Media 9.6 su 10
Recensioni totali: 406
Raccomandato da: 396
Contrario: 10
Risposte ufficiali: 0


ASPHost Portal Revisione 2024. è buon web hosting in Stati Uniti?

406 recensioni degli utenti; 0 risposte di supporto; 0 testimonianze; 35 prodotti, 0 promozioni, 5 conti sociali, Alexa #855286; 📆 elencato 2008 (#11535)
ASPHost Portal
170 W 56th Street, Suite 121
New York , NY 10019

Lingua (e) del sito Web: en-US
🏆 SemRush Rating nuovo 3917758 👤 Voto dell'utente 🙌 Media 9.6 su 10
👉 Recensioni totali: 406
👍 Raccomandato da: 396
👎 Contrario: 10
🤝 Risposte ufficiali: 0

💰 Fascia di prezzo $ 0,99 - $ 310,00⏰ Supporto 24x7
💳 Opzioni di pagamento Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
🏆 SEO MOZ Authority 38/45🔗 Link 49799
Stato di completamento del profilo:
Cose fatte
Le descrizioni dell'azienda vanno bene
La posizione dell'indirizzo dell'azienda è completa
Vengono aggiunti gli account Twitter e Facebook dell'azienda
Vengono aggiunti gli URL "Informazioni sulla pagina" o "Pagina contatti"
Vengono aggiunti gli URL di forum, blog / annunci, knowledge base o FAQ
Vengono aggiunti prodotti (piani), ma alcuni non vengono aggiornati da oltre 2 anni
Nota: aggiungi una promozione o un coupon

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👪 Recensioni dei clienti più recenti

-anonimo- (barry@a...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
Valutazione globale
Relazione con il cliente
Pannello di controllo
😁 Excellent service
We occasionally have the need to contact your support team. However, every time we do, my experience is the service is excellent both in response time and resolution. It is interesting to see how tickets are followed through by different support team members due to their different shifts, but totally seamless for us a customer. Very rarely, if ever, do we need to go over the problem again and repeat ourselves as the ticket is passed to a different set of hands.

This is quite different from our priority hosting company, which struggled to offer even basic levels of service and lost our second website plus the backup via ransomware attack in Nov 2020. Strangely, they are still not returning my calls or emails regarding compensation for their loss of our website.
-anonimo- (esteban@f...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
Valutazione globale
Relazione con il cliente
Pannello di controllo
😁 Excellent support team
Tech support was superb. Alex was the best. He diagnosed the platform and figure out a script issue. Even though we couldn't correct it, he attempted to bring back the corrupted site using a backup. This was our last resort. We made it because of him. He kept communication open with us and finally did it. Problem solved. Way to go Asphostportal, your support is excellent and we like being a loyal customer because of it. Thank you, Asphostportal!
Richard Blanc (richard@b...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1-3 mesi
Valutazione globale
Relazione con il cliente
Pannello di controllo
😁 Worth for money!
Switched over from another hosting to them and even though I was little concerned at the cost of Asphostportal, I can tell you they are worth every penny thus far. As with any migration there are always hiccups and these guys have been phenomenal in answering all my questions and helping every step of the way.

I'm very satisfied customer and hope this can be the start of long term growing my company with theirs
Verificata 2008 logo

📄 Revisione editoriale

🔧 Servizi: Web hostingRegistrazione del dominio

Progettando piani per microimprese, piccole e medie imprese o individui, ASPHostPortal è un fornitore leader di web hosting quando si tratta di prodotti offerti per questo tipo di attività.

Alcune delle loro promesse includono affidabilità, prestazioni e sicurezza per i loro clienti. Ospitano server in tutto il mondo, con oltre 10.000 clienti da 5 continenti. ASPHostPortal ha ottenuto il titolo di N. 1 consigliato Windows e ASP.NET Spotlight Hosting Partner negli Stati Uniti.

Quando esaminano la loro selezione di servizi di hosting, i clienti troveranno:
  • Hosting condiviso;
  • Hosting rivenditori;
  • Hosting cloud;
  • Server dedicati;
  • Hosting di posta elettronica;

I piani di hosting condiviso vengono creati per supportare le tecnologie di sviluppo web. I piani di hosting condiviso Linux includono le seguenti risorse in quantità illimitate:
  • Account di posta elettronica illimitati;
  • Alias ​​di posta elettronica illimitati;
  • Illimitati siti web (ad eccezione del piano entry-level);

Sia i piani di hosting condiviso Linux che Windows includono la possibilità di installare liberamente una serie di app, tra cui: WordPress, Drupal, Magento, Joomla, phpBB, PrestaShop, Mambo, phpNuke, Modx, ePages, ZenCart, SilverStripe, SugarCRM e così via.

I piani per i rivenditori si basano su unità SSD e supportano SQL Server, database mySQL, domini UTF-8 e pool di app dedicate. Questi server sono anche configurati su RAID 1.

I server cloud vengono distribuiti in 5-10 minuti e sono basati sul sistema operativo Windows. L'esecuzione su unità SSD consente un'alta velocità rispetto alle unità HDD, quindi questo è un buon vantaggio con i loro piani cloud.

I server dedicati Linux includono 2 indirizzi IP gratuiti, connessione fino a 1000 Mbps e server configurati su processori Intel Xeon. I loro server in bundle sono dotati di connessione a 100 Mbps e tra 1-4 indirizzi IP statici, mentre i loro server dedicati disaggregati forniscono database MSSQL illimitati, database MySQL illimitati e l'edizione web SQL 2017.

💰 Prezzo e costo

Offrono tariffe regolari per il mercato dell'hosting. A seconda del piano scelto, alcuni piani possono diventare piuttosto costosi.
ASPHostPortal è una società priva di rischi dato che fornisce la garanzia di rimborso di 30 giorni standard per i propri servizi.

⌛ Affidabilità

ASPHostPortal si impegna a 100% di uptime del server che è una grande garanzia per la rete di hosting. Ciò è fornito dal failover DNS dai nodi geografici.

🏢 Banca dati

La società è registrata a New York, USA. Hanno server ospitati in più località tra cui Londra, Amsterdam, Parigi, Francoforte, Milano, Toronto, San Paolo, Chennai, Honk Kong, Singapore e Melbourne.

Il loro NOC (Network Operations Center) include 21 schermi progettati per il monitoraggio della rete e delle prestazioni. Questi data center si basano sul concetto di design del pod. Ogni data center include fino a 5000 server. La fibra e la larghezza di banda vengono instradate dalle dorsali Internet di livello 1 (UUNet/MCI, livello 3, NTT/Verio e ABoveNet).

I loro data center asiatici sono alimentati da più provider Internet, tra cui StarHub, NTT, Cogent, Telia, Level3, Sprint o Metromedia. Il più recente che si trova a Singapore è stato lanciato nel 2012.

✍️ Servizio Clienti

Il supporto può essere raggiunto via e-mail (NO supporto TELEFONICO) e i clienti possono anche scegliere di chattare con loro sui social media, poiché possiedono pagine Twitter, Facebook e Instagram.

🔨 Pannello di controllo

ASPHostPortal utilizza i vantaggi forniti da Plesk (poiché supporta Windows). Questo è uno dei sistemi di gestione più popolari sul mercato insieme a cPanel. I clienti ottengono il pieno controllo del proprio account su un'interfaccia intuitiva.

🎯 Conclusione

ASPHostPortal offre una vasta selezione di soluzioni di hosting dotate di ottime funzionalità e strumenti. Questi sono disponibili a prezzi convenienti e c'è anche una politica di rimborso di 30 giorni.

Nel complesso, ASPHostPortal offre una grande varietà di piani suddivisi in più categorie progettate per diverse attività online.

🌏 Posizioni del server:

Washington Seattle Amsterdam London Melbourne Paris Frankfurt am Main Milano Chennai Toronto Sao Paulo
Posizioni del datacenter per

📢 Pagine speciali immagine dello schermo
Ricerca di siti Web per ASPHost Portal sopra agosto 16, 2021 di WebHostingTop

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📤 ASPHost Portal Prodotti del sito Web

🔧 Condiviso - 💻 Linux Mantieni il mouse
sulle funzionalità!
💰Prezzo💿 Spazio sul disco 📶 Trasferimento 📆 Aggiornato🆓 Dominio gratuito /
🔌 Permesso
Linux Intro caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$1,99/ Mo.5 GB SSD15 GB 0 / illimitato
Linux One caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$3,99/ Mo.15 GB SSD50 GB 0 / illimitato
Linux Two caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$6,99/ Mo.30 GB SSD100 GB 0 / illimitato
Linux Three caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$11,49/ Mo.50 GB SSD200 GB 0 / illimitato
🔧 Condiviso - 💻 Windows Mantieni il mouse
sulle funzionalità!
💰Prezzo💿 Spazio sul disco 📶 Trasferimento 📆 Aggiornato🆓 Dominio gratuito /
🔌 Permesso
Host Intro caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
🔨 Pannello di controllo : [In-house]
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔌 Domini ospitati : 1
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$0,99/ Mo.1 GB10 GB 0 / 1
Host One caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
🔨 Pannello di controllo : [In-house]
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$3,81/ Mo.5 GB SSD60 GB 0 / illimitato
Host Two caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
🔨 Pannello di controllo : [In-house]
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$7,21/ Mo.15 GB SSD150 GB 0 / illimitato
Host Three caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
🔨 Pannello di controllo : [In-house]
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$11,46/ Mo.50 GB SSD500 GB 0 / illimitato
Host Four caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
🔨 Pannello di controllo : [In-house]
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$18,27/ Mo.100 GB SSD750 GB 0 / illimitato
Host Five caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
🔨 Pannello di controllo : [In-house]
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$27,62/ Mo.150 GB SSD1 TB 0 / illimitato
Host Six caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
🔨 Pannello di controllo : [In-house]
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$36,54/ Mo.250 GB SSD1500 GB 0 / illimitato
Host Seven caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
🔨 Pannello di controllo : [In-house]
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$50,99/ Mo.400 GB SSD3 TB 0 / illimitato
🔧 Dedito - 💻 Windows Mantieni il mouse
sulle funzionalità!
💰Prezzo💿 Spazio sul disco 📶 Trasferimento 📆 Aggiornato🔋 RAM /
📌 IP dedicati
UNBUNDLED DEDICATED CLASS A caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 8000 MB
💪 Processore : Processor E3-1270 v3
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 1
🔗 URL del piano :
$149,99/ Mo.1000 GB5 TB 8 GB / 1
UNBUNDLED DEDICATED CLASS B caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 16000 MB
💪 Processore : Processor E3-1271 v3
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 2
🔗 URL del piano :
$179,99/ Mo.200 GB5 TB 16 GB / 2
UNBUNDLED DEDICATED CLASS C caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 16000 MB
💪 Processore : Processor E3-1271 v3
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 4
🔗 URL del piano :
$189,99/ Mo.1000 GB SSD10 TB 16 GB / 4
UNBUNDLED DEDICATED CLASS D caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 16000 MB
💪 Processore : Processor E3-1271 v3
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 4
🔗 URL del piano :
$239,99/ Mo.1000 GB SSD10 TB 16 GB / 4
🔧 Dedito - 💻 Linux Mantieni il mouse
sulle funzionalità!
💰Prezzo💿 Spazio sul disco 📶 Trasferimento 📆 Aggiornato🔋 RAM /
📌 IP dedicati
DEDICATED SERVER CentOS Linux A caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel, WHM
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 4000 MB
💪 Processore : Intel E3-1220LV2 2.30 GHz Dual Core w/HT
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 2
🔗 URL del piano :
$170,00/ Mo.1000 GB SSD5 TB 4 GB / 2
DEDICATED SERVER CentOS Linux B caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel, WHM
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 4000 MB
💪 Processore : Intel E3-1265LV2 2.50 GHz Quad Core w/HT
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 4
🔗 URL del piano :
$210,00/ Mo.1000 GB SSD5 TB 4 GB / 4
DEDICATED SERVER CentOS Linux C caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel, WHM
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 8000 MB
💪 Processore : Intel E3-1265LV2 2.50 GHz Quad Core w/HT
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 4
🔗 URL del piano :
$250,00/ Mo.1000 GB SSD10 TB 8 GB / 4
DEDICATED SERVER CentOS Linux D caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
🔨 Pannello di controllo : CPanel, WHM
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 16000 MB
💪 Processore : Intel E3-1230V2 3.20 GHz Quad Core w/HT
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 4
🔗 URL del piano :
$310,00/ Mo.1000 GB SSD15 TB 16 GB / 4
🔧 Reseller - 💻 Windows Mantieni il mouse
sulle funzionalità!
💰Prezzo💿 Spazio sul disco 📶 Trasferimento 📆 Aggiornato🆓 Dominio gratuito /
🔌 Permesso
Reseller 10 caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔌 Domini ospitati : 10
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$20,39/ Mo.40 GB SSD200 GB 0 / 10
Reseller 20 caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔌 Domini ospitati : 20
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$33,99/ Mo.60 GB SSD400 GB 0 / 20
Reseller 30 caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔌 Domini ospitati : 30
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$42,49/ Mo.80 GB SSD600 GB 0 / 30
Reseller 40 caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔌 Domini ospitati : 40
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$50,99/ Mo.100 GB SSD1 TB 0 / 40
🔧 Cloud - 💻 Linux/Windows Mantieni il mouse
sulle funzionalità!
💰Prezzo💿 Spazio sul disco 📶 Trasferimento 📆 Aggiornato🔋 RAM /
📌 IP dedicati
Tier One caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 1000 MB
💪 Processore : 1 vCPU
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$12,99/ Mo.30 GB1 TB 1 GB / 0
Tier Two caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 2000 MB
💪 Processore : 1 vCPU
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$18,99/ Mo.50 GB2 TB 2 GB / 0
Tier Three caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 4000 MB
💪 Processore : 2 vCPU
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$28,99/ Mo.75 GB2 TB 4 GB / 0
Tier Four caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 6000 MB
💪 Processore : 2 vCPU
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$39,99/ Mo.100 GB2 TB 6 GB / 0
Tier Five caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 8000 MB
💪 Processore : 4 vCPU
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$50,99/ Mo.150 GB3 TB 8 GB / 0
Tier Six caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 12000 MB
💪 Processore : 4 vCPU
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$62,99/ Mo.200 GB5 TB 12 GB / 0
Tier Seven caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔋 RAM : 16000 MB
💪 Processore : 6 vCPU
🔌 Domini ospitati : Illimitato
🆓 Domini gratuiti : 0
📌 IP dedicati : 0
🔗 URL del piano :
$89,99/ Mo.300 GB6 TB 16 GB / 0
🔧 Messaggi di posta elettronica - 💻 Linux Mantieni il mouse
sulle funzionalità!
💰Prezzo 📆 Aggiornato
LITE caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔗 URL del piano :
$8,00/ Mo.2 GBunmetered
STANDARD caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
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$16,00/ Mo.2 GBunmetered
PREMIUM caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔗 URL del piano :
$24,00/ Mo.2 GBunmetered
ENTERPRISE caratteristiche💳 Modalità di pagamento : Carte di credito / debito / prepagate, PayPal
✍️ Opzioni di supporto : E-mail, Help Desk, Disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7
🔗 URL del piano :
$45,00/ Mo.2 GBunmetered

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Josh Portman (john@e...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Excellent service!
This is, by far, the best hosting company I've used in 25 years of business. I've used top-rated services in the past, but have never found a more stable service, with excellent technical support. They are top of things always!

