Średnio 2.2 z 10
Łączna liczba recenzji: 5
Polecane przez: 1
Przeciwny: 4
Oficjalne odpowiedzi: 0

Peer1 Recenzja 2024. Jest dobry hosting w Kanada?

5 opinie użytkowników; 0 odpowiedzi wsparcia; 0 referencje; 4 niewegańskich, 0 promocje, 5 konta społecznościowe; 31394 domeny, Alexa #125858; 📆 zarejestrowany 2009 (#12703)
1600-555 W. Hastings St
Vancouver , BC v6b 4n5
☎ Telefon 1-877-504-0091

Języki witryny: en jest nieaktywny, ale został przekierowany do
🏆 Alexa Rating 125858 👤 Oceny użytkowników 🙌 Średnio 2.2 z 10
👉 Łączna liczba recenzji: 5
👍 Polecane przez: 1
👎 Przeciwny: 4
🤝 Oficjalne odpowiedzi: 0

💰 Zakres cen $ 200,00 - $ 900,00⏰ Wsparcie 24x7
Stan ukończenia profilu:
Rzeczy zrobione
Opisy firm są w porządku
Lokalizacja adresu firmy jest kompletna
Dodano telefon/faks firmy
Dodawane są firmowe konta na Twitterze i Facebooku
Dodawane są adresy URL forum, bloga / ogłoszeń, bazy wiedzy lub często zadawanych pytań
Produkty (plany) są dodawane, ale niektóre nie są aktualizowane od ponad 2 lat
Uwaga: dodaj promocję lub kupon

Co robić
"Strona z informacjami" URL lub "Strona kontaktowa" Brak adresów URL

📄 Zarys ogólny

🔧 Usługi: HostingRejestracja domeny
⇔ Przekierowane domeny:

📜 Informacje Peer1

About PEER 1
Since 1999, we've grown into one of the world's top 5 hosting providers. We got here by delivering the kind of exceptional service that gets noticed, and a SuperNetwork™ that always delivers on our uptime promise.
For over a decade we've been cutting through the frustration of underperforming technology and poor service, delivering the power of the internet to any organization that needs it. We do this through award-winning

* Managed Hosting
* Dedicated Hosting (through our division ServerBeach)
* Colocation
* Network services

Our Service Promise
Everything we do is backed by our Firstcall Support. It means you only need to ask once, and our outstanding people won't rest until your issue is resolved. Our service excellence is then underpinned by iron clad SLAs and further reinforced by a 30 days money back guarantee. We're so motivated by your happiness we even measure it using Net Promoter. It's the standard global metric for gauging success, and we're constantly improving - by 76% last year alone!

FirstCall Support
You'll never have to call us twice. We listen, get to work and don't rest until you're satisfied. That's what makes us tick: your happiness.
One call is all it takes to ignite our fierce determination to fix your issue. That's who we are, a hosting provider where great servers meet great service. Here's how we go about keeping our promises:
No Junior Technicians, Helpdesks or Gatekeepers
Expect to talk to seasoned IT pro's obsessed with making your problems go away, fast. Their passion for hosting exists to help your passion for business. It means we cut to the chase first time, every time with the know-how you need. Talk to us now about the difference this makes.
A Service Measure That Makes a Difference
Net Promoter is the most comprehensive way for businesses around the world to track and plan success. We simply ask our clients "Would you recommend PEER 1 to a friend or colleague?" and they answer using this easy number scale.

NPS scale
We use the scale to measure our Net Promoter Score (NPS). If we're not getting top marks (9's & 10's) we get a low score, and we know we're not good enough. We want you to recommend us to others, but we want to earn the privilege.
Our Magic Number
Our customers rewarded us recently with an NPS of 30 - the average for IT support services is just 7. That's a 76% improvement over last year. It's a good result, but we're not satisfied. We won't rest until we're blazing a trail for all service providers. This means topping the likes of Apple, Amazon, and Zappos. We're on our way, so talk to us now about our latest service innovations.

NPS score
Not Happy? We'll Give You Your Money Back
If we ever slip up, we'll credit your account right away - usually before you have time to ask. That's because our service rules (SLAs) are iron clad. If you're not delighted with our service within the first 30 days of your account being activated, we'll just give you your money back, guaranteed. Talk to us now and put us to the test.

