ZAP-Hosting Avis 2024. Est bon hébergement web en Allemagne?

377 critiques d'utilisateurs; 0 réponses de soutien; 0 témoignages; 17 des produits, 1 promotion, 5 comptes sociaux; 451 domaines, Alexa #42879; 📆 énuméré 2014 (#19606)
Krokusweg 9A
Munster , NW 48165
☎ Téléphone +49 (0) 251 149 811 80
📠 Fax . + 49 251 149 811 89

Langue du site: en-US de-DE
🏆 SemRush Rating nouveau 128 307 👤 Note de l'utilisateur 🙌 Moyenne 7.9 sur 10
👉 Total commentaires: 377
👍 Recommandé par: 304
👎 Opposé: 73
🤝 Réponses officielles: 0

💰 Échelle des prix € 3,90 - € 114,70⏰ Soutien 24x7
💳 Options de paiement Cartes de crédit / débit / prépayées, PayPal, [...]
🏆 SEO MOZ Authority 38/51🔗 Liens 41 167
État d'achèvement du profil:
Choses faites
Description de l'entreprise est bien
L'adresse de l'entreprise est complète
Téléphone / fax de l'entreprise ajouté
Les comptes Twitter et Facebook de l'entreprise sont ajoutés
Des URL de forum, de blog / faire-part, de base de connaissances ou de FAQ sont ajoutées
Les produits (plans) sont ajoutés
Des promotions sont ajoutées, mais certaines ne sont pas mises à jour depuis plus de 2 ans

Choses à faire
"A propos de la page" URL ou "Contact page" Les URL sont manquantes

👪 Commentaires des clients les plus récents

-anonyme- (leonelpaz1999@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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😁 es exelente!
Exelente buen rendimiento y mejor servicio, atencion muy rapida, te ayudan en todo y sobre todo son muy amables
-anonyme- (abdupbobo@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Zap Hosting Is The Best Hosting Ever. Trusted
Zap Hosting has proven to be an exceptional hosting provider. With unparalleled reliability, user-friendly interface, and excellent customer service, it stands out in the competitive web hosting industry. From seamless website performance to efficient support, Zap Hosting delivers everything you need to succeed online. Highly recommended for anyone seeking top-notch hosting services.
-anonyme- (maxdilan14@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 is good recommended
Zap Hosting has proven to be an exceptional hosting provider. With unparalleled reliability, user-friendly interface, and excellent customer service, it stands out in the competitive web hosting industry. From seamless website performance to efficient support, Zap Hosting delivers everything you need to succeed online. Highly recommended for anyone seeking top-notch hosting services.
Plus de critiques
Vérifié 2014 logo

📄 Revue éditoriale

🔧 Prestations de service: Hébergement WebEnregistrement de domaines
⇔ Redirigé depuis

Faisant partie de l'industrie en 2010, ZAP-Hosting est un fournisseur d'hébergement en proposant l'hébergement de serveurs de jeux. Avec des disques SSD, une protection haute vitesse ou DDoS, ZAP-Hosting promet sécurité et fiabilité.

La société propose une large gamme de produits de haute qualité, tels que:
  • Hébergement VPS;
  • Hébergement partagé;
  • Enregistrement de domaine;
  • Serveurs racine;
  • Serveurs de jeu;

La société d'hébergement se consacre essentiellement à la fourniture de serveurs de jeux. Ils mettent à disposition 115 options de serveur de jeu différentes.

Les packages d'hébergement partagé de ZAP-Hosting sont équipés de Plesk 12 comme outil essentiel pour la gestion et l'administration des serveurs. Ces solutions d'hébergement comprennent également des bases de données, des boîtes e-mail, des accès FTP ainsi que l'installation de systèmes de gestion de contenu, comme WordPress. Plus que cela, ZAP-Hosting garantit la sauvegarde des fichiers et des bases de données.

Les plans VPS sont disponibles sur Linux, FreeBSD et Windows. Les plans sont également gérés via Plesk 12. La protection par pare-feu est contrôlée par la protection DDoS et les plans incluent un accès root complet.

💰 Prix et coût

Les prix sont abordables chez ZAP-Hosting. Parce qu'ils offrent la possibilité de personnaliser votre plan, les prix varient en fonction du nombre de RAM, du processeur, du stockage et des fonctionnalités que vous sélectionnez pour votre serveur. Comme ils ont plusieurs emplacements, certains de leurs prix peuvent différer en fonction de l'emplacement du serveur.