I'm so glad I found Asphostportal. Always helpful, excellent up time, world-class support, do yourself a favor if you're in the market for hosting solutions, choose Asphostportal.

Ravi Hussain (ravi@i...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Awesome and helpful support
Asphostportal's tech support team goes above and beyond to assist me with issues on my clients' websites. They take time to fully understand the problem and walk me through the solution so that I have a better understanding and can troubleshoot on my own should I run into the same problem again.
-nascosto- (sergio@e...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Great .net web host
My website running smoothly on their server, very easy to use, easy to handle and work with 24*7 customer support. Deployment of application is very easy. It is also provide free SSL, so you don't need to purchase additional SSL anymore. Thank you
Manav Ghani (manav@p...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Great service!
We have been using Asphostportal hosting service for the last 3 years and we are having a great experience. Some specific issues were quickly resolved with the help of support. We are very satisfied with the service provided and we intend to continue using it for long time. Thank you Asphostportal for excellent service.
Diego Jiménez (diego@i...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Easy to use hosting service!
We are using Asphostportal for 2 years now, and we don't face any issues, and the support team is very cooperative and supportive.

The value for money is very high, one of the best available hostings.

The user interface and control panel is amicable and easy to use.

We would recommend Asphostportal if you want to host website, you can't go wrong these guys!
-nascosto- (-nascosto-) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Good value, incredible support!
I have been using my website on Asphostportal for more than 3 years now and very happy with their service. Whenever I have submitted a ticket for support, they have promptly replied and were able to help me. I am very happy with the features of my web hosting plan as well.
Johan de Voogdt (johan@i...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Excellent hosting services!
Support is very good. They have helped me and solved every issue on the spot. Awesome service. I actually recommend them to my friends. The prices of packages is very low and everything available with basic hosting plans. I'm very happy with this hosting services. Thank you very much for problem free service.

John Hopkins (john@c...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Excellent service!
I absolutely love working with Asphostportal. Our company has been using Asphostportal hosting for years and I've been working with Asphostportal for over 5 years. They have amazing customer support that goes above and beyond my expectations every time. They've helped me through many solutions and problems all in real time. I've worked with several other hosting companies in the past and their customer support just doesn't compare.

I can't recommend hosting with Asphostportal enough. If you're looking for hosting, you should definitely give them a try.
Marcel Lindner (marcel@i...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 World class support!
I was using Godaddy for a few years and was so fed up with their lack of support which could take anywhere between 5-60 minutest to respond, even a day. I switched to Asphostportal and have been using them for over 3 years now. Their world class support and instantaneous turnaround is what keeps me and my business running at 100%. I wish I had used Asphostportal from the start, I would still have my hair now!
Dennis Wingman (Dennis@s...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 First class customer service
I want to say I had such an amazing time spent with high-level Asphostportal professional teams from the purchasing phase of Host One package to the end of completion of migration my sites with zero issues and very fast running my website successfully. That was really an extraordinary experience I have ever had in my tech working life. During this process, I never felt I was alone. When you enter Asphostportal, a great 24/7 support team will accompany you and serve you in all phases of your expectations. Thank you Asphostportal.
Belmont Bosworth (belmond@d...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Always there for you
I mean, there's a reason why Asphostportal is the best. Whenever you're in a rush or you have tons of problems, Asphostportal is always there for you. Even if they're not obliged to assist their customers with some weird inquiries, they are still finding the time to go out of their way and assist the customers in the best possible fashion. Quality before quantity they say. Well, if you join Asphostportal you'll know why.
Gordon Stewart (gordon@c...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Great experience so far
I moved to Asphostportal from Godaddy and the experience has been good so far. On this particular occasion Tom was exceptional. He stayed to fix my issue which I appreciated and I can't recommend his service enough professional and courteous. Also he is very patient and most important tech savvy and think through the issues.
Lukas Hwang (lukas@8...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 3-6 mesi
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😁 Worth for money!
Switched from another company to Asphostportal and even though I was a little concerned at the cost of Asphostportal, I can tell you they are worth every penny thus far. As with any migration there are always hiccups and these guys have been phenomenal in answering all my questions and helping every steps of the way.

I am very satisfied customer and hope this can be the start of a long term plan growing my company with theirs.
Brandon Cooper (brandon@i...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 They are the BEST .NET hosting!
Asphostportal is a great company offering great hosting services to their clients. The best thing I like about Asphostportal is how fast their hosting service is, the average response time of the shared server that I was hosting my website was under 20ms, and they always seem to keep their hardware up to date and upgraded from time to time.

Since I am a developer who works a lot with large and complex Asp net site, Asphostportal is a great option because they have specific directions on hosting these systems. The lowest plan that they have is $5/month, which is hard to beat!

I am definitely going to continue using Asphostportal for all my needs.
Kaspar Kunkel (kaspar@i...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Reliable, affordable hosting company
It is great hosting on Asphostportal. It is user friendly to deploy, upload website. I can host up to 5 websites in Host One plan and spend less than $100 per year. My website performance is fast with data store on SQL server. I can connect SQL server from my desktop with good performance. Support is also fast and knowledgeable, never let me down! Thank you!
Rifky Muhammad (rifky@b...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Excellent experience
I've been using Asphostportal since 2015 and I have to say that I was never disappointed. I am impressed the most with their professional support, they are very responsive to say the least. The support team is always doing their best to assist with my raised issues or requests, and more than one occasion they did make an extra step to solve my case. Asphostportal pricing is very affordable and reliable, I can't complain about their overall services.
Marco Finnsson (marco@m...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Fast, reliable, and stable .net hosting
Asphostportal is the fastest and stable hosting service I'd ever use since 2008. If you are looking for a stable hosting with reasonable price, I would highly recommend Asphostportal and they won't let you down.
Marcos Acuna (marcos@g...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Best .net hosting service!
De hecho, eres el mejor proveedor de servicios y te he atendido en más de una solicitud. También te he recomendado a más de una empresa para recibir tus buenos servicios. No encontré ningún problema. Sus servicios son buenos y el soporte técnico es muy rápido, gracias.
Sharman Singh (sharman@t...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Recommend Asphostportal
I host my website and apps in Asphostportal since 2017 and I only have good words for them. Host easy to work with, nice support with people only 24/7, and an incredible up time! Also, software and hardware are always updated so you know that you work with latest OS, version, and MSSQL version. You can trust them for small medium project.
Quintin Ohara (quintin@n...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Excellent .net hosting!
I have used Asphostportal to host my web application for many clients and this platform is very convenient and reliable. There is an impressive uptime and the interface is very user friendly to quickly manage my web applications and database. They are also provide wide variety of tools to assist me getting my web application published. I would never hesitate to recommend this platform to anyone.
George Adkins (george@h...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Reliable windows asp net hosting
In a world where Windows hosts pretend it's a requirement is price gouge their clients, Asphostportal shines above the rest with affordable and beyond stable Windows hosting. I have and will continue to recommend them to my clients and colleagues.
Wagner Sierra (wagner@m...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Great value with amazing support
User of shared plan for around 4 years. Never had any issues. Reached out to support with a question once and response was quick. Personally recommend Asphostportal because it check out all features without paying arm and a leg.
Taylor Ward (taylor89@g...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 6 mesi a 1 anno
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😁 Thank you!
I first started using Asphostportal last year, just for one website and it was all perfectly normal and worked well. Then, I wanted to add an 'add-on' site and even though I'm pretty good on transferring sites and most things tech, I was stumped here. I just wanted to add DNS to point my other site to but that wasn't possible. I was given instructions on how to do it but to tell you the truth, I just didn't bother. I'm too busy to have to 'work something out'.

And then, I get an email with DNS details and an IP address so I can point and my domain to Asphostportal for my add-on sites and they have already migrated the original site I hold with them.

Thanks guys! You save my day!
Taylor Reaser (taylor@I...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Extremely helpful team!
I had lost all the links of accessing to our website due to my laptop was stolen and I didn't have a clue who were the server providers.

I contacted the team to see if they would be able to help and after a couple of emails they found out nearly all the information I needed in such a short time. Mike was very friendly, prompt and very helpful. I was so relief for not having to cancel our website.
Eric Summers (eric@c...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Great service!
The gentleman was very clear on the questions i had asked and will definitely be using Asphostportal moving forward.
Bijan Lavi (bijan@t...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Very satisfied with their services!
I just would recommend this company to anyone, because they provide everything what you need, they help you when you have a problem quickly. This is world class hosting provider.
Archie Gibson (archie@p...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Best .net hosting EVER!
By far the best prices, services, infrastructure. They are HUMANS and always help you 24/7. They always try to help you and find the better choice/service. They don't care to reduce benefits but to get happy clients. They gave me a personal custom discount code to use in my services! They are fantastic. The hosting service is better than others. The support service is fantastic. Thanks!
Chris Prosky (chris@s...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Great all around hosting provider
We have been using Asphostportal for all our hosting needs for the past 3 years. They've been a one stop shop for all our website and service needs whether it is hosting, domains, or SSL certificates. We've been quite content with both the service provided along with the timely support. Anyone looking for comprehensive Windows hosting environment, should try Asphostportal.
Darren Goodell (darren@i...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Excellent .NET hosting provider
I have been using Asphostportal for over 5 years. I am impressed with their customer support - so much so that over time I have switched all but one of my clients over from another hosting company. (I will get my other client switched over at some point). I highly recommend Asphostportal on the basis of their customer support. In addition, setting up new websites is easy, and the control panel is easy to navigate and use.
Percy Lakay (percy@w...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Always help me
Great support today helping with my SSL expiration problem. He realized I was overpaying for SSL certificate that wasn't necessary given my website configuration and reach. He installed a free SSL cert and had my problem resolved within minutes.
Oleg Vetter (oleg@m...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Best .net hosting company
As has been my experience over the past 3 years, Asphostportal support team are always on point. I had an issue migrating my site last night so I contacted support. When I woke up this morning, the problem was resolved. Yes, I'm paying more than I did at my old host, but it's worth every penny to avoid the headaches that comes with weak support.
Girish Tanwar (girish@m...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Phenomenal support
I've never experienced the kind of technical support that I experience with Asphostportal. Our sites are complicated and involve third parties with a number of redirects, subdomains and etc. Asphostportal is the only vendor that will actually solve the issues that I'm having or help me pinpoint what the issue is, a marked difference from the support we receive from the other vendors. Seriously, our business is a customer for life!
Rajeev Mishra (rajeev@g...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Patient and answered many questions
I migrated numerous sites from another hosting service. I had issues with 2 of them, one because it was old and the new, standard, ASP.NET Classic wasn't compatible with something on my site. I contacted the support and one of their support team walked me through my many technical questions. He made sure I knew exactly how to everything I needed to do. He was pleasant, professional, and very patient. Thank you!
Thomas Rhodes (thomas@m...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Awesome hosting provider
I've been using Asphostportal for about 8 years now. They are terrific! I appreciate the added security measures, great customer support, very responsive, and easy to work with.
Richard Blake (richard78@g...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Great customer service!
I've been with Asphostportal for a few years and their customer service is superb! The company truly cares about their clients.
-anonimo- (francois@s...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 After spending too much time trying to choose between many hosting companies, I followed a recommendation for Asphostportal. It didn't take long to realize I wouldn't feel buyer's remorse, Asphostportal was the right choice. The interface and setup were just what I needed and I feel confident in Asphostportal's service and response. If you are trying to figure out who to trust and which hosting company will work for you, give Asphostportal a shot.
Luke Adams (luke@t...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Happy to use their service
I am very happy that I am going to spend my 3rd year with Asphostportal. Their customer service and hosting quality is awesome. Very helpful service for new developers like me and they are constantly going through. Their features are quite simple and important. The speed and optimization system is excellent.
Nils Onnen (nils@t...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Happy with these guys!
I've been with them for years now and never got disappointed. Their servers are ultra-fast, and I get the latest features. The best part about them is their technical support, it is just amazing. They are available anytime you want. I really recommend Asphostportal to those who are looking for the hassle-free hosting experience.
Thomas Ludwig (thomas@i...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Amazing team!
I'm amazed at their support team to explain a critical point for me. It maybe simple to an adept, but logins and site instructions are a weak point for me. They walked me through the steps to login to my control panel dashboard and other instructions in an easy to understand way. Their patience made me relax. They didn't rush me, waited for me, patiently and boosted my confidence. I strongly believe Asphostportal is one of the best .net hosting.
David Hempsey (david81@y...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Quick customer service
Asphostportal has been nothing but sublime since I joined them back in 2017. I have had very little need to contact their customer service, but when I have it has been the best customer service I have ever had! Their hosting packages and domain management has served me well over the years, I'm not aware of any down time has impacted me in anyway. I have referred two of my friends to them and I can't recommend them highly enough.
Stephen Amstrong (stephen@k...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Top notch service
Excellent customer service, fast and knowledgeable customer support. Uses current versions of ASP. Offer free SSL certificate and automatic renewals. Offer free emails with all shared hosting plan. It is easy to migrate site to Asphostportal. They will also help you if you need asistance.
MIkko Salminen (mikko@i...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Asphostportal is AWESOME!
I recommend using Asphostportal. They always support latest technology, for example they support latest core and also latest SQL 2019. I'm their customer since 2019 and I think they are top notch. Excellent!
Anup Jha (-nascosto-) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Never experience any issue!
My site hosted on Asphostportal, never had any trouble with it. I particularly like how quickly they support new technology, such as core, SQL server, etc. You never wait to long if you want to play with the latest of .Net core or SQL server.
Aamir Fazal (aamir@i...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Glad use Asphostportal services!
As a web developer, I am glad to go with someone who knows It works great with Umbraco cms we use and the database backup tool is handy. The only one time I needed to contact the support was answered quickly and professionally.
Tim Bagnall (tim@f...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Excellent hosting!
Asphostportal provide excellent hosting for small medium websites. Setup and testing with Asphostportal was easy from a programmer's perspective. They have business email that help me so much. Sometimes, small issue in receiving emails.
Bruno Brown (bruno@t...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Simple, reliable, and affordable hosting solution
Been with Asphostportal for a couple of years now, a fairly simple interface but I have always had access to more than I expected especially for the price.

