Hostinger negativo revisión #58868 por -anónimo- en feb 2022

Hostinger consiguió un negativo revisión en
61 Lordou Vironos str.
Larnaca 6023
Revisión del cliente #58868
-anónimo- ( -oculto- )
Tiempo alojado más de 3 años
Calificación global
This company generate fake reviews on TrustPilot to boost their reputation.

Back in the 2007-2015 era before their CEO was replaced after being murdered they were responsible for the creation of 000webhost, Hosting24, BoxBilling, 1FreeHosting, ServersFree and YouHosting, all projects that got shoved aside. Anyone who was hanging around the 'free hosting' provider scene in 2011-2015 will remember YouHosting for their overloaded servers, abysmal support to people paying 40USD a month for the VIP plans, oh and not to mention... the 000webhost affiliate scams, leaving PHP 5.2 as the only option for years on that platform, injecting tracking code into people's sites, and suffering the consequences with 13 million passwords being leaked.. BoxBilling was ran down to the ground, VPS.ME was a pure scam and Hosting24 was just Hostinger paid services rebranded to mask to some less competent people that they were responsible for the 000webhost crapfest back then... can't really comment on any of them, but overall I don't really think I need to.

Arnas Stupideoulis or whatever his name was hasn't bothered to clean up the poor legacy left by Aurimas Rapalis (which ironically, in Lithuanian, has 'scammy' connotations about the name I believe).

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-anónimo- ( uglyjudge@p... ) revisión | -anónimo- ( BuhasDimakty234@g... ) revisión