Hostinger Revisión 2024. Es buen alojamiento web en Chipre?

91 opiniones de usuarios; 5 respuestas de apoyo; 0 testimonios; 10 productos, 1 promoción, 8 cuentas sociales; 330.494 dominios alojados, Alexa #563; 📆 listado 2015 (#20287)
61 Lordou Vironos str.
Larnaca 6023

Idioma (s) del sitio web: zh-CHS en-US de-DE hi-IN id-ID it-IT pl-PL pt-BR pt-PT ro-RO es-MX es-ES tr-TR uk-UA vi-VN
🏆 SemRush Rating nuevo 3.760 👤 Opiniones de usuarios 🙌 Promedio 9 de 10
👉 Revisiones totales: 91
👍 Recomendado por: 84
👎 Opuesto: 7
🤝 Respuestas oficiales: 5

💰 Rango de precios $ 1,99 - $ 29,99⏰ Apoyo 24x7
💳 Opciones de pago Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal, [...]
🏆 SEO MOZ Authority 72/82🔗 Campo de golf 8.664.149
Estado de finalización del perfil:
Cosas hechas
Descripciones de la empresa está bien
La ubicación de la dirección de la empresa está completa
Se agregan las cuentas de la empresa Twitter y Facebook
"Sobre página" URL o "Página de contacto" URL agregadas
Foro, Blog / Anuncios, Knowledgebase o Preguntas frecuentes se agregan URL
Se agregan productos (planes)
Se añaden promociones

Cosas para hacer
Falta el número de teléfono / fax de la empresa

👪 Opiniones de clientes más recientes

-anónimo- (-oculto-) / anonymous
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😃 I hosted my first website with Hostinger web hosting. It was a great experience for me. The services they provide are satisfied by all conditions. Currently, I am hosting my 2 other websites on A2 Hosting & domain racer which also provides similar facilities to Hostinger.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
Calificación global
😠 This company generate fake reviews on TrustPilot to boost their reputation.

Back in the 2007-2015 era before their CEO was replaced after being murdered they were responsible for the creation of 000webhost, Hosting24, BoxBilling, 1FreeHosting, ServersFree and YouHosting, all projects that got shoved aside. Anyone who was hanging around the 'free hosting' provider scene in 2011-2015 will remember YouHosting for their overloaded servers, abysmal support to people paying 40USD a month for the VIP plans, oh and not to mention... the 000webhost affiliate scams, leaving PHP 5.2 as the only option for years on that platform, injecting tracking code into people's sites, and suffering the consequences with 13 million passwords being leaked.. BoxBilling was ran down to the ground, VPS.ME was a pure scam and Hosting24 was just Hostinger paid services rebranded to mask to some less competent people that they were responsible for the 000webhost crapfest back then... can't really comment on any [lee mas...]
-anónimo- (uglyjudge@p...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😠 Terrible TOS or offshore management
August 24th, 2021

Service was OK for a few months, most of the tech support requests were answered with "Here is a page how to do it, do it yourself". Lucky I was able to make my own changes.

We host reviews to businesses and people who work for government and the courts.
A dishonest party did not like that we listed their work info (which we copied from their work website)
Thus the dishonest party claimed we posted "private info of a person" to our pages (untrue, in fact this info is all over Google with Google reviews.
We sent screenshots and links to where this info was copied from

However Hostinger ignored us, did not respond, they just suspended our account, this happened several times for 2 domains, all the same complaint and issues. They claimed we violated their TOS and pointed to "terror" as what we did to this person.

We had no choice but to move our sites and domains, where "the next host had no problem". I think part of [lee mas...]
🗨 Hello,

Thank you for the feedback. It is unfortunate that our Terms of Usage did not meet your expectations.

We have analyzed your situation regarding the legal base of the information stored on the website and concluded that it does meet our ToS. Our team understands the frustration from your side; therefore, it was never our intention to deteriorate our partnership. However, here at Hostinger, we seek friendly and secure Internet, and we were eager to consider both parties' interests. Consequently, after a thorough analysis, we will refund the unused funds to fulfil your needs.

It is truly sad that you did not enjoy the usage of hPanel; it is built on customers' feedback, and we would love to hear more about your difficulties. If you have a free minute, please drop us an email at, and we will wholly note your feedback and help you out with the migration!

If, by any chance, someday in the future, you will give us a second chance, we will do everything

✍️ Customer Service (Hostinger Web Hosting - reviews@h..., 📅 ).
Más críticas
Verificado 2015 logo

📄 Revisión editorial

🔃 Hostinger es parte de Hostinger
🔧 Servicios: Alojamiento webRegistro de Dominio Registrador de la ICANN Centro de datos propio
⇔ Dominios redirigidos:
⇔ Redirigido desde

Fundada en 2004, Hostinger se ha convertido en una conocida empresa de alojamiento que afirma tener más de 29 millones de usuarios en su sitio web procedentes de 178 países.

Hostinger está especializado en los siguientes productos:
  • Alojamiento web compartido;
  • Alojamiento VPS;
  • Creador de sitios web;
  • Comprobador de dominios;
  • Alojamiento en la nube;

Los planes de alojamiento compartido vienen con las siguientes características:
  • Creador de sitios web sencillo;
  • Acceso a correo web;
  • Administración de DNS;
  • Subdominios por cuenta (de 2 a 100 según el plan que elija);
  • Cuentas FTP (de 1 a cuentas ilimitadas según el plan que elija);
  • Dominios estacionados ( de 2 a dominios ilimitados según el plan que elija);
  • Configuración de PHP;
  • MySQL remoto;
  • Backups;
  • 1 -haga clic en el instalador;
  • phpMyAdmin;
  • Inodos (de 200000 a 400000 según el plan que elija);

Los planes de alojamiento en la nube funcionan con un rendimiento de velocidad superior. En estos paquetes, Hostinger ha incluido: ancho de banda ilimitado, recursos aislados, una IP dedicada gratuita, registro de dominio gratuito, certificado SSL gratuito, cuentas de correo electrónico ilimitadas, instalador de aplicaciones con 1 clic y múltiples versiones de PHP.

Las opciones de VPS funcionan mediante el uso de IP dedicada, acceso raíz completo, unidades de disco SSD, red de 100 MB / S y compatibilidad con Ipv6. Un punto negativo en sus servicios de alojamiento es la falta de servidores dedicados.

