Miles Web Revisión 2024. Es buen alojamiento web en India?

213 opiniones de usuarios; 93 respuestas de apoyo; 0 testimonios; 29 productos, 0 promociones, 5 cuentas sociales; 217 dominios alojados, Alexa #18805; 📆 listado 2014 (#18499)
Miles Web
3rd Floor, Soham Elite Opposite Children Traffic Education Park,
Nashik , MH 422002
☎ Teléfono 0806-959-0400

Idioma (s) del sitio web: en-GB en-US
🏆 SemRush Rating nuevo 625.012 👤 Opiniones de usuarios 🙌 Promedio 8.9 de 10
👉 Revisiones totales: 213
👍 Recomendado por: 199
👎 Opuesto: 14
🤝 Respuestas oficiales: 93

💰 Rango de precios $ 1,00 - $ 990,00⏰ Apoyo 24x7
🏆 SEO MOZ Authority 49/53🔗 Campo de golf 75.681
Estado de finalización del perfil:
Cosas hechas
Descripciones de la empresa está bien
La ubicación de la dirección de la empresa está completa
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Se agregan las cuentas de la empresa Twitter y Facebook
"Sobre página" URL o "Página de contacto" URL agregadas
Foro, Blog / Anuncios, Knowledgebase o Preguntas frecuentes se agregan URL
Se agregan productos (planes)
Nota: Añadir una promoción o cupón


👪 Opiniones de clientes más recientes

-anónimo- (chiragsutharit@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😠 Please do not buy hosting or domain from this Miles Web website. Every third or fourth day my site goes down suddenly and i have to call or chat with their support team to resolve issue with my site. Every time they provide me excuse like Migration related. Really i am very frustrated with their services. even they do not resolve issue immediately. I have generate again and again ticket. if i do not take follow up from them then my issue will not get resolve. so please do not purchase any plan from Miles Web website (
🗨 We are sorry you had a negative experience. However, we appreciate you for bringing this issue to our attention. The concerned department resolved your issue 2 months ago through account migration from vivid to innovate server. We hope you are having a pleasant experience currently.
✍️ Customer Service (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😠 My 1 month 2 days experience with milesweb is the worst experience ever in my life with any hosting provider. From the day of start till the end. Their support is worst in the entire hosting market. They spend money only on Advertising and Sales, not on support staff. Once you purchase their service, you are on your own. Their support takes 5-8 hrs to reply to your tickets and chat support is very rude and unprofessional. And if you post negative reviews on host advice for milesweb, your reviews won't be posted as they have paid them. All good reviews about milesweb are all FAKE and purchased reviews.
🗨 Greetings from MilesWeb,

We are sorry that your experience with MilesWeb couldn't match your expectations. However, MilesWeb doesn't initiate a refund on renewal. You can only request it within the first thirty days after your initial sign-up. Our team had also offered you with a one-month extension, to which we didn't receive any response.

Thank you for your feedback, and we ensure that our team will do its best to improve the services.

✍️ Customer Service (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😠 The worst hosting provider i had used

Supports useless, sales support they are the best because they sold this mess up, i have maybe 20 years of providing hosting service to my clients, when i was in resellerclub maybe 1 years ago and i had to ran away from them and a lot of issues to run away because they disabled the backup cpanel system without an alternative or help to provide your files. I strategelically asked them for change my reseller to a VPS and i finally scaped of that hell(This is the only way to migrate out almost 30 clients i had in the reseller account).

They threatened me that if I give them a bad review they will give me a bad name about my business.

If you use uptimerobot, you will get a notification daily that your server with downtime, think on this: you don't have a friend there, a lot of restrictions in the panel because they block (suspicious wordpress requests) on a fresh wordpress installation? omg, learn with my wrong, DON'T BUY SERVICE WITH THEM [lee mas...]
🗨 Thank you for taking the time to share your views. We want to know everything there is about your experience with our services!
We would be thankful if you could spare a moment to drop us an email at with additional details on our Customer Success team. We would love to help assess the problem and, most importantly, ensure that every element of our services offers you delight. We look forward to hearing from you!

✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
Más críticas
Verificado 2014 logo

📄 Revisión editorial

🔧 Servicios: Alojamiento webRegistro de Dominio
⇔ Dominios redirigidos:

MilesWeb fue fundada en 2012 por Deepak Kori, Chinmay Dingore y Chetan Mahale; es una empresa de hosting bastante joven si se la compara con otros grandes nombres que tienen más años de experiencia en el campo.

MilesWeb se especializa en una buena gama de productos, como:
  • Alojamiento compartido;
  • Alojamiento de revendedor;
  • Servidores privados virtuales;
  • Alojamiento de WordPress;
  • Registro de dominio;
  • Servidores dedicados;
  • Office 356;
  • Certificados SSL;
  • Alojamiento en la nube (DigitalOcean Cloud o AWD Managed Cloud);

Con más de 16.000 clientes y en aumento, son un proveedor de alojamiento líder que ofrece soluciones web totalmente administradas con funciones avanzadas, como:
  • migración gratuita;
  • certificados SSL gratuitos;
  • protección gratuita contra malware;
  • copias de seguridad gratuitas;
  • unidades SSD;
  • Instalador de 1 clic;
  • las últimas versiones de PHP y MySQL o CloudFlare CDN.

Todos los paquetes de alojamiento compartido incluyen bases de datos MySQL, creador de sitios web, subdominios ilimitados y dominios estacionados o el instalador cPanel y Softaculous. A excepción del plan Tyro, todos los demás tienen incluido un nombre de dominio gratuito. WebMiles equipó sus planes con un amplio conjunto de funciones de correo electrónico, seguridad, base de datos de scripts para que el sistema de administración de contenido sea completo y eficiente.

El alojamiento de revendedor incluye cuentas de cPanel, un A / c de revendedor de dominio gratuito, cuentas de correo electrónico ilimitadas, Softaculous y bases de datos MySQL ilimitadas.

Los servidores privados virtuales están completamente administrados y se ejecutan en el hipervisor KVM. Estos tienen una infraestructura basada en la nube, alcanzan hasta 100 Mb / sy tienen acceso root completo.
Las opciones de alojamiento en la nube se dividen en DigitalOcean Cloud y AWS Cloud. Estos son servidores optimizados bajo supervisión del sistema y MilesWeb promete un mantenimiento cuidadoso del servidor.

En MilesWeb, también puede comprar servidores dedicados bare metal que pueden administrarse o no administrarse. Estos servidores funcionan con hardware Dell, Supermicro o HP. Están disponibles en cualquier sistema operativo (Linux, Windows, CentOS, Fedora, etc.). Puede elegir entre cPanel o Plesk para administrar su sitio web y hay una configuración gratuita para cualquier servidor que elija comprar.

💰 Precio de coste

Ofrecen precios competitivos por sus servicios web. Dependiendo de la duración de su contrato, los precios pueden bajar bastante y usted obtiene un producto por una pequeña suma de dinero. MilesWeb no es riesgoso, ya que obtiene un reembolso en 30 días después de comprar un producto si no está satisfecho con sus servicios. Para los pagos aceptan una gran cantidad de métodos de pago, entre los que se incluyen: Visa, MasterCard, RuPay, Transferencia Bancaria, Maestro o American Express.

⌛ Confiabilidad

Garantizan un 99,95% de tiempo de actividad con sus soluciones web. Este es el porcentaje estándar proporcionado por muchas empresas de alojamiento, solo unas pocas logran mantener el 100% de tiempo de actividad. La buena noticia es que no se han registrado quejas relacionadas con el tiempo de inactividad.

🏢 Centro de datos

Como prueba de confiabilidad, MilesWeb se enorgullece de tener centros de datos Tier III y Tier IV que pueden respaldar el tiempo de actividad de los sitios web y acelerar el tiempo de carga. MilesWeb es una empresa india con oficinas en Nashik, Maharashtra. Tienen múltiples centros de datos ubicados en:
- Chicago (Estados Unidos);
- Londres, Reino Unido);
- Bangkok, Tailandia);
- Toronto Canada);
- Singapur;
- Sydney, Australia);
- Dubai;

✍️ Atención al cliente

Se puede solicitar asistencia técnica 24/7/365 por correo electrónico, teléfono, ticket de soporte o chat en vivo. Para que sus clientes obtengan más información sobre sus productos y cómo funcionan, los clientes tienen la posibilidad de consultar sus preguntas frecuentes y su base de conocimientos para obtener más ayuda. Los clientes pueden encontrar fácilmente los tutoriales que han mostrado en su página de inicio.

