Apr 6, 2006 : NutriSystem Deploys UltraDNS Platform

📅 - Managed DNS service provider UltraDNS (ultradns.com) announced on Wednesday that weight management program provider NutriSystem (nutrisystem.com) has selected its managed DNS service.

Using the UltraDNS directory services platform, NutriSystem can accommodate the seasonal traffic surges associated with the weight loss industry. NutriSystem has provided weight management counseling for more than 30 years, and its Internet-based products and counseling services inform customers on latest weight control and health information.

The company has built in-depth Web content that offers customized, private weight management counseling and meals for both men and women. NutriSystem Web site is supported by UltraDNS' global directory services platform, with network nodes spanning four continents.

"The UltraDNS Managed DNS Service provides the reliability and performance critical to our network infrastructure, so we can keep our 24-hour commitment to supporting each individual through personalized online information," says George Jankovic, president of NutriSystem.

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