Sep 26, 2008 : SharkSpace Enhances Backup, Security

📅 - Web hosting provider SharkSpace ( 👉 Total Reviews: 4
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) announced on Friday it now has a weekly remote website backup solution for additional data protections, which adds to its current nightly backup system.

The remote website backups are stored in a Seattle, Washington data center which is located thousands of miles away from its shared hosting servers, which are located in Dallas, Atlanta, and Washington DC.

The new remote backup system provides an assurance policy for natural disasters such as fires, tornadoes, floods, and hurricanes, where remote backups can be restored quickly onto backup SharkSpace servers in such an event to significantly reduce downtime.

SharkSpace has also added a complex security system which helps protect clients that are running outdated versions of scripts until they are able to upgrade.

In the press release, SharkSpace explains that while the system should by no means be used as an excuse to not upgrade outdated scripts, it will significantly help protect websites during the period when the vulnerability is found and fixed by the script developer.

The new level of security adds to SharkSpace's current security system which includes mod_security with rule set, firewalls, suPHP and brute force protection.

SharkSpace says it hosts "less sites per server, on average, than other web hosts," allowing the company to offer "fast page loading times and excellent reliability." The company provides a range of services, including shared hosting, reseller hosting, domain registration and SSL certificates, to over 100,000 websites. Reads: 1725 | Category: General | Source: TheWHIR : Web Host Industry Reviews
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Company: Shark Space

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