💰 Precio de coste

Hostinger se considera uno de los proveedores de alojamiento más baratos de la industria. Sus planes son asequibles y cuentan con una amplia gama de funciones.
Al igual que la mayoría de las empresas de la industria del alojamiento, Hostinger ofrece la garantía de devolución de dinero de 30 días estándar.

⌛ Confiabilidad

Como muchas otras empresas de la industria del alojamiento, garantizan a sus clientes un 99,9% de tiempo de actividad . Este es el porcentaje estándar, solo unas pocas empresas realmente ofrecen un tiempo de actividad del 100%.

🏢 Centro de datos

La oficina principal de la empresa se encuentra en Chipre. Hostinger tiene 7 centros de datos en todo el mundo ubicados en:
- Reino Unido - Manchester;
- Estados Unidos - Asheville;
- Brasil - Sao Paulo;
- Indonesia - Yakarta;
- Holanda - Amsterdam;
- Singapur;
- Lituania - Vilnius (aquí se abrirá un nuevo centro de datos);

Hostinger afirma que utilizan centros de datos de nivel 3. Estos están protegidos con RAID-10, así como asegurados mediante copias de seguridad diarias y semanales. Hostinger también protege los datos de sus clientes a través del analizador de tráfico anti DDoS, firewalls, Bitninja. También ofrecen CloudFlare (opcional) para todas las cuentas. Hostinger utiliza la tecnología de caché de varios niveles que aumenta el rendimiento. Por ejemplo, afirman que al usar esto, WordPress puede aumentar 10 veces su nivel de mejora con respecto al tiempo de carga. Hostinger garantiza a sus clientes que sus servidores e infraestructura están actualizados. Aquí hay solo algunas menciones de la gran variedad de posibilidades que Hostinger ofrece a los clientes si eligen su empresa de alojamiento en lugar de otras:
  • LetsEncrypt integración;
  • Unidades SSD para velocidades extremas;
  • Monitoreo proactivo y predictivo del servidor;
  • Memchached (Bifurcación de Twitter - Fatcache);
  • Implementaciones de servidor optimizadas y automatizadas;
  • Lve contenedores para el aislamiento de cuentas;

✍️ Atención al cliente

Ofrecen la posibilidad de ponerse en contacto con el soporte técnico por teléfono o correo electrónico, pero no hay chat en vivo disponible si no inicia sesión con una cuenta de Hostinger. Además de estos, si va a la Sección de ayuda en la página de inicio de Hostinger, puede ver que ofrecen tutoriales, una base de conocimientos y un blog para los clientes con el fin de brindarles asistencia para varias cosas que desean hacer en sus sitios web.

🔨 Panel de control

Hostinger usa cPanel como panel de control. cPanel es uno de los paneles de control más conocidos de la industria, junto con Plesk.

🎯 Conclusión

Hostinger es una de las empresas de alojamiento más baratas de la industria y está muy extendida en todo el mundo. Se ejecuta en cPanel y viene con buenas características para los planes que ofrecen a sus clientes.
- Buenos precios;
- Gran tiempo de actividad;
- Unidades SSD;
- No hay chat en vivo disponible si los clientes se niegan a iniciar sesión con una cuenta de Hostinger;
- Sin servidores dedicados;

🌏 Ubicaciones de servidor:

Manchester Sao Paulo Asheville Jakarta Amsterdam Vilnius
Ubicaciones del centro de datos para

📢 Páginas especiales captura de pantalla
Sitio web de investigación para Hostinger en junio 6, 2019 por WebHostingTop

🎁 Promociones

Usted puede envíe directamente su cupón aquí!

Añade tu código de promoción

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si las promociones caducan
Tu correo electrónico (no se mostrará)
Cuánto es 4 + 3 ? Responder con 7

📤 Hostinger Productos del sitio web

🔧 Compartido - 💻 Linux Mantenga el mouse
sobre las características!
💰Precio💿 Espacio del disco 📶 Transferir 📆 Actualizado🆓 Dominio gratuito /
🔌 Permitido
Single caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal, Transferencia bancaria, Bitcoin
🔨 Panel de control : [En casa]
🔧 Categoría : Apoyo, DNS, Wordpress, Creador de sitios web
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔌 Dominios alojados : 1
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 0

captura de pantalla de Single desde hostinger.comMySQL Databases 1
Email Accounts 1

Subdomains per account 2
Parked Domains Unlimited
FTP Accounts 1
Inodes 200000

Free Website Builder
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
24/7/365 Support

Hostinger empowers savvy individuals to achieve substantial [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
$1,99/mes.50 GB SSDsin medir 0 / 1
Premium caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal, Transferencia bancaria, Bitcoin
🔨 Panel de control : [En casa]
🔧 Categoría : Apoyo, DNS, Seo Hosting, Wordpress, Creador de sitios web, Compartición de archivos, E-Commerce
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔌 Dominios alojados : 100
🆓 Dominios libres : 1
📌 IPs dedicadas : 0

captura de pantalla de Premium desde hostinger.comProcessing Power & Memory - 2X
Websites - 100
SSD Space - 50GB
Bandwidth - Unlimited
MySQL Databases - Unlimited
FTP Users - Unlimited
Email Accounts - 100
PHP Support
PHPMyAdmin tool
FTP access
FTP over SSL
Cron Jobs
Advanced Cron Jobs
Curl [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
$2,99/mes.100 GB SSDsin medir 1 / 100
Business caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal, Transferencia bancaria, Bitcoin
🔨 Panel de control : [En casa]
🔧 Categoría : Apoyo, DNS, CDN, Wordpress, Totalmente administrado, Creador de sitios web, E-Commerce
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔌 Dominios alojados : 100
🆓 Dominios libres : 1
📌 IPs dedicadas : 0

captura de pantalla de Business desde hostinger.com4x Resources
Lifetime SSL certificate
Software Auto Installer
90+ scripts
Data Backups Daily
Uptime Guarantee 99.9%
Money Back Guarantee 30 Days

