iFast Net Revisión 2024. Es ifastnet.com buen alojamiento web en Reino Unido?

76 opiniones de usuarios; 0 respuestas de apoyo; 0 testimonios; 16 productos, 0 promociones, 5 cuentas sociales; 4.987 dominios, Alexa #17431; 📆 listado 2013 (#18467)
iFast Net
Bulman House, Regent Centre, Gosforth
Newcastle Upon Tyne ne3 3ls
☎ Teléfono +1 415-644-5156

Idioma (s) del sitio web: en-GB
🏆 SemRush Rating nuevo 2.516.827 👤 Opiniones de usuarios 🙌 Promedio 7.8 de 10
👉 Revisiones totales: 76
👍 Recomendado por: 60
👎 Opuesto: 16
🤝 Respuestas oficiales: 0

💰 Rango de precios $ 4,99 - $ 149,99⏰ Apoyo 24x7
💳 Opciones de pago Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🏆 SEO MOZ Authority 51/54🔗 Campo de golf 14.102
Estado de finalización del perfil:
Cosas hechas
Descripciones de la empresa está bien
La ubicación de la dirección de la empresa está completa
Se ha añadido el teléfono / fax de la empresa
Se agregan las cuentas de la empresa Twitter y Facebook
"Sobre página" URL o "Página de contacto" URL agregadas
Foro, Blog / Anuncios, Knowledgebase o Preguntas frecuentes se agregan URL
Se agregan productos (planes), pero algunos no se actualizan desde hace más de 2 años
Nota: Añadir una promoción o cupón


👪 Opiniones de clientes más recientes

-anónimo- (williamontana@h...) / moveis-casa-jardim.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global

Support Operator Staff March 6, 2024, 6:24 am
Hi there,
Super Premium (Monthly) - moveis-casa-jardim.com
you will see errors because you have over used the inode limits in your hosting account... your hosting account limit is 820,000 LAYER


Terms of Service from ifastnet.com
.... 840,000 on super and ultimate premium plans .
-anónimo- (manmay.singh@g...) / babaherons.ml
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 I signed up with one of their shared hosting plans. As, this was one of cheapest and really and eye-catching deal. So, I purchased their hosting plan and started building my website which based on python. While installing packages it failed not one time but many times I asked the support and they replied really fast (that was unexpected) the technical queries takes time to get a reply. For a whole day I was really frustrated and I actually cursed them about this thing, But, surprisingly after cursing they took my problem professionally and actually solved it. That was really unexpected. I am from India and we people really got frustrate fast if the products served bad. But these guys just solved my problem of installing packages they shifted my plan to another server and they also upgraded my plan. I really like the way they took their customer's problem seriously. Totally recommended.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
😁 iFastNet is the best, it is simple to use, and the Support Operator team is always available to assist you.

Two thumbs up
Más críticas
Verificado 2013
ifastnet.com logo

📄 Revisión editorial

(*) 🔧 Servicios: Alojamiento webRegistro de Dominio
⇔ Dominios redirigidos: ifastnet.org byet.org securesignup.net freehosting-web.eu

IFastNet es un proveedor de alojamiento popular que ofrece servicios premium y confiables, así como un buen soporte y soluciones asequibles. Sus planes están diseñados para particulares, pequeñas y medianas empresas.

IFastNet viene con una variedad de productos entre los que los clientes pueden encontrar:
  • Alojamiento compartido (Premium / Business);
  • Alojamiento de revendedor (WHM);
  • Servidores Dedicados;
  • Registro de Dominio;

El alojamiento compartido se divide en dos categorías: empresarial y premium. Hay 2 planes comerciales que funcionan con unidades SSD. Tanto los planes de alojamiento web premium como los comerciales incluyen una serie de recursos gratuitos: certificado SSL gratuito, SiteBuilder gratuito o RailGun gratuito. Los planes comerciales también incluyen acceso a shell SSH gratuito.

Los planes de revendedor se configuran instantáneamente sin tarifa de instalación alguna. Hay varios recursos ilimitados disponibles con los paquetes de alojamiento de revendedores, como:
  • Soporte ilimitado;
  • Direcciones de correo electrónico ilimitadas;
  • Agregar ilimitado -ons;
  • Subdominios ilimitados;
  • Bases de datos MySQL ilimitadas;

Todos los servidores privados virtuales están equipados con 1 dirección IP dedicada. El software instalado como MySQL, PHP, Apache o VestaPC está incluido. También tienen una serie de funciones gratuitas disponibles aquí:
  • Servidor SFTP gratuito;
  • Acceso SSH gratuito;
  • Libre para elegir entre Linux sistemas operativos;

No ofrecen una gran variedad de servidores dedicados, pero su oferta es atractiva para el público, ya que su servidor dedicado funciona con un procesador Intel. Hay una serie de beneficios con su servidor, como: 1 dirección IP dedicada, migración gratuita, control total, soporte 24/7 y hardware que se puede personalizar.

💰 Precio de coste

La empresa ofrece a los clientes precios reducidos por sus soluciones. Estos son altamente competitivos incluso si IFastNet es una empresa bastante pequeña en comparación con otras.
En IFastNet, existen múltiples métodos de pago, entre los cuales: MasterCard, Visa, Maestro o WorldPay.