ZAP-Hosting propose des plans pour les frais mensuels réguliers, mais ils ont également une option basée sur un paiement unique. Néanmoins, il n'y a aucune mention d'une garantie de remboursement.

⌛ Fiabilité

Ils tiennent leur promesse de fiabilité car ils garantissent une disponibilité à 100%, ce qui signifie que le temps de réponse est important et que les temps d'arrêt sont hautement improbables.

🏢 Centre de données

ZAP-Hosting est basé à Münster, en Allemagne. En plus de cela, ils ont également plusieurs centres de données dans le monde entier. Parmi ceux-ci, on peut citer:
- Dallas, États-Unis;
- Eygelshoven, Allemagne;
- Montréal Canada;
- Singapour;
- Sydney, Australie;
- São Paulo, Brésil;
- Helsinki, Finlande;
- Londres, Royaume-Uni;
- Vint Hill, États-Unis;

✍️ Service client

Le support technique peut être contacté par e-mail, système de billetterie ou chat en direct. À l'exception du service de messagerie disponible 24h / 24, 7j / 7, le chat en direct et le support de billetterie fonctionnent selon un calendrier. Malheureusement, il n'y a pas de numéro de téléphone disponible chez ZAP-Hosting.

🔨 Panneau de contrôle

Afin de gérer et d'administrer efficacement votre page, ZAP-Hosting fournit aux clients le panneau de contrôle Plesk. Il s'agit de l'un des panneaux de contrôle les meilleurs et les plus populaires de l'industrie de l'hébergement avec cPanel, les clients qui ont de l'expérience avec l'hébergement en général trouveront cette fonctionnalité très satisfaisante.

🎯 Conclusion

ZAP-Hosting propose d'excellentes solutions d'hébergement, en particulier des serveurs de jeux. La société d'hébergement propose des plans rentables, des services fiables et ils ont plusieurs emplacements pour leurs serveurs.

L'assistance technique peut être atteinte par e-mail, système de billetterie ou chat en direct, mais pas par téléphone, malheureusement. Même si les forfaits sont personnalisables, certains forfaits peuvent être plus chers en fonction de l'emplacement choisi par les clients. Il n'y a aucune mention d'un remboursement possible, de sorte que les clients pourraient ne pas récupérer leur argent au cas où ils ne seraient pas satisfaits du service fourni par ZAP-Hosting.

Dans l'ensemble, ZAP-Hosting est une société d'hébergement de renommée mondiale qui intègre d'excellentes fonctionnalités techniques dans ses solutions d'hébergement conçues spécialement pour les joueurs.

🌏 Emplacements de serveur:

Dallas Vint Hill Eygelshoven Montreal Sydney Sao Paulo Helsinki London
Emplacements de centre de données pour capture d'écran
Recherche de site web pour ZAP-Hosting sur mai 17, 2020 par WebHostingTop

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📤 ZAP-Hosting Produits du site