🔨 Panel de control

Los clientes pueden encontrar disponibles en MilesWeb tanto cPanel como Plesk.

🎯 Conclusión

Milesweb promete fiabilidad, seguridad y transparencia. Ofrecen una gran variedad de funciones y servicios. Un inconveniente puede aparecer en el caso de los principiantes en el mercado del alojamiento web, ya que sus planes están equipados de manera compleja y dichos clientes pueden confundirse un poco. MilesWeb es un proveedor de alojamiento de alta calidad dedicado a sus clientes.

🌏 Ubicaciones de servidor:

Chicago London Bangkok Toronto Sydney Dubai
Ubicaciones del centro de datos para

📢 Páginas especiales captura de pantalla
Sitio web de investigación para Miles Web en abril 21, 2020 por WebHostingTop

🎁 Miles Web Promociones

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Cuánto es 4 + 3 ? Responder con 7

📤 Miles Web Productos del sitio web

🔧 Compartido - 💻 Linux Mantenga el mouse
sobre las características!
💰Precio💿 Espacio del disco 📶 Transferir 📆 Actualizado🆓 Dominio gratuito /
🔌 Permitido
Ignite caracteristicas
🔌 Dominios alojados : 1
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$1,00/mes.50 GB SSD NVMesin medir 0 / 1
Elite caracteristicas
🔌 Dominios alojados : 5
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$2,00/mes.75 GB SSD NVMesin medir 0 / 5
Stellar caracteristicas
🔌 Dominios alojados : 100
🆓 Dominios libres : 1
$3,00/mes.200 GB SSD NVMesin medir 1 / 100
🔧 Dedicado - 💻 Linux/Windows Mantenga el mouse
sobre las características!
💰Precio💿 Espacio del disco 📶 Transferir 📆 Actualizado🆓 Dominio gratuito /
🔌 Permitido
Intel E3-1240 v2 caracteristicas
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$45,00/mes.480 GB SSD2 TB 0 / ilimitado
Intel E5-2620 v3 caracteristicas
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$112,00/mes.960 GB SSD NVMe5 TB 0 / ilimitado
Intel E5-2620 v4 caracteristicas
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
$120,00/mes.960 GB SSD NVMe5 TB / ilimitado
2x Intel E5-2620 v3 caracteristicas
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$144,00/mes.960 GB SSD NVMe5 TB 0 / ilimitado
2x Intel E5-2620 v4 caracteristicas
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$152,00/mes.960 GB SSD NVMe5 TB 0 / ilimitado
Intel E5-2650 v3 caracteristicas
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$156,80/mes.1000 GB SSD NVMe5 TB 0 / ilimitado
2x Intel E5-2680 v4 caracteristicas
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$299,20/mes.1000 GB SSD10 TB 0 / ilimitado
Intel 2x E5-2630 caracteristicas
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$335,00/mes.1000 GB SSD5 TB 0 / ilimitado
Intel2x E5-2630 caracteristicas
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$399,00/mes.1000 GB SSD5 TB 0 / ilimitado
2x AMD EPYC 7282 caracteristicas
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$448,00/mes.450 GB SSD10 TB 0 / ilimitado
Intel E-2288G caracteristicas
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
$495,00/mes.1875 GB SSD NVMe10 TB / ilimitado
AMD EPYC 7443P caracteristicas
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$990,00/mes.480 GB SSD10 TB 0 / ilimitado
🔧 Revendedores - 💻 Linux Mantenga el mouse
sobre las características!
💰Precio💿 Espacio del disco 📶 Transferir 📆 Actualizado🆓 Dominio gratuito /
🔌 Permitido
Beginner caracteristicas
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$4,00/mes.10 GB SSD NVMesin medir 0 / ilimitado
Geek caracteristicas
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$6,00/mes.20 GB SSD NVMesin medir 0 / ilimitado
Expert caracteristicas
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$8,00/mes.50 GB SSD NVMesin medir 0 / ilimitado
🔧 VPS - 💻 Linux Mantenga el mouse
sobre las características!
💰Precio💿 Espacio del disco 📶 Transferir 📆 Actualizado🆓 Dominio gratuito /
🔌 Permitido
SM-L1 caracteristicas
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$5,00/mes.50 GB SSD NVMe1 TB 0
SM-L2 caracteristicas
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$7,00/mes.100 GB SSD NVMe2 TB 0
SM-L3 caracteristicas
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$11,00/mes.200 GB SSD NVMe4 TB 0
SM-L4 caracteristicas
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$22,50/mes.400 GB SSD NVMe8 TB 0
🔧 VPS - 💻 Windows Mantenga el mouse
sobre las características!
💰Precio💿 Espacio del disco 📶 Transferir 📆 Actualizado🆓 Dominio gratuito /
🔌 Permitido
SM-W1 caracteristicas
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$10,50/mes.50 GB SSD NVMe1 TB 0
SM-W2 caracteristicas
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$17,50/mes.100 GB SSD NVMe2 TB 0
SM-W3 caracteristicas
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$35,00/mes.200 GB SSD NVMe4 TB 0
SM-W4 caracteristicas
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
$70,00/mes.400 GB SSD NVMe8 TB 0
🔧 Cloud - 💻 Linux Mantenga el mouse
sobre las características!
💰Precio💿 Espacio del disco 📶 Transferir 📆 Actualizado🔋 RAM /
📌 IPs dedicadas
Alpha caracteristicas
🔌 Dominios alojados : 400
🆓 Dominios libres : 1
$7,60/mes.250 GB SSD NVMesin medir
Beta caracteristicas
🔌 Dominios alojados : 400
🆓 Dominios libres : 1
$15,20/mes.300 GB SSD NVMesin medir
Zeta caracteristicas
🔌 Dominios alojados : 400
🆓 Dominios libres : 1
$35,20/mes.350 GB SSD NVMesin medir

La información de contacto es gestionada por representantes neha@m..., chetan@m..., sales@m..., sonam.wagh@m..., webmaster@m..., admin@m..., support@m..., contact@m..., info@m..., deepak@m..., sarang.khedkar@m..., dipak.shinde@m... [iniciar sesión]

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📊 Estadísticas web

Focalización: Grecia, India, Indonesia, Rumania, Singapur, Sudáfrica, España, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos
📂 Detalles para
📥 Sitio web de DNS: => ( San Francisco ) / CloudFlare Inc. - => ( San Francisco ) / CloudFlare Inc. - => ( Frankfurt am Main ) / N-Able Cloud GmbH - => ( Amsterdam ) / N-Able Cloud GmbH - => ( Amsterdam ) / N-Able Cloud GmbH - => ( Saint-Denis ) / N-Able Cloud GmbH -
📌 Sitio web primera IP:
📍 Localización de IP: United States, California, San Francisco - ver los mejores proveedores en United States, California
🔗 Nombre del ISP / URL del ISP: CloudFlare Inc.,
📌 Sitio web extra IPs: ( San Francisco, California ) CloudFlare Inc. -

✅ Recomendaciones de clientes

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Mínimo 100 caracteres
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📋 Miles Web Noticias / Comunicado de prensa

No hay noticias escritas en el idioma es

📣 Miles Web Redes sociales
MilesWeb Hosting Services (establecido 2011) es un Privately Held entidad teniendo 10 seguidores en LinkedIn y 11-50 empleados, industria Internet.
Miles Web Blog  (RSS error) Primer post de abril, 2017, con total 435 artículos, Idioma en-US. Último post en

📈 Tendencia de dominios

Miles Web Domain trend

Opiniones👪 Miles Web Calificaciones de clientes

Las estadísticas rápidas de Miles Web perfil muestra una nota promedio de 8,9 de 10, contando 213 opiniones. (algunos enumerados en la parte superior de la página)

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Disponible para usuarios registrados
(167 = 78,40%)
(27 = 12,68%)
(5 = 2,35%)
(1 = 0,47%)
(13 = 6,10%)
Filtrar por idioma: MOSTRAR TODO(213)   EN(212)   ES(1)
Se aplicó el filtro de idioma para las reseñas escritas en ES
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😃 Aarthi helped me to solve the issue on my website quickly and I am completely satisfied as she is helping me even at this early morning without any hesitation. Thank you so much.Hope to make a great website with help of you guys...:)
🗨 Thank you, for sharing your feedback with us. We are so glad that you're happy with your website hosting at MilesWeb. Our priority is customer service and we are happy that we met that mark! Your feedback means a lot to us and to our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).

