Update to Advisory Concerning Changed Visa Requirements in Romania

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Our 18 June 2002 Advisory discussed problems that had arisen concerning the process to have visas issued at the Bucharest airport, upon arrival, for meeting attendees requiring visas but not having Romanian Embassies in their home countries. We were informed today that a process has been re-established for those attendees who submitted requests to receive visas at the airport. Only those persons who have submitted a request according to the procedure in the yellow box on the Bucharest meetings page are eligible to receive a visa at the airport according to this procedure.

If you wish to confirm that you are on the list of those who submitted requests, please contact meeting@icann.org.

Reads: 1900 | Category: Domain Names | Source: ICANN : Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
URL source: https://www.icann.org/en/announcements/details/update-to-advisory-concerning-changed-visa-requirements-in-romania--applies-to-attendees-from-countries-without-romanian-embassiesconsulates-20-6-2002-en
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