Los clientes también pueden optar por obtener un reembolso dentro de los 7 días a partir de la compra de su producto. Ofrecen una menor cantidad de días en los que puede probar sus servicios (ya que muchas empresas ofrecen una política de devolución de dinero de 30 días), pero aún así es una garantía de que recuperará su dinero en caso de que no esté satisfecho con sus servicios. .

⌛ Confiabilidad

IFastNet ofrece la garantía de tiempo de actividad habitual presente entre las empresas de alojamiento de todo el mundo: 99,99% . Esto demuestra que los sitios web alojados por ellos tienen tiempos de carga rápidos y es poco probable que los sitios web encuentren interrupciones.

🏢 Centro de datos

La empresa está ubicada en Newcastle, Reino Unido y trabaja con hardware de alta eficiencia.

✍️ Atención al cliente

El soporte técnico de IFastNet está disponible por teléfono, ticket o correo electrónico. Los clientes también pueden obtener información accediendo a su base de conocimientos. Desafortunadamente, no existe la opción de un chat en vivo.

🔨 Panel de control

El panel de control que IFastNet ha elegido para sus servicios es cPanel . Ahora, muchos clientes que tienen alguna experiencia con el alojamiento en general suelen estar familiarizados con cPanel, por lo que esto es una ventaja para la empresa. Al mismo tiempo, también es muy accesible para principiantes. También es una herramienta de administración fácil de usar. La gestión y administración del sitio puede realizarse sin problemas.

🎯 Conclusión

IFastNet es una empresa de alojamiento que ofrece múltiples soluciones de alojamiento a precios razonables. Sus planes están cargados con muchas funciones y herramientas eficientes que lo ayudan a administrar y controlar su negocio en línea.

Puede aparecer una desventaja cuando se trata de sus opciones de soporte, ya que no hay chat en vivo disponible. Independientemente de esto, IFastNet es una empresa competitiva que garantiza confiabilidad, rendimiento y eficiencia.

🌏 Ubicaciones de servidor:


📢 Páginas especiales

ifastnet.com captura de pantalla
Sitio web de investigación para iFast Net en mayo 20, 2020 por WebHostingTop

🎁 iFast Net Promociones

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Cuánto es 4 + 3 ? Responder con 7

📤 iFast Net Productos del sitio web

🔧 Compartido - 💻 Linux Mantenga el mouse
sobre las características!
💰Precio💿 Espacio del disco 📶 Transferir 📆 Actualizado🆓 Dominio gratuito /
🔌 Permitido
Super Premium caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : CPanel
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free
🔌 Dominios alojados : 20
🆓 Dominios libres : 6
📌 IPs dedicadas : 0
🔗 URL del plan : https://ifastnet.com/portal/sharedhosting.php
$4,99/mes. IVA excilimitado SSD250 GB 6 / 20
Ultimate Premium caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : CPanel
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 21
📌 IPs dedicadas : 0
🔗 URL del plan : https://ifastnet.com/portal/sharedhosting.php
$7,99/mes. IVA excilimitado SSDsin medir 21 / ilimitado
Business Standard caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : CPanel
🔧 Categoría : Creador de sitios web
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free
🔌 Dominios alojados : 100
🆓 Dominios libres : 21
📌 IPs dedicadas : 0
🔗 URL del plan : https://ifastnet.com/portal/businesshosting.php
$19,99/mes. IVA excilimitado SSD1 TB 21 / 100
Starter caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : CPanel
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free
🔌 Dominios alojados : 1
🆓 Dominios libres : 1
📌 IPs dedicadas : 0
🔗 URL del plan : https://ifastnet.com/portal/sharedhosting.php
$19,99/año IVA exc5 GB SSD250 GB 1 / 1
Business Ultimate caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : CPanel
🔧 Categoría : Creador de sitios web
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 21
📌 IPs dedicadas : 0
🔗 URL del plan : https://ifastnet.com/portal/businesshosting.php
$39,99/mes. IVA excilimitado SSDsin medir 21 / ilimitado
🔧 Dedicado - 💻 Linux Mantenga el mouse
sobre las características!
💰Precio💿 Espacio del disco 📶 Transferir 📆 Actualizado🔋 RAM /
📌 IPs dedicadas
Server 1 caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free
🔋 RAM : 32000 MB
💪 UPC : Intel® i7-4770S, 3.1 GHz (Haswell Latest!), 4 Cores
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 1
🔗 URL del plan : https://ifastnet.com/portal/dedicatedserver.php
$149,99/mes. IVA exc2000 GBsin medir 32 GB / 1
🔧 Revendedores - 💻 Linux Mantenga el mouse
sobre las características!
💰Precio💿 Espacio del disco 📶 Transferir 📆 Actualizado🆓 Dominio gratuito /
🔌 Permitido
Reseller Plan 1 caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : CPanel, WHM
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 0
🔗 URL del plan : https://ifastnet.com/portal/whmreseller.php
$14,99/mes. IVA exc30 GB300 GB 0 / ilimitado
Reseller Plan 2 caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : CPanel, WHM
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 0
🔗 URL del plan : https://ifastnet.com/portal/whmreseller.php
$29,99/mes. IVA exc60 GB600 GB 0 / ilimitado
Reseller Plan 3 caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : CPanel, WHM
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 0
🔗 URL del plan : https://ifastnet.com/portal/whmreseller.php
$59,99/mes. IVA exc100 GB1.500 GB 0 / ilimitado
🔧 VPS - 💻 Linux Mantenga el mouse
sobre las características!
💰Precio💿 Espacio del disco 📶 Transferir 📆 Actualizado🔋 RAM /
📌 IPs dedicadas
Economy caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : Webmin, OpenVZ
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free
🔋 RAM : 512 MB
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 1
🔗 URL del plan : https://ifastnet.com/portal/vpshosting.php
$9,99/mes. IVA exc30 GB125 GB 512 MB / 1
Basic caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : Webmin, OpenVZ
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free
🔋 RAM : 756 MB
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 1
🔗 URL del plan : https://ifastnet.com/portal/vpshosting.php
$19,99/mes. IVA exc40 GB200 GB 756 MB / 1
Entry caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : Webmin, OpenVZ
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free
🔋 RAM : 1024 MB
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 1
🔗 URL del plan : https://ifastnet.com/portal/vpshosting.php
$29,99/mes. IVA exc50 GB300 GB 1 GB / 1
Standard caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : Webmin, OpenVZ
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free
🔋 RAM : 1256 MB
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 1
🔗 URL del plan : https://ifastnet.com/portal/vpshosting.php
$43,99/mes. IVA exc80 GB400 GB 1256 MB / 1
Ultra caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : Webmin, OpenVZ
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free
🔋 RAM : 1512 MB
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 1
🔗 URL del plan : https://ifastnet.com/portal/vpshosting.php
$55,99/mes. IVA exc120 GB600 GB 1512 MB / 1
Ultimate caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : Webmin, OpenVZ
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free
🔋 RAM : 2048 MB
🔌 Dominios alojados : Ilimitado
🆓 Dominios libres : 0
📌 IPs dedicadas : 1
🔗 URL del plan : https://ifastnet.com/portal/vpshosting.php
$65,99/mes. IVA exc250 GB1 TB 2 GB / 1
🔧 Dominios Mantenga el mouse
sobre las características!
💰Precio 📆 Actualizado
.com .net .org .info caracteristicas💳 Métodos de pago : Tarjetas de crédito / débito / prepago, PayPal
🔨 Panel de control : Webmin, OpenVZ
✍️ Opciones de soporte : Email, Mesa de ayuda, Teléfono / Toll-Free
🔗 URL del plan : https://ifastnet.com/portal/cart.php?a=add&domain=register
$12,99/mes. IVA exc