The couple of times I have had issues the tech support guys have been very helpful and bought things to a quick resolution.
Jerome Elmore (jerome@3...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Website works faster and stable
Website works faster and stable than my previous host. So far, I'm very pleased with them. I would recommend Asphostportal if you are looking for reliable hosting option.
Donald Keys (donald@m...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😁 Efficient and helpful support
I was very impressed with support experience I had today with Mike from Asphostportal support in resolving the issue of free SSL certificate on website I work on not automatically renewing. Mike sorted out the problem in a very short space of time in a most pleasant and professional manner. Thank you!
Rob Stewart (rob@g...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Tech support so helpful
As a non techy person, I just need to solve the problem quickly and efficiently with my site. I had a query about my hosting package so created ticket to their support and got answers immediately. There was no wait time to go through or endless layers of security. My questions were answered clearly and efficiently. The CS person was very patient and waited while I checked things out. With Asphostportal I know I will get good service and peace of mind.
Mark Dylan (mark@j...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Fast and problem solver
Lightning fast response. No queueing for hours like I normally get. No sooner I mentioned what I needed doing then it was done. To me that shows legendary customer service.

I was pondering over a task for hours, but Steve's expertise in this area meant that they understood my problem, knew how to resolve it, and made my problem go away in under a minute. Yes, absolutely true, under a minute.

Can't thank ASPhostportal enough. In a world there are 'other' suppliers, all I can say is I'm glad with the one that knows how to get job done in an INSTANT!

Thanks again ASPhostportal.
Rijk de Jonge (rick@r...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Great experience
I've been transferring domains from a previous hosting company to Asphostportal. I'm not very experienced with all this but Michael and other support techs have been very helpful over the past last weeks in teaching me what I need to be doing and how it all works. They've been much better in these few short weeks than my previous hosting company has been some years now and I'm confident that I'm now with a supportive and helpful hosting provider. Asphostportal are also offering me far more hosting cheaper than my previous provider, so I'm even saving money.
Daniel Foden (daniel@j...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Fantastic and responsive support team
Fantastic and responsive support team that is always on hand to help resolve any issues quickly with a great technical knowledge and friendly attitude. I have Asphostportal for many years now and they continue to surprise me with their professionalism and value for money. I can't recommend them highly enough
Scott Sinclair (-nascosto-) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Good value for money
Good value. Everything works without a hitch. When there is an occasional issue, their support is easy to access and always resolve things quickly. Very happy to recommend.
Ravi Khan (ravi@t...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Excellent and prompt service
If you want excellent, prompt customer service for a very reasonable annual fee, then I wholeheartedly recommend Asphostportal. I found them via google and looking on forums after my last provider became unreliable and unobtainable. Needless to say, you'll have no such worries with Asphostportal. Whenever I have had any issues, I have received prompt responses.
Darren Lewis (darren@v...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😁 Happy to host site with them!
Been searching for a decent hosting company for months, and tried 2 awful ones luckily without too much cost, then found Asphostportal who are absolutely superb. A couple of teething issues mainly down to me getting used to console and connecting to database, but all questions answered quickly and helpfully. Customer service is second to none, price was just amazing. Would recommend to anyone, and I wouldn't have bothered writing this if I wasn't really impressed.
Wagner Ruiz (wagner@b...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Long relationship with them
Since the introduction of .NET, Asphostportal has been our best ISP solution for all our clients. They have a copious array in built-in tools and kits, plus a wide latitude for custom application scope. The down-time has been very limited over the past decade, and it's been rock solid stable with hardly a blip. Tech support is friendly, responsive, and timely. The KB pretty much cover every angle possible with practical information. As a .NET developer, this is perfect for hosting.
Jean Ranvier (jean@u...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Impressed with the service
Everything works well, and if you don't know how to do something, there's the knowledge base and the excellent and responsive technical service. I recommend everyone who want to host website, try Asphostportal!
Julian Brandt (julian@r...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Excellent price for the price
I have been using Asphostportal for a number of years now. The reason I stay with this provider is simple, excellent levels of support and service. I'm a web developer at one of IT company, Asphostportal really help a lot. Whenever I have had an issue (mistake by me or configuration issue), it has been present in a very timely manner and articulated perfectly. Excellent service for a very reasonable price.
Jordan Chan (jordan@n...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Great .NET hosting platform and cost effective
I utilize Windows hosting technology to provide websites for my clients. I have used Asphostportal as my web service provider for a number of years and I am very satisfied with the services they provide. The websites that I host at Asphostportal have had very little downtime over the years and Asphostportal technical support is very competent. Problem tickets are dealt with very quickly and I definitely recommend Asphostportal for your hosting needs.
Herbert Kaulitz (herbert@l...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Loyal customer for years
As a customer with Asphostportal for more than 5 years, I have always received great service and support. Watching they grow and expand their products and services over the years has been amazing. Their uptime is stellar, and their support team has always gone above and beyond to help when a problem arises, even in same situations when the issue was not directly tied with their product or service.

Their pricing structure is fair and flexible. I have recommended them to anyone asking for a solid host company without hesitation.

Keep up your good work!
Ravi Mahadevan (ravi@n...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Rock solid hosting partner
While our primary focus is as a managed services provider, we also offer our clients the convenience of a single support line for all their tech needs. To achieve this goal, we vetted and ultimately partnered with Asphostportal to fulfill our client's website hosting needs. Asphostportal offers a rock solid platform with a cutting edge features and rapid support team. The engineers at Asphostportal are top notch and allow us to focus on managing the grander scope of our client's IT environments.
Gustam Figura (gustam@b...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Excellent service
I have used Asphostportal for years and I can thoroughly recommend them. I recently needed to access backup of SQL server database and was sent copies of all backups for the last 28 days. This is absolutely typical of their high level of service. They are always knowledgeable, professional, helpful, and quick to respond.
Enzo Benigni (enzo@a...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Great price, excellent service!
Asphostportal is excellent. I'm running .net website on their server and it is super fast. Customer support has always been very helpful. Anytime I create ticket to them, their support team will assist me within few minutes and help to solve the problem. The pricing is great, you get an excellent value with Asphostportal, probably the best on the market when it comes to Cloud hosting. If you want your site fast and secure, you can't go wrong with these guys!
Amber Forte (-nascosto-) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Great support! Affordable price!
Great support, very knowledgeable, courteous, and ready to help. I come from Godaddy and the cost was getting silly. The support I received in Asphostportal was very high and very helpful I didn't miss its competitor. And the prices are much better plus scalable to your needs.
Victor Ortega (victor1818@g...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Best hosting service
I have been with Asphostportal for years and I find them to be very helpful and supportive when I contact their support team. They have always been able to resolve my issue related to DNS issue. They seem knowledgeable. I have no complaints so far. I choose them because one of my colleagues recommend their service.
-anonimo- (Mario@a...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 6 mesi a 1 anno
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😁 I found Asphostportal after a simple Google search and I am so happy that I did. I was getting ready to launch my website on the server of my domain name provider and it was so slow that I had to look for other options. Set up was easy but as I am not a super techy person I needed a bit of assistance for something and the support team was simply fantastic! Over the course of 2 days I was in contact with 4 different members of the support team, but each one picked up my request exactly where the person before left it. The process was seamless and they sorted out my issue really quickly. I have since recommended Asphostportal to a developer that I used for some work and he was also super impressed with them. Look no further, Asphostportal is the solution you need!
Jonathan Bond (jonathan@n...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Great response, solve the problem very quick
The problem was an intermittent issue - inherently difficult to solve. Asphostportal picked up the ticket had a handle on it just a few hours, I was amazed.

Over the next few days he continued to monitor and make adjustments, improving the overall performance of the system.

Finally, he provided technical information I needed to easily continue to monitor the server. This was really above and beyond response, a good example of wha you can expect from Asphostportal.

I've worked with many top hosting providers, Asphostportal is the best by far in my experience and is now my sole provider.
Leonard Bachman (leonard@l...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Exceptional service
I've been using hosting several websites that use for several years. The control panel is easy to use and they have generous amount of resources for each plans. All these resources/price and ease of use mean nothing if they are not reliable BUT I can honestly say they are most reliable host I have had in past 20 years. The minor issue I had are promptly addressed by technical support that is quick to respond. All in all, I'm very happy with the services I'm getting from them since 2018.
Lukman Habil (lukman@t...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Proactive and patient support
I have been Asphostportal since 2018 for .net development project. We have had a number of websites hosted with them. They are very responsive and proactive. Anytime I have a question or issue, I hear back from them amazingly fast.

Their customer service is fantastic. I highly recommend them and I will never go to a different company.
Duncan Steel (duncan@p...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😁 Excellent service!
Really quick replying to messages and overly helpful, instead of asking me to locate certain parts of their site they would send me direct links, also give me advice on upgrading hosting service and didn't try and rip me off with the most expensive price. I will for sure be using for other sites.
Gerhard Janko (gerhard@i...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Great solution to host website!
The customer service provided by Asphostportal is second to none. They are always eager to help resolve issues with hosting. They also assisted in transferring website from old hosting provider with no additional cost. The services is reliable and we have noticed our site always up. THANK YOU!
Winston Noble (winston@c...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Amazed with their support team!
Found Asphostportal a couple years ago was one of the luckiest events in my 15+ years of web hosting experience! Their servers are fast and secure. Their customer service response time is the best in the industry. Since my original move to Asphostportal, I have added 3 more accounts for various clients and specific needs. I can't say enough about working with Asphostportal, except that I don't lose sleep over web hosting since moving to Asphostportal.
Tom Hart (tom@d...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 5 Stars Support!
Asphostportal support team are very patient. For non technical person, it's like a get a good IT consultant siting by side.

FYI, I have been contacting Asphostportal support for many times, I can't count it. I got very patient and helpful support team to take care of me. Only 1 time that I could remember about the support guy who is a little bit impatient, but overall their support is really 5 STARS service!
Fattah Razak (fattah@i...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Love their support!
I've been very impressed with the pricing and customer service. They provide a lot of clear instructions to configure your website, and each time I have had problem, I contacted the support team, they have been super helpful and found a solution very quickly. I definitely recommend Asphostportal!
Kamil Singh (kamil@s...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 6 mesi a 1 anno
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😁 Best .net hosting service!
I was facing a drastic fall in the other three web hostings and it was for the last one year. Done all possibilities, optimizations, server upgrades, and changed one hosting to another.

Suddenly I came to know about Asphostportal and thought this is the last try and was really amazed as

- No fail like earlier, very good
- Support team are amazing! They are available within a few minutes and solve the problems quickly.

If you are looking for best .net hosting in the world, try Asphostportal!!
Erich Berger (erich@p...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Professional .net hosting!
I rarely leave reviews, but I have to say I'm extremely happy with the level of customer service in Asphostportal. All the issues I had on multiple occasions were solved quickly, professional with a great deal of kindness and patience.

Additionally, my website load fast and I didn't experience any problems with it. Thank you for making managing a website painless for a non-IT person.
Thomas Ward (thomas@h...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 6 mesi a 1 anno
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😁 Easy to use!
It was easy to get my site up with them, the uptime has been 100% over the 6 months we have had them, and the back-office dashboard is very easy to use, not to mention that their rates are some of the least expensive in the business. Sometimes you sacrifice something for lower cost. Not with Asphostportal.
Jan Gourmet (jan@m...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Great customer service and speed is excellent
This was our third company trying for hosting services. As a small business, this is a big deal to have reliability and customer service. It feels like every penny we spend is crucial to our business growth. We depend on efficiency.

Their technical support team is knowledgeable and responsive. Teaming with Asphostportal was one of the best business moves I have ever made.
Maksim Voronin (maksim@u...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Support is excellent!
Asphostportal delivers great value if you need good performance and super tech support. You can save money but you'll cheat yourself somewhere down the line. When something goes wrong or you need help, tech support is always there to handle things. If you're hosting a personal blog as hobby, go with cheap provider. If it is your business and you need things to work, Asphostportal is the answer!
Gregory Watt (greg@d...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Price little bit premium but great support!
Costs a little bit more but well worth the premium. Asphostportal's support is unparalleled and always goes above and beyond what is required. Because of their amazing support, we've chosen to migrate all 4 of our sites to their hosting over the last few years, and have zero regrets
Justin McGorry (justin@b...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 World class support!
I was using Godaddy for a few years and was so fed up with their lack of support which could take anywhere between 24 hours to respond. I switched to Asphostportal and have been using them over three years now. Their world class support and instantaneous turnaround is what keeps me and my business running at 100%. I wish I had used Asphostportal from the start, I would still have my hair now! LOL...
Darren Welbeck (darren@b...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 By far, Asphostportal is the BEST!
I've been running a web development company since 2005. Without Asphostportal I could not do it. They help me out so much! It normally takes less than 5 minutes to get someone working on my issue.

I always have a lot of questions and support team never fails to answer all my questions and even give me more ideas about how to proceed. They are courteous and super smart.