A Smarter Way For a Faster Fix
When an issue occurs, every second counts. So we'll use our SmartKey technology to access your servers directly. Not only does it use air-tight security measures to protect all your information, but all our actions can be tracked for your added peace of mind. Talk to us now about the benefits to you.

How We Got Started
It all began when two successful business mavericks had a chance meeting in an elevator. Lance Tracey and Mark Teolis found they shared a passion for the untapped power of the Internet, and a shared belief that it was about to radically transform the business universe. They also believed this power should be available to all, and could give small and medium sized businesses the stage and tools they needed to compete against anyone. PEER 1 was born.

The PEER 1 Story

In 1999, two maverick minds had a chance meeting in an elevator. Lance Tracey and Mark Teolis were both successful business leaders who found they shared a similar passion. A passion for the untapped power of the Internet.
And a belief that it was about to radically transform the business universe. They also believed that this power should be available to all businesses - large or small. In fact, Lance and Mark believed that the web could become the great equalizer, leveling the playing field and giving small and medium sized businesses the stage and tools they needed to compete against anyone.

This chance meeting sowed the seeds for PEER 1. With equal parts passion, persistence, guts and belief, PEER 1 brought to the marketplace a refreshingly different attitude and approach. Far from the prevailing telco model of high costs, layers of bureaucracy and sluggish response time, PEER 1 offered a better option that focused on affordability, simplicity and unprecedented response time. Contracts were made uncomplicated and great employees were hired and empowered to make things right for the customer - right away. And the market responded. But access to the web was just the beginning for PEER 1 and our clients.

Today, business on the Internet has morphed way beyond its humble roots. From online commerce to sophisticated data applications, to gaming and online communities, the Internet has become a cornerstone of both ongoing business operations and personal lifestyles. But for many businesses, the increasing complexity of harnessing the web has led to frustration and missed opportunities. Too much time required, too few resources and not enough expertise are common challenges for many companies. How to handle hardware, support, security needs, back-up strategies, firewalls and disaster recovery are all critical issues to be addressed and resolved. Outsource these challenges to PEER 1 and the headaches of the web are gone.

PEER 1 supplies a broad range of internet infrastructure solutions to businesses all over the world. All delivered over the rock-solid and reliable PEER 1 network. From start-ups to established businesses, PEER 1 provides highly scalable solutions that respond at internet speed. From network bandwidth and co-location servers to fully managed and self-managed hosting, PEER 1 can handle whatever our clients need. Outsourcing to PEER 1 makes sense for the bottom line too. The scope of our extensive client base provides the scale necessary to keep prices down and we pass along those savings to you. Our clients benefit from a far wider range of services at a fraction of the cost of traditional telco models or going it alone.

Our impressive growth and success are the result of our core principles - providing excellent value, keeping things fast and simple and understanding that our real benefit to our clients is our ability to take away the complexities and challenges of the web and enable them to focus on growing their business. Partnering with PEER 1 gives you the freedom to concentrate on what you do best. To focus on the possibilities of the internet, not the problems.

At PEER 1, we service our clients from 16 state-of-the-art data centers across North America and Europe utilizing the industry's fastest and most reliable Internet network combined with 24/7 customer service support. Our geographic diversity is unparalleled in the industry and combines superior access with greater security. And everything is backed by our 100% uptime guarantee. For over 9,000 businesses, PEER 1 is their passport to the internet. Their go-to partner that makes web commerce work. Every day. Every time. Without the worries. Without the stress.

None of this happens without the right people. Real people with uncommon spirit. From Vancouver to Miami; from New York to Los Angeles, PEER 1 employees are a special breed. We only hire the best and then we give our people the power to make decisions. Decisions that will keep your business running smoothly. We insist that staff think from a customer point of view and use their very best judgment to address a challenge. Even if that means stepping outside the box and getting creative to solve problems. No pre-tense, no BS, just a willingness to roll up our sleeves and get it done. Whether that means having the skill and foresight to anticipate problems before they surface, or jumping on a plane at a moment's notice to make things right if it does hit the fan, PEER 1 staff are committed to making it happen. Trusted partners that keep business in line and online. We're truly passionate about service and we love helping our clients use the web to bring people and ideas together to change the future.