🔧 Partagé - 💻 Cloud Garder la souris sur
sur les fonctionnalités!
💰Prix💿 Espace disque 📶 Transfert 📆 Mis à jour🆓 Domaine gratuit /
🔌 Permis
Webspace Large caractéristiques💳 Méthodes de payement : Cartes de crédit / débit / prépayées, PayPal, Bitcoin
🔨 Panneau de contrôle : Plesk, [Interne]
✍️ Options de support : Email, Chat en direct
Autres caractéristiques : Fair use traffic limit (resettable by support for free), 40 E-Mail accounts, 40 MySQL Databases
🔌 Domaines hébergés : Illimité
🆓 Domaines gratuits : 0
📌 IP dédiées : 0
🔗 URL du plan :
3,90/mois TVA 19% inc5 GB SSDsans compteur 0 / illimité
Webspace Xtra Large caractéristiques💳 Méthodes de payement : Cartes de crédit / débit / prépayées, PayPal, Bitcoin
🔨 Panneau de contrôle : Plesk, [Interne]
✍️ Options de support : Email, Chat en direct
Autres caractéristiques : Fair use traffic limit (resettable by support for free), 70 E-Mail accounts, 70 MySQL Databases
🔌 Domaines hébergés : Illimité
🆓 Domaines gratuits : 0
📌 IP dédiées : 0
🔗 URL du plan :
4,90/mois TVA 19% inc10 GB SSDsans compteur 0 / illimité
Webspace Xtra Xtra Large caractéristiques💳 Méthodes de payement : Cartes de crédit / débit / prépayées, PayPal, Bitcoin
🔨 Panneau de contrôle : Plesk, [Interne]
✍️ Options de support : Email, Chat en direct
Autres caractéristiques : Fair use traffic limit (resettable by support for free), 100 E-Mail accounts, 100 MySQL Databases
🔌 Domaines hébergés : Illimité
🆓 Domaines gratuits : 0
📌 IP dédiées : 0
🔗 URL du plan :
6,90/mois TVA 19% inc20 GBsans compteur 0 / illimité
🔧 Virtual Dedicated - 💻 Linux Garder la souris sur
sur les fonctionnalités!
💰Prix💿 Espace disque 📶 Transfert 📆 Mis à jour🔋 RAM /
📌 IP dédiées
Linux Rootserver caractéristiques💳 Méthodes de payement : Cartes de crédit / débit / prépayées, PayPal, Bitcoin
🔨 Panneau de contrôle : [Interne]
✍️ Options de support : Email, Chat en direct
🔋 RAM : 8000 MB
💪 CPU : 4 Cores
🔌 Domaines hébergés : Illimité
🆓 Domaines gratuits : 0
📌 IP dédiées : 1
🔗 URL du plan :
12,90/mois TVA 19% inc60 GB SSD5 TB 8 GB / 1
Linux Rootserver (customized medium) caractéristiques💳 Méthodes de payement : Cartes de crédit / débit / prépayées, PayPal, Bitcoin
🔨 Panneau de contrôle : [Interne]
✍️ Options de support : Email, Chat en direct
🔋 RAM : 24000 MB
💪 CPU : 8
🔌 Domaines hébergés : Illimité
🆓 Domaines gratuits : 0
📌 IP dédiées : 1
🔗 URL du plan :
41,70/mois TVA 19% inc240 GB SSD5 TB 24 GB / 1
Linux Rootserver (customized max) caractéristiques💳 Méthodes de payement : Cartes de crédit / débit / prépayées, PayPal, Bitcoin
🔨 Panneau de contrôle : [Interne]
✍️ Options de support : Email, Chat en direct
🔋 RAM : 64000 MB
💪 CPU : 12
🔌 Domaines hébergés : Illimité
🆓 Domaines gratuits : 0
📌 IP dédiées : 10
🔗 URL du plan :
109,70/mois TVA 19% inc480 GB SSD5 TB 64 GB / 10
🔧 Virtual Dedicated - 💻 Windows Garder la souris sur
sur les fonctionnalités!
💰Prix💿 Espace disque 📶 Transfert 📆 Mis à jour🔋 RAM /
📌 IP dédiées
Windows Rootserver caractéristiques💳 Méthodes de payement : Cartes de crédit / débit / prépayées, PayPal, Bitcoin
🔨 Panneau de contrôle : [Interne]
✍️ Options de support : Email, Chat en direct
🔋 RAM : 8000 MB
💪 CPU : 4
🔌 Domaines hébergés : Illimité
🆓 Domaines gratuits : 0
📌 IP dédiées : 1
🔗 URL du plan :
17,90/mois TVA 19% inc60 GB SSD5 TB 8 GB / 1
Windows Rootserver (customized medium) caractéristiques💳 Méthodes de payement : Cartes de crédit / débit / prépayées, PayPal, Bitcoin
🔨 Panneau de contrôle : [Interne]
✍️ Options de support : Email, Chat en direct