-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
😁 Very good customer chat support. Solve your query very quick. I just talked with Aarti and she gave solve my queries very quickly. very happy. Thanks to Aarti.
🗨 Thank you, for sharing your feedback with us. We are so glad that you're happy with your website hosting at MilesWeb. Our priority is customer service and we are happy that we met that mark! Your feedback means a lot to us and to our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (mitlesh.sharma@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 good very fast response , good very fast response , good very fast response, good very fast response , good very fast response , good very fast response
🗨 Thank you, for sharing your feedback with us. We are so glad that you're happy with your website hosting at MilesWeb. Our priority is customer service and we are happy that we met that mark! Your feedback means a lot to us and to our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😁 Very much fine support by Respected Aarti Ji. She is very co-operative, helpful and patiencefull. Excellent dealing by her.
🗨 Thank you, for sharing your feedback with us. We are so glad that you're happy with your website hosting at MilesWeb. Our priority is customer service and we are happy that we met that mark! Your feedback means a lot to us and to our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (andrew@b...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
Calificación global
😁 Very good support especially by Pravin Shelake and in the middle of the night. Problem was resolved! Very good indeed.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (rutvikkanani3@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😁 I am a newcomer in the IT field. so I don't have enough knowledge of how to the active domain and hosting, but Aarti mem is really helped me. and she had guided me to solve every issue. I have a great experience with the Milesweb Support Team. I many times contacts with miles web support team for solving my issues and every time they are helping me without any hesitation. Thank you Milesweb support team.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😃 Great hosting platform and the 24*7 chat based customer service is great. Skilled technicians like Aarti take care of any difficulty faced and solve the problems on the spot
🗨 Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We are so glad that you're happy with your website hosting at MilesWeb. Our priority is customer service and we are happy that we met that mark! Your feedback means a lot to us and to our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).

-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😁 High Availability of the hosted website. Very fast web servers.
Backup service provides worry free operation.

Excellent support and quick resolution of any issue.
Highly recommended.
🗨 Thank you, for sharing your feedback with us. We are so glad that you're happy with your website hosting at MilesWeb. Our priority is customer service and we are happy that we met that mark! Your feedback means a lot to us and to our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
📅 (imsvnt45@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
Relación con el cliente
Panel de control
😁 My is a bloging site.
I am satisfied with Mrs Arti whose is clear all my issue. In given time interval.
Miles Web is great service provider.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
😃 i have chosen this hosting after lot of research and they do good. very good customer care. recently Aarti helped me in short time.thank you aarti.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (vedangiglobaltraders@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 Quick response..
Thank you very much, Arin for your quick response and you have good skill to identify and resolve the technical issue.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
Gopal (-sin correo electrónico-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 Thank u Aarti for your quick understanding of customer problem and for providing a quick solution. Keep doing the good work. hope for the best in your life.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-oculto- (kevingjoy@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
Relación con el cliente
Panel de control
😁 Quick response
Thank you very much Aarti for your quick response and skill to identify and resolve the tech issue. Keep up the good work.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
Calificación global
😁 Thanks Aarti..!!!
For the greate help. you solve my issue, and guide me properly in less time its means alot in that very difficult pandemic time. thanks again.
keep supporting us.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 I created a subdomain for a website but my original hosting plan allowed only one database. So I bought a hosting plan here for the subdomain which is temporary and I would later use another domain and this hosting. The customer service is excellent and the executive, Aarti, helped a lot to connect the subdomain to this server. She is an excellent and knowledgeable IT support executive as well as a good communicator.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (skyzonesolution@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 Aarti is great supportive and helped me resolved the issue in no time. it's provide me quick support with permennat solution
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (billing@w...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😁 I had query regarding my hosting, website and domain. Aarti did a wonderful job of assisting me with all the information. I felt as if all my problems have vanished. Thank you Aarti.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😁 Aarti was quite supportive and helped me resolve the issue in no time. will recommend the support and service.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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Relación con el cliente
Panel de control
😁 We good and quick customer support without any waiting time by Aarti. I appreciate it. Thankyou.We good and quick customer support without any waiting time by Aarti. I appreciate it. Thankyou.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (fealdealdotcom@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😁 Aarti who was really very patient in understanding problem and trying to go hand in hand to resolve the problem and every step.. She definitely deserves all the stars I could get .. Kudos to Milesweb for having such a Wonderful Customer Support Person
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (marissepizzatayabas@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
😁 Miles web provides great after sales technical support! I had an issue with with server (blocked IP) and Arin patiently helped me through my concern!
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (kalaveethi0@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
😁 I am using your service since 6 months and it is glad to use your service. your service is best i have never seen before this type of service.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (trafficblaststoyou@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😁 Undoubtedly the Best Customer Support .. Kudos to the entire team and specially to Ms. Aarti who was really very patient in understanding problem and trying to go hand in hand to resolve the problem and every step.. She definitely deserves all the stars I could get .. Kudos to Milesweb for having such a Wonderful Customer Support Person .. She defines the values and integrity of Milesweb and Matches to the bandwidth of expectation perfectly
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (yashkesari84@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😁 I have hosted my site with miles web for months now and I can say that they work just fine for me.

Happened to run into a problem and Ms Aarti helped me to configure my Cloudflare settings.

I also asked her to help me to reduce the initial server time, for which she forwarded me a knowledge base article.

Hence, you can conclude that their customer response service is good and up to the mark.

Will be testing them again in the future.

Kudos to the good service.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
sanjeewan (sanjeewankumarpatel@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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Panel de control
😁 best
The Customer Support Is Awesome, Aarti is too supportive . well done Arti
Thanks for your support
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
Midhun Raj (mcubes.midhu@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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Panel de control
😁 Best hosting I ever found, they helps to everything. Nothing to say, best suggestions for business owners who looking for a hosting for their sites
Especially Pravin shelake, customer service representative help me very very well...
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
Calificación global
😁 The Customer Support Is Awesome, Particularly Aarti has good good potential and Made my day simple and good. Thanks
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😁 Excellent service provider.
I was facing problems and team solved it very quickly and efficiently.
If you are just starting out like me I would recommend to go with them.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad that you had a great experience with MilesWeb. Our priority is customer service and we are happy that we met that mark! Your feedback means a lot to us and to our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (romeoguchhait123@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 I faced some problems with my website. Milesweb Team member solved this problem. Thank you Miles web for your quick response to me.
🗨 Thank you,for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-oculto- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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Panel de control
😁 Their customer support provided by 'Arti' is quite quick and prompt response this time.
But with milesweb from the past 3 months we continuously facing some issues like website not working properly showing warning errors. Although there response team is good to solve the issues but these issues shouldn't be repeated in a frequent manner.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (gajarthanthevarajah@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😁 I have asked for the support of "Arin" from the help desk. He helped me with regard to the WordPress core file named function.php issue
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-oculto- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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Relación con el cliente
Panel de control
😃 best
Aarti is good .. really very helpful.. i really like their service.. when we needed immediate support and as always found. Thanks to Aarti & all the service provider for your kind support.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😁 Really helpful, Aarti resolved the issue very quickly and provided the solution for the problem. Keep up the good work.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (raghu@d...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
Calificación global
😁 Very happy with prompt resolution of Issue by Miss Aarti. The working at milesweb is excellent. Very happy with their service.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad that you had a great experience with MilesWeb. Our priority is customer service and we are happy that we met that mark! Your feedback means a lot to us and to our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 Very happy with prompt resolution of Issue by Miss Aarti. The working at milesweb is excellent. Very happy with their service.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (letsnet1@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😃 I was having trouble getting my accoount set back up. I was blessed to get pravin.shelake to assist me with my issue. He patiently listened to what I was trying to tell him and then he took action! Great Job pravin.shelake. When people get your help they are getting a good service! Thank You!
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (talikotiabhilash@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 I have asked for the support of Aarti from the help desk. She helped me with regards to the image loading & website speed.

I appreciate the technical help and knowledge of Aarti.

