Hostinger negativo revisión #30927 por Cammy (cammy@1...) en abr 2016

Hostinger consiguió un negativo revisión en
61 Lordou Vironos str.
Larnaca 6023
Revisión del cliente #30927
Cammy ( cammy@1... )
Tiempo alojado 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
Precio de coste
Relación con el cliente
Panel de control
Once good, now awful

I was using the Free plan since August 2014. My first site, L4W2 Gamers, had moved and the servers handled everything very well and nothing truly went wrong, until the site was hacked - my site had no exploits, so I will take it as the host's problem., this was on January 25, 2015, that I deleted the site. I went back with them sometime late last year for about a month to host the same site, I had found since they adopted a new CEO after the passing of Aurimas Rapalis, the service had considerably got worse. 403/404 errors and redirects happened for no reason (apparently a security script, which was broken). Servers constantly displaying errors in PHP and returning fetch errors due to temporary overload. The auto-installers don't work at all and the support simply copy-pastes from a help file instead of actually responding, and do not know what they are talking about at all. They state that they use 'cPanel' - while I do find their panel pretty sleek and simple to use, it is not what is advertised. They actually refuse to tell you what version of Linux their servers are on due to 'security issue' - this hints that they do not have good security measures. They are also responsible for running 000webhost (and running it into the ground after they purchased it) and the plain text password leaking in October, they are absolute amateurs at their business. I could not recommend this host to anyone considering to make a website, even if they look impressive they definitely are the complete opposite. Cammy.

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