Host Papa revisión #6564 por Nick Simpson (nicksimpsonx@g...) en 2009

Host Papa consiguió un negativo revisión en and one official response on
Host Papa
5063 North Service Road, Suite 102
Burlington , ON l7l 5h6
☎ Teléfono 1-888-959-7272
☎ Teléfono +1 905-315-3455
Revisión del cliente #6564
Nick Simpson ( nicksimpsonx@g... )
Tiempo alojado 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
Precio de coste
Relación con el cliente
Panel de control
Hostpapa lost 2.6gb of my data an d ruined my websites.

My websites were growing quite quickly and I did not have a lot of money at the time so I chose Hostpapa.

They seemed to have mainly positive reviews on the web and on the face of it the plan that they offered seemed to be good value for money, I liked the masses of sql databases, storage and bandwidth.

The first couple of months were fine, no problems at all, and then I began experiencing the odd patch of downtime.. No biggie I thought, although I became a bit suspicious when I always got the same response to my support tickets... Check your scripts, they must be maxing out the sql connections etc.. yada yada... The same scripts had run fine on a similar plan before I moved to them.

Anyway I took that on the chin because my sites had got to the point where they were too big to move easily.

This year I started experiencing quite large amounts of downtime pretty much every week. My software kept sending me notification that SQL was down.

I found the support well... Un-supportive, one line replies to large queries and they just close the tickets without resolving the issue, never apologising.

Then the final nail in the coffin came when they had a supposed server crash caused by someone else running a script that executed 500,000 times, wiping out some accounts.

I lost 2.6gb of files, my site was offline for nearly two weeks, Hostpapa either ignored or took between 2-4 days to reply to urgent support tickets.

Live support didn't help me at all, they didn't seem to care.

Telephone support was the same.

They have not recovered my files, they have not even apologised for the data loss and frankly, I have done a lot of searching since they ruined my sites and find that they put a lot of effort into covering up bad reviews and no effort into looking after their customers.

They just dont care, they treated me with total incompetance and you really, really, really ought to back up your site and download your backups every day if you are with them.

You cannot trust this company with your data.

Also if you need any technical help, don't expect it as the live support people are hopeless.

Do yourself a favour, buy a metered service, these unlimited plans are useless, spend an extra £30 a year and get a shared host with automated backups and good service (they do exist).
Nick, really sorry to hear about what happened here and sorry to see you go as a customer. No excuses - if this is what happened - we should have escalated this issue to recover what happened with your data.
Marketing representative (Faisal Khan -, ).

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