Host Papa negativo revisión #18775 por Ian Millard (ian@m...) en 2012

Host Papa consiguió un negativo revisión en and one official response on
Host Papa
5063 North Service Road, Suite 102
Burlington , ON l7l 5h6
☎ Teléfono 1-888-959-7272
☎ Teléfono +1 905-315-3455
Revisión del cliente #18775
Ian Millard ( ian@m... )
Tiempo alojado 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
Precio de coste
Relación con el cliente
Panel de control
Big problems with Hostpapa

In my opinion - and that of many others - HostPapa has a multitude of problems with customer service and honesty.

In direct contradiction of ICANN regulations, they will list themselves at the domain name administrative contact. Essentially, they are taking control of your name, and will do everything they can to prevent you transferring it away - unless you pay "renewal" or "unlocking" fees.

ICANN does NOT allow a "losing" registrar to extort money to release a domain name for transfer.

If you want to complain about registry problems, send a copy of your message to the "real" registrar, TuCows. HostPapa is NOT an ICANN-Accredited Registrar.

I believe that HostPapa is a business front for TuCows who is an Accredited Registrar. HostPapa has "offices" in England and France so they can avoid taxes, and appear 'international.'

My advice, based on my experience is: stay away from HostPapa. I really don't care how "green" they appear to be. I don't think they can be trusted. I have removed my names from their clutches, and cancelled all services with them.

I tried to find you in our customer support system and do not recognize you as a client of our service. With respect to your accusations, they are false, misleading and inaccurate.

1) We do not extort money from our clients
2) our clients own their domain names and we do not charge them to "release" them to another registrar.
3) Hostpapa is ICANN-accredited through a subsidiary company - thanks for the support there.
4) Tucows is a supplier to Hostpapa (and good friends of ours BTW..good guys there). We are not a "front" for Tucows - who is a publicly traded Canadian company.
5) With respect to "Green" - we were the pioneer in that space and want every host to be - would be happy to share our certifications in this area.

To all readers - I hope you can read between the lines of random posts on the Internet - shame we have to deal with this with respect to posts such as this.

Marketing representative (Faisal Khan -, ).

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