La información de contacto es gestionada por ifastnet.com representantes sales@i..., webmaster@i..., info@i..., sales@b... [iniciar sesión]

Reclamar este negocio

📊 Estadísticas web

Focalización: Reino Unido
📂 Detalles para https://ifastnet.com/
📥 Sitio web de DNS: ns2.ifastnet.org => ( Newcastle upon Tyne ) / Wildcard UK Limited - wildcard.net.uk
ns1.ifastnet.org => ( Newcastle upon Tyne ) / Wildcard UK Limited - wildcard.net.uk
MX::main.ifastnet.com => ( Lincoln ) / I FastNet LTD
🔨 Software de servidor: Apache/2.4.6 (CloudLinux) OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips|PHP/7.4.33
📌 Sitio web IP:
📍 Localización de IP: France, Hauts-de-france, Roubaix - ver los mejores proveedores en Française
🔗 Nombre del ISP / URL del ISP: OVH SAS, ovh.com

✅ Recomendaciones de clientes

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Cuánto es 4 + 3 ? Responder con 7

📋 iFast Net Noticias / Comunicado de prensa

No hay noticias escritas en el idioma es

📣 iFast Net Redes sociales

iFast Net Blog  Utilizando Wordpress version 5.9.10. Blog agregado en septiembre, 2015, con total 5 artículos, Idioma en-US. Último post en

📈 Tendencia de dominios

iFast Net Domain trend

Opiniones👪 iFast Net Calificaciones de clientes

Las estadísticas rápidas de iFast Net perfil muestra una nota promedio de 7,8 de 10, contando 76 opiniones. (algunos enumerados en la parte superior de la página)
Como visitante puedes califica a este proveedor directamente aquí! Si usted es parte del equipo de soporte, puede responder a estas revisiones yendo a iniciar sesión

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Información requerida

Seleccione Plan de Alojamiento
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Panel de control
Tu URL social, nombre o nombre de usuarioeg. https://twitter.com/YOURID or https://facebook.com/YOURID
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o iniciar sesión y vuelve a esta pagina
Identificación del cliente(No es público visible. Ejemplo Customer=1120 or Account=2121 or Order ID=511AAS3)
Su dominio alojadoEjemplo mysite.net. Si tiene varios dominios, mencione al menos uno
Resumen de tu posteg. ifastnet.com is best!
Tu reseña ¡Las etiquetas HTML NO están permitidas! MÍNIMO 100 caracteres!
¡Proporcione tanta información como sea posible en su revisión! Demasiada menos información puede considerarse no relevante y no aprobada!
Algunos clientes pueden decir cosas buenas como: "Estoy contento con iFastNet" o cosas malas y quejas como: "esta empresa apesta" o "es horrible", "ifastnet.com solo generó problemas ", "proveedor de estafa o estafa ", pero ahora es su turno de compartir su experiencia!
Cuánto es 4 + 3 ? Responder con 7
(53 = 69,74%)
(4 = 5,26%)
(3 = 3,95%)
(2 = 2,63%)
(14 = 18,42%)
Filtrar por idioma: MOSTRAR TODO(76)   EN(73)   ES(3)
Se aplicó el filtro de idioma para las reseñas escritas en ES
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
Calificación global
😁 I am very happy with ifast net. Their support is always helpful and timely. The cost is amazing for the features, including full cpanel, free domains, included primary domain. Over 3 years as a paying customer and I've had only 2 minor/short outages (and I monitor my site).