🔋 RAM : 24000 MB
💪 CPU : 8
🔌 Domaines hébergés : Illimité
🆓 Domaines gratuits : 0
📌 IP dédiées : 1
🔗 URL du plan :
46,70/mois TVA 19% inc240 GB SSD5 TB 24 GB / 1
Windows Rootserver (customized max) caractéristiques💳 Méthodes de payement : Cartes de crédit / débit / prépayées, PayPal, Bitcoin
🔨 Panneau de contrôle : [Interne]
✍️ Options de support : Email, Chat en direct
🔋 RAM : 64000 MB
💪 CPU : 12
🔌 Domaines hébergés : Illimité
🆓 Domaines gratuits : 0
📌 IP dédiées : 10
🔗 URL du plan :
114,70/mois TVA 19% inc480 GB SSD5 TB 64 GB / 10
🔧 VPS - 💻 Linux Garder la souris sur
sur les fonctionnalités!
💰Prix💿 Espace disque 📶 Transfert 📆 Mis à jour🔋 RAM /
📌 IP dédiées
Linux VPS caractéristiques💳 Méthodes de payement : Cartes de crédit / débit / prépayées, PayPal, Bitcoin
🔨 Panneau de contrôle : [Interne]
✍️ Options de support : Email, Chat en direct
🔋 RAM : 8000 MB
💪 CPU : 2
🔌 Domaines hébergés : Illimité
🆓 Domaines gratuits : 0
📌 IP dédiées : 1
🔗 URL du plan :
7,90/mois TVA 19% inc25 GB SSD5 TB 8 GB / 1
Linux VPS (customized medium) caractéristiques💳 Méthodes de payement : Cartes de crédit / débit / prépayées, PayPal, Bitcoin
🔨 Panneau de contrôle : [Interne]
✍️ Options de support : Email, Chat en direct
🔋 RAM : 16000 MB
💪 CPU : 8
🔌 Domaines hébergés : Illimité
🆓 Domaines gratuits : 0
📌 IP dédiées : 1
🔗 URL du plan :
23,70/mois TVA 19% inc50 GB SSD5 TB 16 GB / 1
Linux VPS (customized max) caractéristiques💳 Méthodes de payement : Cartes de crédit / débit / prépayées, PayPal, Bitcoin
🔨 Panneau de contrôle : [Interne]
✍️ Options de support : Email, Chat en direct
🔋 RAM : 96000 MB
💪 CPU : 16
🔌 Domaines hébergés : Illimité
🆓 Domaines gratuits : 0
📌 IP dédiées : 10
🔗 URL du plan :
94,70/mois TVA 19% inc200 GB SSD5 TB 96 GB / 10
🔧 VPS - 💻 Windows Garder la souris sur
sur les fonctionnalités!
💰Prix💿 Espace disque 📶 Transfert 📆 Mis à jour🔋 RAM /
📌 IP dédiées
Windows VPS caractéristiques💳 Méthodes de payement : Cartes de crédit / débit / prépayées, PayPal, Bitcoin
🔨 Panneau de contrôle : [Interne]
✍️ Options de support : Email, Chat en direct
🔋 RAM : 4000 MB
💪 CPU : 4
🔌 Domaines hébergés : Illimité
🆓 Domaines gratuits : 0
📌 IP dédiées : 1
🔗 URL du plan :
9,90/mois TVA 19% inc25 GB SSD5 TB 4 GB / 1
Windows VPS (customized medium) caractéristiques💳 Méthodes de payement : Cartes de crédit / débit / prépayées, PayPal, Bitcoin
🔨 Panneau de contrôle : [Interne]
✍️ Options de support : Email, Chat en direct
🔋 RAM : 16000 MB
💪 CPU : 8
🔌 Domaines hébergés : Illimité
🆓 Domaines gratuits : 0
📌 IP dédiées : 1
🔗 URL du plan :
29,70/mois TVA 19% inc50 GB SSD5 TB 16 GB / 1
Windows VPS (customized max) caractéristiques💳 Méthodes de payement : Cartes de crédit / débit / prépayées, PayPal, Bitcoin
🔨 Panneau de contrôle : [Interne]
✍️ Options de support : Email, Chat en direct
🔋 RAM : 32000 MB
💪 CPU : 16
🔌 Domaines hébergés : Illimité
🆓 Domaines gratuits : 0
📌 IP dédiées : 10
🔗 URL du plan :
79,70/mois TVA 19% inc200 GB SSD5 TB 32 GB / 10
🔧 Domaines Garder la souris sur
sur les fonctionnalités!
💰Prix 📆 Mis à jour
Domains: .de caractéristiques💳 Méthodes de payement : Cartes de crédit / débit / prépayées, PayPal, Bitcoin
🔨 Panneau de contrôle : [Interne]
✍️ Options de support : Email, Chat en direct
🔗 URL du plan :
8,90/an TVA 19% inc
Domains: .com caractéristiques💳 Méthodes de payement : Cartes de crédit / débit / prépayées, PayPal, Bitcoin
🔨 Panneau de contrôle : [Interne]
✍️ Options de support : Email, Chat en direct
🔗 URL du plan :
22,30/an TVA 19% inc