PHP Support
MySQL Databases Unlimited
InnoDB Database
Remote MySQL connections
PHPMyAdmin tool
FTP [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
$3,99/mes.200 GB SSD NVMesin medir 1 / 100
Cloud Startup caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal, Bitcoin
🔨 Panel de control : [En casa]
🔧 Categoría : Apoyo, DNS, CDN, Wordpress, Totalmente administrado, Creador de sitios web
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Forum, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔌 Dominios alojados : 300
🆓 Dominios libres : 1
📌 IPs dedicadas : 1

captura de pantalla de Cloud Startup desde
🔗 URL del plan :
$8,99/mes.200 GB SSD NVMesin medir 1 / 300
🔧 VPS - 💻 Linux Mantenga el mouse
sobre las características!
💰Precio💿 Espacio del disco 📶 Transferir 📆 Actualizado🔋 RAM /
📌 IPs dedicadas
KVM 1 caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal, Transferencia bancaria, Bitcoin
🔨 Panel de control : [En casa], Webmin, ISPConfig, KVM
🔧 Categoría : Apoyo, Alojamiento de juegos, Transmisión, DNS, CDN, Wordpress, Autogestionado, Compartición de archivos, RDP
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔋 RAM : 4000 MB
💪 UPC : 1 vCPU
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 1

captura de pantalla de KVM 1 desde hostinger.comDedicated RAM 4 GB
Latest AMD EPYC processors, advanced NVMe SSD Storage
Full Root Access
300 MB/S Network Link
IPv6 Support
1 Free Snapshot
Free Weekly Backups

Best prices in the market
RAID 6 Protection
24/7 DDoS Monitoring
VPS AI [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
$5,99/mes.50 GB SSD NVMe1 TB 4 GB / 1
KVM 2 caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal, Transferencia bancaria, Bitcoin
🔨 Panel de control : [En casa], Webmin, ISPConfig, KVM
🔧 Categoría : Apoyo, Alojamiento de juegos, Transmisión, DNS, CDN, Wordpress, Autogestionado, Compartición de archivos, RDP
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔋 RAM : 8000 MB
💪 UPC : 2 vCPU
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 1

captura de pantalla de KVM 2 desde hostinger.comDedicated RAM 8 GB
Latest AMD EPYC processors, advanced NVMe SSD Storage
Full Root Access
300 MB/S Network Link
IPv6 Support
1 Free Snapshot
Free Weekly Backups

Best prices in the market
RAID 6 Protection
24/7 DDoS Monitoring
VPS AI [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
$7,99/mes.100 GB SSD NVMe2 TB 8 GB / 1
KVM 4 caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal, Transferencia bancaria, Bitcoin
🔨 Panel de control : [En casa], Webmin, ISPConfig, KVM
🔧 Categoría : Apoyo, Alojamiento de juegos, Transmisión, DNS, CDN, Wordpress, Autogestionado, Compartición de archivos, RDP
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔋 RAM : 16000 MB
💪 UPC : 4 vCPU
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 1

captura de pantalla de KVM 4 desde hostinger.comDedicated RAM 16 GB
Latest AMD EPYC processors, advanced NVMe SSD Storage
Full Root Access
300 MB/S Network Link
IPv6 Support
1 Free Snapshot
Free Weekly Backups

Best prices in the market
RAID 6 Protection
24/7 DDoS Monitoring
VPS AI [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
$12,99/mes.200 GB SSD NVMe4 TB 16 GB / 1
KVM 8 caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal, Transferencia bancaria, Bitcoin
🔨 Panel de control : [En casa], Webmin, ISPConfig, KVM
🔧 Categoría : Apoyo, Alojamiento de juegos, Transmisión, DNS, CDN, Wordpress, Autogestionado, Compartición de archivos, RDP
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔋 RAM : 32000 MB
💪 UPC : 8 vCPU
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 1
📌 IPs dedicadas : 1

captura de pantalla de KVM 8 desde hostinger.comDedicated RAM 32 GB
Latest AMD EPYC processors, advanced NVMe SSD Storage
Full Root Access
300 MB/S Network Link
IPv6 Support
1 Free Snapshot
Free Weekly Backups

Best prices in the market
RAID 6 Protection
24/7 DDoS Monitoring
VPS AI [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
$21,99/mes.400 GB SSD NVMe8 TB 32 GB / 1
🔧 Cloud - 💻 Linux Mantenga el mouse
sobre las características!
💰Precio💿 Espacio del disco 📶 Transferir 📆 Actualizado🔋 RAM /
📌 IPs dedicadas
Cloud Professional caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal, Transferencia bancaria, Bitcoin
🔨 Panel de control : [En casa]
🔧 Categoría : Apoyo, DNS, CDN, Seo Hosting, Wordpress, Totalmente administrado, Creador de sitios web
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔋 RAM : 3000 MB
💪 UPC : 2
🔌 Dominios alojados : 300
🆓 Dominios libres : 1
📌 IPs dedicadas : 1

captura de pantalla de Cloud Professional desde hostinger.comFree SSL Certificate
CloudFlare Integration
Unlimited Email Accounts
Daily Backus
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
24/7 Customer Support

Innovative Control Panel
Cloud hosting comes with a custom made control panel. Find all essential tools in one place and [...]
🔗 URL del plan :
$14,99/mes.250 GBsin medir 3 GB / 1
Cloud Enterprise caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal, Transferencia bancaria, Bitcoin
🔨 Panel de control : [En casa]
🔧 Categoría : Apoyo, DNS, CDN, Seo Hosting, Wordpress, Totalmente administrado, Creador de sitios web, E-Commerce
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Chat en vivo, Disponible 24/7
🔋 RAM : 12000 MB
💪 UPC : 6
🔌 Dominios alojados : 300
🆓 Dominios libres : 1
📌 IPs dedicadas : 1

captura de pantalla de Cloud Enterprise desde
🔗 URL del plan :
$29,99/mes.300 GB SSD NVMesin medir 12 GB / 1

La información de contacto es gestionada por representantes id@h..., support@h..., aditya@h..., rafael@h..., Hostinger Web Hosting - reviews@h..., affiliates@h... [iniciar sesión]

Reclamar este negocio

📊 Estadísticas web

Focalización: (13) Brasil, Canadá, Alemania, Indonesia, Lituania, Mexico, Federación Rusa, España, Turquía, Ucrania
📂 Detalles para
📥 Sitio web de DNS: => ( San Francisco ) / CloudFlare Inc. - => ( San Francisco ) / CloudFlare Inc. - => ( Mountain View ) / Google LLC - => ( Mountain View ) / Google LLC - => ( Mountain View ) / Google LLC - => ( Mountain View ) / Google LLC - => ( Mountain View ) / Google LLC -
🔨 Software de servidor: cloudflare
📌 Sitio web primera IP:
📍 Localización de IP: United States, California, San Francisco - ver los mejores proveedores en United States, California
🔗 Nombre del ISP / URL del ISP: CloudFlare Inc.,
📌 Sitio web extra IPs: ( San Francisco, California ) CloudFlare Inc. -

✅ Recomendaciones de clientes

Aún no hay testimonios de clientes listados. Puedes ser el primero en añadir tu testimonio aquí.