-anónimo- (-oculto-) / egorip.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 It has always been a pleasure dealing with iFastnet.From Support to Hosting these guys are amazing .Best and most helpful hosting provider in the world.
ifastnet.com you ROCK.
Abdu Alrhman (-oculto-) / techinf.site
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
Relación con el cliente
Panel de control
😁 Best of all
The best of all websites I tried
I really loved how was the support fast to answer my questions
its very easy to use.
-anónimo- (vraiizenisgood@g...) / sociout.online
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 I bought the 4.99$ plan or whatever the price is ( yeah i have bad memory lmao ), the support is very good, fast & helpful, every error i had like being charged twice, they told me a fix for it that always worked. Recommend 10/10 (2nd review)
-anónimo- (spacexplorer@m...) / spacexplorer.info
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😁 my collaboration with Ifastnet has been very interesting. The team is always available to answer any question I may have. During the confinement period, they were even more attentive to our needs and always had a kind word for our families.
Our collaboration stops today because of the pandemic, but we are already on another project and we intend to take back our subscription at Ifastnet for a long journey together.
-anónimo- (teleskopproductions@g...) / teleskopproductions.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😠 Worst heberging service ever, doesn't have customer service in my country, have suspended my website by error and doesn't want to change my mail adress.
Annan Malla (northernconservancy@g...) / yes
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
Relación con el cliente
Panel de control
😁 Great support and great hosting service ever
Great support and great hosting service ever. Love the support particularly and the hosting plan is perfect. Site run like charm no headach.

-anónimo- (-oculto-) / crownodorremoval.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
Calificación global
😁 I can't recommend ifastnet.com enough! Super fast and helpful tech support. Fast site loading speeds. Super cheap hosting. Keep up the good work, i'll be a customer for a long time for sure.
-anónimo- (mdkamran_16@o...) / softcodegenius.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
Relación con el cliente
Panel de control
😁 ifastnet.com is best!
Real-Time supporting, I like this. I really appreciated

Best Domain & Host provider
No cost for SSL certificate

Keep it up!
-anónimo- (elvitaurquizu@g...) / sfwasiy.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😃 Aula virtual
Active el servicio pero el dominio sigue pendiente sin que me permita efectuar la gestión de mi página. Pueden ayudarme a acelerar el proceso de activación? Cuanto tiempo demorara en activarse?
colin (pyrotech999@h...) / worldofshops.co.uk
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😠 Useless
They try to charge you extra and when you challenge it they ruin your website costing you time and in our case many thousands of pounds. The hosting goes down alot and they really do not care about you the customer. Website down? need support? well expect at least 24 hours before they respond with a time wasting question so that it takes another 24 hours and so on. Google will drop you. your SEO will take years to repair, your website will be damaged if you do not agree to what they say. Seriously this company needs to go bankrupt to save customers. pay a little more and get a good service elsewhere, this will cost you much more in the end.
-anónimo- (kmactavish@g...) / naturalbohemia.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😠 Slow to load Wordpress and its most popular e-commerce feature. Re-directed domain to point to another site where this problem was solved. Domain re-direct with iFastNet worked for about two months then. . . . At time of domain and hosting renewal, renewed domain but not hosting. (No transparent way to communicate decision not to continue with hosting.) Re-direct stopped working. Six days of support replies not addressing this problem and not giving any advice/instructions, except well-wishing and "stay safe". No knowledge base info on how-to domain management. Asked repeatedly what I wanted to do. Replied repeatedly either do it or tell me what I am doing wrong with domain management/nameservers. Sent to next level of support. Too much downtime for an e-commerce site. Transferred to another registrar where I never had such problems . . . do not recommend iFastNet--not fast and unable to supply help/service in timely fashion. Finally, no refund for recently re-newed domain [lee mas...]
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😠 They decided to suspend my account for no reason. I made the big mistake of trying the service yesterday. After they blocked my account immediately I hired another company and wait for 24 hours until I could cancel my account. But now I notice that they hacked my domain. Even though I set all the DNS pointing to my new hosting service and I even canceled my Ifastnet account, I keep being suspended. And now I have to buy a new domain. Very disappointing
-anónimo- (yvonnedejager1985@o...) / seo4you2.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
Calificación global
😁 Ifastnet is worth all the 5 stars!
Great support, great hosting, good prize p month.