In the past I have worked with 4-5 other hosting providers and always been frustated with the support. When I found Asphostportal I knew I would never again have to find other providers. Thank you Asphostportal!
Stephen Carr (stephen@j...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Amazing and stellar service!
Absolutely amazing and stellar service. Over the years of using their service, I've learned to trust Asphostportal's team with issue that I have. I don't even stress or think about possible issues anymore because I just know that whatever comes up, I'm covered.

With their team, I've never had to resort to using any of my automatic backup. Thank you for your help!
Tom Wellington (tom@s...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Reliable .net hosting provider
It is reliable company, which provides excellent uptime in hosting and web pages. We have worked for 2 years and everything has been very good. We have mounted several databases without any problem. The service is stable and will continue to be our hosting provider. We recommend their services to any person or company that requires versatility in cloud.
Daniel Rodson (daniel@b...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Great place to host .NET
We are using Asphostportal for 3 years now and we don't face any issues, the support team is very cooperative and supportive. The value for money is very high, one of the best .NET hosting service. We are really satisfied with service provided and we intend to continue using it. Thank you!
Alexey Dragov (alexey@e...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Glad with their services!
Actually Asphostportal are my success partners, I have started my business with them and I'm still depending on them as my only hosting place. Their customer support team are very fast in solving my problems and I get all my ticket resolved within very short time. I host all my customer websites on Asphostportal. Thank you very much.
Abraham Manvier (abraham@i...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 No need to look back!
Our agency was looking for better hosting for our clients websites and everyone's been talking about Asphostportal. So far we've just set up one site, but the experience has been very smooth. The server has been super fast and the control panel is easy to navigate. Their customer support knowledgebase are also clear and easy to follow. Price is also fair.
Martin Chen (martin@i...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 3-6 mesi
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😁 Asphostportal support are amazing!
Asphostportal support are incredible. Always so knowledgeable and quick to fix my issues. Tom listened to my issue and gave me recommendations, and then fixed it on the spot - all within 5 minutes. Very happy customer that will be moving more websites to Asphostportal
Joao Campos (joao@m...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Best support that you can expect
Great support, very knowledgeable, courteous, and ready to help. I come from Godaddy since their support is pathetic. The support I received in Asphostportal was absolutely fantastic and I didn't miss its competitor. And the prices are much better plus scalable to your needs. Thank you!
Ryan Els (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Never regret to use this provider
Back in 2013, when our company was in its first steps, we needed a reliable hosting service. We depended on reviews by others and the market reputation to short list a few companies. I'm glad Asphostportal made it to the list, as it turned out that we made a very good choice. Their prices are very reasonable. Value for money stems from their continuous support in case you needed. Their response time is reasonable too. That's in case you needed it anyhow. Though the 8 years we used their services, we only opened a couple of incidents. Very good provider!
Daniel Rodgers (daniel@w...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Excellent .net hosting services!
I highly recommend Asphostportal! Great web hosting features at a very affordable price. I have had zero issues with Asphostportal and recommend all my clients use their services.

If you're looking for reliable hosting company then you need to take a look at Asphostportal.
-anonimo- (Tammy@f...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 We have been using Asphostportal hosting for years now. I'm happy with their support team, they are always on-time, courteous, incredibly helpful, professional, and go above and beyond. Whether your problem crops up at 3 in the morning, there is someone there to help you. They have been one of the best investments in my business and I rave about them to clients. If you are tired of setting for mediocre hosting for your online business and want someone there to fix any problems, choose Asphostportal.
Matthew Butler (matt@s...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Great Hosting Company!
I've paid for hosting for about two decades now and didn't know something like this even existed. It's like having your own infrastructure team. You ask for help and they will fix within a few minutes. It's been everything from configuration, access, hacking attacks, etc.

I would recommend their product and service very highly.
Noam Wieser (noam@s...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Love to work with them!
Asphostportal has proven to be an excellent host. Their infrastructure and systems are solid and lightning fast, which is important. However, what has always made them the clear choice for our many customers is the support. Today, when you get knowledgeable people is really surprising. They have always helped me with any issue we might encounter.
Luca Morrelli (luca78@o...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Asphostportal - the best hosting!
I can't say enough good things about Asphostportal, great uptime, fantastic 24/7 customer service, and a modern set of offerings to keep any business feeling secure about their servers!

I had hosted with 3 other providers before stumbling onto these guys and I'm really glad I found them!
Juan Carlos (juan@t...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Asphostportal rocks
Asphostportal simply beat all competition. I spent more than 8 years bouncing from one hosting company to another, and some were big names in the industry. In more ways than one, they all drop the ball regularly. I couldn't get anyone on the phone and when I did, they couldn't solve my issue. It was always something.

Then, along came Asphostportal! What a difference. These are real professional people who care about and know technology. And more than that, they've never made me feel like a number. I've trusted Asphostportal with more than 20 websites for more than 4 years now and they've never let me down. I can't imagine being with different hosting company. Thank you Asphostportal
Niklas Barton (niklas@m...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Happy with them
What I love about them is their customer service. They are very customers-oriented with quick and accurate responses to web difficulties. I can honestly say that Asphostportal web staff helped me better understand my website and have always been there when trouble hits. Thanks to Asphostportal staff for the many years I received.
Sunil Kumar (sunil@t...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Excellent service!
I have received absolutely world-class service every time I have requested support. Sometimes it seems as though Asphostportal web's techs can read minds. They quickly figure out what I am talking aabout eventhough I may not use the proper terminology. They inform me of their solution and they implement with lightning speed. I appreciate the service they provide. Thanks again.
David Winterburn (david@w...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 6 mesi a 1 anno
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😁 Good hosting!
Everything works exactly as advertised. Questions posted to support are answered promptly and solutions are provided. I moved my domains from another company and created new sites at Asphostportal because they are professional and technically superior.
-anonimo- (rahul@j...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 I have used them for over 3-4 years or so now. They have an excellent hosting service which delivers a ton of value. I have been pleased with their service, so I am recommending them to anyone who is not afraid to do a little setup on their own. Which, I might add, is easy-peasy if you like a bit of tech.
Simon Brown (simon78@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Great customer support
Asphostportal staff has been great. When I updated my site, I made 2 errors that kept it from running correctly. Asphostportal support corrected both errors (web.config and virtual directory error) and had the site up. They could have just told me about the errors, which would have been great, and had me fix them, but they went extra mile. The response time was quick, just a couple hours.
-anonimo- (Sebastian@v...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Asphostportal has been great. Their support was excellent when I was setting up my website and had a couple of configuration issues. They made the change for the first question I had and also made a second change that they noticed was necessary. They responded within a few hours, which really helped. Their tools are easy to use; site availability and performance have been great.
Dave Rush (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Affordable, great technical support
There are many things to like. The fact that you can connect to your websites using IIS Manager is great, and they keep the servers up to date with the current versions of SQL server and Whenever I opened a support ticket, I would get a real reply in 20 minutes or less than, they are very responsive. The faq documentation they have is very complete too. I've used them for almost 6 years, very happy with them.
Shawn Isles (shawn@t...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Best decision
Moving my client sites to Asphostportal is seriously the best decision I've ever made. I had been with a few discount hosts in the past and was continuously being let down by both the product and service. So I did some investigating and found Asphostportal. Anytime I need support, they really come through for me. I would do and recommend them.
Arun Kumar (arun@t...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 REAL .NET hosting services!
I had to quickly host my MVC website with SSL and Asphostportal support helped me every step through their ticket support system. I would highly recommend Asphostportal to anyone.
William Princeton (william@d...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Easy to use .net hosting provider
Asphostportal is an excellent .net hosting provider. Their control panel is easy to use, all the tools you could need. Their support for legacy system is impressive, I have used Asphostportal as a place to migrate several older but still maintained websites.

The customer support has always been timely and helpful, their documentation for their system is robust as well.

If I need to spin up a new windows web hosting environment, I don't even hesitate, I will go straight to Asphostportal these days.
Roger Ford (roger18@o...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 The BEST Hosting!
Asphostportal is one of the most services I liked. I'm using .net and email hosting so I need perfect servers to handle it and Asphostportal is very suitable for me and the support team are very friendly and the control panel is easy to use.
Steve Carr (steve@i...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Excellent support!
My online program has received several upgrades and as usual had several programming glitches that needed the attention of Asphostportal tecnicians. They were timely in getting back to me and expedient in solving the concerns.
Timothy W (timothy@b...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Great hosting solution with excellent support
The support team at Asphostportal is great. We don't have many issues with our hosting but when something pops up the support team is on top of it and ready to help. Their control panel is easy to use.
Doug Carr (doug@d...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Best support that you can rely on
Asphostportal has been the most reliable, trustworthy, knowledgeable, and kind collection of people I've ever worked with in the hosting space. The quality of their service is top tier. topped only by the quality of their support agents and technicians. I've never felt dumb asking any questions. Nor have I ever felt like my requests have been a burden or a problem. This company is run well and you can trust them with your online business.
Andrew Chan (andrew@d...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Simply the best
If you want best hosting solutions with BEST customer support in the market, look no further than Asphostportal.

With hosting comes the occasional challenge and while few occur under their guidance, when I have a problem I can contact them quickly who is patient, walks through the process to help me, and in the end I'm back to where I needed to be.

Simple the BEST!
Michael Wu (michael@o...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Happy customer!
I've been a very happy customer of Asphostportal for many years. I currently have 2 managed servers with them and recommend Asphostportal all of the time to other web developers. After all these years, they always answer my questions/issues clearly and always helpful when I face a problem. I can't say enough good things about this company.
Jordi Vega (jordi@d...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Proveedor de alojamiento confiable
Me encanta Asphostportal desde que migré de otra empressa de hosting hace 5 años. El servicio ha sido confiable y consistente. No he experimentado ningún tiempo de inactividad y su servicio al cliente y soporte técnico es de primera categoría.
Russell Curtis (russel@d...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Always help us!
We know that we will have problems anywhere and with any type of technology at any given time. The point of the question is how the problem is faced by those who have the capacity to give support, to help us, to assist us. Asphostportal has a very fast service, with attentive employees who put themselves in the customer's shoes, has the sensitivity to help in solving the problem. This is undoubtedly the biggest difference of Asphostportal.
Lasse Järvinen (lasse@b...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Great experience with them!
This company is amazing. I am not very tech-savvy, yet when I have questions, the staff at Asphostportal has been able to direct me the resources I need and explain what I need to do - or else they have jumped on the problem and figured it out themselves. I am so grateful for friendly professionalism of everyone at Asphostportal with whom I have had the pleasure of working. I expect this will be a long life relationship.
Arnold Theron (arnold@h...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Best .net hosting
I've been with Asphostportal for over 3 years now and I've got to say that this company is the best around. They have the best hosting packages available at an affordable price. Their customer support are very courteous and have a quick response time. They have got a customer for life. Thanks!
Matthias Volland (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Highly recommend Asphostportal!
We know you by searching in the web. We are starting to provide system by the Sas modality. We hire another hosting, but despite the good support we have many problems with the service. You have great technical support team. My problem is only with your email quota, maybe you can increase it higher.
Bruce Grain (bruce10@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Easy to use Interface!
Its been very easy to use Asphostportal interface and I am able to setup database and my website with WebDeploy within few minutes. I really don't think any other service provider has given such an easy to work with interface. Thanks a lot team.
Jeroen van Houten (jeroen@i...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Pleasant journey with Asphostportal!
It has been an excellent hosting services, always online, very fast, the tools very easy to use, control panel is quick, intuitive, and easy to use. I will definitely recommend this provider to others.
Henry Nielsen (henry@j...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Very fast .net hosting services!
It is very easy to use, easy to handle and work with 24*7 customer care support. Deployment of application is also very easy. They also provide free services like SSL. Really recommended!
Christoph Vogts (christoph@e...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Asphostportal is awesome! Help our business growing!
We're startup, we need to be cost-effective along with best performance and uptime. Asphostportal give all these. We're able to manage the whole infrastructure without any server admin. They have simple and intuitive user interface vast cutting edge features. Extremely cost-effective with best in class performance and support.
Avinash Chopra (avinash@i...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Great services
Asphostportal allow us to provide a complete customer solution, providing database, authentication, and web services/sites. The administration user interface is simple to use, yet allow control over most of your services. We host several customer environments in their platform and we have never had a serious issue. They also have excellent support anytime we have created ticket to them.
Stuart Barboun (stuart@t...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Very effective cloud hosting platform
There are lots of benefits of their product. Asphostportal is no doubt the most powerful and effective cloud platform. It is extremely easy to use. In order to have real time testing as well as analytics, Asphostportal is a best choice indeed. Its ability of strong files is really appreciable. Furthermore, it keeps our important data secure. Any type of information can be easily backup through this.
Tim Ausburn (tim@w...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Customer service is EVERYTHING!
Asphostportal products are well packaged and fairly priced making them competitive in market. Above all, their customer care and support is unmatched. They will go above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction. They leave us feeling valued and we have never regretted the move to use them as our sole cloud hosting providers.

I recommend them strongly primarily on their customer care and sterling tech support. This is what IT tech company will want stationed in their back office. Keep up your good work!
Jasper Timber (jasper@b...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Simple to use!
The application of the company is developed in .net and Asphostportal easily adapts to the changes and requirements that we have. Asphostportal cloud server has worked very well for us, it has always been online and we haven't perceived the possible drops or failures that they have had as platform. It really integrated very well with .net applications, work very fast, it is easy to activate the services I need. They also have incredible support that I can contact anytime I need help.
Aamir Shah (aamir@t...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Help growing my business!
Not too long ago, I moved from a host I'd been with for years over to Asphostportal, I was hesitant at first, simply because of the potential pain involved. Well, not only was the process lightning fast and smooth sailing, but things have been seamless with our website ever since! Having a fast-loading website is KEY to our business, and we've got a fairly heavy one, with lots of audio files and images. Our site loads a million faster, and working with their friendly team has been a delight. I now recommend Asphostportal to every one of my entrepreneur friends.
Richard Chang (richard@s...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Solid technology!
Asphostportal has proven to be an excellent host. Their infrastructure and systems are solid and lightning fast. However, what has always made them the clear choice for our many customers is the support. They always help our tech people with any issue they might encounter.
Sinosis Tech (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Top notch Cloud server!
We are using Asphostportal for supporting client web applications. I feel much comfortable in working in Asphostportal compared to other cloud providers. Asphostportal is very user friendly and makes life easier in handling daily activities. Deployment of web applications are extremely easy. Just download publish profile and then you can publish your files easily. Very easy to use!
Brad Damon (brad@i...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Simply the best
Asphostportal is far beyond in reliability, customer service, and responsiveness than any of other services we used before. I can't overemphasize how much of a difference this made for us. No more downtimes, no more long waits for customer service, no more constantly worrying about our site going down at the most inconvenient times. Asphostportal is a more expensive that the hosts that we used previously, but the difference is earth and sky, and the slightly higher price is totally worth the peace of mind. Thank you, Asphostportal. Keep being awesome!
Rowland Rich (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 The best hosting provider that I worked with
In the 15 years that I have been publishing website, I haven't experienced a high level of service and performance as I have experienced at Asphostportal. We arrived with a host of issues and challenges and I felt supported for entire migration. It has been my pleasure to do business with Asphostportal the last couple of years.
Alessandro Ferrera (ale@b...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Semplicemente il migliore!
Se desideri le migliori soluzioni di hosting con la MIGLIORE assistenza clienti sul mercato, non cercare oltre Asphostportal.

