Abelo Host negative review #59775 by hnidhal@g... on Jun 2022

Abelo Host got a negative review on
Abelo Host
Educalaan 9A
Dronten , FL 8251GC
☎ Phone 31 64 088 5005
Customer review #59775
-anonymous- ( hnidhal@g... )
Time Hosted over 3 years
Global rating
I was a 4 years clients, paying all my invoice in time and following the rules, no forbidden content or weird business nothing that sort.

So I believe you should all read my review for what my happened if you decide to go with that company.

For the good, speed is ok, customer service is good specially when Piotr answers, even so it has been considerably decreasing in quality seems I sign up in 2018.

For my personal story, they suspended my account (5 e-commerces) without notice in the middle of the night?

Why? You might ask, I have been victim of a hack and one of my form has been used to send Spam. I took action immediately and contacted the customer service for help, alongside my IT team and my security service Sucuri, within 1 day we blocked the SMPT and so the spam stopped sending, it took us few days fixing the issue but no matter cause the spam stopped. I received my monthly invoice and paid immediately has as usual. Following this I ask the Customer service to enable the mail serveurs back to normal, we monitored it and no spam were being sent. Problem solve, invoice paid, it was time to kick back and relax.
Little did I know when I went to sleep the service I just paid was suspended, for SPAM. No issue problem has been solve, ticket was still open, probably an automatic email I thought. About 6h after my message, my second message and a third I finally got an answer reason, by a low quality employee and human named Serge, with a truly disgusting attitude.

"We won't renew your service, cause of the constant SPAMMING" How surprising, I never received any notice in the 4 years using the service, my IP is not even blacklisted and I immediately open a ticket to deal with it.

From there everything went downside customer service was 200% slower that usual, my message were barely answer, it took me a full day to get a chance to get my backup and countless message, finally the company show here true face. Who care about a 4 years business customer and its companies? Employees to pay? Charges? Who cares not our (abelohost) issue anymore. And the money is paid for 2 days of service, of course no refund, and to top it all off they dared to ask me to pay another invoice, not only they beat you while down but they try to finish you up.

So moral of the story, you might get suspended from a day to another, if you get hacked or something happened? They will beat you up while you're still on the floor.

So guys hope my review help a bunch of you! If you still choose to go with them, I’ll suggest you to have an independent backup system on your private serveur, home or NAS, or save yourself some time and go to another Host.

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