Ifastnet simply rocks!
-anónimo- (-oculto-) / darassweets.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
Calificación global
😁 iFastNet has been my hosting services for over 3 years now. I've hosted multiple website (mainly using wordpress) on the same account and 0 problems. The times I've needed their support, 5 star service. They are fairly quick to respond, sometimes takes time but I'm from USA and they are from UK so there's time difference. 0 complains about them, highly recommended.
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
Calificación global
😠 ******* It has no mail server activated. *****
I have a premium account and help desk has asked me to manage email accounts from zoho mail or similar ones.
Terrible for my clients !!! Now I cannot continue with my business with this company.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) / zaamoon.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😠 They suspended my account without giving me prior notice, It has been 2 days that I am contacting them but poor support no solution. They are not activating my account.
I am running an ecommerce site and which is down from 2 days but ifast support is doing nothing.
They should be awarded with the world class poor support award.
-anónimo- (samoconnell2000@g...) / redfoxit.co
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😃 I joined iFastnet sceptical, as they had just had a service outage before I joined.
However, after joining, I have found their services to be very god for the money.
I pay £5 a month, and not only do I get hosting with Cpanel, but the support I have received has been really helpful.
I opened a support ticket, and within 45 minutes I got a reply. Then within 20 minutes it was resolved!
The next support ticket I opened was answered and solved within 10 minutes.
The support staff are very helpful and polite, and the services simply work, which is what you need to host websites.
Definitely going to be using them from now on.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) / smrphotos.co.uk
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
Calificación global
😉 I had thought they were very good but since the 11th August there seems to be an issue which isn't getting fixed, my website has been down for 24 hrs, no email and only last night was I able to log a support ticket as couldn't even access their own website, control panel or support ticket system. Just keep getting told it will be fixed within the next 2 hours - seems to be a rolling 2 hours! I'm losing business because of this and customer support seems to have gone out the window. Couldn't even phone them as it just went to BT voicemail
-anónimo- (-oculto-) / teplyh.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😠 July-August uptime 94%.
Hosting simply didn't work for 15 hours in one day in July and for 25 hours straight in August.
As a default, two-three times per day it goes dead for 5-15 minutes.
Each day.
-anónimo- (thebird_extreme@h...) / xtremebird.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 ifastnet.com is very very good company!!
I've been working with them for 10 years, their servers are perfect, the maintenance is great, many utilities within Cpanel to manage all services in a comfortable and easy way. Everything is great, but its technical support is even better. Response time and solution between 1 - 5 minutes. Fast and efficient I recommend and recommend to all customers always.

Llevo 10 años trabajando con ellos, sus servidores van perfectos, el mantenimiento magnifico, muchas utilidades dentro de Cpanel para administrar de manera comoda y sencilla todos los servicios. Todo es magnifico, pero su soporte tecnico auin lo supera mas. Tiempo de respuesta y solucion entre 1 - 5 minutos. Rapidos y eficaces. Los recomiendo y recomendare a todos los clientes siempre.
Halil Tezcan KARABULUT (gmtrhll@g...) / kozmikcraft.ml
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😁 Fastest Support System
The best hosting ever. Systems are fast but support system is faster than systems!
Thank you very much!
-anónimo- (-oculto-) / eugeniohost.ml
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 Better than GoDaddy, amazing support, with FREE service to create your own hosting.... You guys are amazing. Ultra fast support, and all of you are so kind. Congratz. I love this company.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) / wikihost.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
Calificación global
😁 The the best one hosting provider I've ever seen in my life. Incredibly support & great servers.
-anónimo- (bracho1995@h...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😁 son los mejores excelentes planes un excelente equipo de soporte tecnico y un excelente servicio los recomiendo 100%
Joao Mourinho (tvtugaonnline@g...) / rabiscosecontoseroticos.xyz
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 ifastnet.com is best!
excellent customer support, very fast to respond, very friendly. good price plans. are the best. Thank you
-anónimo- (-oculto-) / skyboundaviation.pw
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 Ifastnet affordable, reliable webhost...
I started off with ifastnet's free hosting plan for my website (byet internet services) and I was suitably impressed with their free service.

When I wanted more options, I decided to upgrade to their super premium hosting package, which is extremely affordable and offers great value for money at $3.99 a month.
Ifastnet also gives you two payment options, you can pay monthly or yearly for the same $3.99 price. Nearly all other webhosts that I have looked into wanted you to pay yearly.

Their network reliability is 100% in the short time that I have been with them, haven't had any downtime with them whatsoever.

Their technical support is excellent. They have a very knowledgeable, professional and most of all courteous technical support staff that will treat you with respect, regardless if this is your first time using a webhost or you are a long time user.

All in all I would highly recommend ifastnet for your hosting needs.
-anónimo- (-oculto-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
😁 The best hosting company I've ever worked with
Some of the great features are the monthly payment system ,flawless and quick support assistance ,easy to setup ,polite staff and they work in favour of the customers !

Jose Ríos (cafe.de.puebla.mx@g...) / cafedepuebla.biz
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😁 Aunque inicialmente tenía mis dudas de la calidad de sus servicios, los hechos me han llevado a cambiar mi impresión. Es un servicio de alojamiento muy accesible y profesional.

En mi modesta opinión porque no soy un experto, solo un usuario más, pienso que tienen dos (2) características muy particulares:

- Planes muy accesibles para un emprendedor que se inicia.

- Respuesta casi automática por parte del servicio de soporte, eso no tiene precio.

En algunos casos tenemos problemas para entendernos, pero finalmente terminan resolviendo y dándole solución a las situaciones que les he planteado.