Con l'hosting arriva la sfida occasionale e mentre pochi si verificano sotto la loro guida, quando ho un problema, li contatterò direttamente e il loro supporto seguirà il processo per aiutarmi, e alla fine tornerò dove dovevo essere.

Semplicemente il migliore! Altamente raccomandato!
Matt Davis (matt80@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Amazing! Excellent service!
Over the years of using their service, I've learned to really trust Asphostportal's team with any issue that I have. I don't even stress or think about possible issues anymore because I just know that whatever comes up, I'm covered.

With their team, I've never had to resort using any of my automatic backups. Thank you for everything!
Rikin Sonkar (rikin@p...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Premium hosting provider!
Asphostportal is an excellent hosting provider. I moved from a more expensive company several years ago. They saved me a lot of money. Their tech support is A++. They are always available when I need them and they almost always solve my problem. I find that they go the extra mile and spend extra time trying to solve my problems. I highly recommend using Asphostportal for your hosting needs.
-anonimo- (alexchang78@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 The support people are incredible. I have yet to experience the same degree of mutual respect, courtesy, and attention to detail (with any vendor) that I have found with Asphostportal - regardless whether I need to ask the most trivial support questions, or something which requires advanced knowledge.

Seriously, they have held my hand when my knowledge is lacking - and have also paid attention when I am pointing out something that may need addressing.

Just wish more of my vendors had the same Corp Culture and decent human ethic as Asphostportal and their people.
Juan Pablo (juan@t...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Servicio excepcional, soporte inmediato, personal capacitado
Nunca he tenido un problema con Asphostportal, de hecho han resuelto todos mis problemas de alojamiento web, incluidos los relacionados con Incluso cuando tuve problemas técnicos durante el lanzamiento y necesitaba soporte a las 3 am, fueron útiles, amables y un placer tratarlos. Después de haber pasado por varios otros proveedores de alojamiento deficientes y menos éticos, no elegiría ningún otro.
Luca Signori (luca@m...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Servizio di prim'ordine
Sono uno di quei clienti veramente dolorosi che hanno constantemente bisogno di assistenza e cercano sempre di ottenere il massimo da tutto nella vita e il più velocemente possibile. Asphostportal web è letteralmente una delle poche aziende con cui lavoro mensilmente che offre sempre risultati. Ho un business in crescita e ho mo molti requisiti e loro forniscono sempre e con uno dei migliori contributori nel mondo dell'hosting. Non posso raccomandarli abbastanza ei loro servizi premium sono il prezzo della maggior parte di quelli standard. Davvero un'ottima compagnia.
Manvir Thapa (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Knowledgeable, fast support, amazing team!
I have been with Asphostportal for more than 5 years, they have amazing, knowledgeable, and super fast support. That's what makes the real difference for me. Yes, products are important and their servers are fast with very competitive pricing for sure. For me though, it's all about service - when something goes wrong. The Asphostportal team goes above and beyond to resolve your issues or provide expertise and information.
Oscar Moore (oscar@d...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Excellent service and reasonable prices!
I switched to Asphostportal a couple years ago for my web hosting/development company. They are the third hosting company I have used in the past 15 years or so. They are by far the best I have worked with. Prices are very reasonable.

But, it is their support that is truly outstanding. I have encountered a variety of issues over the past couple years with my sites (none of which are Asphostportal's fault). In all cases, their support has been prompt and accurate. I can open a ticket at most any time of the day or night and know I will get help within an hour (usually within 10 minutes). They have virtually never handed my incident off to the next shift. They always follow up to ensure the issue is resolved.

I am convinced that they are the permanent host for my web services business.
Brian Acton (brian77@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Great technology, features, and support!
Asphostportal has proven to be an excellent host. Their infrastructure and systems are solid and lightning fast, which is important. However, what has always made them the clear choice for our many customers is the support.

Today, when you get knowledgeable people, it is surprising. Asphostportal does this as a norm. They have always helped our customers and our tech people with any issue they might encounter.
Brad Fullerton (brad@t...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Great service!
Asphostportal rocks! I have been working with Asphostportal for over 3 years and can say without hesitation I wouldn't trust anyone else to host my customer's websites. Their pricing is very competitive and the best part about their service is their 24/7 support. I like the fact that I can contact them anytime I want and their support people are very knowledgeable and always ready to help. I would highly recommend Asphostportal to anyone looking for a trusted and reliable hosting partner.
Victor White (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Happy customer for many years!
I started working with Asphostportal 6 years ago when my webmaster told me he could no longer host my site. I found them through others in my network who were recommending them. I called and discussed my situation and they offered to assist me transitioning my sites and domains over to their service.

With a few days, all my sites were transferred and up and running smoothly. But that's where the fun began. I had several technical problems I couldn't solve and called the tech team at Asphostportal, they are absolutely delightful to work with. Always friendly, always taking the time to assist me and solve my problems.

I will be a client for a long time and will continue to count on Asphostportal as my hosting provider.
Davin Cheung (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Best decision to use their service!
Once in a lifetime a hosting company comes around that understand your needs as a small business owner. Asphostportal is that company, with support willing to bend space and time to ensure your satisfaction as customer. I have been with Asphostportal for over 6 years now.

I recommend them to friends, family, and others who are looking for amazing support team. I love how they treat their customers. I love how they can search log files and find corruption where it happened and actually edit code to have it removed.

Thank you!!
Austin Ford (austin@a...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Reliable server! Affordable pricing!
We have had a dedicated server with Asphostportal for more than 3 years, as well as we put a few clients on shared hosting and we have had a great experience with them. I can't say that I've never run into problems but they have always gone above and beyond to help figure the issue with me.

I do work with a number of clients and different servers and I really think that what sets them apart in my mind is their customer service. I have contacted them at least a handful of times when I've been having general problems on another host and stated that while I do have a number of accounts with them I have a more general questions and they've always courteously helped me.
Scott Davis (scott@d...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Outstanding service!
We have been using Asphostportal to host our websites for a number of years now after having used other services over the years. The outstanding feature that we appreciate most is their service. If we have any issues, and they happen infrequently, we always get an immediate response and our issues is resolved quickly. It is very important when your clients are depending on your site. We would highly recommend Asphostportal to anyone requiring hosting services.
Marcus Larsson (marcus@i...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 High performance and reliable hosting
For anyone seeking high performance web hosting with superior support, I don't think Asphostportal can be beat. In my experience, their support is truly heroic, especially in comparison with other hosting companies I've had experience with. If you are looking for reliable windows hosting provider, I definitely highly recommend Asphostportal.
Jorge Zamora (jorge@d...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Great customer service!
Your team is always quick to answer my questions!! They are just genius with the highest capacity for both sales and tech. Their hosting services also have everything to be the fastest in the industry. I'm so happy to find Asphostportal!
-anonimo- (Carmen@d...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 They have a great system that is simple to use and for those of us who are not so familiar with the details of how to manage a website their team are wonderful helpful.
Philip Kingsley (phil@d...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Excellent .net hosting service
We develop business solutions for small to intermediate sized clients and have used Asphostportal as well as other shared hosting providers for over 6 years now.

Over that period we've had virtually no downtime and we've enjoyed a fabulous standard or reliability too. Asphostportal have also invested in their servers too as speed and hosting options have increased immeasurably.

I would definitely recommend Asphostportal to my clients and to other developers out there looking for great value and reliable .NET hosting service.
John Alley (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Easy and fast setup
Asphostportal was super easy to setup, transferred domain and setup my DNS within minutes, I use this to host my .net application. The website files I can update in a instant when I make changes.
-anonimo- (ricardo@s...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 O suporte Asphostportal é o que os torna excelentes. Como outras empresas que fornecem serviços de hospedagem, às vezes há falhas... Como ataques de negação de serviço ou outros problemas que impedem seu site de funcionar da maneira que você gostaria. Se você enviar um problema ao suporte, eles responderão rapidamente e aguardarão até que o problema seja resolvido.

Quando as coisas não vão bem, aprecio ter uma empresa ágil e focada na resolução de problemas.
Jose Ortiz (jose@d...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Impressed with their service
I've been developing applications for about 10 years now. And until I found Asphostportal, there was always some limitation that would keep me from writing the and sql code, utilizing the true potential of a rich data driven web application. We always had to find a work around of some sort, in most cases a older outdate form of code to satisfy the hosting company.

I've developed 5 applications that are running on Asphostportal and have yet to face any limitations. And if we every had a question, they always knew the answer and responded promptly and professionally. And they always were willing to go that extra mile and follow up on any request we might of had.
Dennis Moens (dennis@a...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Excellent service and performance
I'd highly recommend Asphostportal for Microsoft tech stack developers and website. Service is great and they are very up-to-date with their server environments. Never had a problem with performance of any of the websites I'm hosting with them and I've been hosting with them for many years. Their knowledgebase support online is very helpful and highly searchable making it easy to find answers to problems or issues you might encounter in a shared hosting environment.
Henk de Waard (henk@8...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Solid .net hosting services!
Asphostportal makes web hosting easy. Their control panel makes things a breeze with it's clean interface, simple email management and through knowledgebase. Asphostportal has everything you need to get your site up and running without leaving the browser. With their reliable uptime, great communication and excellent customer service, I would recommend them.
Darren Wood (darren@u...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Outstanding service! I LOVE Asphostportal!
I've been involved with Asphostportal both directly and indirectly for many years now and have never had reason to think anything but positive thoughts about them.

The staff are knowledgeable, friendly, and very quick to respond clearly and thoroughly to any queries I've had. And said responses always have a personal touch rather than your typical company's copy and paste approach to customer support.

The actual hosting has been flawless too. I've not once experienced downtime or had any reason to complain about performance and their price plans are absolutely superb.
Sanjay Singh (sanjay@w...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Easy setup! Excellent hosting!
I've used Asphostportal for the past few years and I haven't had any issues with their service. They offer an awesome amount of features, most of which I've never needed to use, but everything they offer just works and I've never had any issues. They have great documentation on how to do just about anything such as setting up your domain, adding A records and CNAME, publishing your site, etc. They have the most up-to-date servers for bleeding edge technology that you may be itching to get your hands on and play with. I only had to contact their support once the entire time and it was actually a performance issue with my site but their support staff was very professional and helped me determine that it wasn't the hosting service causing the problem. If you need Windows hosting service, I couldn't recommend Asphostportal more. You won't be disappointed and their pricing is on par with most other hosting services.
-anonimo- (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 I have had a great experience with all of my .NET configurations and PHP as well. I also like the options available for managing subdomains and subdirectories. Asphostportal offers a good solid service which out shines other providers who offer hosting for a similar price. Asphostportal has been the most reliable and most well priced host for any provider offering .net that I have worked with.
Paulino Guirado (paulino@d...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 World class service
I've been with Asphostportal for almost 3 years now and it's been excellent service. I've never had any problems with my website/email. I can't recommend them highly enough as a .net hosting service.
Jason Lam (jason87@t...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Great service and support
These guys have hosted my website for almost 7 years and I can count on 3 fingers the number of times I have had issues. Plus, every single one of those was quickly sorted - that's pretty reliable for a provider this cheap and I'll happily recommend them to anybody wanting to host a website, whether they make use the .NET capabilities or not.
Damian Hunt (damian@i...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Fabulous .NET hosting provider!
We have always used Asphostportal for our hosting and without fail, whenever there's a problem, they reply with a solution within an hour, this time it was barely 10 minutes before I got answer - even though it was late on a Saturday night.
Wilfred de Boer (wilfred@8...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 They always ready to help
The support team from Asphostportal is what makes them outstanding. Like other companies providing hosting services, there are sometimes glitches, like DDOS attack or other problems that get in the way of your website running as you'd like. If you submit a problem to support, they are quick to respond and hang in there until the problem is resolved.

When things aren't going right, I appreciate having a company that is responsive and focused on fixing the problems.
-anonimo- (dave@d...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 I used Asphostportal for hosting small pilot project for a couple of years. Customer support is excellent. I had a couple of technical and billing questions. They responded in person within an hour. I asked for refund for auto renewed add-on I was not using, got it refunded without issues.
Alberto Medina (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Amazing!! Happy to use their service!
The service is great. Even for couple of glitches (that was my fault) the guys from the tech support answered immediately (within 24 hours) and gave a solution to my problems.

Working smoothly... Thanks a million times!
-anonimo- (Ajmer@b...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 I highly recommend Asphostportal! Great web hosting features at very affordable price. I have had zero issues with Asphostportal and recommend all my clients use their service.

If you are needing a reliable hosting company then you need to take a look at Asphostportal. Don't short change your clients or yourself.
João de Oliveira (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Outstanding service
I have been involved with Asphostportal both directly and indirectly for many years now and have never had reason to think anything but positive thoughts about them.

The staff are knowledgeable, friendly, and very quick to respond clearly and throughly to any queries I've had. And said responses always have a personal touch rather than your typical company's copy and paste approach to customer support.

The actual hosting has been flawless too. I've not once experienced downtime or had any reason to complain about performance and their price plans are absolutely superb.

As per my the review title... a lot of companies could learn from Asphostportal. I can't recommend this company highly enough.
Stefan Janko (stefan@m...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Outstanding support!
Apart from excellent hosting of .net websites, I can't say enough about how responsive and kind the billing and support teams are!