Complacency does not exist in the PEER 1 vocabulary, so for us the future is a great, ongoing adventure. An opportunity to continue the exploration and discovery. We're committed to keeping on top of what's new on the web, how to make it work and keeping it all real for our clients. We'll continue to look for new opportunities to evolve and grow PEER 1 to provide the best options for our clients. And at each step of that journey we'll be working right beside our clients to help them manage their own evolving needs. Offering a scalable partnership that will continue to provide solutions well into the future. You'll never outgrow us and that's one less thing to worry about.

In 1999 when PEER 1 began, no one could have predicted where the internet was headed and the future will no doubt be just as uncertain. And exciting. But, no matter where that future takes us, we'll be there with the same enthusiasm and commitment we have today. And you can be sure that we'll never forget the maverick mindset that started it all and our commitment to simplicity, responsiveness and true partnership with our clients. The playing field in business is now more level than ever thanks to the internet and the pioneering spirit of companies like PEER 1. And we'll continue to work hard to keep it that way.

Why Choose PEER 1 Hosting?
We're all about Ping & People. This means we keep things fast and simple, deliver excellent value and obsess over our network performance to deliver you the friendliest, most reliable services in Managed Hosting.

A Top Five Managed Hosting Provider

Top Five in the World
We have over 10,000 customers, operate over 20,000 servers, run 13,000 miles of cable and have nearly 200,000 sq. ft of datacenter space in 13 cities. We're financially sound and stable too. This success is built on one thing -client happiness. We are one of the world's best, because around the world people recognize great service. Talk to us or find out more

24x7x365 FirstCall Support

FirstCall Support™

Our people aren't just armed with qualifications, they're also dedicated to client satisfaction and passionate about unleashing the benefits of hosting. It's people like this who'll sink their teeth into your issues on the first time of asking, and won't let go until it's resolved. We keep our customers by keeping our promises. Talk to us or find out more

24x7x365 FirstCall Support

Technical Account Managers

PEER 1 Hosting's Technical Account Manager (TAM) Program addresses the unique support requirements of customers with complex or especially large configurations, or are using very specialized add-on managed services. Talk to us or find out more

Rock-Solid IT infrastructure

FastFiber Network™
Few managed hosting providers own their own network. Even less have one that spans 17 global datacenters, and only one has been running theirs for ten years. That's us, and that's why you won't get our speed and connectivity anywhere else. Don't just take our word for it either. Check out the competition and see for yourself. Talk to us or find out more

Choose your managed hosting

The Power of Choice
Whether Managed Hosting, Dedicated Hosting or Colocation, we'll use our FastFiber Network™, driven people and decade's experience to meet your needs head-on. You can also easily change hosting type as your business grows, and even use several at the same time. The possibilities for your business are endless. Talk to us or find out more

Scalable hosting solutions

Come Scale With Us
You want to build a growing business without ever outgrowing your business hosting provider. With us, that's one less thing to worry about. We provide the most scalable hosting environment for startups and small to mid-size businesses ready to explode online. We span the globe. How big do you want to be? Talk to us or find out more

30 Days Money Back Guarantee

30 Days Money Back Guarantee
If you're not happy, we're not happy. That's why we offer you a 30 Days Money Back Guarantee. If you are less than delighted with our service for any reason, cancel within the first 30 days and we'll give you a full refund on your hosting and setup fees. No questions asked, other than what we can do to improve. Talk to us or find out more

100% network uptime guarantee

100% Network Uptime Guarantee
Every business hosting provider claims this or something like it, but we'll put our money where our mouth is and offer credit for any downtime. We exist to help your business run better. That's why we take network uptime and performance very seriously. We're only happy when you're firing on all cylinders. Talk to us or find out more zrzut ekranu
Wyszukiwanie witryn internetowych dla Peer1 dnia kwiecień 8, 2009 przez WebHostingTop

🎁 Peer1 Promocje

Na liście nie ma kodu kuponu ani promocji.