Les informations de contact sont gérées par des représentants service@z..., support@z..., info@z..., berentzen@z... [s'identifier]

Réclamer cette entreprise

📊 Statistiques Web

Le ciblage: L'Autriche, Canada, Allemagne, Royaume-Uni, États Unis
📂 Détails pour
📥 Site Web DNS: => ( San Francisco ) / CloudFlare Inc. - => ( San Francisco ) / CloudFlare Inc. - => ( Frankfurt am Main ) / ZAP-Hosting GmbH
📌 Site web FIRST IP:
📍 Localisation IP: United States, California, San Francisco - voir les meilleurs fournisseurs dans United States, California
🔗 Nom du FAI / URL du FAI: CloudFlare Inc.,
📌 IP supplémentaires du site: ( San Francisco, California ) CloudFlare Inc. - ( San Francisco, California ) CloudFlare Inc. -

✅ Témoignages de clients

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Combien coûte 4 + 3 ? Répondre avec 7

📋 ZAP-Hosting News / Communiqué de presse

Il n'y a pas d'actualité écrite dans la langue fr

📣 ZAP-Hosting Réseaux sociaux

Aucun compte officiel sur Linkedin pour le moment  (RSS error new) Premier post de juin, 2020, avec total 155 des articles, La langue en-US. Dernier post sur  (RSS error new) Blog ajouté sur juin, 2020, avec total 94 des articles, La langue de-DE. Dernier post sur

📈 Tendance Domaines

ZAP-Hosting Domain trend

Avis👪 ZAP-Hosting Evaluations client

Les statistiques rapides de ZAP-Hosting le profil montre une note moyenne de 7,9 sur 10, compte 377 des avis. (quelques-uns énumérés en haut de la page)

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Disponible pour les utilisateurs connectés
(266 = 70,56%)
(33 = 8,75%)
(5 = 1,33%)
(4 = 1,06%)
(69 = 18,30%)
Filtrer par langue: MONTRE TOUT(377)   EN(325)   ES(18)   DE(16)   PL(7)   PT(5)   FR(3)   TR(1)   CZ(1)   RU(1)
Filtre de langue appliqué aux avis rédigés en FR
-anonyme- (siegreiches@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Really nice pricing!
Definitely one of the best priced hostings there is, it's really affordable! You often will receive coupons and such!

It also has a huge variety of services!

-anonyme- (the.matt.modify@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😃 A Must Have for FiveM!
I've been nothing but impressed with my new server through zaphosting! Its been fast, reliable, and an amazing host to be with. I'm glad I got a lifetime server through Zap!
-anonyme- (rjh195@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 6 mois à 1 an
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Zap hosting is so simple and easy to use I love it!
Zap hosting is so simple and easy to use. I love using their site also very fast and makes it easy to figure it out as a new person to all of this
-anonyme- (sumbacloud@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Zap hosting is the best!
Very good products. Automatic setup makes it the best since many of providers dont have them. Customer support is fastest and really helpful.
-anonyme- (apostolitoska362@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😃 It is a very good experience with fairly enough prices and perfomance i recommend it for anyone who is new
-anonyme- (rpy.devv@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Zaphosting has been great
Zap-hosting has been the hosting service to go for. Their prices are really fair. On their website everything is easily locatable. I've never came across problems that I can't fix myself. Definitely one of the best experiences of a hosting server.
-anonyme- (williamssnick23@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 great hosting
great hosting at a great price best around from what i have seen ive never ran into a issue with thier hosting servers

