customers have also acquired a do

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Tom (fireflyx@y...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😠 I have been outraged by this company and it's manager. They have banned me from using their service and still charged me. Please join the facebook group:

They are scum and deserve to be humiliated!
🗨 We have been informed that this review has been written by a disgrunted ex-employee of HostPapa. Obviously the Internet provides a support for an "open" forum which we encourage but with that freedom also comes the ability to libel and slander a company with unsubstantiated claims. Facebook has marked the IP address of the person who opened this Facebook page, and as you can now see that group does not currently exist.

We apologize for any inconvenience to our current and potential customers who may be reading this review and interpret it as factual.

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Jennifer (-sin correo electrónico-) / complete frauds!
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😠 Like other reviewers, I requested my money back after not getting on with the Hostpapa service and found their 'no quibble refund guarantee' to be a joke! Despite FREE set up, £20.00 was deducted from the refund - for set up fees!! I also complained to the BBB but found them to be completely ineffective. As Hostpapa didn't bother to respond to them, all they did was write to me and tell me they couldn't help me any further and would note my complaint as 'unresolved'!! However, I do intend to pursue this further so if anyone has any advice on how this can be done, particularly for those of us who don't live in Canada, please tell!! I don't think they should be allowed to get away with it.
🗨 Jennifer, we certainly would like to help you with this issue. You did not leave any identifying information such as email address or domain name so there is no way for us to assist you with getting a resolution. If you would like to contact our support department.
✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
paul | paul.muzza@g...
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😠 Put simply, host papa has destroyed my business. My site disappeared and 3 days later I am still waiting for a response to over 20 email requests for help/guidance/information.
I guess people reading this have already been stung so I don't need to tell you to stay away. Their website implies you can speak to someone but you can not. Im devastated.
🗨 After a thorough investigation we have no record of any client under this name or email address. The accusations in this review are fairly serious and defamatory to Hostpapa.

I would like to simply say to the review of the above review and this response, the Internet is a "Very Open" space where any one can make open and anonymous statements regarding any company or person with normally no forum for a defense. Please draw your own conclusions on these statements.

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Not Happy (redman@h...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😠 Wow, the absolute worse customer service in web hosting I've experienced in the past 10 years.

My account was locked out for over 48 hours and when I called I was on hold for 1 hour and still no one answered. I finally hung up and left a voicemail. No one bother to call me back.

I finally got in touch through email and got my account unlocked. When I called to ask why no one bother to call me after I left voicemail, the customer service rep. said "I don't know". I ask to speak with a manager and he asked "why do I want to speak with him?" ummmm, because you had my account locked for 48 hours? I didn't have email web service? you didn't call me back? when I called nobody answered? just a few reasons.

By the way, I'm still waiting for the manager to call me back to this day. Take your $5 a month somewhere else and you'd be glad you did. This is not a professional company. If you don't believe me, just call the toll free number and hear how they answer the phone.

You [lee mas...]
🗨 Sorry to hear that you are not happy with our service and that you had an issue talking to management, if this is the case we would like to correct this issue. We do not have this email address on record but we have one similar, I will be sending you an email to address this topic.
✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Daniel (danola@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😠 There CX relations stinks !
Time taken to respond very slow and when they finally do issue issue is unsatisfactorily resolved.
Cant wait to get a better web hosting provider
🗨 We have no record of a client with the email address I hope this response on an independent website will assist the reader with the facts of our "CX" efforts.
✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
elisabeth (torzameb@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😠 I am really unhappy with hostpapa. You should avoid this company and this web hosting.
Cpanel is not available all the time and when you ask support, you don't get answer to your ticket.
My control panel is inaccessible. I wrote a URGENT ticket to the support this morning and 8 hours after, I do not have any reply.
Chat online does not work ( nobody connected at teh other end)

Worst service ever !
🗨 I know this may sound like a broken record but after a thorough investigtion into all of our current and past customer records we have no record of someone with the email address or anyone with the last name "Torzameb" or even anyone listed as a client in the UK (IP address of this reviewer) with the first name "Elisabeth" - spelled this way.


✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Bob (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😠 If you get lucky to get live support do not be surprised by the Question "What do you want?" Literally, instead of the greeting. In plain English by native speaker. Outrageous!!!
Billing department can not be reached by telephone. Tickets are not responded.
Poor...poor....lousy service. Actually, I am planning to file a complain to Better Business Bureau.
🗨 Bob - we would be happy to respond to your issues, please send a ticket to support related to this review. With respect to the BBB - we are a proud and accredited member of the BBB.

We have instituted a policy a couple of years ago that the INITIAL REQUEST to all billing related matters when dealing with account related issues for account security, identification verification and privacy reasons must be handled FIRST by submitting a ticket to our online ticket system from the administrative email addresses we have on your account.

We of course would dialog with you via telephone, chat or email as it pertains to that ticket after you receive your ticket number.

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Nick (peachslices@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😠 The downtime is horrific. Do not use these guys. They're even trying to charge me to move my domain name away!
DBCL (info@c...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😠 Firstly- I wanted to vote 0 out of 10 but I can't so my review is 1-10

Don't bother, no RUN from Host Papa! They are the worst web hosting company on the planet. Our site was down so may times that our customers stated to think we had gone bankrupt!