Peer1 Plany notowane

🔧 Kolokacja - 💻 Linux/Windows Trzymaj mysz
nad funkcjami!
💰Cena 📶 Przeniesienie 📆 Zaktualizowano📌 Dedykowane adresy IP
4U Octal Cab   $200,00/mi. niezmierzony
10U Quarter Cab   $400,00/mi. niezmierzony
22U Half Cab   $600,00/mi. niezmierzony
44U Full Cab   $900,00/mi. niezmierzony

Wygląda na to, że na stronie głównej wykryto błąd Javascript Apr 29, 2017

📊 Statystyki internetowe

Ukierunkowanie: Kanada, Niemcy, Holandia, Stany Zjednoczone
📂 Wszelkie szczegóły
📥 DNS witryny: => ( New York City ) / Peer 1 Network Inc. => ( New York City ) / Peer 1 Network Inc. => ( Miami ) / Skyhigh Security LLC - => ( Dallas ) / Skyhigh Security LLC -
🔨 Oprogramowanie serwerowe: cloudflare-nginx
📌 Adres IP witryny:
📍 Lokalizacja IP: Canada, Ontario, Toronto - zobacz najlepszych dostawców w Canada, Ontario
🔗 Nazwa ISP / URL ISP: Peer 1 Hosting Toronto, (nieaktywny)

✅ Opinie klientów

Nie ma na liście opinii użytkowników.

📋 Peer1 Aktualności / Informacja prasowa

Brak wiadomości napisanych w języku pl Dostępne języki : en: 80

📣 Peer1 Sieć społeczna
Informacje: Peer 1 Hosting is the web infrastructure and cloud company where dreamers, innovators and disruptors go to harness the untapped power of the Internet to change the world for the better.

Our mission is to allow our customers to focus on the possibilities of the Internet and not the problems.

We make this a reality for our customers with every interaction. We use innovative technology to deliver an exceptionally responsible, reliable and secure hosting experience.

Most importantly, we care.

Peer 1 Hosting (ustalone 1999) jest Privately Held jednostka mający 5889 obserwujących na LinkedIn i 501-1000 pracowników, przemysł Information Technology & Services.  Używając Wordpress version 4.7.4. Blog dodany luty, 2012, z sumą 166 artykułów/przedmiotów przeznaczonych, Język en-US. Najnowszy post na,25.htm

📈 Trend dotyczący domen

Peer1 Domain trend

Recenzia👪 Peer1 Oceny klientów

Szybkie statystyki Peer1 profil pokazuje średnią notatek 2,2 z 10, obliczam 5 opinie. (kilka wymienionych na górze strony)
Jako gość możesz oceń tego dostawcę bezpośrednio tutaj! Ta firma może nie zajmować się hostingiem internetowym!

Dodaj opinie [Przejdź do formy podstawowej / zaawansowanej]

Wymagane informacje

Wybierz Plan hostingowy
Ogólna ocena
Czas hostowany
Relacje z klientem
Panel Sterowania
Twój społeczny adres URL, imię i nazwisko lub nazwa użytkownikaeg. or
Adres email
(zostanie zaciemniony)
lub zaloguj i wróć na tę stronę
Identyfikacja nabywcy(Niewidoczne publicznie. Przykład Customer=1120 or Account=2121 or Order ID=511AAS3)
Twoja domena hostowanaPrzykład Jeśli masz wiele domen, wspomnij przynajmniej jeden
Podsumowanie Twojego postueg. is best!
Twoja opinia Tagi HTML nie są dozwolone! MINIMUM 100 znaków!
Podaj jak najwięcej informacji w swojej recenzji! Zbyt mniej informacji może zostać uznanych za nieistotne i niezatwierdzone!
Niektórzy klienci mogą powiedzieć dobre rzeczy, na przykład: "Jestem zadowolony Peer1" lub złe rzeczy i skargi, takie jak: "ta firma jest do bani" lub "jest okropna", " wygenerował tylko problemy", "dostawca oszustwa lub zdzierstwa", ale teraz Twoja kolej, aby podzielić się swoimi doświadczeniami!
Ile to kosztuje 4 + 3 ? Odpowiedz za pomocą 7
(1 = 20,00%)
(1 = 20,00%)
(3 = 60,00%)
Brak recenzji w języku PL. Możesz przeglądać alternatywnie w innych językach!
Filtruj według języka: Łączna liczba recenzji(5)   EN(5)