Thank you so much, ma'am,
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (kundankshl@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😃 I like the way your customer support,Specially Arti who help me to resolve my problem.
Thanks a lot.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (ashishraajsharma0@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 I have asked for the support of Aarti from the help desk. She helped me to set up the DNS setting for my domain

I appreciate the technical help and knowledge of Aarti.

Thank you so much ma'am,
🗨 Thank you, Ashish Sharma, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (soumybasu@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😁 Hi,

I have asked for the support of Aarti from the help desk. She helpmed me to set up the RDNS, DKIM, SPF and PTR for my domain Because of her using my SMTP mail server, I am getting a very good email score, actually it is perfect.

I appreciate the technical help and knowledge of Aarti.

Keep Rocking,
🗨 Thank you, Soumya Basu, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
Calificación global
😃 A happy client since 2016. All the services are great. Awesome help and support. The problem is most probably solved within a few minutes. And their attitude and behaviour are cool. Today I needed immediate support and as always found. Thanks to Aarti for your kind support.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
Calificación global
😁 Thanks Aarti
for the support on live chat. you solved my issue very quickly. and now my website is live. thanks alot
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 Miles Web provide me with a cost-efficient service, and after-sales support! Just now, I was chatting with Arin and the support service was excellent!
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad that you had a great experience with MilesWeb. Our priority is customer service and we are happy that we met that mark! Your feedback means a lot to us and to our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (316@s...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 Good Support, Ms. Aarti was very helpful in solving my problem, it was solved in a matter of minute.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 Excellent customer service from MilesWeb team. Aarti was able to resolve the Mail related issues. Thank you.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (upgrade@j...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
😃 Nice, fast, reliable service. Arati was helpfull in setting up my website and answer every query of mine. wonderfull after sales service. highly recomended
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (avijithplsppl@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 I will say milesweb has the best customer support, their technical support is even better and personally I will say Ms. Aarti was very helpful in solving my problem, hire this kind of people. thank u so much
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😁 I loved the experience of Customer Support....But Extremely Cheap Hosting Server. and more thing Aarti Was Really Helpful assisted very gently....
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (prashant_kumar@i...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
Calificación global
😁 I will say milesweb has the best customer support, their technical support is even better and personally I will say Ms. Aarti was very helpful in solving my problem, hire this kind of people. thank u so much
🗨 Thank you, Prashant Kumar, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
dhavalsharda (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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Panel de control
😁 best for startups
unbeatable rates and great service support. Best option for startup or low economic range customers.
🗨 Thank you, Dhavalsharda, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (prashant_kumar@i...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
Calificación global
😁 I am verymuch satisfied with the 24X7 service of Milesweb and their staff are so helpful and polite. I would like to name one staff Ms. Aarti, she is so helpful and perfectly guides to resolve the issue. Hats off to the service.
🗨 Thank you, Prashant Kumar, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (edge.32332@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 Aarti Was Really Helpful assisted very gently....loved the experience of Customer Support....But Extremely Cheap Hosting Server....Site Crash whenever i install any plugin ...every time i have to contact cs cupport and they are very gentle and polite
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
Calificación global
😁 I had issues related to the 1044 error when hosting from local server to live server. I looked for the solution on the internet as well, but I couldn't solve it myself and then I ask the support team for it and "Aarti" helped me for this, for that, she put in a lot of effort which is really appreciable. And this is not the first time I have very good experience every time.
And again Miles Web is a best hosting provider with great support team who are very active and their work and efforts are really appreciable.
🗨 Thank you, Group Innovative, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (suruki007@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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Panel de control
😃 miles web is the best
Thanks for Milesweb and their supporting team for solving my issue and also to Arthi.Arthi was patience inspite my pressure in solving my technical error.Gudos! to Milesweb having a dedicated team.
🗨 Thank you, Suruki007, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😁 wonderful support team. especially very happy with Ms Aarti, who resolve my issue with full dedication. Keep it up.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (bhushan_phani@h...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😃 webmail issue
Aarti helped me to resolve the webmail and outlook configuration issues efficiently.
She has verified all the possible root causes and resolved the issues.
🗨 Thank you, Bhushan Phani, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
anavicpenas (anavicpenas1@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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Panel de control
😁 great great provider, great support
im happy here in milesweb...great provider and great support...i recommend here..

thank you so much milesweb
🗨 Thank you, Anavic Penas, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
Calificación global
😁 milesweb has the best customer support, specially their technical person Aarti was very helpful in solving my problem, hire this kind of people. thank u so much
🗨 Thank you, Raghu, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (surjeet91@g...) / and more
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
😁 Amazing experience with milesweb chat support team.

Aarti resolved my query related to DNS updation quickly.

Thank you so much Miles web team again
🗨 Thank you, Surjeet, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad that you had a great experience with MilesWeb. Our priority is customer service and we are happy that we met that mark! Your feedback means a lot to us and to our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-oculto- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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Relación con el cliente
😁 Find for ARIN! Amazing support at milesweb!

Go for MilesWeb! for me it is the best webhosting. love working with their technical team. The billing team is okay, but technical team is superb. thank you so much for giving us the support! have an awesome day!
🗨 Thank you, Azmansummer, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad that you had a great experience with MilesWeb. Our priority is customer service and we are happy that we met that mark! Your feedback means a lot to us and to our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (edgar@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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Relación con el cliente
Panel de control
😁 Milesweb buen servicio
Arin tuvo mucha paciencia y me ayudo eficientemente, gracia mi problema fue solucionado de forma muy profesional
🗨 gracias, Edgar, Agradecemos sus comentarios.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😃 miles has the best customer support after sale specially their technical person Aarti was very helpful in solving my problem
🗨 Thank you, Global Straws, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😁 Sometime when i'm facing critical error in my website. that time "Aarti" help support me very welll. when i made my website i was too much worried about my website.. but now i'm feel free. bcoz "Aarti" help me very well.
🗨 Thank you, Bindeep, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 I had problem with my WHM and primary domain Cpanel login details. Miss Aarti helped me nicely and solved my problem. Overall it was great experience with miles web chat support team.
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
📅 (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 Best After Sales Support
24x7 Support is just Awesome. Aarti helped me solve my Problem earnestly. Well Done Miles Web Team. Will definitely recommend.
🗨 Thank you, Xeologix, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 What a service man. I don't know how they are doing it. But whenever I ask for customer service, the nation's top web / tech experts come right away and finishes the job within some 5 minutes or so. Honorable mention for Aarti. But hey, my bro Prasad has done a great deed too.
🗨 Thank you, Vishnu Karayil, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad that you had a great experience with MilesWeb. Our priority is customer service and we are happy that we met that mark! Your feedback means a lot to us and to our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😁 I really appreciate the Aarti supported me and solved my problem thank you Aarti..
Milesweb support team is really wonderful.
🗨 Thank you, Rahul Karmalkar, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (vartha.news24@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😁 Once again I had a wonderful experience with miles web chat support team & Ms Aarti is really great at resolving the troubles.
🗨 Thank you, Vartha news24, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 Aarti's service was good and precise. She helped me with the terminal issue. Response was fast and patient. Good work. Keep it up!
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 Good and fast service. I am happy with the response. The response was precise and appropriate. Good work!
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad that you had a great experience with MilesWeb. Our priority is customer service and we are happy that we met that mark! Your feedback means a lot to us and to our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 Team milesWeb always did a fabulous job. All thanks to Miss. Aarti she helped me in fixing my website related issues
🗨 Thank you, Asterin Developers, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad that you had a great experience with MilesWeb. Our priority is customer service and we are happy that we met that mark! Your feedback means a lot to us and to our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 I really appreciate the guidance & support given to me by Ms. Aarti.
Milesweb support team is really wonderful.
🗨 Thank you, News24, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (shubham@c...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 Today I was stuck with IP address problem, Aarti helped really quick to solve this thank you Miles web .
🗨 Thank you, Shubham, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (soumybasu@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 Reverse DNS lookup needed to be set against my VPS IP. Aarti did it within a few minutes. I appreciate the professional approach of her.
🗨 Thank you, Soumya Basu, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (maheshkumarkumawat914@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😁 The kind of support the Miles web provides is never in competition with other Web Hosting. After trying 10+ popular hosting companies I never get super support as i have received from Miles Web. Aarti Maam is so supportive that she started investing an issue for me & the kind of patience... My God ... I feel like she is a member of my own company & investing the things for me. Really Super! Request all to move on Miles Web. Awesome & Supportive People. #Special Thanks to #Aarti Maam! Thank You. #Game Changing & Super Supportive Team
🗨 Thank you, Mahesh Kumawat, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (skyzonesolution@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 Aarti Rahatal help so fast and resolve my issues in quick mode, many thanks to her,
Aarti is a quick solver. I just ch.t with her only 5 mins and my issue resolved,
Thanks, MilesWeb for providing such a great service in the budget,
🗨 Thank you, Sky Zone Solution, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 Thank You for the support Arin. I contacted about ssl integration and it was done quickly. Thank you again.
🗨 Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We are so glad that you're happy with your website hosting at MilesWeb. Our priority is customer service and we are happy that we met that mark! Your feedback means a lot to us and to our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
aditya (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 is best!
Staff are good .The staff named "Arti" helped me fix my site .
Milesweb is best , i recommend this for reseller
🗨 Thank you, Aditya Mondkar, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😁 Aarti has just solved my problem within few minutes after creating the ticket. Such great support they are providing and also having proper knowledge of it.
🗨 Thank you, Zurich Web Solutions, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (yashwinder141185@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😃 It was a good experience with the support team. It took about half an hour to get my problem resolved and finally my domain was up.
🗨 Thank you, Yashwinder Singh, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (msrcreators26@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😁 has great service and thanks to aarti for optimizing my website quickly.Thanks, MilsWeb for providing such a great service in the budge
🗨 Thank you, MSR Creators, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad that you had a great experience with MilesWeb. Our priority is customer service and we are happy that we met that mark! Your feedback means a lot to us and to our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😁 Aarti is a quick solver. I just ch.t with her only 5 mins and my issue resolved,
Thanks, MilsWeb for providing such a great service in the budget,
🗨 Thank you, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad that you had a great experience with MilesWeb. Our priority is customer service and we are happy that we met that mark! Your feedback means a lot to us and to our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 Arin in the support team is a great guy. He helped me overcome a problem which was bothering me from weeks.
🗨 Thank you, for sharing your feedback with us. We are so glad that you're happy with your website hosting at MilesWeb. Our priority is customer service and we are happy that we met that mark! Your feedback means a lot to us and to our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
Prince (pureprotein.noida104@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😁 Thanks Arin
Awesome service experience with milesweb and Awesome customer service experience with Arin