Espero que continúen prestando un muy buen servicio y que no nos decepcionen.
-anónimo- (steve@s...) / smartblogger.co.uk
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 Ifastnet are great value for money and their support is extremely fast.
I have had no down time with them.
One of my sites that i moved to them now loads even faster.
The staff are friendly and helpful
I would highly recommend them
-anónimo- (jaydeepsaravaiya@g...) / lodasiareplayparser.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
Calificación global
😁 iFastnet is one of the best if not the best web-hosting provider I have ever encountered.
There plans are affordable and their quick support for any issues is like icing on a cake.
If you are on a budget and still require somewhat basic PHP based Website just like me, I dont think there is any other provider with the same plans available on this planet lol.
When I didnt have any money to pay I relied on their free domain services and trust me there was no website who could have offered me free PHP server with MySQL and no advertisements, I literally leeched off them for ~2 years before switching to premium(which is cheap), and I am now life long their customer.
Kudos iFastnet Team, Keep it up :D
-anónimo- (-oculto-) / apagenerator.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 IFastNet is probably the best webhosting company that I've ever used. Their support team responds almost instantly and solves issues very quickly. I absolutely love hosting with this company and tend to do so for a long time.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) / coscienzamaschile.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
Calificación global
😁 Finally a great hosting service at an affordable price.
My website is very CPU-intensive and is as fast as lightning!
All servers have SSD hdisks, external CloudFlare DNS and RailGun technology.
The assistance is simply AWESOME: while other companies not even responded, iFastNet is alamost as fast as a chat and quickly resolves all your problems even if you are a newbie!
And you don't have to commit for years to benefit of an affordable price, you pay per month!
I would definitely recommend iFastNet.
-anónimo- (laksuu_32773@y...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😁 Thank you for your support! Best staff possible. I really appreciate your time helping others in such a good time! Very good! I think you are the most good support as far!
-oculto- (-oculto-) / noriellecruz.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 Support is really fast! Server specs are outstanding!
Hi folks! This hosting provider is the best you can have and the best part of it is.... affordable! I 100% recommend this hosting company!
Tishbyte (tishbyte@o...) / 3cdog.net
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😁 Absolutely amazing.
As a developer, I can absolutely recommend their service. Their hosting so feature full, cheap cost, and the support is the best. The support is extremely fast, most responses come with within minutes and are extremely helpful.
Cannot recommend enough.
Mike Wolf (werwol.f1993@g...) / mwoff.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 Excellent hosting! I've been using it for a long time. I only have positive reviews for hosting. Everything works fine, the server does not crash, support is just super!

Top Rated Hosting!
facebook.com/castellogianluca | dott.castello@e...
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
😁 ifastnet.com is best!
ifastnet.com is
Excellent Excellent Excellent!
No more! Great Customer - Support!
Graeta Technical Assistance!
Very fast Provider!
-anónimo- (ashirgebaev@o...) / bereke.info
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😁 Amazing hosting
Super fast service, real fast servers and very good support.
Unfortunately, I have not the time to write a long story here.
in every message they send
"Please let us know if there is anything further we can do for you"

and they are realy do everything what I need
-oculto- (conbay51@g...) / createsense.org
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😃 They're the best
Excellent service, real fast servers and very good support. Unfortunately, I have not the time to write a long story here.
facebook.com/roy (veitias@v...) / drpcsolution.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 definitively ifastnet is the best!!!!!
This is the best server option in the market those days I will not gone change it ever High RECOMENDED !!!
-oculto- (-oculto-) / arm-team.gr
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 Excellent services
Customer since 2012 i have no complain for anything.
Fast Services, many choices from excellent products.
Very good prices due to services they provide.
Support is extremely fast and solve any issu you have immediately giving solutions at any problem.
They have most fast and reliable Free accounts with many benefits.
10/10 recommended!
facebook.com/muskito96 (muskito96@o...) / bdart.ga
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 Thanks ifastnet.com
The best Service I've ever used. Tested and recommended to future customers. Whenever I needed help they were there not to mention the security and stability of my services, a big thank you to the whole administration.
-anónimo- (-oculto-) / bedavawebhosting.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😠 Never again iFastNet
After 6 weeks hard work i put my sites online at ifastnet and reguest SSL...
Al my sites are in error after 3 days tecnical support was not able fix the problem the just say wait another day and then it wil work? nothing works all visitors are redirected from search engines to their own website becoz my site gives error. i have never meet an hosting company past 10 years that is so bad i lost a lot of time. After i transfer my sites to a difernt host they offer support again to fix the problem.. they need 3 days my GOD it is still not working...
-oculto- (-oculto-) / dariliya.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 I reccomed ifastnet.com to everyone
I have tried several providers before. After finding ifastnet.com I would never want to migrate to anywhere else.

Great and fast support
Great price
Great features
Supreme service!
twitter.com/ShefKcom (asrar_al7op@y...) / shefk.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😁 ifastnet.com
I deal with the company from long time It is also excellent Excellent technical support, excellent service and very favorable price
-anónimo- (novikoffav@g...) / phytomorphology.org
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😠 The worst ever hosting
Before they worked good. But now they so bad, that I think that I have change my hosting after 6 years. During last year they downed my SQL without any notification and did not respond on my issue tickets for 12 hours and then they reload servers and told "all is working well, why are you complaining?". Finally they sent me invoice for early renew of domain in Saturday and already in Monday they downed my website because I had no possibility to pay invoice in Sunday! So I paid it in Monday and asked them to renew my hosting and domain, but after 11 hours they told me that I still must pay. After that they told, that no, I do not need to pay, but I still must wait. Wait for what? They did not answer. So they superfast in getting your money and newer help in making your website working.
facebook.com/no1sorol (sorolworld@g...) / mediahiphop.biz
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😃 ifastnet.com is bes
ifastnet is the best hosting companny all over the world.Their service is very pleaseable...customer help service is awesome
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😃 Excellent Service
I have been using ifastnets services for a few years now. Free hosting and I have always been very surprised. Most times on free services if you need support you have to go hunting down the support ticket and if you do get a reply it is always really late.