🔝 Alternatywne najlepsze firmy hostingowe w British Columbia, Kanada

  • Stan ukończenia profilu:
    Rzeczy zrobione
    Opisy firm są w porządku
    Lokalizacja adresu firmy jest kompletna
    Dodano telefon/faks firmy
    Dodawane są firmowe konta na Twitterze i Facebooku
    Adresy "Strona z informacjami" lub "Strona kontaktowa" są dodawane
    Dodawane są adresy URL forum, bloga / ogłoszeń, bazy wiedzy lub często zadawanych pytań
    Produkty (plany) są dodawane, ale niektóre nie są aktualizowane od ponad 2 lat
    Uwaga: dodaj promocję lub kupon

    Bravenet logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 25327
    👤 Oceny użytkowników 👉 Łączna liczba recenzji: 16
    🙌 Średnia opinia: 4.8 / 10
    👍 Dobre recenzje: 7
    👎 Złe recenzje: 9
    👈 Oficjalne odpowiedzi: 0
  • Stan ukończenia profilu:
    Rzeczy zrobione
    Opisy firm są w porządku
    Lokalizacja adresu firmy jest kompletna
    Dodano telefon/faks firmy
    Dodawane są firmowe konta na Twitterze i Facebooku
    Adresy "Strona z informacjami" lub "Strona kontaktowa" są dodawane
    Dodawane są adresy URL forum, bloga / ogłoszeń, bazy wiedzy lub często zadawanych pytań
    Produkty (plany) są dodawane, ale niektóre nie są aktualizowane od ponad 2 lat
    Promocje są dodawane, ale niektóre nie są aktualizowane od ponad 2 lat

    Dot Easy logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 65719
    👤 Oceny użytkowników 👉 Łączna liczba recenzji: 189
    🙌 Średnia opinia: 8.1 / 10
    👍 Dobre recenzje: 158
    👎 Złe recenzje: 31
    👈 Oficjalne odpowiedzi: 0
  • Stan ukończenia profilu:
    Rzeczy zrobione
    Opisy firm są w porządku
    Lokalizacja adresu firmy jest kompletna
    Dodano telefon/faks firmy
    Dodawane są firmowe konta na Twitterze i Facebooku
    Adresy "Strona z informacjami" lub "Strona kontaktowa" są dodawane
    Dodawane są adresy URL forum, bloga / ogłoszeń, bazy wiedzy lub często zadawanych pytań
    Produkty (plany) są dodawane, ale niektóre nie są aktualizowane od ponad 2 lat
    Uwaga: dodaj promocję lub kupon

    WebNames logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 218587
    👤 Oceny użytkowników 👉 Łączna liczba recenzji: 8
    🙌 Średnia opinia: 4.8 / 10
    👍 Dobre recenzje: 4
    👎 Złe recenzje: 4
    👈 Oficjalne odpowiedzi: 0
  • Stan ukończenia profilu:
    Rzeczy zrobione
    Opisy firm są w porządku
    Lokalizacja adresu firmy jest kompletna
    Dodano telefon/faks firmy
    Adresy "Strona z informacjami" lub "Strona kontaktowa" są dodawane
    Produkty (plany) są dodawane, ale niektóre nie są aktualizowane od ponad 2 lat
    Uwaga: dodaj promocję lub kupon

    Co robić
    Brakuje konta na Facebooku
    Brakuje adresów URL forum, bloga / ogłoszeń, bazy wiedzy lub często zadawanych pytań
    71% logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 279296
    👤 Oceny użytkowników 👉 Łączna liczba recenzji: 6
    🙌 Średnia opinia: 3.3 / 10
    👍 Dobre recenzje: 2
    👎 Złe recenzje: 4
    👈 Oficjalne odpowiedzi: 0

📉 Porównaj z najlepszymi markami hostingowymi z British Columbia, Kanada

Te Peer1 recenzje klientów i rangi są subiektywną opinią naszych gości, a nie personel.
Znaki towarowe, logo i nazwy są własnością ich odpowiednich właścicieli i są chronione prawem.