Thanks to Arin
for helping me to short-out (resolve) my problem.
🗨 Thank you, Prince Pure Protein, for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad that you had a great experience with MilesWeb. Our priority is customer service and we are happy that we met that mark! Your feedback means a lot to us and to our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (skyzonesolution@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 Aarti Rahatal help so fast and resolve my issues in quick mode.
many thanks to her and whole support team, who will help us....
MOINUL HOQUE (hmoinul046@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😠 is best
i am very satisfy with Milesweb I got enough help and support from them especially from Arti. She provide us very good service when and whenever we need
-anónimo- (sarang_kim@h...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😠 Their 30 day money back guarantee is bull ****
look how sneaky they are.

Under 15. Billing Policy

b. The 30 day money back guarantee is only applicable for first-time signups. Second time and subsequent sign-ups are not eligible for the same. For instance, if you've had an account with us before, cancelled and signed up again, you will not be eligible for a refund or if you have opened a second account with us.

c. Refund is not applicable on Domain registration/transfer/renewal, cPanel, Plesk, Control Panel, LiteSpeed, Softaculous, Cloud, VPS, Dedicated Server, Paid Support, SSL Certificates, Sitelock, SpamExperts, WHMCS, Windows OS, SQL, G Suite, Office 365 and any other paid licenses.

30 day money back Guarantee means

A money-back guarantee, also known as a satisfaction guarantee, is essentially a simple guarantee that, if a buyer is not satisfied with a product or service, a refund will be [lee mas...]
Anil Kumar (manil@d...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😁 Mileweb is good
I like the support that they provided. Arti from Milesweb assisted me in taking my mail related issues and quickly corrected.
🗨 Thank you for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad that you had a great experience with MilesWeb. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (kwsolutionz@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 Aarti help so fast and resolve my issues in quick mode.

many thanks to her and whole support team, who will help us
🗨 Thank you for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad that you had a great experience with MilesWeb. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
Karishma (karishma2015newsgr@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 Aarti Mam work done very well. U too gud Always solved our Issues. Thanks alot.
Aarti Mam work done very well. You too good Always solved our Issues. Thanks alot.
Appreciated to you.
🗨 Thank you Karishma for providing us with your feedback! We are so glad to hear your satisfactory remark about the support provided by us. Your feedback means a lot to us and our entire team. We look forward to a long-term business with you.
✍️ Atención al cliente (deepak@m..., 📅 ).
-oculto- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 Spontaneous, Helpful Support, Thanks to "Aarti". Guided very well to resolve my issue with domain. Faced issues where i can view my website in mobile data, but cannot view in WIFI. Aarthi suggested to Change DNS Resolver to Google DNS.
-anónimo- (vipul2189@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 I feel free to host my domain to milesweb and also the staff of milesweb are very supportive specially Ms. Aarti. The best destination of hosting is
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 Got hosting support from Vishal and he fixed my primary domain replacement problem as fast as he can, wonderful support from him.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 I like the support that they provided. Arti from Milesweb assisted me in taking my website online. They typically respond within 1 minutes.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😁 I was getting some issues to Installing SSL Certificate on my domain, Thanks to "Aarti" from the support team she was of great help to resolve my issues!
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 I like the support that they provided. I come from non-tech background and also i m new to blogging. Arti from Milesweb assisted me in taking my website online. They typically respond within 1 minutes.
-anónimo- (jigson.lawrence@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 Thank God for Aarti and intially Ali. Patient and no shilly shallying. Prompt solutions and I got my website up and running. Esp Aarti for guiding me through the DNS issue. Top Guys.
-anónimo- (swapneshtd@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
Calificación global
😁 highly efficient support team. Aarti & Dipika both were quick & best in their service. They both helped me with my billing issue & migrating my data from old hosting to new hosting.
-anónimo- (kri.vri1989@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 My client got an error and Ms. Aarti solved this issue very effectively in a very short span of time. I really appreciate her knowledge and helpful nature.. thank you, Ms. Aarti :)
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😃 I was getting some issues after transferring my domain, Thanks to "Arti" from the support team she was of great help to resolve my issues!
-anónimo- (amitignou1987@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😃 Earlier i was thinking to change the hosting but the best part is troubleshooting here. I am always helped by milesweb executives.
I have given the 8 rating because of server response was slower last year. It couldn't be resolved somehow. Anyway the best hosting option with this price range.
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😃 My problem was solved successfully and pleasently by Arrti . And I think my fellow will be interested in milesweb.
-anónimo- (info@c...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😃 Best Experience from the past few years. today I was facing a bit problem Ms. Arti Serve me Quick & Best Service.
-anónimo- (narasimha.kashyap@r...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😃 We wanted our website to be secure and Ms. Aarti from support team helped us to get it installed on our subdoamin in no time.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 Aarti did respond quick and professionally, with clear english and understanding of the situation in seconds, and did solve the problem after few minutes only.
openacessjournal (yogesh.isspl@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😁 is best
Nice hosting company and customer support is amazing, you can use there hosting services if you looking for best hosting services in India.
I am also using other services like godaddy, but godaddy customer support and services not good, godaddy is very poor quality hosting services, they only charges big amount to there user, but there services not good.
you can use milesweb hosting in best price and with best customer support.