On the contrary every time I have had to contact support which is rare I just goto my sites CP and open a support ticket and at least in my experience I get a response from a helpful agent usually within an hour and sometimes within a few minutes like my most recent ticket I had a response and answer to my question from them within about 10 minutes.

Would recommend them to anyways paid or free!
trendingalltime/wordpress (elvis.lagrason@y...) / byethost.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😁 Customer Service is excellent!
I had an issue with my website because of the 500 Error thing but after filing a ticket, I have my website up running again. After just 2-3 minutes of filing the ticket, bam! There's already a resolution. Customers like me who doesn't really into programming is amazed how quick and efficient the customer service are. Simple reply yet you're really going to understand it. Love it!
-oculto- (-oculto-) / ufugaji.co.tz
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 iFastNet.com – The hosting to rely on
-They are cheap
-Reliable, fast and caring customer service
-They make a follow up until your case is solved
-Their technical directives are easily understood if for non-website experts like me
-I never regret to be one of their customers
-oculto- (shahminrazali@k...) / kayan.my
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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iFastNet is the best hosting provider i have ever used. I have been switching providers, and they offer the FASTEST CUSTOMER SERVICE RESPONSE PERIOD!

their servers are fast and efficient.

although they offer the free plan, there were some issues and thats totally accceptable since your really are not paying anything! but once u upgrade, its like going from a bagger to a KING!
-oculto- (oko1200@g...) / rontech.co.il
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 2 años
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😁 ifastnet.com is best! from the rest
i simply love theme grate communication fast support reply super fast
they are absolutely the best from the rest i had experience with
Windwalker (-oculto-) / castlekeepdanes.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 Great support and service
I have 3 sites hosted with ifastnet for the last 9 years. They are always helpful and respond quickly to support tickets. If your looking for a great hosting service this would be it.

They don't mind helping with issues when asked where many hosts tell you "Your on your own".
Speed is great and the uptime is super.
-anónimo- (admin@s...) / samunas.ru
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😁 For me ifastnet.com best hosting in the world.
I was looking to host your website tried many different but in the end settled on ifastnet.com because.
-Super Support, help with problems with the site.
-Server Work 100% never hang or fall.
And many other things they are the best, I recommend this web hosting services use hosting and this not regret it.
-anónimo- (-sin correo electrónico-)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 ifastnet.com is best! the real MVP
Amazing hosting company.. Best so far in my 8 years of web design and development. Customer service is lit!
Robert (-oculto-) / cersdo.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: menos de 1 mes
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😁 Best support
Very good prices. And support helped me alot.
I transfer my site from other hosting,
Side was made by me, and it's not small. Unfortunately i m not so good with databases like Mysql and e.t.c
But support here is best ) they dead all to start my site, And it works again .
sharear.azam (rub_sanjida@y...) / islamicdawahsg.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 ifastnet.com swift response
always getting swift response. this is good hosting server ever i am using. great job ifastnet..and thank you
-anónimo- (uploadingfake2@h...) / vhcheats
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😁 The best FTP service
If your'e looking for a FTP simply and fastly, check this and try this.... It's the best FTP hosting server that i know, not troubles, not slows. very fast... And, if you have a inconvenience, contact they using the ticket Support System and you will responsed very fast.
Linfile.com (Muyin_ctg@y...) / linfile.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
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😁 Ifastnet is on of the web hosting site in the world . I host 8 website on this company . >> Low Price & Good Service
>>Good support System
-oculto- | -oculto-
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 Excellent!
I have been using iFastnet services since 2008 and they are *excellent*, their support is perfect!I think the reason that they are great is that they don't oversell their servers despite many other hostings! and this is why their servers are fast!
-oculto- (samomba@t...) / savecosts.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 6 meses a 1 año
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😞 Awful
I've been with them for about 8 months.
Frequent downtime. (one took 3 days and my site was deindexed on several small search engines)
Support is incredibly stupid and barely understand plain simple English.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since April, 2016
-oculto- (webgod@t...) / nyanshop.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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IFASTNET is running byet.host - a well knows scam hosting.
Whenever you get ANY traffic, they instanly suspend your account and redirect that traffic to their own ADS.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since October, 2016
-anónimo- (geral@m...) / meganorte.eu
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
Calificación global
😠 Avoid this host provider!!! they say unlimited disk space but then they dont allow you to make backup of your data!
They lie about the UNLIMITED DISK SPACE!!!!
I submit a ticket and they answer this way:
Hi there,

The backup functionality is enabled if using less than or equal to 1GB, 11GB is excessively over there.

We can generate a backup manually for you, or you can use FTP / phpmyadmin to take an offsite backup.

Please let us know if there is anything further we can do for you.

Best Regards"
-anónimo- (freds2327@g...) / bean0.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 2 a 3 años
Calificación global
😁 These guys are just the best !

My site has been online with 99.999% uptime for now over 3 years consistently !

When ive needed support (for issues I have created myself) they have been solid and very helpfull.