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Este formulario se utiliza exclusivamente para comentarios positivos, para una revisión regular haga clic aquí

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Un nombre de dominio alojado con esta empresa
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Mínimo 100 caracteres
Cuánto es 4 + 3 ? Responder con 7

📋 Hostinger Noticias / Comunicado de prensa

No hay noticias escritas en el idioma es Idiomas Disponibles : en: 8

📣 Hostinger Redes sociales

Hostinger Blog  Utilizando Wordpress version 6.5.5. Primer post de febrero, 2020, con total 251 artículos, Idioma en-US. Último post en

📈 Tendencia de dominios

Hostinger Domain trend

Opiniones👪 Hostinger Calificaciones de clientes

Las estadísticas rápidas de Hostinger perfil muestra una nota promedio de 9,0 de 10, contando 91 opiniones. (algunos enumerados en la parte superior de la página)
Como visitante puedes califica a este proveedor directamente aquí! Si usted es parte del equipo de soporte, puede responder a estas revisiones yendo a iniciar sesión

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Información requerida

Seleccione Plan de Alojamiento
Calificación general
Tiempo alojado
Precio de coste
Relación con el cliente
Panel de control
Tu URL social, nombre o nombre de usuarioeg. or
Tu correo electrónico
(será confuso)
o iniciar sesión y vuelve a esta pagina
Identificación del cliente(No es público visible. Ejemplo Customer=1120 or Account=2121 or Order ID=511AAS3)
Su dominio alojadoEjemplo Si tiene varios dominios, mencione al menos uno
Resumen de tu posteg. is best!
Tu reseña ¡Las etiquetas HTML NO están permitidas! MÍNIMO 100 caracteres!
¡Proporcione tanta información como sea posible en su revisión! Demasiada menos información puede considerarse no relevante y no aprobada!
Algunos clientes pueden decir cosas buenas como: "Estoy contento con Hostinger" o cosas malas y quejas como: "esta empresa apesta" o "es horrible", " solo generó problemas ", "proveedor de estafa o estafa ", pero ahora es su turno de compartir su experiencia!
Cuánto es 4 + 3 ? Responder con 7
(81 = 89,01%)
(3 = 3,30%)
(1 = 1,10%)
(6 = 6,59%)
Filtrar por idioma: MOSTRAR TODO(91)   EN(90)   ES(1)
Se aplicó el filtro de idioma para las reseñas escritas en ES
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😠 After 192 hours my domain is still not registered!

The feedback I am getting is "I completely understand you, I would feel the same way. I can assure you that I'm doing everything within my power regarding this.......and their reply for this review is going to be the same I am 100% sure.

If you need to register a domain find another company!!!
With other companies is a one click registration the process with Hostinger is never ending process!!!

I test it and I bought a domain with Godaddy and it took 1 click!!
If you need a don't use Hostinger!
🗨 Dear Carlo,

Thank you for reaching out to us. We completely understand your frustration as such waiting time is indeed too long.

On behalf of our team, we would love to register your domain name in a wink of an eye; however, the process is not controlled by us - it is the domain's registrar's responsibility, and we must comply with rules.

Team Hostinger

✍️ Customer Service (Hostinger Web Hosting - reviews@h..., 📅 ).

-anónimo- (pjwood6@p...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😠 Hostinger had to reset passwords of 14 million users to a “random sequence of characters” as a precautionary measure following a massive data breach. The company has sent password recovery emails to the affected consumers.

Hostinger claims the massive breach took place on Thursday. The company received an alert that an unauthorized third party has gained access to one of their servers.

Hackers gained access to an authorization token on one of Hostinger’s servers. The token can be used to make API requests, without needing a password or a username. Through this, the hackers gained access to the company’s internal systems and a client database which holds information “about 14 million Hostinger users”.

It took me more than a month to access my domain name and transfer it to another registrar. The company took the liberty to unscrupulously delay the transfer and made it impossible to manage the domain.

While being hosted by Hostinger, my wordpress site was constantly hacked [lee mas...]
🗨 Hey there,

It is unfortunate to hear that the services did not meet your expectations. We hope that we can clear this situation up and start on a new page!

We would like to reassure that here at Hostinger, we do not deliberately delay any process as we seek for efficiency and transparency. In your case, domain was locked for 60 days due to ICANN emplaced regulations. Registrars must impose a lock on a domain that will prevent any transfer to another registrar for 60 days following a change to a registrant's information.

Initially, Hostinger was started up in Lithuania. Right now, we provide services worldwide; therefore, we have several offices around the world. All the details about us are provided right here:

Regarding our services' security, we take it as our priority, and it is unfortunate to hear your story. To avoid such situations, our servers have advanced security modules (such as Apache mod_security, Suhosin PHP hardening, PHP open_basedir

✍️ Atención al cliente (Hostinger Web Hosting - reviews@h..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (cnts87@h...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😠 Ojito con estos que son unos pillabichos. No sé ni para que me molesto en escribir, pues ya quedó todo hablado en el largo hilo por email con el soporte, pero bueno por intentarlo nada se pierde. Resumiendo, debido a fallo VUESTRO en VUESTRA INFO en la web, así como por email y además haberme hecho comprar otro email más porque así me lo dijo VUESTRO suporte, nada resultó ser verdad con el email. Quise una devolución y me dijeron que solo era posible en crédito dentro de la plataforma por haber pagado con BTC e infligía la política de devolución, cosa que no quiero para nada porque me he tenido que pagar otro proveedor de email que si ofertaba lo que quería y lo tenía de verdad, y que además no hace “publicidad engañosa” en su página principal.
🗨 Querido Pedro,

Echamos otro vistazo a la conversación que tuviste con nuestro equipo de soporte. Una vez más, lamentamos que nuestro servicio no haya estado a la altura de tus necesidades.