We are in the process of switching to Host Gator and waiting to transfer over completely. In the meantime Host Papa has kindly posted on our webpage that our account has been suspended and we need to contact them immediately for payment!!! LOL, we don't owe them a penny, we just canceled with them!!

To avoid embarrassment and heart ache, just go with Host Gator, the reviews were much better and we should have gone with our instincts, but we wanted to support locally and a so called green company.
🗨 We would like to provide a sincere apology to this reviewer for issues related to our service. We did have issues related to one of our data centers in 08-2009 (we have since left that data center), as it related to power that caused some uptime issues in August 2009. This issue severely impacted a handful of our client servers and unfortunately after investigation this client was impacted with this period.

Although we have lost this client...we will be contacting them.

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Dave Smith (davebiesse@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😠 Do not use this host.

They are the world's worst host. They are liars, they don't support ongoing issues like slow bandwidth, sites being down for days on end and so on.

Check out the fun support chat we had...

You are now chatting with Mike (Support)

dave .: Re : MPK-244475
dave .: sorry - It's actually re VAF-432482
dave .: My sites are returning a "509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded" error. www.*********.com is the main site, then www.*********.com www..*********.com and others are add on domains and have the same error.
dave .: Can you help me increase the bandwidth or in some other way resolve this urgent matter?
Mike: This was put in place by the system admins, I can't remove the limit
dave .: I don't understand how we have exceeded our limits - and I didn't get a warning, and I've had the world slowest bandwidth on our sites for weeks now (10kb download!!!) Can you please either deal with this or have your manager / owner call me.
Mike: I am the manager
dave .: [lee mas...]
🗨 Dave,

We are really sorry to hear that your experience on our live chat support was not acceptable. I am sure you can appreciate that billing is a highly sensitive area and cannot and any requests CANNOT be done through live chat and the domain and account owner as indicated in this live chat session must be done through a billing system to match the account holder on record.

I can appreciate your frustration after reading through the chat history but I am sure that you can appreciate that online chat can go astray - for example

Mike: once we process the cancellation request we will repoint the name servers
dave .: How long do you expect this to take?

This would indicate that you would like to discuss a cancellation request but later on in the chat you indicate

dave .: You're shitting me. I didn't ask for cancellation!!!
dave .: I asked for a WHOIS update

Effectively a "whois update" is a change at the domain level if they domain is part of our "Free domain name

✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Larry G (info@l...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 One of the best choices I have ever made was switching to Hostpapa. I originally went to them from another web host (where I had a horrible experience) and their crew has helped me get my site up and running quickly with no downtime!
Nick Simpson (nicksimpsonx@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😠 Hostpapa lost 2.6gb of my data an d ruined my websites.

My websites were growing quite quickly and I did not have a lot of money at the time so I chose Hostpapa.

They seemed to have mainly positive reviews on the web and on the face of it the plan that they offered seemed to be good value for money, I liked the masses of sql databases, storage and bandwidth.

The first couple of months were fine, no problems at all, and then I began experiencing the odd patch of downtime.. No biggie I thought, although I became a bit suspicious when I always got the same response to my support tickets... Check your scripts, they must be maxing out the sql connections etc.. yada yada... The same scripts had run fine on a similar plan before I moved to them.

Anyway I took that on the chin because my sites had got to the point where they were too big to move easily.

This year I started experiencing quite large amounts of downtime pretty much every week. My software kept sending me [lee mas...]
🗨 Nick, really sorry to hear about what happened here and sorry to see you go as a customer. No excuses - if this is what happened - we should have escalated this issue to recover what happened with your data.
✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Sylvain Lavoie (niavlys1@h...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😞 I use to monitor my website and I revceive à lot of downtime. Even if I open ticket, they answer me a lot of stupidities.
🗨 Interesting response - we would be happy to support our customers - hopefully avoiding "lots of stupidities" :)
✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Steve (moon_walker1965@y...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😠 Host Papa
Is absolutly the worst hosting provider there is, Support doesnt even know a CNR, Billing, Support, and owners are frauds and I am launching a lawsuit against them and every employee. I have also stated a Better Business Complaint against them.
🗨 We would like to entertain this "customer". However, we have no record of this person being a customer of HostPapa. Furthermore, we have not received any lawsuits or BBB complaints to this effect. Our company is in good standing with the BBB and are a proud accredited and "A" member.
✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Nicholas (contact@a...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😠 Hostpapa is the worst webhosting company I have paid for to date, I now regret leaving my last hosting company.

I'm a quarter way through my 1 year pre-paid subscription, and I am seeking another hosting company already.

The servers are completely inadequate , and constantly up/down like a yo-yo, and customer service will deny it all the time. Its no surprise the servers are down, they host almost 800 websites on a single server.

If you complain too often (twice) they have a policy to just ignore you.

