Feb 14, 2006 : WebCentral Sets ASP Focus

webcentral.au logo📅 - Australian Web hosting provider WebCentral (webcentral.com.au) reported its finances for the six-month period ending December last week, saying it expected to ride growth in hosted applications to an improved showing in the second half of its financial year.

The company reported that revenue grew during the period, from $28.7 million Australian, compared to $28.7 million in the same period a year ago. But net profit fell from $1.7 to $1.3 million during that same time.

According to the company's CEO Andrew Spicer, the drop in profit was the result of unusually high 2004 revenue produced by a one-time contract of about $7 million with the US Social Security Administration.

The company said its hosted software applications business saw significant growth of 73 percent compared to the 2004 period, and now account for 20 percent of WebCentral's business.

A WebCentral data center experienced a brief outage in December as a result of a broken water pump.

webcentral.au Reads: 2234 | Category: General | Source: TheWHIR : Web Host Industry Reviews
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Company: WebCentral

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