Debido a que nuestra política de reembolso no se puede cambiar, nuestros miembros de Atención al Cliente te han ofrecido una solución alternativa.

Escríbenos a si tienes más comentarios. Esperamos poder trabajar juntos para resolver esta situación.

Nuestros mejores deseos,
El Equipo de Hostinger

✍️ Atención al cliente (Hostinger Web Hosting - reviews@h..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
Calificación global
😠 Unreliable Host company that cheats clients.selling Unlimited paid plans and reducing them with several cuts, forcing all clientes to accept new conditions and restritions pushing them to their abusive and ditactorial TOS.

HOSTINGER - Total deception of customers who bought the UNLIMITED plan - Fraud

How can you recommend this hostinger, who sells cat for hare?

HOSTINGER is an unreliable hosting company. Very bad ! - Run away while you can!

It is a company of unreliable people, who does not respect contracts.

They change the rules during the game and impose their decisions on those who are bound by a contract in place for several years.
They push customers to the Terms of Service, which they adjust to the detriment of customers.
You are not responsible for anything under its terms.

It has aggressive marketing that leads customers to unnecessary UPGRADES without providing a service that matches what they advertise.

They fooled customers with UNLIMITED Business [lee mas...]
🗨 Hello, Sam.

Thank you for your feedback — sincere apologies for your experience with us. We strive to provide the best service and support for each and every one of our customers.

We understand that unexpected changes can be frustrating. In order to keep our services smooth and improve customers’ experience, we had to alter some of our plans. All these limits and details are public and if you have any further questions or issues, you can always contact us via Live Chat or

All the best,
Team Hostinger

✍️ Atención al cliente (Hostinger Web Hosting - reviews@h..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😁 I am new to web hosting and Hostinger is my first and hopefully the last hosting provider. I started using it a few months ago. I have no problems since then.
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😁 I was experimenting with the hosting services in and the pop up was like “Upgrade to Hostinger”. At first I thought no way but after some time I have decided to go for it just to try it out - you know that moment when you have some savings left after christmas, so that was it. Here I go, upgraded to premium for one year, got the domain for free, can create emails with my domain name (super cool lol) and have a website for my memes. That’s just for fun though but I can see why Hostinger has so many good reviews. Everything is working quite good and the support team - they rock! Keep it up :D
arsalanalirao (zinezidane93@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 Hostinger is great for my Pakistan Jobs Website
Hosting my website Pakistan Jobs (PakistanJobs.Net) with them, the best speed, response time and support.

-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 I am using Hostinger from last eight months it just surprises with lots of features and other benefits in a very cheap time. Its support is quick and knowledgable.
I provides a top class customer service . It is pretty easy and support always respond on time.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 Managing a hosting account is one of our least favorite parts of owning and running a website. Each host provides a different interface for customers to control their billing information and hosting subscriptions, and every company includes different layouts, access levels, and services. Combined with cPanel, customers sometimes have a hard time knowing where to look to accomplish various tasks.
Not so with Hostinger. The company has created our favorite management interface that puts all the hosting services in a single accessible, intuitive package. Although cPanel is typically considered the gold standard, we didn't miss it at all when testing our Hostinger services.Believe me I have used almost all major Hosting services till now and I have found Hostinger as "THE BEST".
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 I was surprised, really surprised when I saw the unlimited plans of hostinger. For a moment, I thought that someone might be kidding me, but it was "unbelievably real". I was unable to believe the plans that hostinger provides at so much cheaper rates. But then, I was a bit concerned about the speed, I wasn't sure if the speed would be up to the mark or not. SO I tried hostinger to check if everything is "significantly as described" or not. UNBELIEVABLE!!! I found that it's really real! Thank You so much hostinger for such amazing services that you render. I love you!!!
Zdravko (zdravko.stanimir@m...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😁 Need to share this!
I just want to share with everyone: I'm very very happy with Hostinger! I had some problems with my website, customer support helped me, and also offered a free SSL for the trouble caused as a compensation! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? Absolutely best customer support! Love Hostinger!

-anónimo- (berenmarcelia@m...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 Hostinger is really worth the money!
I feel that the ammount of money that you spend is not enough to actually repay the quality of their services. For the lowest price, you get the best services!
Payton K. (pkgame128@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😁 Hostinger: A Great Host
I've been using Hostinger for all of my web hosting needs for about 3 years now. I have tried out other hosting sites, but none compare to Hostinger. From the amazing support, to the boat-load of features, to the lightning-fast loading speeds, Hostinger is the obvious choice when searching for a great web host!
-oculto- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 Best lowest cost hosting
Best lowest cost hosting for all needed. Control Panel is very easy to use. Auto Installer help me install wordpress in less than 1 minutes. That's all I need.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 the best provider!
Honestly, the best desicion I ever made was chosing Hostinger as my provider. Price, speed, team support, tech, cpanel and etc. is amazing!
-anónimo- (adnanagons@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 Easy and cheap
I’m using a shared hosting at Hostinger. At the moment I think this is a hosting I’ve looked for a long time. Why so?? I was a beginner at this, but THE TEAM helped me a lot. More important, I was frustrated about all the work I must do while I don’t have any skills. However, when I opened the panel I saw that I can use Auto Installer, choose the platform for my site and easily start creating my page. I can’t imagine the better option and services for the same price!
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😁 Like them A LOT
After going back and forth from one hosting provider to another, took the chance and went with Hostinger, now I'm pretty glad about it and hope that I'm not wrong. Really like their support staff, seems like they really care about your problems
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 Hostinger is amazing
If I had to describe Hosinger in only few words, I would call them a simple, reliable and trusworthy company.
Happy to have found a provider that really cares about their customers and provides amazing support anytime it is needed.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😁 Good services for a very affordable price.
Customer support - works professionally and quickly;
My site loads fast and didn't face any noticable downtime
-anónimo- (cavalaireaubere@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 Very professional services for a very low price.
After the recent upgrades my sites load super-fast and I'm very glad about thet.
Also thumbs up for the very well trained support staff, real professionals.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 Very good services!
I must say that they have one of the most professional support staffs out there, they work quickly and tkae effort to anwer my questions and help me when I feel completely lost. So I recommend them to anyone who is new to web hosting.
Another thing I like is their cPanel, which is easy to use and very user firendly.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😁 Good services for a good price. Faced some slight downtime but it didn't ruin the experience in general. What I liked best is qualified support and no anooying adverts on my web page.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 For such price - best option out there, so I can definitely recommend them to the ones who want to save money and have good services. Very polite support staff.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 Très bien hébergeur. J'utilise les services d'Hostinger il y a deux ans et peut dire qu'ils sont vrais professionnels. Je peux les recommennder pour tous et pour toutes.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😁 My favorite web hosting provider.
No ads, service is uptime, speed is good.
Customeer succes team is professional - very recommended.
-anónimo- (diacasti@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 Recomiendo

Llevo ya casi 1 año utilizando los servicios de y la verdad es que de momento no me ha presentado problemas.