As an example, I recently registered a new domain name through Asphostportal and in my haste misspelled the name!

I knew my actions were probably irreversible - but I sent a support ticket to the billing department and to my shock, surprise and pleasure - they went to the trouble of intercepting and reversing the registration process and gave me full refund.

THAT is service! Thanks Asphostportal! You guys are awesome!
-anonimo- (liamh@c...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 6 mesi a 1 anno
Valutazione globale
😁 Earlier this year I had to move my .net based website to a new hosting service. I tried 2 other hosting providers before technical frustrations drove me to seek yet another. That is when I found Asphostportal. To my surprise and delight my website transferred over quickly and easily.

On Asphostportal I am using a shared server and don't have quite the flexibility I did with my original service. Specifically I had to change my session state management from State Server to InProc, and I have to live with their password requirements for my emails. But, in grand scheme of things those are small prices to pay for reliable service and good communication.

I have no reservations in recommending Asphostportal.
Jan de Lint (jan@s...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Great service!
I have always been astonished by Asphostportal support performance. These guys are just plain awesome. Each of my support request got resolved within 10 minutes. If you are using .NET, then you will never regret using their service. These guys know what they are doing and are true expert in Windows hosting.
Jose Rodriguez (jose@i...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Gran servicio, gran valor
He estado con Asphostportal por un tiempo y debo decir que siempre hay una solución rápida parda todos tus problemas y están enfocados en lo que realmente importa; alojar tus aplicaciones. Y lo hacen bastante bien.
Ben Hill (ben@s...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Excellent hosting provider
I've been using Asphostportal for over 5 years. I am impressed with their customer support, so much so that over time I have switched all but one of my clients over from another hosting company. I highly recommend Asphostportal on the basis of their customer support. In addition, setting up new websites is easy and the control panel is easy to navigate.
-anonimo- (ben@s...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 Recently began using Asphostportal for a school project and needed affordable hosting that support ASP.NET Core as well as MSSQL database options, their offerings/features were perfect for my needs. Also needed some support to help configure things for my students, and Asphostportal was quick in their response and very accomodating. Super happy with them so far and they'll definitely be getting more business from me.
-anonimo- (ivansmir@s...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 Asphostportal offers reliable hosting services and their support staff is a great asset for the company. I am using their Dedicated Server since a couple of years and never faced any issue so far. Whenever I need any kind of support, they always back to me within few minutes. My all websites are running like a charm on their server. You guys made this customer really happy. Thanks a lot!
-anonimo- (jerrychang@l...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 I have been using the Asphostportal service for a number of years now. The reason I stay with this provider is simple: Excellent levels of support and service.
I am fairly small web developer, but whenever i have had an issue (either as a mistake made by me, configuration issue or general knowledge required), it has been present in a VERY timely manner and articulated perfectly. Excellent service for a very reasonable price.
-anonimo- ( /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 3-6 mesi
Valutazione globale
😠 I have signed with a 1 year contract with them in last February. For me they provided free SSL at the start, as indicated in the website marketing material. But after few months they asked me to upgrade to next higher plan saying my website using too much resources. The data transfer page shows only less than 1% of allowed amount. However I agree to upgrade. Then they drop the free SSL option, still in the contract period of 1 year. I have to pay for a SSL certificate and static IP. Then again after 8 months they started shutting down my server again saying I am using too much resources. Still the data transfer is only 1% of the allowed and storage use is only 20% of the allowed. Do not get on with this hosting company. They are always looking to rip you off.
Abdullah Hussein (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Excellent support staff
They have excellent support staff. I have setup Let's Encrypt on their control panel and it is not working, not too sure what I did. Their support corrected the error and had the site up. They could have just told me about the error, which would have been great, and had me fix them, but they went the extra mile. The response time was quick, just a couple of hours.
-anonimo- (roberto@l...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 It's the best .net hosting I've ever used. Support is really great! The support system is easy to use and they always able to help. If you need shared hosting, I couldn't recommend anyone better. Thumbs up!
-anonimo- (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 They provide quality services in a webmaster-friendly manner taking into account the needs of all their customers. Plans contain many useful resources which are necessary for running websites with no glitches but smoothly and flawlessly. Asphostportal support team has been very helpful. They answer in a timely manner and answered all of the questions that I had for 24 hours. Good and priceless work which is very important for my IT business.
-anonimo- (Darren@x...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 I'm using Asphostportal since 2016 and I have to say each time I had an issue they solved it fast. And when I say fast, I mean instantly. The feedback was very quick like someone was the just for me. I highly recommend it to anyone.
-anonimo- (-nascosto-) / migliore assistenza clienti
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 Il servizio clienti è uno dei migliori che abbia mai visto, persone davvero gentili e diligenti, il team di supporto risponde in pochi minuti e l'account è molto semplice da usare. Lavoro online da più di un decennio e ho trovato questi ragazzi solo pochi anni fa e posso dire che questo è di gran lunga il miglior provider di hosting.
Rob White (rob@f...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Very reliable .net hosting services
I've been with them for several years now. I am impressed in how fast they respond if you have issue. And most of times my issues were resolved technically and professionally by their staff. You can also select location of your servers round the world, this is one factor that I go with them.
Michael Simpson (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Very good hosting services!
Asphostportal is absolutely the best technical support I've ever used, they will respond you within 15 minutes. These guys helped me so many times. I came out of a complete web crash with their help in just a few days. They stuck with me until it was perfectly functional again. It all comes down to their expertise. Also they are really nice to interact with. Really professional. They won't let you down when the going gets tough. I'm using their Host Two plan and it has enough power to do everything when with 30 users hitting it hard simultaneously.
Aaron S (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Great value for .net hosting
I've been using Asphostportal for more than 2 years. So far very stable and reliable. For my project that are mainly .net based sites, this is good place to host them, either for testing purpose.

You can publish your site directly from Visual Studio, this is their main advantage using their services.

The other thing I love about them is their support team, always back to me within 5-10 minutes. It seems they don't want customer to wait longer.

If you need to host .net based projects, this hosting is good option.
Sandesh Singh (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Very good!
Asphostportal is a great hosting company. Their prices are extremely affordable and you get a nice amount of features for the price. I have shopped around and their pricing seems very competitive.

If you like me that develop website as hobby, then you can go with these guys, they have affordable price. Their service is extremely helpful and always available. Response time is also quick.
-anonimo- (collin@i...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Asphostportal is easy top use and very detailed. They offer great customer support, security, and a lot more. I would recommend this provider, they offer competitive pricing and also awesome pricing
Aamir Khan (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Long time customer
I've been hosting with Asphostportal for almost 3 years and I've got to say that this company is the best .net hosting around. They have rich feature hosting packages at an affordable price.

I'm very rarely having issues with their services. I'm very satisfied with the quality of service. Highly recommend them.
Nuno Lopes (nuno@l...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Cheap and best hosting for .net
I've created several websites which are hosted on Asphostportal's platform Their custom interface allows very fine grained control of your website, and offer several methods of managing your website (through the interface, FTP) and most importantly fully support for WebDeploy.
Donald Walker (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Great hosting place
Asphostportal is very reliable, secure .net hosting service, it is very cost effective and very flexible plans are available. They support Let's Encrypt SSL and this is their advantages point. Very good.
Anthony White (anthony@i...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Smooth Experience
Their hosting environment are really excellent learning experience. The helpful notes and detailed instructrions enabled me to be able to achieve something I thought only a highly experienced web developers would be able to do. Still a way to go in my journey but at least I have a feeling of accomplishment to date and see that the way forward is affordable, well documented and a well a lot of fun
Sunil Vijayakumar (sunil@b...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Home for hosting
The speed and response is overall pretty good. I have vps and in my test I often had faster loads on this company using their shared host. Other good thing they support multiple .net versions, from classic asp until newest .net core. So far all been working fine, no big issues!
Lee Chen (lee@s...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Very good option
This hosting is awesome, they have good price and features. The host works really really good and I'm so happy with them.
Haren Ravindra (haren@r...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Good experience with them!
This far my experience with them are great. Easy to setup, everything works out of the box, great hosting options. I've had severe downtime with my previous host and wanted to move to another host that offer cheap hosting. Then I found Asphostportal
Benjamin Hill (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😁 Awesome, incredible hosting provider
I have used Asphostportal for around 2 years and I have found their services reliable and reasonably priced. I spent some time researching the alternatives before choosing them from my book gallery which has been online for 8 years. In particular the email support provided has been excellent with the person providing the support. They go out of their way to help you even when the problem is not theirs.
Ralph Polman (ralph28@C...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Easy to use, reliable service!
Your service is great, value-priced, full featured and getting started with database application was simple beyond hopes. I like the knowledgebase article. Seems you guys listened to the customer and tweaked information and site organization to help us succeed quickly. Thanks for your help!
-anonimo- (alexchangjr@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 I've been with Asphostportal now for just over 3 years, having tried and left several others who shall remain nameless (and useless). They have given me what I wanted, a hassle free, no fuss service. I can't speak as to their help response times or quality because I haven't needed it, there just haven't been any problems. But I'm pretty confident that when something does come up their customer support will be just fine.
-anonimo- (Wayneblair19@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 They are superb hosting provider, maybe one of the best hosting that I have ever tried. Their technical support is awesome, they are timeliness, knowledgeable, and willing to check things and suggest fixes. My only small issue is sometimes their website quite confusing, because they have 2 different platform for their helpdesk and domain registration service. But, they always back to me and get to the topic that I'm looking for.
Rob McKay (rob@c...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 We love them!
We love the hosting services and all features and have been extremely happy with everything... speed, service, database hosting, support response, and email features... Especially the ability to host multiple projects on the same hosting package. Keep up the great work!
Trimagnitude IT (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Very reliable and solid hosting
Been with them for very long time, start from .net 1 until this newest .net core. It is not easy supporting all versions along with all the versions of Visual Studio and SQL Server. As a customer, I can also able to connect MSSQL remotely. Quick and fast.
-anonimo- (willcarter10@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 I have business website which I rely on my income. After being with a few hosting providers and dealing with one technical problem after next, I got fed up and moved to Asphostportal. I realize that any host will have some technical issue from time to time, but I feel the staff at Asphostportal cares about its customers. I like that their support staff is in the US and inquiries are responded to quickly and written by people where English is a native language. Not only is their offerings a very good value, but you can also customize your space, bandwith, etc, and pay for what you actually use. It was huge cost savings. Highly recommended host!
Rajiv Kumar (rajiv@e...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Everything just work!
I like the service very much. I like the fact that email is rolled in with the regular price. I like paying pennies a day for my site. I like being able to use a couple application level threads for my nights jobs with no complaints from the host service. The hosted MSSQL is awesome. I can also connect MSSQL remotely to manage my database.
Anwar Siddiq (anwar@m...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 6 mesi a 1 anno
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😁 Stable and excellent support
Earlier this year I had to move my .net based website to a new hosting service. I tried two other hosting companies before technical frustrations drove me to seek yet another. That is when I found Asphostportal. To my surprise and delight my website transferred over quickly and easily.

On Asphostportal I'm using a shared server and don't have quite the flexibility I did with my original service. Specifically I had to change my session state management from State Server to InProc, and I have to live with their password requirements for my emails. But, in the grand scheme of things those are small prices to pay for reliable service and good communication.
-anonimo- |
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 6 mesi a 1 anno
Valutazione globale
😠 I have started with your hosting on the understanding they have servers located in Australia, They later relocated servers to US and on request managed to get them to at least Singapore. Another issue is, that I was getting a free SSL with the Australian server. However, with the change of server by them I have to run without any SSL. Their request to pay for fixed IP and also SSL certificate is not fair as I get similar hosting packages with SSL for less than the total price.
Furthermore there is no need for fixed IP for at most hosting companies. See the links .
As you are aware there is a technology called Server Name Indication (SNI) which allow to install SSL without fixe IP.
Another issue to mention is that frequent changes to servers is also something I do not like to see as it cost time and money to re-write – re test the websites [leggi di più...]
Sylvester Brown (sylvester@p...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😁 Love to use their services!
I have used Asphostportal since around 2018 for our company project, applications. In all but one case it was used across the whole organization for its main product. Asphostportal platform is very well suited for a startup and with enough time investment the platform will serve through an intermediate growth stage. My experience is only at the small, startup level. The main business problem it has addressed for my companies, is substituting as a dedicated devops person, which is especially valuable for a smaller organization that needs to run lean. But maybe in the next stages, if you have more complex product, then you might need to purchase additional dedicated server or hire new devops person again.
-anonimo- (felipe@b...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 We have been using Asphostportal since our product launch for much of our backend infrastructure, and we remain absolutely smitten with the fantastic product and support we've gotten. Asphostportal strikes a great balance between the responsibilities of running everything on yourself and managed infrastructure, and we have been very happy with the trade-offs here. To top it off, their support is phenomenal, and in the case of highly technical issues, consistently escalate support queries to the right technical person internally.
-anonimo- ( /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 6 mesi a 1 anno
Valutazione globale
😠 They are ok, except the frequent changes of servers. In 6 months they changed my server from Australia , to Singapore one server then again this month to another server. It causes so much troubles and everything has to be checked and checked again. Now the free SSL they had with the old server is not working.
Neeraj Sharma (neeraj@r...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 They are awesome!
I like the speed and the reality of the team, the product price was really fantastic comparing to other competitors, the plesk panel is really fast, database connection is good and stable too.

I'm really recommend this company to my friend so they can buy products from them
Jason Young (jason@t...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Very good .net hosting
I had to do a lot of search to find out a basic windows .net hosting, finally search ended with Asphostportal. The response time is pretty fast and we are happy to host our site with them. The control panel is very simple to use and also the file uploading was hassle free. Thanks a lot Asphostportal.
Brett Hughes (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Very easy to use
I've been working with Asphostportal for almost 3 years, I have hosted multiple websites with 1 single account and I've been very happy. I'm extremely happy with Asphostportal due its affordable price, excellent customer support and outstanding features.

You have nothing to worry a bit, since they have 30 days money back guarantee, so try it out.
-anonimo- (Hakeem@p...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 I'm am associated with Asphostportal since last year. I'm using their cloud dedicated server. The support is one of the best, the attention is immediate, and immediate solutions. The prices are excellent and cheap and it has several tools.