-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
😁 I asked for each cpanel & ftp accounts password change option in one single command. Aarti said not possible but adviced to keep unique password for each cpanel/ftp.

nice care n knowledge by Aarti of Milesweb
-anónimo- (rmanaminfotech@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 Good and fastest support team available 24/7 with friendly behavior. I really suggest all to go with Miles Web.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) / bantai
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😃 i had a problem with technicalities with my website which aarti solved in minutes,very fast and nice response time of aarti
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 It was wonderful support. Aarti helped me out very quickly. Nice to see fast turnaround times when it comes to support.
📅 | smartaccessdubai@g...
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😁 Aarti has helped a lot to me. She has fixed a website issue with in minutes. we thanks to her for prompt support.
-anónimo- (anshu@l...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 Thank you so much Aarti for the quick support.
Awesome you step by step guidelines helped me to get resolve my issue quickly .
Thank you again .I appreciate your work.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😁 I have been hosting my website with Milesweb 6 months ago so far so good, special mention for "Arati" to quickly fix my issue. looking for longterm business with Mileweb.
-anónimo- (skyzonesolution@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 Thank you so much Aarti for the quick support.
Awesome you step by step guidelines helped me to get resolve my issue quickly .
Thank you again .I appreciate your work.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😁 Ultimate service so far. We have just started off. Looking forward for the same. Best package for a competitive prices compared to other providers. Easily available customer support. And good perfomance so far.
Rohan Patkar (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 Awesome support
Thank you Aarti for the quick support.
Awesome you step by step guidelines helped me to get resolve my issue quickly .
Thank you again .I appreciate your work.
Imran Akram (-sin correo electrónico-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 Nice Support Arti Awesome Job Arti helped me it was critical issue for me.. arti solved it fantastic job....
-anónimo- (sudamshuaccessories@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😁 Aarti helped me with a detailed explaination and guided me with technical problems.I was working for hours but she solved in few minutes. very patiently she handled the problem. Thnaks aarti
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 I have been using US based hosting sites for more than 20 years, because I had extremely bad experience from Indian hosts early in my career. But somehow I had to choose an Indian host for my new personal project. From day of signing up for MilesWeb, I am getting pleasantly surprised by how dedicated these guys are.. really hats off. This company is really setting a world standard for friendly, quick and professional support.

I would like to thank Aarti for her special support today. I was wrong, she was right. She fixed my problem in no time.

I would never hesitate to recommend this host to anyone in India or outside. These guys are really good partners for your web projects.

Once again, thanks Aarti and all the great support people making Indian companies such as MilesWeb go global!
-anónimo- (skyzonesolution@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 Aarti help me solve the problem very fast. Thank You Aarti
i'm happy with MilesWeb it is best hosting provider
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😞 Its good support for now. I don't know in future as I am a new User over here. Arin helped in solving my problem.
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😉 Thanks for the Best Support from milesweb. I am using milesweb services for more than 2 years and really happy! Especially Support Executive Aarti Done a great support on the DNS issue faced on my sites. Thanks Again!!
📅 | -oculto-
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 best
Best service from Miss arti
Impressed with milesweb
Quick Support iss very useful for others also
Thankyou Miss Arti
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😁 Best support system @milesweb. Special thanks to #Arin who solved my problem within a min when am facing issues. Thanks a ton Arin . Grt job
-oculto- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 Great Support
You can get the best support which no other hosting provider gives at this price and special thanks to Aarti who helped me a lot when im facing issues with my domain and they cleared my issues with no time.
pradeep garg | gargpradeep34@g...
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 is best!
customer support system is best . they resolve my all query during the shifting of my hosting server from one to their server
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😠 Another Indian scam with fake reviews from bots. they steal money on the trial period. Beware of Manoj Kori, Dipika Samnani from MilesWeb Billing Team.
They attract new customers with low rates and misleading terms. Most of their excellent reviews are fake.
-anónimo- (betasoftadnew@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 Aarti is one of a kind. His/her help made me begin to fall in love with because for me excellent support in times of crisis is all I am looking for in a hosting company.
-anónimo- (akritisrivastava422@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😉 i have purchased hosting from milesweb, this is the first time i am building any website, i used to stuck on various places while building website , i would like to really appreciate milesweb support team , and speacially aarti for helping me a lot , thanks aarti for supporting are best at resolving any query...
-anónimo- (sokha.developer@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 I have a problem with "error too many redirect" and my website doesn't show up. "Aarti" help me solve the problem very fast. Thank
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 I have the problem of Error with too many redirect, "Aarti" help me to solve the problems very fast. Thank
-anónimo- (rklogystack@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😁 Aarti is best in providing solutions for every problem....Help your clients like this Aarti..
I always want to assist by you
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 milesweb is best
a good platform milesweb
I had an issue with my SSL. And Arti cleared my doubts with great knowledge.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 I like the support system its excellent when i faced the issues one of their support staff Aarti helped a lot to resolve my issues asap with migration and some normal questions and they are very polite.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 Support is excellent they are replying anytime very politely and trying their very best to resolve my issues asap.
-oculto- | -oculto-
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 Go Milesweb
I had an issue with my SSL. And Arin cleared my doubts with great knowledge.
I will be getting back to him in the future for more doubts clearance.
-anónimo- (deshmukh.a13@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 I was facing problem while installing WordPress through cPanel. So I ask for the help on live chat and I very glad that prompt response and solution I received form @Prinyanka and @Aarti. I hope MilesWeb will continue this professional approach for quick and acute chat helpdesk. My Sincere thanks and all the best to you.
-anónimo- (pandey.dev25@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 I am always pleased with most of the milesweb support staff. And this time it was Arin who helped me resolve my issue.
Arin was quick and very calm while understanding the issue and provided the solution in a very quick time.
Kudos to Arin :clap
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😃 Excellent sales and support team. they were there when needed had the patience to help and guide me with building the website, Especially a support executive named Aarti was so helpful for me to build the site.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😃 We got Grate support from miles web support team member Aarti and Vishal for their quick responses and guidance's we solved our issues in admin panel. thank you guys and once again for your entire support team.

Thanks & Esteems

-anónimo- (akruti@m...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
😃 i was facing issues with the WordPress login page for last 2 days - have raised the ticket of the same but didn't get any reply. but finally, I took help from 24x7 chat support - Aarti helped me to solve the issue within a few seconds. appreciate her help. thank you for your great help @Aarti
-anónimo- (reach@m...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😁 Grateful to milesweb's support team member Aarti and many for their quick responses and guidance's to solve the issues
-anónimo- (jayvendor@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 I've and issue with multiple connections with my server. Aarti hepls me to reset the issue and give me tips to prevent from these type of issues in feature.
-anónimo- (naren.sapc@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😁 Really impressive support. Aarti from support team was patient, meticulous and resolved my issue. This is the second time I have contacted support and both the tickets were resolved quickly and efficiently.
-anónimo- (kmr_bnd@y...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
😃 I have migrated all my business websites and email services to MilesWeb few months back. Quite happy with speed, user friendliness and configuration options in the Hosting Panel. Only issue that stops me from giving a perfect 10 rating is consistent issue with MySql Server. Hope changing server location might fix the issue for ever.
Wings Media (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😃 its good, we are happy with hosting services, html website running too fast, but wordpres have problem, some times running slow and hacking issue founded.
-anónimo- (routechanger@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 I would suggest getting help from Aarti mam in milesweb so that you can get your errors sorted out in the earliest
Rahul Waghmare (rahulw516@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 Superb
Providing excellent telephonic & chat support and services any time thanks to all support & sales team All the best...
Amar (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 a new hosting experience.,The best support I ever seen from any of my hosting company business experiences. Compared to other hosting, the pricing and support is reasonably good. Will be looking forward to bring my clients into MilesWeb hosting.
-anónimo- (hrishi2423@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😁 I got this hosting about a month ago. Its working Very Well. Milesweb Support is also Good. i got connected to someone named Aarti and She solved my problem in seconds
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😃 The technical support at MIles web is always great. Very responsive and fast. Most of the time it takes aboout 10-15 minutes to sort out an issue over the chat. It is very helpful. Last time Aarti helped to trouble shoot a php issue on my site.
-anónimo- (talwar.d@m...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😁 Thanks Aarti for valuable support and resolving all my queries related with database on time. Good Support.
-anónimo- (skyzonesolution@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 great support Aarti. keep it up. MilesWeb deserved. she is so quick and intelligent I must say she is an asset to miles web. I wish all the best and I highly recommend them to all.
I am satisfied.
Thank you so much Aarti.
-anónimo- ( /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
😁 Aarti....he solved my problem gently...great...,
in my opinion milesweb is a best hosting provider in case customer support
Thank You
-anónimo- (civil7575@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 great support aarti. keep it up. MW deserved. she is so quick and intelligent I must say she is an asset to miles web. I wish all the best and I highly recommend them to all.
I am satisfied.
Thank you so much
srk (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😃 best support
Aarti....he solved my problem gently...great...,
in my opinion milesweb is a best hosting provider in case customer support
-anónimo- (kafcoasia@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😁 I am a regular customer of miles web, the best thing is the quick support and best value for money highly recommend to anyone, simple and best.
-anónimo- (rajkumarc141@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 Welcome all ,
first of all i like to thank Mile Web who give me awesome hosting plan and best technical Support.
i talk with Aarti on Miles web chatbot regarding our technical issue and she solved my issue within minimum time . i like to appreciate her work and dedication.
Thank you Aati for your valuable time and your kind behave ..