El servicio de soporte ha sido muy bueno
-anónimo- (francoemeriosaenz@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 can recommend
used all versions of their shared hosting: free, premium and business.
The last one I like most, due to daily backups, since my head is usually in the clouds and I forget doing that.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 No ads = no nonsences. This company provides simple and afordable hosting, which I can recommend easily to anyone, especialy to those, who are new - very easy to use!
-anónimo- (lageuxagrican@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 Good services for a good price, suitable for beginners.
Also I really like how easy it is to use the cpanel.
Still the thing I like most is the fact that they don't post ads on my page.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 Best price!
Thaks for posting the xmas deal, and giving the opportunity to get my .xyz domain for 25 cents. Now I can be visible online and only invest very little money, to start making a lot of money. Continue in making such promotions!
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 Brilliant
I'm glad that I found Hostinger several years ago, now I'm sure that they're the best. When I accidently ruined my website and deleted some importat data, their agents still managed to fix it, that I find to be pretty impressive. Thank you for your patience and support, you're the best!
-anónimo- (cremonesigioia@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 Likeable!
What I like about their services is how cheap they are, only a few dollars for hosting cought my attention, so gave them a go.
Now I am confiident in recommending them to practically anyone who is in need of web hosting services: speed is good, pracically no downtime and user iteface is vey likeable
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 best for my needs
simple and easy to use. that's exactly what I need grom services of web hosting. My small site with family pictures looks like a galery and I built it with no coding skills.
-anónimo- (bergamaschiquintina@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 Good
Bought the starter plan during Black Friday.
Took a risk but turns out that it's suitable for beginners.
Good quality and very easy to use.
For such price feels like winning in a lottery.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 very good.
I like cloud infrastructure
No downtime
Good support
easy to use cpanel
beginner friendly
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 Nube here!
Pretty awesome, but I still get confused sometimes, good they have tutorials that help me! !the support staff rocks!!
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😁 I've recently purchased their Plan1 for VPS and I already like it a lot, cloud infrstructure rocks! Used to use Shared hosting but now I've become good enough to use VPS.
My genuine advice to anyone who's advanced and knows their way around coding, to use VPS, faster and you need not to share your hosting space with anyone.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 I believe that you have to share your experiences when using any kind of product, so I always do that, doesn’t matter if it’s a good or a bad experience. This one is actually one of the few good reviews, since today everyone promises you a lot but usually don’t deliver on what they promise. They deliver on what they promise almost all the time (faced slight downtimes)
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 My blog is dedicated to traveling so I update it from various parts of the world. So I can say that even with terrible internet connection Hostinger works well, so I can recommend them to anyone.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 Moved to Hostinger recently. Left my past host because it became part of this multinational hosting provider net and my started to load longer and longer. The support was unreachable. Now everything is back to normal and I’m actually saving money!
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 I never talk a lot and am always direct, so this review is not going to be an exception. Overall they’re doing a great job and make a great value for your money. Support staff works well and quick, my website loads fast and I never faced any major downtime. Also the UI is friendly. They give you everything that you need when building and developing a website.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 What is important for me is having reliable support. And they do have that. I will personally always chose a provider who lacks sth like speed, design, etc. but is always there to help their customers. Great quality, thanks. I know that my website is in great hands.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 good value
The best feature there is the price. It’s affordable almost to anyone and that I can say since I come from a country and family where even a couple of dollars is a lot of money. Many features help you build your website to look professionally and auto install makes it quick. P.S. The tutorial page is amazing.
-anónimo- (missinkurivic@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 I left them once since I didn’t really like the quality but now a trusted friend recommended me to give them another chance so I did. Everything turned out better than expected and I believe they have improved their services, since my sites speed is now better, tickets are answered faster and the UI is simpler to use.
-anónimo- (evergreentabaya@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😁 Anybody who is serious about their business understands how important your online presence is and how terrible it is if your site goes down. Today that happened to me. I immediately contacted the support staff and they got it back online in minutes, so can say that the added live chat feature from the cPanel works perfectly.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 Very nice services, I started with them around a year ago and even during this period I’ve noticed improvements such as live chat feature from the cpanel, which means that they’re constantly improving the quality of their services, which indicates that they care about their users experience. Great work. Continue to do so.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😁 Sono un cliente di Hostinger da tre anni. Loro service sono buone. Non ho incontrato alcuni problemi. Bravo, ragazzi! Sono loro cliente fidele!
-anónimo- (aimonemazzanti@y...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 The best feature I like at Hostinger is no ads. I simply hate when someone whose service you use fills all the space with those annoying ads, c’mon I paid for it, so why the annoying stuff, what’s next, pop-ups? :D in any case I can only say thanks to Hostinger for not doing that and please never come up with the idea to do that in the future. Thanks (in advance).
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 Pretty awesome
I noticed that they work on improving their services and am very pleased about that, like the added live chat function which helps solve any encountered issues faster, also tutorial section helps to learn a lot new and useful things, so would like to congratulate them on that, yet I find their website’s design to be slightly outdated and a bit sloppy. So I believe they could work on that, not only they would have a better looking website but also the user experience would be better.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😁 Reasons why I’m with Hostinger and am not planing to migrate: great speed, professional support, easy-to-use cpanel, AMAZING prices, can’t find anyone else who could make an offer so good for such a low price.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😁 At first when started with them, I was new to web hosting and was a free user. Then I got pretty mad because would get CPU limit errors and thought that the service was bad. THEN, after learning, I understood that it was actually me, who didn’t know how to optimize my account. LOL. Of course, in time my website grew and I had to go for paid plans, so did that and three years later am a proud fan of Hostinger, due to the quality of service. My site loads fast, support is helpful - feeling like a real VIP.
