May, 2003 : KaVaDo Releases New Web Application Firewall

📅 - KaVaDo, Inc.( today announced the release of InterDo 3.0, a Web application firewall that is designed to protect against security breaches that threaten critical back-end infrastructures.

"KaVaDo takes a holistic approach to Web application security by integrating complementary security and assessment products in an easy to manage solution," explained Eric Ogren, senior analyst for the Yankee Group. "The Yankee Group forecasts the Web application security market, led by companies like KaVaDo, to exceed $1.8 billion by 2006 as enterprises rely more on Internet accessible applications."
InterDo 3.0 offers a number of key features, including the InterDo Comprehensive Dashboard - an automation tool that enables administrators to manage their security policies in a single centralized environment.
"We work very closely with our customers to meet their growing needs and have received great feedback on the new InterDo 3.0 features. Companies should be confident that they can leverage Web application technology while still maintaining a high level of security, which does not have to be a difficult or time-consuming process," said Yuval Ben-Itzhak, CTO and co-founder of KaVaDo. "InterDo 3.0 addresses the security requirements of existing IT environments without straining corporate resources, and our unique AutoPolicy technology can immediately set optimized, positive security policies to protect any application. InterDo users consistently see benefits right away, eliminating the Web application attacks that relentlessly threaten their information systems."
InterDo 3.0 supports Web applications running across Linux, Solaris and Windows platforms.
Based in New York, KaVaDo is a Web application protection and security solutions provider for the enterprise market.

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