God Bless you
-anónimo- (anucherry@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 Very efficient time, I am not worried about any issue I know they do without hesitation even if I am asking it again and again. Aarti is an angel, she is so quick and intelligent I must say she is an asset to miles web. I wish all the best and I highly recommend them to all.
-anónimo- (kalpataruinfoway@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 I love this support team to solve my all problem on chat and Mr. Arin are very helpful guy with good knowledge and experienced. thanks again to all support team of MilesWeb.
thanks again
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
😁 Thank you @ Arti Ma'am, I am happy with the completely professional Technical support and special attention is given all-time the Awesome support service from @Arti Ma'am.
-oculto- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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Panel de control
😁 Chat support 5*
Had a lot of issues with control panel as I hadn't used it for a long time. So I tapped on chat and was lucky enough to Get Aarti.

He is very intelligent, smart, quick yet thorough and had everything sorted out for me in minutes.

A hidden gem in a big company. If he pops up on chat you are a very lucky person.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
😁 Awesome support service from millesweb, i had trouble with ssl , Aarti is very polite and give quick resolution to my problem. I am satisfied.
Thank you so much
-oculto- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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Panel de control
😁 is best. Arin was extremely helpful
I had trouble installing wordpress as I just purchased a new domain. Arin was with me all the way. He was very helpful in fixing the problem.
-anónimo- (vineetdhengre@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
Calificación global
😁 Super Fast Service and super fast customer support.
Thank you so much, Aarti solving my query like a superfast express train.
Ashish Sharma (ashishraajsharma0@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 is best
Thanks to Aarti who solved my problem in just 5 min.
Thank you so much to milesweb which providing me best hosting but please you have to increase your server response time.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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Panel de control
😃 Good support - Support team is very active and helpful on the chat.
Sometimes server works too slow.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 Thanks Aarti and Milesweb technical team for this type of good support. Hope in future I will get same type support.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 Awesome support service from millesweb, Aarti you are polite and give quick resolution to my problem. She has the complete knowledge of the problem. I am satisfied.
Many Thanks
-anónimo- (anupam1990.asr@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 Thank you Aarti, You solve my ssl problem in just 5 minute, which i was trying from last one hour. You did great job. Thanks for quick support.
-oculto- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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Panel de control
😃 Thank you Aarti
Thanks aarti for rectifying the php settings for image uploading issue.i couldn't upload any image for my website,showing errors and then my site crashed. aarti resolved the issue changing the php settings.keep up your good work. :)
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😁 Aarti, was a great help supporting me with resolving the issue when i have faced. and assist me on technical way.
I'm really satisfied with this Milesweb company, previously and whenever faced any issue they have resolve and given appropriate service. Hosting cost is less and hosting provide premium support for 24/7. I am very satisfy with the webhosting sites.
-anónimo- (skyzonesolution@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 Awesome support service from millesweb, Aarti she is polite and give quick back resolution to my problem. She has the complete knowledge of the problem.
Thanks Aarti
-anónimo- (prathore137@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
😃 Thanks A lot to @Aarti Ma'am, To speed up a faster uploading speed. good work my application is working better now.
-oculto- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 Aarti, was a great help supporting me with ftp access assistance.
I'm really satisfied with this company, previously I'm used famous hosting but that company's provide lesa feature for high cost, in this hosting provide premium support for 24/7, and take care about all my data and problems
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 Mileweb Support always amazes me. @Arti you were so helpful to a newbee like me. you cleared all my noob doubts and solved te issues i was facing. thanks.
-oculto- (-oculto-) /,
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😁 Good Service
I'm really satisfied with this company, previously I'm used famous hosting but that company's provide lesa feature for high cost, in this hosting provide premium support for 24/7, and take care about all my data and problems
-anónimo- (gagandeepsingh221@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
😁 Awesome support service from millesweb, Aarti she is polite and give quick back resolution to my problem. She has the complete knowledge of the problem than partik night swift guy.
Thanks Aarti
lwkjxvyz (kalyan.m80@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 Excellent Services & Product
Excellent support is given by the entire team and especially Arati supported with instant resolutions. They help every stage in creating a website, email, name servers changes, update of MX records or any...

Team is excellent .. Arati has excellent knowledge
Vikki Choudhary (itstechtrends@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😁 Is Awesome
It was once again the Awesome support given by MilesWeb support team.
@Aarti, you are really great communicator and explain the exact point to the customer, I really liked the way you handled all my queries and responded to me. You are one of the best milesweb got in their support team.

Thanks a lot.
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 Awesome support, Great. A special thanks to 'Aarti', who showed how best the MilesWeb Service can be. Really thankful.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😁 I would like to really appreciate the Tech Support provided by Aarti . It was the first time we had started our Hosting business with MilesWeb for our growing website which was migrated here. And I never believed that it will be done so smoothly and fast . . . keep up the good work.
-anónimo- (pandey.dev25@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
Calificación global
😁 It was once again the Awesome support given by MilesWeb support team.
@Arin, you are really great communicator and explain the exact point to the customer, I really liked the way you handled all my queries and responded to me. You are one of the best milesweb got in their support team.

Thanks a lot.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
😁 Miles Web is one of the best hosting company, and their customer support is great. They have quick response time and solve any issues, with patience and supportive conversations. A special thanks to 'Aarti', who showed how best the MilesWeb Service can be. Really thankful.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
Calificación global
😁 Hi Team,

You have a wonderful support team. I would like to thank Aarti for her help and recovering my site. I was facing issues with my WP version, Plugins and Theme. Aarti fixed all the issues.

Thank you once again Aarti.

Take care!

-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 Employee Aarti is a very active and understanding person, as she resolved my issue just in a minute. I really appreciate her and keep up the good & smart work as usual.
Have a great day!!

-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
Calificación global
😁 whenever I am lost tech support people will always help me.
Agent Aarti was too supportive.Thanks for her :).
-oculto- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 good
agent aarti was good in answering all my doubts.
first time im hosting website hope itll be good experience.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) / kirana
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😃 hosting + support
Hosting : This is suitable for any startup or beginner and they provide in the variety of range which can affordable to any startup or beginner.
Support :
"Aarti' is very helpful and my query resolved in a few minutes.
-anónimo- (skyzonesolution@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 Milesweb support have never disappointed me and recent support enquiry with 'Aarti' has only made me much happier with their support
-anónimo- (sheoptical@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😁 Milesweb support have never disappointed me and recent support enquiry with 'Aarti' has only made me much happier with their support
-oculto- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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Panel de control
😃 Excellent tech support
Happy with the 24x7 service.

Received quick and effective tech support from Aarti,

Happy with speed of data loading.
Ashok Kumar Sharma (hpsitechnology@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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Panel de control
😁 Promptly issue was resolved within few minutes by Aarti. Awesome support provided. It's being more than 2 years of relation with MilesWeb and their support team is always there for any issue arose and resolve it in no time. Thank you MilesWeb for your great services.
-anónimo- (Maheshkumarkumawat914@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 The support system I have seen on Web miles is the best than Godaddy, Hostinger, Hiox India, A2 Hosting & Hostgator. They provided immediate support for us. I talked with Aarti Maam, she solved my query in 10 seconds. Their all support team members are very humble & kind. I would like to refer to this hosting. They Are economic as well as the best hosting companies.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😠 I would prefer Godaddy's 512 Mb of Ram plan over Milesweb's 3GB of Ram plan. Their tech support is very responsive and resolves the issue at the earliest but I think these guys are charging a lot for a very slow server they are providing. Would never host any of my websites on Milesweb again.
-oculto- (ravi@f...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 The best VPS hosting provider in India
Four years ago I have purchased their VPS hosting plan for my website and I am happy the kind of support they're offeringe me.

Thanks to MilesWeb team
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
😁 MilesWeb is the best and most affordable web hosting provider than any other hosting provider. Their service and support are world-class. I would highly recommend their services to everyone.
-anónimo- (chiragsutharit@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😠 I am frustrated after taking hosting plan from milesweb.