-anónimo- (darianergernon@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😁 I recommend them to anyone who needs hosting services since over the last two years they’ve proved me to be a trustworthy company. I haven’t faced any major issues that couldn’t be solved by their support staff. Another thing I like is their pricing which is I believe to be one of the lowest in the web hosting field market. So the ratio of pricing / quality makes it a great value
-anónimo- (milakorskava@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 Quite cool
I wish I would have found them sooner, that would have saved me a lot of valuable time and a lot of headaches. My previous provider had very poor support and getting an answer from them would always take ages. I moved to Hostinger and that process was easy and quick and now I can do my work quickly, since any issues I encounter are solved practically at the same moment and there is no need to wait. And I’m sure that I will get an answer.
-anónimo- (carissafierra@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 During Black Friday sale upgraded from 000webhost to Hostinger and must say that I’m really very happy with the work that they’ve done. Firstly, it’s amazing that I had the possibility to learn and test their services for free. Now I’m a premium user, get an amazing service plus 2 great bonuses for a very low price - very cool support staff (tried contacting them - smart and nice guys) and more space! Now i can grow my website!
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😁 Really like the Zyro builder. It makes it so easy to build a website, even my grandma did it. LOL. She wanted to have the possibility to see her grandchildren from wherever she is, so I taught her and now she has a gallery of us online. Awesome!
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😁 I am using their VPS, as a professional developer find it to be the best option.I create websites for people with different businesses and different needs, so the variety of packages is great option. Also all my clients are always happy that their websites are up and running. Cloud infrastructure is a great advantage for anyone who wants to be 100% sure about their online presence.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😁 Short review after 3 years with Hostinger: good speed, professional support, quality knowledge base, useful tutorials, great improvements (tutorial section is not that old + they added a live chat feature). Cons: was a bit confused at the beginning with the UI but it also became better, so they work on their user experience.
-anónimo- (iadanzalionella@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 The Coca-Colla of webhosting
Over the years I had to move around several web hosting providers. I had to do that since their adverts would promise a lot but would disappoint me even more. When I believed that I found something good, the quality would start downgrading, yet the publicity on their services would grow. The longest period I would stay with a hosting provider was half a year. Now, I count two years with Hostinger and must say that they really invest in good user experience. The following years I’ve noticed that the quality continues to improve. My favorite feature so far is the recently added live chat function from the cpanel. It’s way better than ticket system, especially if you don’t face any major problems and just need a quick fix or tip.
-anónimo- (kauppisiiri@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 Our family business started growing and my parents are farmers who cultivate corn, so you can guess that they’re not very good when it comes to IT related stuff. I searched for the best option so that they could manage their online presence themselves. First I thought about creating them a site with WordPress but the found out about the Zyro builder. The UI of drag&drop seemed like the best solution, then I found Hostinger who provides it as a builder and believed it to be a great 2in1 deal. Taught my parents how to use it and now they’re very happy with the outcome. They barely ask me for assistance and told me that one time they even tried contacting the support staff.
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😁 A friend recommended me Hostinger, so I went with his recomendations due to very affordable prices. After several months I can tell that the price/quality ratio is very good and actually you get more than you pay for. Of course there's allways places to improve, I believe their website design is a bit outdated, yet it doesn't impact the quality of services.
-anónimo- (merselinperres@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😁 Excellent
Purchased the VPS plan that best matched my needs and am really happy. I can easily install any feature I require and manage my site the way I want.
The only thing I didn't have a chance to test is the quality of support they provide but I am pretty sure that it would be pretty good as well
-anónimo- (estersonolivia@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😁 Great Deal!
After doing a school project while using their hosting, took the chance and used the Black Friday promotion, upgraded and now have a cool blog dedicated to fashion. Creating the blog was super easy and it looks like a professional made it, nice job :)
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😁 Purchaced VPS during Black Friday and this deal really has an amazing value. Moved all my websites there and am very happy. Used to be a Shared hosting user at Hostinger. Must say this was a great update.
The Custome Success team is amazing for people who use shared hosting.
-anónimo- (marionpolarde@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😁 The Best Hosting Provider
I thought that I've ruined my site completely today because I accidently deleted som pretty important content on my site and also didn't have backups for them (yes, yes, I know that I'm supposed to make backups for everything).
After contacting them directly from the cPanel had my backups imidiately!
Great value and very trustworthy. Thanks.
-anónimo- (samersonelwin@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 Recently moves to them due to Black Friday deal I found on this page (thanks Whtop!) and couldn't be happier now. Support is top quality, so moving was a piece of cake, speed is uptime and the UI is suitable for beginners, so I can easily recommend them to all my friends who are just starting. Great work!
-anónimo- (edellsonandrew@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 Reliable and Trustworthy
After being with them for more than 8 months I can state that they are really good. I moved to them from HostGator and couldn't be happy. Now I get professional and quick support and feel like a valued customer. As long as they continue to deliver on speed and takes care of their users, they have me as their loyal client. Great job!
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 Best services out there!
I have been their client for several years now and have developed websites for various types of clients from different backgrounds and countries, so I had the opportunity to try basically everything that Hostinger has to offer: from Shared to VPS.
Must say that I have noticed a real improvement concerning the quality of their services. The feature I like most is the livechat feature in the cPanel. Since I'm not new to all this hosting thing, I rarely need any assistance, ut when I need it, I need quick and professional one. And they deliver that. Thanks!
-anónimo- (minichedward@m...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 Magnifique
Absolutement parfait!
Je suis leur client pour 10 mois et suis très satisfait de qualité de leurs services. L'équipe de customer support est professionnelle et vite de répondre. J'espère qu'ils viennent de continuer de donner les services de haute qualité!
-anónimo- (alenistimothy@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😁 Very nice service!