And forget getting your money back..
Dave (razorback911@m...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😠 HostPapa did the same thing to me as the person who posted below. When I signed up my setup fees were $0 on my invoice, but when I decided I wanted a reseller account (and they don't offer one) I asked for my money back and they deducted $21.00 for setup fees. They violate their own Terms of Service by doing this. I posted on their forum about it and they deleted it.

There are a lot more honest companies out there I would definitely recommend you avoid use Host Papa. From what I hear about their uptime and speed I'm better off paying money to not be with them.
Roby (roby781@h...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😠 Hostpapa sux! I ask a refund before 30 days and they give me back only a part of the money!!!!!!!!

When i subscribe the shared hosting, the fees was be ZERO, but when they refund, is needed to pay it. I think this is a fraud!!

If you don't wanna lost your money, don't use this shitting provider.
🗨 Roby, we offer a full money back guarantee in the first 30-days with the exception of your domain name. This is clearly indicated in our terms & conditions and mentioned in all our pre-sales and support material. We have a hard cost to domains and you of course can keep your domain name and take it to another hosting provider of your choice.
✍️ Atención al cliente (Faisal Khan - faisal@h..., 📅 ).
Stu ricardo (sturico@h...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😠 Im adding more to these reviews of hostpapa because this has just made me mad. please check this link out.

Now what you will see from the link is a couple of post on the support forum praising hostpapa for reliability and speed. So why did this make me mad? Well i will tell you! Only last week about a dozen posts were removed from the very same support forum, each person was on a different HP server, and most could not get onto the support forum because that was down, and post after post on a topic named "So what happened today" was completely removed. Guess what this topic was about? Server speeds being too slow to be of any good, sites down or unreachable yet again. So if these two posts praising HP are genuine and not in the pay of HP, or done by HP staff to stem the flowing bad reviews building and all the negative posts that they keep deleting, then i would be shocked with surprise that anybody is getting [lee mas...]
stu ricardo (sturico@h...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😠 Hostpapa is a dishonest host trying to cover how bad they really are. The down time is the worst ive ever know on any host ive used, and a long way from being 99% uptime as they say in their advertising. This isnt the worst thing about hostpapa though, for me the worst thing is their dishonesty. Im not talking here about their false money back refund if you dont like them before your 30 days is up, (you only get part of your money back, they take a setup fee off you if you try to get a refund) A Win,Win situation for them. No, im talking about hostpapa censorship of any complaints you make. Example of this is. i use hostpapa's support forum quite a lot for any problems i have, the support forum is supposed to be a voice for their clients when they are having problems, but what it really is, is a propaganda sheet to make you think hostpapa has no problems. Example of this= Only recently my site went down, so i politely asked a few questions on the support forum. days passed and no [lee mas...]
Michael Brown (mdb@w...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😠 I am running a Zen Cart site and am not impressed with the down time I'm experiencing with Host Papa lately.

Resolving in any browser is like watching paint dry.
The 'old' site is reasonably speedy to resolve. Oops: now it doesn't load at all! Neither does my Zen Cart admin., or my Host Papa cPanel!

Why am I paying for this? I have left telephone messages with Host Papa - no replies received.

I'm getting pissed!
decoy (mftznow@g...)
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😠 Steer clear big tuna. This host is the worst I've ever had to deal with. 17 hours passed before I got my account email. I could feel the pain of the monkey that had to wake up on Sunday only to fill my cPanle form. The support is non-existent. 24-48 hours before receiving only canned responses. And the "money back guaranteed" is anything but. It's basically a scam. You loose 25-50% of your money. Just do yourself a favor and try nearlyfreespeach or vexxhost. The latter having absolutely amazing support. But for a small site, NFS comes out to be the cheapest.
decoy (mftznow@g...)
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😠 Setup time took 17 hours. I could feel the pain of the monkey that had to come in at 10 am to fill out the cPanel form. Support is non existent. When the employees behave the way they do, you know the company is feces. Money NOT back guaranteed. The monkey apparently charges 20 dollars for the setup that was, and I quote their TOS, "WAIVED" (Mar20/2009). Total rip-off.
Paul (paulhunt@b...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😠 I'm not impressed at all. Firstly the site hosted on Hostpapa has always been VERY slow and unreliable, the support (Both online, forum and ticketed) all fob you off with "Well it works fine for me" replies, just look at,739.0.html and,745.0.html which are currently the top 2 threads in the tech help section of their forums. (The first link being me) Here's the kind of load times they say are acceptable:

Wishing I hadnt paid for a full year up front now. The price is good but I think I've finally found the small print to their "unlimited bandwidth" claim. Not only is it slow but just now I tried clicking on links on the site - out of 4 clicks I got 2 blank pages and had to hit the browsers back button to try again........

Stay WELL clear if you want a useable site.
Mark (mark@m...)
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😠 hostpapa steal my money too!!

The money back is a fraud!!
Andry (Andry@m...)
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- Mysql server is very very slow
- Mysql max limit connections is 10 and not 25 (15 after all my email and tickets!) like they said in the faq
- Moneyback is a fraud!! On the subscription the setup is free. If you wanna left them, they will refund only a part of your cost ( total - setup ).
- The online support is fast to answer, but near ZERO to fix the problems.

Try your self to open more 10 sql connections and you will see....



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