I would recommend Asphostportal to all those who wish to move out of hosting, or want to make a website. Thanks for your excellent website.
Giancarlo Cervi (gian@s...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Fantastic hosting service
The interface is very simple and intuitive, it has many tools to facilitate the creation of a good structure for the application that we have developed. It has a large amount of documentation to facilitate the configuration of servers as well as a large community that helps solve more specific problems, technical support based on my experience has been excellent.
Craig Forrest (craig@a...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😁 Support umbraco hosting, very good!
My previous provider still unable to support Umbraco, I really want to run the latest Umbraco version. After trying multiple providers, I then found Asphostportal. Installation was a breeze here! The control panel support one click installation, very fast and working smoothly and I can manage almost everything. I could even deploy using WebDeploy. Support is flawless, anytime I created ticket, they will back to me within few minutes.
Aaron Taggart (aaron@t...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Quick, efficient, and professional hosting!
Deploying, managing, and scalling is easy as pie. Building website couldn't be more simple. They offer a wide range of hosted service like .NET, PHP, MSSQL, MySQL, etc.

I've had a couple of obscure system config issues that I've needed help with, and the tech support has been fantastic. They really take ownership of the problem and will continue to follow up until the issue resolved.

Very good hosting! Highly recommended!
Alexander Margot (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 I love them and never think to change!
I love it's simplicity and it was very cheap for small projects, it is easy to integrate a lot of different 3rd party services.

Asphostportal can be good place to host a prototype or hobby project. They have good pricing, features and also technical support.
-anonimo- (paul@i...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 I've been using Asphostportal since 2018 after reading about their online reviews, I know I've chosen a hosting provider that I can rely on for a long time.

They helped me to migrate a couple of sites and the speed are so much faster than my previous provider who I had been using previously. I've transferred around 7 domains to them and I'll be moving the rest over during this year.

I feel more comfortable with Asphostportal, fast speed, decent customer service, fair pricing, no hidden price. Thank you!
-anonimo- (cyberpronet@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 This was our third company trying for hosting services. Previoulsy with 2 local hosting provider, but they don't support latest .net core feature. As small business, this is a big deal to have reliability and customer service. We depend on efficiency...

Their customer service is exceptional. Although with different time zone, but they always available 24 hours a day, they are very helpful compare with my local provider. I've never had one bad experience with their customer service. Their team is always friendly and knowledgeable, they are willing to help even the smallest question or task. I highly recommend them for anyone looking for asp net hosting services.
-anonimo- (michael@o...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 I've been with them since 2013 and have never felt to change. Their 24/7 support is really, really good, ranging from knowlegeable to genuine system, I've never been on hold for more than a day, and I've never been made to feel like I'm an annoyance or they are anything other than completely commited to solving my problem. Your support issue will be handled from start to finish, by a human until it's solved. I'm very happy to have found them, so that I can say good things about Asphostportal.Although they are quite expensive than others, but if you care about your business, its well worth the investment.
Pablo Luna (pablo@m...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Good service!
By far Asphostportal is the best shared hosting company I ever found. They have excellent customer support, though it's a bit costly compared to others but if you are doing a real business online, it is highly recommended.

Don't go with the cost, go with the quality. You will get what you pay. With awful experience of 5 days server downtime and lack of unresponsive support and loss of sales taught me we should build our business base on rock.

Serious business requires a hosting company that have 24/7 customer support from real experts. With that 5 days loss I could have covered full years hosting with Asphostportal. Don't think twice, get yourself a best hosting with Asphostportal !!
-anonimo- (lobloblob3@h...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: meno di 1 mese
Valutazione globale
😞 I switched to them because they support both ASP.NET MVC 5 and ASP.NET Core 3 for shared web hosting on Windows. That is working well! I also chose them because they let you select your preferred data centre in your region of the world. However, it turns pout that is false advertising. At least the Australian data centre is available only for dedicated servers. My shared web site ended up being in Texas, USA. The response time are slower than they used to be with a local provider before. Also, their set up and surrounding support is highly disappointing. They provide NO PHONE NUMBER, so you can't call them. You ask them 3 questions and they answer in a one liner that doesn't address any of your questions.

The site appears stable at least, but I will have to move away from them.
Salman Kapoor (info@v...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 We love Asphostportal
We use Asphostportal for our main website and have for almost 3 years now. It was easy to select right hosting plan and to get it setup. Asphostportal helped us all along the way and it was basically effortless.

Asphostportal also provide wonderful online tools for us to use to manage our website. As great as all that is, what I like most about Asphostportal is their support staff. They are available to assist in hurry! I just go to their support portal online and ask for the help I need and they take care of it for me. Even it's something I have to tools to do (I'm not sure how), they will always cheerfully and professionally help out or simply do it for me if I prefer.

Highly recommended
Willie Denver (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Top customer service
We use them to host our online music website. We just updated our site and we are happy with their quick response and with the user friendly nature of Asphostportal itself - allowing us ease of maintenance allowing for autonomy.
Julian Chang (julian_chang10@o...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Best hosting company!
I can't think of any negatives so far. I was surprised to be welcomed to Asphostportal by an actual human being, introducing himself and offering to help with any issues I encountered. He was as good as his word. I asked about help migrating website from another hosting and was referred to the Asphostportal team migration, who did an excellent job migrating the site.
Jeremy Reyes (jeremyreyes@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Amazing team!
I have continued to be impressed by technical assistance provided by Asphostportal's support team. Whenever I've had questions or concerns regarding my account, they have taken the time to research the issue and provide an acceptable solution or provided me with directions and instructions, including examples of how to accomplish what I've desired to achieve. I can contact them at any time, day or night and get tech support team to respond within a few minutes.
Jerry O'Brien (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Fully Recommend Asphostportal
I host all my personal websites with Asphostportal and recommend it to all my friends and colleagues. I use it mostly for hosting and one of my popular sites is hosted with them since 2013. I've had downtime but their customer support is always helpful. I recently faced an outage during the memorial day holiday weekend and I said let me see if anyone was available and there was a person that replied my email. John came within minutes and knew the problem and fixed it immediately. My site was down maybe for 10 minutes. It was extremely excellent and professional customer service. I highly recommend Asphostportal
Raja Moorthi (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 With Asphostportal for long time
I've been with Asphostportal since 2012. I appreciate their reliability and especially their patient and competent customer service. While I don't run a fancy or complex website, they have been, over the years, a few things I couldn't figure it out and the support crew at Asphostportal have always been able to help me quickly solve the issue.

I've dealt with other webhosts while helping friends with their websites, and Asphostportal is heads above the others in terms of support.

I've always been happy with them and have no intention of switching to another host ever.
Kunal Sharma (kunal@i...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Good but not perfect
After a huge mis-configurations and changes with my setting. I completely messed up my site. My site got crashed, a huge word popped "500 internal server error" my mind also crashed after seeing that, I was worried since I'm non-technical person.

So I tried to reach their support team, I expected it would take 5-20 minutes, but I got a response in just 3 minutes. This is AMAZING, they are totally DIFFERENT! I'm very happy to choose them as my provider, very helpful in growing my site and business.
Harry Winston (harry@t...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Reliable hosting and good choice!
Asphostportal is good, affordable, and most importantly reliable hosting. What I feel is #1 team for support.

Right on the ball, each and every time. Helpful, knowledgeable and respectful. I sleep nights knowing my clients are with Asphostportal!

Safe, protected, and visible on the web. I have been with other companies... Asphostportal, for me, is the best.
Ricardo Suar (ric_suar@h...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Thanks for your excellent support!
Great support and real professionals. It was easy to migrate all of my sites over and the one time I had an issue, a tech was able to fix it within minutes without putting me on a long hold. This is hosting the way it's supposed to be, it just works
Anthony Coetzer (anthony@p...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Excellent host!
My website has been hosted by Asphostportal since 2014! It's been reliable, affordable option. It started as a way to share project ideas and then I started adding content (about pr information, etc). I've been very pleased with the service, with the prompt, helpful support, when needed so I'm definitely a long term, happy Asphostportal customer!
Todd Brown (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Best support team!
I have hosted with several companies over the last 15 years, none come even close to Asphostportal support, even big providers. Our server is almost always up. Anytime of the day or night, their support staff rocks, and they are fast at solving any problems we have. Would not recommend anyone else over Asphostportal. They are the best.
Alex De Zeeuw (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 It is hard to find provider like this!!
Asphostportal is the zappos of webhosting. I've used dozens of hosting companies and none can compare to the level of support and caring Asphostportal provide. They have been amazing working with us keeping our business website up and running smoothly. The support staff actually knows their stuff and if they don't know they are great at finding out who would know. I've been with Asphostportal for over 4 years and expect to be with them for long time.
Roberto Herrera (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Easy to use but bit pricey
The best thing about Asphostportal is easy to deploy, speedy transfer although I'm from different country. I love how their support treat me, they treat me like a KING. Always assist me although the problem is not from their end. I only dislike the low number of MSSQL, memory allocation when I just want more of one of the defining characteristics.
Dean Leigh (deanleigh10@o...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Easy to use, very integrated system
- Easy to use control panel
- Reasonable price
- Support Let's Encrypt
- Good and friendly technical support
- High uptime guarantee, never had serious downtime with them
- What else?

Just try it yourself!
Stuart Thompson (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Thank you for your excellent support!
Asphostportal is the best hosting service I have ever used. My site is faster than my previous provider. Their support team is responsive and knowledgeable. Before signing up, I called, they promptly answered my email. After signing up, I created a mess on the backend, I reached out to support through email, they promptly helped me to diagnose and solve the problem.
-anonimo- (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 This company has consistently provided me with outstanding hosting services for several years. On those occasions when I need support, their customer service has been quick to respond and it always able to fix my issue, even when the issue falls outside the scope of Asphostportal hosting services. I highly recommend them.
Ronald Rittberg (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 3-6 mesi
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😁 Good web host, simple to use!
I had a few problems to setup my account but thanks to the awesome support of Asphostportal finally I managed it. Their support is outstanding. Very fast and friendly. Even I'm using Asphostportal for short time, I'm happy with their service. The hosting package is coming with a bunch of free software, like Wordpress, Umbraco. It is professional host which I can highly recommend to others
Sean Turpin (sean@i...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Great for .net website
Asphostportal makes deployment and maintenance task so easy. Documentation works great for my needs, and it is supplemented by a healthy user community, I can find answers to most out of my questions by just read their documentation
David Ortinau (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Cheap .net hosting services
Asphostportal has a very affordable hosting plan, it has synchronization with GitHub, which facilitates development and development of apps. Server code can accept web socket connections in addition to simple HTTPS request. Anything you do will communicate with HTTPS.
Mike Barley (mike@c...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Very good performance hosting
I'm very happy with Asphostportal. I was with another provider since 2013 and moving all of my websites here. I had a few problems setting up some of my .net application, even though the software was from a third party, Asphostportal tech support helped me get my site up and running. It was also very easy to switch hosts. They even helped me with migration, Asphostportal definitely rocks!
-anonimo- (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 Look no further for .net hosting, Asphostportal has it ALL!! They are an excellent fit for our clients and our business. We have used other providers in the past and they just can't measure up. Asphostportal is well above the rest!
-anonimo- (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 I have been with Asphostportal about 4 years now, and their tech support can't be beat! They are very responsive, transparent, kind and polite support. I highly recommend Asphostportal.
Julian Chang (julian@s...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Good hosting!
I have hosted with serveral providers over the last 15 years, but none come even close to Asphostportal in support, and our server is almost always up. Anytime of the day or night, their support staff rocks, and they are fast at solving any problems we have. I would recommend them if you are looking for professional .net hosting provider
-anonimo- (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 Thank you so much! Alex was most professional and very helpful. You've really lighten my burden and I will certainly referring others to Asphostportal. Thank you very much!
Hans Baes (hans@i...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 As always, good support
With past service providers, I have had to send multiple, clearly worded requests for relatively simple service just to get them to understand my request! With Asphostportal, each request, even if it seems more complicated, is answered with unbelieveable speed and most importantly, accuracy. There is nothing better in web hosting than posting a support ticket and having it fixed, time and again, within minutes. Thanks!!
Kelly Robson (kellyrobson1108@h...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Very good support
For those not most computer savvy like me, especially when it comes stuff like DNS networking issue, Asphostportal are probably the best choice around. I run a couple of websites that don't get many frequent update. When migrated to them, I had problem in DNS issue and my website can't be browsed in several countries. Didn't know why, I contact their support team and honestly I didn't know what they did, but they fix my DNS issue. They have gone beyond their remit many times so come highly recommended.
Robbie McClean (robbie_clean10@o...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Great service and support
These guys have hosted my site for almost 5 years. I can count on them if I have had issues. Plus, every single one of those was quickly sorted, they are pretty reliable, cost-effective pricing and I'll happily recommend them to anybody wanting to host a website, whether they make use of the .net capabilities or not.
Abdul Razak (abdul_soc@h...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Flawless service with them
I'm happy using their service, although for me price bit higher than my previous provider, but I get 100% technical support team. They are working very professional and always ready to check my issue. A few times had problem with email, but it gets up in 10 minutes.
Luiz de Lima (luizlima@c...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 I'm happy with their service!
I have been using their service for the last 5 years and there are no issues, services are always online and efficient. If there is issue, I created ticket to them and their support team try to fix my issues. Thank you very much
Ernesto Bisoli (ernesto_bisoli@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Excellent and great value .net hosting
Before using their service, I tried my local provider but the service is really not good, finally I found Asphostportal and decided to try them. The price is almost the same, but their service far better than my previous host. I have been very happy with their service in every way and would highly recommend them to anyone needing quality .net hosting service
Mark A (markalbrighton10@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Very solid hosting
I have been with Asphostportal for several years and have always enjoyed their courteous and effective customer service. The site tools are intuitive, easy to use, and always up to date. The price point can't be beat and the uptime is stellar.
Jacob Hermann (jacob@b...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 This is what we are looking for!!
I'd highly recommend Asphostportal for Microsoft tech stack developers and web sites. Service is great and they are very up-to-date with their server environments. Never had a problem with performance for any of the websites we are hosting with them. We have been with them for several years, it is very great, we know that we pay bit expensive for their service, but they are absolutely fantastic. It is hard to beat them, we really LOVE their support, they will always try their best to help you
-anonimo- (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 Amazing support! Got back to me right away. I had someone named Ted who actually called me and walked me through everything for 20 minutes. Fixed all my issues and had to deal with me not being so technical. He really understanding my issues. Thank you
-anonimo- (amirkh417@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 Asphostportal is one of the best solution that helps offset cost of development by allowing rapid setup and deployment. The rapid development of their system and SQL server is amazing and can help time to market hugely.
Dan Dwyer (dan_dev@h...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Reasonable cost, rich features, great support!
I use Asphostportal to build and deploy .net application at a very reasonable price and with freedom to modify any and all aspects of application. Asphostportal combines everything needed to make, deploy and, easy manage applications. I really love them!
Dominik Dydek (dom_dydek10@h...) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Powerful and reliable system
I would recommend them to anybody who has to store a lot of data and require high traffic on your site. Their value for money is top notch, we mainly use them to store our MSSQL database and they are really easy to use.
Manvir Singh (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😁 One of the best windows hosting I think!
I was working with a software team and we were using it for his web server and database server. As it was startup project we were using with the limited money but the money that we paid and what we get is more excellent and if I have the same project in future, of course I will using their services again!
-anonimo- (Marko@s...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 Asphostportal can be used effectively as a platform to quickly deploy .net applications and manage them easily via their control panel. They provide a great deal of integrated services which can be spun up at click of a button, with easy to manage pipelines.
-anonimo- (Emil@m...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 The ease of use, you can deploy your application using 1 click web publishing via their control panel. Very fast, efficient.
-anonimo- (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 3-6 mesi
Valutazione globale
😁 We have recently started using Asphostportal for individual performance review. It gives a clear and crisp dashboard for individual performance. It has been a great control panel we use to make sure our employee have a clear path how to manage files, database, email, etc.
Arnold Collins (arnold@w...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Work smoothly!
Everrything works exactly as advertised. Questions posed to support are answered promptly and solutions are provided. I moved my domains from another company and created new sites at Asphostportal because they are professional and technically superior.
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 非常に良いサービス