After having many bad experiences with others, somehow still called ‘leaders in hosting’ a few months ago I signed up with Hostinger. I opened an account for several months, to test their services. Still didn’t want sign up for long in case they turn out to be as bad as the ‘leaders’. Today I screwed up completely and ruined my site, thought that everything was lost, yet they managed to save all my work. Can’t possibly thank them enough. You are The Leaders, not like those other ‘leaders’.
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 I migliori!
Sono un cliente di Hostinger per un anno. Posso dire che la qualità dei loro servizi è eccellente e mi piace molto, perché è facile di usare e lo staff di support è veri professionali.
-anónimo- (berretsirene@m...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😁 Great value of money
I host my business site on their VPS. Started from the smallest plan and upgraded when my business grew. Now I use Plan 4, which really fits my needs now. Really like how easy it is to upgrade (downgrade if needed). Anyway, my site is always online and running and works super fast - really like the benefits of the cloud infrastructure.
Great service
DiDiEr (cotuanddidier@m...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 Superb!
Je suis un client d'Hostinger il y a 1+ an. Je peux dire seulement que les services sont excellents et l'usage de cpanel est très facile. Ta vitesse de mon site est uptime et l'équipe de customer succès est professionnelle.
Merci et bon courage!
-anónimo- (engelsonedward@m...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
😁 Excellent service. Used Shared hosting plan for a year, and around 4 months ago went with the VPS. Now my site loads in super sonic speed and due to cloud infrastructure I'm sure it is always online, for anyone who knows their way around coding, go with VPS, great value of money!
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
😁 Real professionals: speed is uptime, support is professional and quick to answer. -1 for their website design - a bit out dated.
-anónimo- (evelinmichelinpercel@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😃 Very good service, always uptime, haven't checked their customer support yet, so 8/10. Also really liked the auto install feature. Created my wordpress blog in several minutes.
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 Je suis heureux d'être un client d'Hostinger. J'ai essayé les services des autres hébergeurs comme Godaddy et Bluehost, mais aucun d'eux n'a la compétence et la qualité des services qui peut-être compare avec Hostinger. Seulement avec Hostinger j'ai compris pour qua il existe une équipe de "customer suces" et pas "customer support". Vrais professionnels.
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 Wanted to give you a 9/10 but I finally found the one thing that as lacking - 24/7 live chat, Great that you finally have it, now you get a perfect 10/10, since the team that works on it responds quickly, directly and professionally.
-anónimo- (grehemdorian@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
Calificación global
😁 Great speed, professional support, in general - top quality provider. I enjoy hosting my blog with them and can recommend them to all.
-anónimo- (allenkatherinet@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 Hostinger is the best host I have ever had pleasure working with and I have been with Hostgator, GoDaddy and Dreamhost before. I like how professional their customer support service is. They treat all of their customers with respect, even knowing that I don’t own a major company, still made me feel like a real business shark. I highly recommend Hostinger + PROS: Outstanding Customer Support (special thanks to Lincoln and Peter - you rock!)
-anónimo- (kuncicmisin@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 I could describe Hostinger as simply amazing, I may be lucky that all I need is speed and effective support if I encounter any minor issues. My site is a WordPress handles many visitors at same time so it has to be very fast and always online. This is what I get from Hostinger, they provide amazing support and plenty of features in their cpanel, I wouldn’t hesitate to pay even more for the features that I receive.
-anónimo- (dilleralaneric@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😃 I used to host my website with Hostgator and GoDaddy, they’re both slow and provide terrible customer support, I think that Hostinger is the best hosting company on the market, first I ordered a plan and thought that they provide only card payment, so I used 24/7 live service, the responses were quick, a guy assisted me to pay with PayPal. Everything is great now. 8/10 because there is always something to improve, good luck.
-anónimo- (albitzmoritz@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 I’m quite new to blogging world. When I finally have the courage to create my own, I chose Hostinger due to the reviews on this site. Whtop helped me to choose my hosting company, and I am pretty satisfied. One thing I liked about Hostinger very much is the customer support. Being new, makes me quite slow and I still need to learn about blogging. Hostinger is such a huge help.I recommend it to new bloggers, and the price isn’t too high, this one is worth the money and will leave you satisfied.
-anónimo- (girarddominiquehenry@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😁 J'aime beaucoup l'Hostinger et peux recommander leurs services pour tous et pour toutes. Le customer support est simplement excellent! Continue les services bons!
-anónimo- (simonseevelin@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 Well this is more of a "thank you note" than a review. Recently my site went down and naturally I started panicking about losing clients. Contacted the Customer Support department and they were quick to answer where have I messed up and fixed the situation quickly.
Now I'm 100% percent positive that my business is safe in their hands. Thank you guys, you rock!
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😁 Great service providers. Speed is uptime, 24/7 support is reliable.
I really enjoy hosting my WordPress blog with them, the auto install feature made it quick and "painless". Definitely suitable for beginners.
-anónimo- (thompsonevelinn@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 I wish to share some insights, while being their client for almost two years.
From the beginning really liked using the Zyro website builder since you can create your webpage in minutes, worked perfect for me because I simply hate coding and drag&drop interface made it so easy. Glad I could start my business with no help (only from the support team, which is actually great and responds quickly), that saved me A LOT of money. Keep up the good job!
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
Calificación global
😁 Been with Hostinger for around 4 years now. Like most, started as a beginner with Free plan, later upgraded. The Free plan I recommend to any beginner who wants to test and learn, don't recommend for those who expect traffic on their site. Those should go for Premium
Best features of Hostinger I find to be the user friendly cPanel and great customer support. They've been helpful throughout these years.
Cammy (cammy@1...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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Panel de control
😞 Once good, now awful
I was using the Free plan since August 2014. My first site, L4W2 Gamers, had moved and the servers handled everything very well and nothing truly went wrong, until the site was hacked - my site had no exploits, so I will take it as the host's problem., this was on January 25, 2015, that I deleted the site. I went back with them sometime late last year for about a month to host the same site, I had found since they adopted a new CEO after the passing of Aurimas Rapalis, the service had considerably got worse. 403/404 errors and redirects happened for no reason (apparently a security script, which was broken). Servers constantly displaying errors in PHP and returning fetch errors due to temporary overload. The auto-installers don't work at all and the support simply copy-pastes from a help file instead of actually responding, and do not know what they are talking about at all. They state that they use 'cPanel' - while I do find their panel pretty sleek and simple to use, it is not what [lee mas...]

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