Hetzner beoordeling #22547 door JustAnotherUser (subbsd@g...)

Hetzner heb een negatief beoordeling aan
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Klantbeoordeling #22547
JustAnotherUser ( subbsd@g... )
Tijd gehost 6 mnd. tot 1 jaar
Wereldwijde beoordeling
the price is good. everything else - the nightmare

after a lot of replacement to a bad hard drive from failed drive, we decided to take advantage of the privilege of extra money to buy a new drive, thinking that it will increase the reliability of the servers for production-ready site. After buyin and setup, we notice that SMART sensors for Raw_Read_Error_Rate and Seek_Error_Rate extreme increases (for example on 10h lifetime we got 219857248 and 839542 respectively. It is easy to calculate by how much the threshold is reached the recommended replacement from the disk manufacturer).

Below is the correspondence with the support, as we do not see anywhere before.

1) To Hetzner:

When we create the ticket, we choose options:

Replacement at cost (one-off charge of 49.00 €) of your defective hard disk
drive with a guaranteed nearly new drive (< 1000 hours of operation).
But smart from guaranteed nearly new drive show:

1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x000f 100 100 006 Pre-fail Always
- 10488
7 Seek_Error_Rate 0x000f 100 253 030 Pre-fail Always
- 37

For free replacement, we made ​​sure that you never put the new discs.
But why for the extra money you are putting bad/already used drive again?

Also, smartctl on second disk show:

190 Airflow_Temperature_Cel 0x0022 050 044 045 Old_age Always
In_the_past 50 (1 210 50 50 0)

it is also a very ugly to the client - to offer for some money to buy the disk
a poorly air-conditioned conditions

Info about temperature just for review. Regarding Error_rate questions want to
get an answer

1) From Hetzner:
Dear Client,

As requested we have replaced the hard drive on your server.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

Steffen Reichelt

Hetzner Online AG
08223 Falkenstein / Germany
Tel: +49 (3745) 744 47 100
Fax: +49 (3745) 744 47 1050


Registergericht Ansbach, HRB 3204
Vorstand: Dipl. Ing. (FH) Martin Hetzner
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende: Diana Rothhan

2) To Hetzner:
How can we explain >0 Error_rate for 2 params for 1 hour of work?
We want for spent the money to have a disc with no errors, or back the money.

When we write this message, the SMART statistics changes to:

Was after replace, 1 hour ago:
7 Seek_Error_Rate 0x000f 100 253 030 Pre-fail Always

- 37

7 Seek_Error_Rate 0x000f 100 253 030 Pre-fail Always -

If you are not able to resolve these issues, please escalate the
correspondence above, do not make us hate Hetzner

2) From Hezner:
Dear Client,

What is the time of power on hours in the smart report? That's a brand new

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

Steffen Reichelt

Hetzner Online AG
08223 Falkenstein / Germany
Tel: +49 (3745) 744 47 100
Fax: +49 (3745) 744 47 1050


Registergericht Ansbach, HRB 3204
Vorstand: Dipl. Ing. (FH) Martin Hetzner
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende: Diana Rothhan

3) To Hetzner:
Correct, but can you answer for question ?

3) From Hetzner:
this is an new disk as you can see on the Power_On_Hours value.

9 Power_On_Hours 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 1

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

Michael Sättler

Hetzner Online AG
08223 Falkenstein / Germany
Tel: +49 (3745) 744 47 100
Fax: +49 (3745) 744 47 1050


Registergericht Ansbach, HRB 3204
Vorstand: Dipl. Ing. (FH) Martin Hetzner
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende: Diana Rothhan

4) To Hetzner:
We're talking about a time when for extra money we buy a new drive. We agree
with the policy when you change disk in Fail status - Ok.
However, this new drive, as a new drive must be guaranteed. 1 hour - then it
does not even check by system integrator or you before you insert the disc.

Please stop playing this game - if you contact to the manufacturer of the disk
saying that in one hour of work is a huge amount of Seek_error - manufacturer
of replacement drive.

Here is technical support of seagate:

Where which confirm that the new disk is a warranty case.

4) From Hetzner:

it is a new disk we are not responsible for these values. If you want we can
the disk with the developer tools and if it shows an error you will get a
new one.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

Michael Sättler

Hetzner Online AG
08223 Falkenstein / Germany
Tel: +49 (3745) 744 47 100
Fax: +49 (3745) 744 47 1050


Registergericht Ansbach, HRB 3204
Vorstand: Dipl. Ing. (FH) Martin Hetzner
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende: Diana Rothhan

5) To Hetzner:
you can leave our 49.00 € for new hdd, but please change this new disk with
any other - even if the other drive will be ~1000 hours in online. It there
should not be a growing number of Seek error.

Current status after 3 hour of poweron:

Seek_Error_Rate 0x000f 100 253 030 Pre-fail Always -

The disk is still not even connected to array / rebuild not started / nothing
any action with him except do smartctl.

5) From Hetzner:
Dear Client,

as already offered we can check the disk shortly with the developer tools and
they show an error you get a other new one.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

Michael Sättler

Hetzner Online AG
08223 Falkenstein / Germany
Tel: +49 (3745) 744 47 100
Fax: +49 (3745) 744 47 1050


Registergericht Ansbach, HRB 3204
Vorstand: Dipl. Ing. (FH) Martin Hetzner
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende: Diana Rothhan

6) To Hetzner:
We specifically decided to take a paid replacement, thinking that the problem
will not come so soon

6) From Hetzner:
so do you want a check or not ?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

Michael Sättler

Hetzner Online AG
08223 Falkenstein / Germany
Tel: +49 (3745) 744 47 100
Fax: +49 (3745) 744 47 1050


Registergericht Ansbach, HRB 3204
Vorstand: Dipl. Ing. (FH) Martin Hetzner
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende: Diana Rothhan

7) To Hetzner:
check them

7) From Hetzner:
as requested we've checked the disk with the developer tools and they can't
an issue so we rebooted the server.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

Michael Sättler

Hetzner Online AG
08223 Falkenstein / Germany
Tel: +49 (3745) 744 47 100
Fax: +49 (3745) 744 47 1050


Registergericht Ansbach, HRB 3204
Vorstand: Dipl. Ing. (FH) Martin Hetzner
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende: Diana Rothhan

8) To Hetzner:
Of course you will not find is any issue.

What is the term of the warranty on the purchased Hetzner disk?
49 euro is the price of one disc - if purchased goes down, how soon can we ask
you for free to replace it with

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