Host Papa negativo revisión #12561 por Aaron en sep 2010

Host Papa consiguió un negativo revisión en and one official response on
Host Papa
5063 North Service Road, Suite 102
Burlington , ON l7l 5h6
☎ Teléfono 1-888-959-7272
☎ Teléfono +1 905-315-3455
Revisión del cliente #12561
Aaron ( -sin correo electrónico- )
Tiempo alojado 2 a 3 años
Calificación global
Precio de coste
Relación con el cliente
Panel de control
Absolutely abysmal hosting service. Don't even think about it.

I've been a Hostpapa customer for almost 3 years. The service was initially decent, but has become worse over time. I have experienced many technical problems and poor customer service. I will switch hosting providers this month.

Technical problems have included issues with not receiving email from contacts, problems with site downtime, slow page load issues, access problems, and more.

Even worse, the customer service and tech support is nearly non-existent. Support calls are routinely dismissed as simply not happening - in other words no acknowledgment that a site was down, or "user error" and very little effort seems to go into actually fixing problems.

For instance some of my contacts couldn't send me mail intermittently. They received bounced messages with errors that proved problems connecting to Hostpapa servers. "Dan C" in support blamed the problem on my junk mail filter in outlook. Other support tickets have been similar.

There is no phone contact information for support anywhere on their website, so good luck getting through to a person when you have problems. You are forced to submit an online ticket, and hope that someday they choose to help you.

Stay away. Unless of course, you don't mind randomly not receiving email, having your site go down regularly, and having support tell you that everything is fine.
Aaron, we certainly would like to sincerely support you with any issues regarding email that you may be having. There are numerous factors that can relate to email related issues as it is a highly complex topic. The web host of course is one of the factors as it relates to the email transmission through the email servers but other factors do include ISP related issues related to the sender or receiver.

For example, many ISP's will ban certain IP addresses or related zones due to unwanted spammers, phishing attacks, etc. and HostPapa works closely with ISP's to ensure that are IP addresses are not on their black lists. I am not sure if you are on a dedicated IP or shared IP address with us but email related issues are often related to third party ISP's.

With respect to "receiving" mail issues, we would have to take a look at your POP email and software settings to ensure they are correct and go through a number of steps to ensure their are no issues. Furthermore, an understanding of how your email settings are set for your domain including any custom MX records, etc. would help us to identify if there are indeed any issues. If we could see some of those email headers as it relates to "bounced" email messages that would help for us to diagnose the issue.

If you would like to open a ticket and./or identify your account with us we would be happy to provide you further support on this topic to address the issue.

With respect to "no phone contact information for support anywhere on their website", the toll-free support number is listed at the top of the page on all of our websites and we provide North American based support in two languages (English & French) soon to be 3 with Spanish. Our phone numbers are also available on the "contact" page at the bottom which is again also available on every page of our website. This statement is odd considering that you also indicated that "Support calls are routinely dismissed" whereby you would have the telephone number to make a support call.

We would be happy to assist you with your email related issues to solve the problem and sad to see that you are disappointed with our service and will be switching providers.

Marketing representative (Faisal Khan -, ).

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