Joseph Stone (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Recommended hosting
I use Asphostportal as my web service provider for a number of years, I'm very satisfied with their service that they provide. The websites that I host at Asphostportal have had very little downtime over 3 years and Asphostportal support team is very competent. Problem tickets are dealt very quickly.
Miroslav Svoboda (miroslavnerd@h...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Solid service
Good service and very quick support. Really love using their service! Each and everyone of my team got resolved within 10 minutes. If you are using MS technologies, don't go anyway further, you will never regret to use their service. Thank you for your excellent job.
-anonimo- (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 6 mesi a 1 anno
Valutazione globale
😁 Being a part of Development team, we do data analytics. Asphostportal helped us to efficiently orchestrate pipeline and perform data analytics on EMR. Using their Cloud platform, we can deploy the pipeline in production reliability without worrying about infrastructure. Also, Asphostportal support team was accomodating while setting up initial infrastructure and troubleshooting any EMR related issues
Felipe Junior (felipejun@c...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😁 Great features, services, and excellent support
I started with them around 2 years ago. Price bit expensive than others, but they do support Let's Encrypt, so I don't need to purchase any SSL anymore. I have only had a few issues I couldn't figure out on my own and there support team was able to help me with no problems. You can't go wrong with this hosting provider!
Ramesh Praveen (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😁 Very good service
I've been dealing with different hosting providers and I can say that the Support and Service from Asphostportal is one of the best. They are always available and ready to help.
Ricardo Giménez (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 6 mesi a 1 anno
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😁 Good experience with them
It is hard to find windows hosting provider in my country, so I decided to find the information online and I found Asphostportal. This is my first time to host website. First impression is how their server response very quickly when I added my database and email via control panel. There are many options on their control panel, so I quite confused, maybe this is my first time. On their control panel, we can set application pool, enable SSL easily via control panel, etc. I MUST say the control panel is powerful. If you are .net developer, then you must be amazed with their control panel features. For me, just only host small site, it is not so important.

Generally, the experience I got within 7 months with them is good. :)
-anonimo- (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 I host my .net application with them and they are very reliable. The second thing I love using their service is their price is very affordable. I often created ticket to their support team and asked for help, they were very friendly and responsive. I highly recommend them.
Diego Bravo (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😁 Using .net? Try them!
It is very easy to deploy application to their hosting server, the backup and restoration work flawlessly. I have already recommended Asphostportal to several friends and they also like it. If you are developing .net too, then go with them, you don't need to worry.
Mert Daniels (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😁 Good place to host .net website
This is a good hosting with ASP. Almost all I found are in PHP, but I use ASP. The price is quite acceptable, The direct interface is a bit difficult, but I actually develop on my computers and upload it by FTP, so it's not limiting.
-anonimo- (nicolae1988@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 3-6 mesi
Valutazione globale
😁 I use them to host my .net core website. Already 6 months with them, no issues at all. Speed is excellent from my country. Thank you
Brian Barnes (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Excellent in hosting!
Asphostportal is an exceptional hosting solution that provide very excellent service. I host .net website with MSSQL database, support and sales people responding quickly. Keep it up!
Boris Filonov (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 6 mesi a 1 anno
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😁 Simple, easy setup, excellent hosting
Setup was simple and easy. I deploy my website using WebDeploy on their control panel. I'm extremely surprised about their speed and performance. For around 8 months host site with them, I only contacted their support around 5 times, it was first when I signed up with them, the information very clearly. Never face any downtime.

Asphostportal has exceeded my expectations and I highly recommend them to anyone.
Nils Sydow (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Best .net hosting
I am glad I found Asphostportal because it is exactly what I needed. Their service is great and I will stick to them for many years from now, because I assume they will keep providing the same great support for their customers. All my tickets got a very fast response and they helped me to fix any issues I encountered.
-anonimo- (albert@i...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 Asphostportal hosting have been my service provider for many years. I host several sites with them, mostly for my clients, but in just about all cases I have recommend Asphostportal to my clients and they have moved to this provider, this is really great decision.

Apart from reliable hosting, Asphostportal also offer a great customer support, not just in speed of response, but also in professionalism and technical ability, problem always resolved fast and seamlessly. I would highly recommend this provider.
-anonimo- (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
Valutazione globale
😁 I first signed up with Asphostportal in Jun 2015, I never test to deploy .net on hosting server. In all of my ignorance with web stuff, the support team that helped me to finally be up and running. Now, after 2 years service, I simply can't say enough good things about this company and everyone I have ever dealt with when I had snags and problems. Every support ticket I have ever submitted, even about small things that others might have known how to fix on their own, were taken seriously and handled quickly. I highly recommend Asphostportal for anyone considering .NET website of their won. You won't be disappointed!
Lloyd Collins (lloyd_cool@h...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 GO.... GO..... GO....
I have been with Asphostportal for quite a few years. I was with two other hosting companies before I choose Asphostportal and had nothing but problems especially Godaddy. Since I have been with Asphostportal, everything has been great, I have setup other small business and non-profits with them.
Muhammad Nur (muhammad3108@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Great service
Great service, zero downtime, friendly, competent personal. Excellent speed from my country. If you are looking to host your .net application, I highly recommend Asphostportal.
Adam Lambert (adam@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Extremely satisfied with their support!
I have used Asphostportal for many .NET websites and also host Wordpress site with them. I have been very impressed across the board with their service. I'm especially grateful for the fast, helpful, and courteous responses they have always given my support questions.
Karl McGrey (Karl@o...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Good, but need some improvement
I had used few different web hosting companies previously to host my clients' websites, especially in .NET. Although there are many cheaper solutions out there, the most comfortable and best solution is Asphostportal. Asphostportal is suitable for web developer and also non developer.

I enjoy the added freedom to experiment and develop in an environment that doesn't overly restrict a software developer in coming up with custom developed solutions for my clients. Asphostportal has provided this for me.

Their staff has never failed to assist me if a problem was encountered. Thank you
Harry Ford (harry@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😁 Smooth experience with them
Their quick support is their key to success. From day 1, I have problem with my MVC site. I contacted their support team via their helpdesk system and received fast response from their support. They pointed my problem and helped me to solve the problem. Thank you very much!
Old Barber Academy (barberacademy@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 This is my experience with them
My experience with them is super good. Their customer services response is perfect. It is very easy to deploy my application to their server, the database backup tools also very useful. If you are developing .net application, you can host your site with them, their plans are very competitive too.
Wei Jian (weijian_nerd@h...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 High end hosting provider
It is very great cloud solution to developers like me which use Visual Studio as their main tool. It is quite familiar for developers which already using SSMS technologies. Overall secure, reliable, and fast.
Jason Houston (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Awesome experience
We use Asphostportal for our entire business and it solves all of our infrastructure and hosting needs. We use it for
- Software development: We build software using App services and SQL server.
- Running internal programs: We use logic apps and AKS to run our custom productions applications
- We build products for our customers

The benefits using their service:

- Their dedicated server is fairly cheap if we compare to other competitors. As explained above, we use their bundled package with MSSQL Standard Server installed.
- Although it is quite cheap, but it is really stable.
- You can count on their support team, they have enough knowledge how to manage the server.
Arfa IT Solution (arfait@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Good for overall
I have been using various types of server hosting services for more than 10 years. I find that Asphostportal is the best experience I have had. The server is fast, the management interface works well, and it provides me stable and fast SQL server. Automatic server security screening and backup including SQL database makes a great package deal.

I would recommend Asphostportal to anyone seeking competent hosting and excellent support
Grant Harley (grantharley10@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😁 Very good hosting for .net
I have used Asphostportal for more than 1 year and I have hosted few sites with them including my client sites. No issues, by far the best .net hosting site for developers. Secure, reliable, and always up to date with the latest technologies.
Pavel Kalas (pav_kalas@h...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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😁 Excellent hosting!
Incredibly fast support, detailed replies within minutes or even seconds. Web page loading speed very fast although I use their AMS server. Very good!
Abraham Wilson (-nascosto-) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 So far so goooood!!
Asphostportal offers very great experience for users. They always keep up to date their techologies and now they have support core on their platform. It is very easy to deploy .net application to their server. They provide fast and secure MSSQL connection. Using WebDeploy and FTP are also easy. Just try it yourself!
Infinity Corp (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Very happy with Asphostportal!
We have hosted our site with Asphostportal for several years. Our previous hosting company had issues with downtime and poor customer support but with Asphostportal, we don't experience this issue. It is really great to work with them. Their customer support is really great and anytime we had issue, they have responded very quickly. I would definitely recommend Asphostportal!
Artem Dzagoev (Artem@d...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 The best for hosting
It is very simple and easy to deploy site with them. I have been with them for almost 3 years and now they also have support latest core framework. My application working quickly and very well. It is super .net hosting service!
Rahmat Suteja (rahmatsuteja@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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Pannello di controllo
😁 Awesome hosting provider
Having 3 websites with them with only one single account. The performance is awesome, one of the best hosting in this industry. No matter when I call or how dumb my questions may sound, their helpdesk people are always spot on with their answers. Prices are bit higher than my local providers, but the speed like sonic, I have compared it to my previous local hosting provider, they can't beat Asphostportal speed. I host my site on their Singapore data center. Very great service!
-anonimo- (-nascosto-) /
⏳ Tempo ospitato: meno di 1 mese
Valutazione globale
😠 Their support didn't give the attention I needed. The server hour was wrong and they didn't want to update it. On the top of that, if you're planning on sending emails from your application, be ready to pay for the business email package.
To finalize, they gave me some DNSs to update on my domain company that make my application go offline.

After all that, they still didn't reimburse me for the three paid months.
Ivan Cortez (ivan_cortez10@o...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 1 a 2 anni
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Pannello di controllo
😁 Very good service, competitive pricing
The service is great, very reliable. My .net site with SQL server is running smooth. The control panel is having little bit confusion, because their helpdesk system and domain panel are not same path. Though it works great
Alfredo S (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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😁 Very good experience with them!
Great hosting plan, the price are very competitive as well. The only reason I don't give 5 stars because nobody perfect in this world, I want they keep improving their services. Thank you
Bernard Hunt (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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Pannello di controllo
😁 Awesome support
Asphostportal has a very responsive support team. I needed assistance with my website security and it took less than 10 minutes to get everything checked and secured. My website runs and uploads so much faster and the support team is amazing.
Hans Cole (hanscole1018@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: oltre 3 anni
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Pannello di controllo
😁 Really smart and suitable for .NET website
I have been using Asphostportal for several years and I find they are best .net hosting company so far. They have good and competent support in .net, although price seems bit higher than other providers, but this is provider that you can rely on if you use .NET. No need to look futher!!
Luiz André (luiz@e...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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Pannello di controllo
😁 Effective solution for .net hosting
Je ne cesse de renvoyer des personnes vers Asphostportal Hosting et les utilise maintenant pour tous les nouveaux sites clients, car ils me permettent de choisir l'hôte. Grande rapidité, prix, et chaque fois que j'ai eu besoin de soutien, ils ont été de premier ordre. Si vous avez besoin d'hébergement Web, ne cherchez pas plus loin. Si vous avez besoin de quelque chose, allant du simple hébergement de site Web à des solutions de serveurs dédiés plus complexes, ils peuvent vous couvrir.
Ackerman Consulting Group (Matt@a...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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😁 Very good hosting and customer support
Just want to tell you that I have great experience with Asphostportal hosting. They are super awesome, they will do their best to fix your problem. Asphostportal offer a very quality hosting service. They helped me to setup Let's Encrypt on their server, very quick. I would recommend them if you are looking for quality .net hosting services
David Janko (davidjanko@g...)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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Pannello di controllo
😁 Excellent, never regret to choose them!
Asphostportal is fantastic. Their service has been reliable and their staff always ready to assist you, very friendly. They rope you in with competitive pricing and trap you there with great service and friendly folks. Asphostportal leaves you wanting absolutely nothing!
Paul Adams (-nascosto-)
⏳ Tempo ospitato: 2-3 anni
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Pannello di controllo
😁 Very good experience
I have been with this hosting company for 2+ years and am extremely happy with their services and support. They are very helpful and respond quickly to every technical issue that I have had so far. I would definitely recommend them!

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