I purchased domain and hosting from milesweb one month ago. and then i have deployed my site on that server.. in the starting few days it is working good but after few day my site is not able to access for 1 to 2 hour a day and it happens every day at noon time. i complained and they always says that we are fixing the server issue.

According to my experience i do not recommend to take hosting from milesweb ( USA’s Best Web Hosting Company). because their server is not consistent.

Please think twice before taking hosting plan from MilesWeb.
-anónimo- (Faheem.ahmed@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
Calificación global
😠 My account is geekspoc,
I hat with agent Pratik who was worst support team, I have been trying to resolve a minor SSL issue for a whole week with the support team, who have been giving me wrong solutions leading for my App to crash for 2 days and when I connect to their team again they just keep transferring from one team to another and they don't even try to understand the problem. Chat support team they just dont respond until you ask them if they are there. I was made to wait for 1+ hour without response that even if the guy was looking into the matter and made me talk to wall like situation.

Do not go with their rating as this is just because they give you the link to write review only on small issues and issues where they know they have done good job else the agents just abscond from the chat.
-anónimo- (marootigroup@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😠 Is completely rubbish. They only want to sell, Will only give excuses in service. Therefore why milesweb do not provide service on the phone because you are not able to provide good service.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
Calificación global
😠 I lost my clients. miles web had server dataloss
due to it my 90 sites data are destroyed
please do not take it from them
-anónimo- (ajai7707@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
Calificación global
😠 Milesweb is a fraud company. Milesweb making fraud with their customers. I have purchased 3 years hosting, but after a year its asking for more money. It is really very unprofessional behave by Milesweb company.
🗨 I think you shall clear things from their support team properly. As they don't charge extra from anyone.
✍️ Atención al cliente (sonam.wagh@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😁 Amazing customer and technical support! They are very quick and efficient in solving issues. I have been using their service for more than 2 years and have a great experience in terms of customer satisfaction. Thanks a lot, MilesWeb team!
🗨 Thanks for your positive review. MilesWeb is always happy to serve their customers the best of best service.
✍️ Atención al cliente (sonam.wagh@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😁 Again, I am here to express my gratitude!!

MilesWeb offered me the decent price for WordPress hosting and set up my blog within no time. Their service is so impressive that motivates me to buy one more domain and hosting for the same. Their support team is marvellous who is everytime ready to serve their users like me. Thank you!
-anónimo- (expertblogging08@g...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
😁 I have started a new blog and MilesWeb support team seamlessly helped me to set up my blog. Their support team is well experienced and very cooperative. They kindly handled all my queries and set up everything on my account. I am very impressed with their service and I will recommend to everyone.
🗨 Thanks for taking out your time for the review. MilesWeb is always happy to serve their customers the best of best service.
✍️ Atención al cliente (sonam.wagh@m..., 📅 ).
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😠 Never go on this web host ! the service is very slow and he lay to you !

"30 Day Money Back
Absolutely no risk in trying our services. If you are not 100% satisfied, we'll happily refund your money!" is false a real scam infos !

on tos he say :"Your refund request has to be justified with valid technical issue faced due to hosting services."

the live chat try to scam you with fake infos ! ( " Free WHMCS with Reseller Hosting. Buy Value or Unlimited Hosting Plan and Get a .COM or .IN Domain FREE for Lifetime" ) not true !

All review on web is very suspicious ...
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
Calificación global
😁 For all your services and support, I feel that whatever you are charging is very less. I don't know what way I could help Milesweb. In case if you in need of any help from my side, I will always be willing to help. More than a client, I feel like I am a member of Milesweb team. Thank you so much. Everyday I feel that I should thank you for the kind of service you provide. For all your services and support, I feel that whatever you are charging is very less. In case you need any help from my side, I will always be willing to help. More than a client, I feel like I am a member of Milesweb team. Thank you so much. Everyday I feel that I should thank you for the kind of service you provide for my Moodle (LMS) website.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
😁 I wanted to host my college event website but I had no experience of web hosting. I got to know about milesweb through one of my friend. Without giving any second thought, I started the discussion with milesweb team. They helped me to get my college event website online. The milesweb team are very professional and friendly. Highly recommended!!!
Harshad Mane (-oculto-) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😁 Outstanding Support
Must thank @Milesweb for the outstanding assistance they have given me during the recent issue I had. Best support I’ve ever had, You guys definitely deserve 5 stars.
Rajendra Patil (rajendra.p@c...) /
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😁 best web hosting company in India
I always wanted to start my own business after completing the college. Last year I completed my college, and I decided to start the business. I like to design and develop websites and portals, so I started web designing company. I get business through referrals but my main concern was hosting the website with a reliable hosting provider. I played safe by getting the hosting from a well known provider but very soon I experienced the first downtime, no proper justification was given by the hosting provider. This instance repeated couple of times, I don't wanted to spoil my reputation, I decided to switch the hosting company. Finding the new hosting provider was more difficult then getting a new customer. One of my customer introduced me to MilesWeb, he was already using MilesWeb to host few of his websites. I wanted to quickly switch the hosting company, I signed up with MilesWeb. It's been few months with MilesWeb and I am very happy with their support and service. They know how to [lee mas...]

🔝 Alternar las principales empresas de alojamiento web en India

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    Foro, Blog / Anuncios, Knowledgebase o Preguntas frecuentes se agregan URL
    Se agregan productos (planes), pero algunos no se actualizan desde hace más de 2 años
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    Reseller Club logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 8.330
    👤 Opiniones de usuarios 👉 Revisiones Totales: 126
    🙌 Puntuación media: 7.7 / 10
    👍 Buenas críticas: 106
    👎 Malos comentarios: 20
    👈 Respuestas oficiales: 4
  • Estado de finalización del perfil:
    Cosas hechas
    La ubicación de la dirección de la empresa está completa
    Se ha añadido el teléfono / fax de la empresa
    Se agregan las cuentas de la empresa Twitter y Facebook
    "Sobre página" URL o "Página de contacto" URL agregadas
    Foro, Blog / Anuncios, Knowledgebase o Preguntas frecuentes se agregan URL
    Se agregan productos (planes), pero algunos no se actualizan desde hace más de 2 años
    Nota: Añadir una promoción o cupón

    Cosas para hacer
    Las descripciones de la empresa son demasiado cortas. Mínimo 500 caracteres
    Blue Host India logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 12.258
    👤 Opiniones de usuarios 👉 Revisiones Totales: 60
    🙌 Puntuación media: 9.1 / 10
    👍 Buenas críticas: 60
    👎 Malos comentarios: 0
    👈 Respuestas oficiales: 0
  • Estado de finalización del perfil:
    Cosas hechas
    Descripciones de la empresa está bien
    La ubicación de la dirección de la empresa está completa
    Se ha añadido el teléfono / fax de la empresa
    Se agregan las cuentas de la empresa Twitter y Facebook
    "Sobre página" URL o "Página de contacto" URL agregadas
    Foro, Blog / Anuncios, Knowledgebase o Preguntas frecuentes se agregan URL
    Se agregan productos (planes), pero algunos no se actualizan desde hace más de 2 años
    Nota: Añadir una promoción o cupón

    BigRock logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 12.505
    👤 Opiniones de usuarios 👉 Revisiones Totales: 121
    🙌 Puntuación media: 8.5 / 10
    👍 Buenas críticas: 116
    👎 Malos comentarios: 5
    👈 Respuestas oficiales: 1
  • Estado de finalización del perfil:
    Cosas hechas
    Descripciones de la empresa está bien
    La ubicación de la dirección de la empresa está completa
    Se ha añadido el teléfono / fax de la empresa
    Se agregan las cuentas de la empresa Twitter y Facebook
    "Sobre página" URL o "Página de contacto" URL agregadas
    Foro, Blog / Anuncios, Knowledgebase o Preguntas frecuentes se agregan URL
    Se agregan productos (planes), pero algunos no se actualizan desde hace más de 2 años
    Se agregan promociones, pero algunas no se actualizan desde hace más de 2 años

    Host Gator India logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 13.731
    👤 Opiniones de usuarios 👉 Revisiones Totales: 61
    🙌 Puntuación media: 8.5 / 10
    👍 Buenas críticas: 59
    👎 Malos comentarios: 2
    👈 Respuestas oficiales: 4

📉 Compare con las mejores marcas de hosting de India

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