Keep up the solid work ifastnet !
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
Calificación global
😠 awful provider

My site down often, and they reply to my ticket "kindly consider a VPS plan".
So bad!
edo (edo.escada@g...) / cheetahmob.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😉 Error 500 in new hosting and very new domain
I just registered the PAID service here. Then make my WordPress up. Inputed 800 companies in WordPress Database then got Error 500. WHAT A PAID SERVER. There is no processing just data input. What is server for if not for database management :( BAD. VERY BAD. Its not a free plan. I paid.

Latest situation, the facility to see the CPU Usage Monitoring also closed/limited so I cannot see my CPU Usage :(
Alfonso (administrador@m...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: más de 3 años
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😁 Low prices, Fast solutions, Good service.
Lots of tools and aplications.
john (kenshin_35@h...) / adblogcat.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😞 Ifastnet has the worst customer service
IfastNet.com's customer service is the worst. They say they have 24/7 support, however its a complete lie. They only have a 24/7 chat for sales and that is it.

Highly suggest you avoid this company because you can only open IT tickets and they take a very long time to get back to you. My customers need work done, but I cannot do it because they won't give me access to shell and won't respond my open tickets.I will be switching pretty soon.
Ratimutu (ratimutu@m...) / danmog.info
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
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😁 iFastNet.com – My best host
I have been using iFastNet.com service for a long while and want to state they work great and have high uptime.
They use SSD's for their premium hosting plans and their price is rather good for pure SSD servers. The websites load up-to 1000% faster on
their new SSD premium hosting!
As for their technicians, they are skillful and helpful any time I contact them. And they are fast and responsive.
The way they provide their service is quality and webmaster-friendly.
Kohler (batesmothod@c...) / batesmothod.info
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😁 iFastNet.com – my experience with them
Using iFastNet.com service I get fast hosting on their servers which use SSD drives at no extra cost which I have had never
experienced before.
There are many useful resources in their plans such as Softiculious 256 script installer, and their free web application firewall
is a big advantage from them, it blocks hacks to many popular scripts in addition to a free SiteLock which fully locks your files from hackers.
They have skillful and knowledgeable technicians who are online any time I contact them. In terms of pricing, for fast SSD hosting you can not find cheaper, especially since they include a free TLD domain with every plan and give 20 bonus 3rd level free domains.
I recommend to use them for those who are interested in getting quality fast hosting on SSD drives at an affordable price.
Bob (admin@r...) / rons-times.com
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 1 a 3 meses
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😁 Ifastnet.com – my favourite host
I have never thought it's possible to find such a quality and stable
shared hosting service which provide a lot of attractive features.
Ifastnet.com is such a host. Using their shared hosting I have not
downtime and their free firewall which blocks the hacks to the most popular scripts is great and helpful and it makes hosting more secure.
A free domain is a nice plus from them too. Their technicians are
skillful and knowledgeable and uptime is high.
I like them and plan to be with them as long as possible.
atrain3 (austincline88@g...)
⏳ Tiempo alojado: 3 a 6 meses
Calificación global
Relación con el cliente
Panel de control
😠 absolutely horrible
I urge you: do not use this company. They are beyond horrible. Their customer service is nonexistent. Literally. I tried emailing, calling – nothing worked. I'm new to web building and hosting, and needed help. Their instructions were weak and pointless. Ended up transferring over to a different and much better host. [Review for securesignup.net]

🔝 Alternar las principales empresas de alojamiento web en United Kingdom

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    WP Engine
    wpengine.com logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 2.347
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    Se agregan productos (planes), pero algunos no se actualizan desde hace más de 2 años
    Se agregan promociones, pero algunas no se actualizan desde hace más de 2 años

    Cosas para hacer
    "Sobre la página" URL o "Página de contacto" URL faltantes
    123 Reg
    123-reg.co.uk logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 7.869
    👤 Opiniones de usuarios 👉 Revisiones Totales: 141
    🙌 Puntuación media: 1.6 / 10
    👍 Buenas críticas: 15
    👎 Malos comentarios: 126
    👈 Respuestas oficiales: 0
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    "Sobre página" URL o "Página de contacto" URL agregadas
    Foro, Blog / Anuncios, Knowledgebase o Preguntas frecuentes se agregan URL
    Se agregan productos (planes), pero algunos no se actualizan desde hace más de 2 años
    Nota: Añadir una promoción o cupón

    1&1 IONOS UK
    ionos.co.uk logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 8.858
    👤 Opiniones de usuarios 👉 Revisiones Totales: 25
    🙌 Puntuación media: 1.2 / 10
    👍 Buenas críticas: 0
    👎 Malos comentarios: 25
    👈 Respuestas oficiales: 0
  • Estado de finalización del perfil:
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    Se ha añadido el teléfono / fax de la empresa
    Se agregan las cuentas de la empresa Twitter y Facebook
    "Sobre página" URL o "Página de contacto" URL agregadas
    Foro, Blog / Anuncios, Knowledgebase o Preguntas frecuentes se agregan URL
    Se agregan productos (planes), pero algunos no se actualizan desde hace más de 2 años
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    20i.com logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 16.400
    👤 Opiniones de usuarios 👉 Revisiones Totales: 3
    🙌 Puntuación media: 10 / 10
    👍 Buenas críticas: 3
    👎 Malos comentarios: 0
    👈 Respuestas oficiales: 0

📉 Compare con las mejores marcas de hosting de United Kingdom

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