-anonyme- (arivanlur399@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 best hosting i ever used
Unlock boundless potential with Zap Hosting – where performance meets reliability. Elevate your online presence effortlessly with our top-tier hosting solutions. Experience excellence, choose Zap Hosting today
-anonyme- (vladimir.hrubes@n...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😃 is best!
nice hosting site. i have enjoyed using there services. there support team is also very amazing.
Am sure that anyone that uses it will surely enjoy it.
-anonyme- (ruststorage1@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 2 ans
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 is best!
I like using zaphosting for my servers its cheap and great for creating server for games and vps and more. I have been using zap-hosting for long time
i have been hosting a fivem server. And safe.
-anonyme- (sergiomontano1016@g...) / fivemserver
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Best Hoster for FiveM Servers
I run my FiveM server from ZapHosting and I have had a great experience so far! Zap Hostings Owner Portal makes it really easy to shut down and edit my servers database!
-anonyme- (apostolis1273@h...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😃 is great
an easy way to manage and create your own server.
easy control over your files.
verry good host speed without causing any trouble to your connection.
zap host server give you the choise to use multiple frameworks depends which you are familliar with.
-anonyme- (j@h...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 2 ans
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Awesome
Zap hosting is one of the best hosting providers I have ever used. From their game servers to their dedicated servers, everything they sell is awesome.
-anonyme- (markopoulosdimitri@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Good price for good resources
Zap hosting has always been the go to server host for me and many other users. It is very accessible and the price of servers is great. The custom support is great too because they always give off free money to their customers. If you need a server host, get zap. They'll always help you with anything.
-anonyme- (baileymannhosting@g...) / ftgfivem
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😃 ZAP-Hosting is good
Zap hosting is pretty good, however there is afew bad things about it, the thing is when I keep getting disconnected from my vps, I try do a file transfer and it just crashes and the file corrupts, it gets annoying. Also downtime, goes down quite a bit and other hostings don't go down as much. Pricing is decent, could be cheaper and the support is like 8 hours and you literally have to pay to get quiicker.
-anonyme- (zaidgames940@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Amazing hosting!
This was a great hosting for my FiveM server, it's quick response and very easy to access. I liked it a lot and I will for sure recommend for friends!
-anonyme- (delfa.30@e...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Zap.Hosting je nejlepší jsem scela spokojen
Zap Hosting ❤️❤️ is an exceptional web hosting provider that has surpassed all my expectations. Their top-notch services have been an absolute game-changer for my online ventures. From the moment I signed up, their user-friendly interface made it a breeze to navigate through various hosting options. The performance and reliability have been outstanding, ensuring my website remains up and running seamlessly. Moreover, their customer support
-anonyme- (majleeorsum@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Amazing Host
Such a good host, cheap and very nice customer support. It's a kind of complicated control panel at first, but you get used to it very easily.
-anonyme- (ivo12397@m...) / sanfierro
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Zap-hosting has lots of good things
Zap-hosting offers so many different server hosting options and they are at normal prices. I highly recommend zap hosting
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 is best site
in this summer i used this site for webspace and it was very useful and they have a good support and they are very good at their work i really appreciate their help
-anonyme- (hamzasultanic9@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😉 Zap Hosting is one of best hosting services!
In the ever-evolving digital landscape, choosing the right web hosting provider can significantly impact the success of any online venture. Amidst the plethora of options available, one name shines brightly: Zap Hosting. With a reputation that precedes itself, Zap Hosting has undoubtedly positioned itself as a beacon of reliability, performance, and innovation in the web hosting industry.

What sets Zap Hosting apart is its unwavering commitment to excellence. The company's impeccable server infrastructure, coupled with state-of-the-art technology, ensures that websites hosted on their platform enjoy exceptional loading speeds, minimal downtime, and unparalleled stability. This translates into an enhanced user experience, ultimately boosting user engagement and conversion rates.

Customer satisfaction stands as a testament to Zap Hosting's quality service. The company's responsive and knowledgeable customer support team is available around the clock, ready to assist with any [lire la suite...]
-anonyme- (hamzasultanic9@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Zap Hosting Sulto Best
In the ever-evolving digital landscape, a robust and dependable web hosting service is crucial for the success of online ventures. One such notable player in the hosting industry is Zap Hosting. Founded with a vision to provide top-notch hosting solutions, Zap Hosting has established itself as a reliable partner for businesses, individuals, and gamers alike.

At the core of Zap Hosting's offerings is a commitment to delivering unparalleled performance and stability. With a wide range of hosting services including web hosting, game server hosting, virtual private servers (VPS), and more, they cater to diverse needs with expertise. Their state-of-the-art data centers equipped with cutting-edge hardware ensure seamless operations, minimal downtime, and optimal loading speeds for websites and applications.

One of the standout features of Zap Hosting is their user-friendly approach. Their intuitive control panels empower users to manage their hosting environments effortlessly, even [lire la suite...]
-anonyme- (hamzasultanic9@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😉 Zap Hosting Sulto Best
Zap Hosting is an exceptional web hosting provider that has surpassed all my expectations. Their top-notch services have been an absolute game-changer for my online ventures. From the moment I signed up, their user-friendly interface made it a breeze to navigate through various hosting options. The performance and reliability have been outstanding, ensuring my website remains up and running seamlessly. Moreover, their customer support team is truly remarkable; they are prompt, knowledgeable, and always willing to go the extra mile to address any queries or concerns I may have. Without a doubt, Zap Hosting is my go-to choice for hosting, and I highly recommend them to anyone seeking unparalleled hosting solutions.
-anonyme- (masuna.4h@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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zap hosting is so good and easy to use. i like the fact that their dashboard is straight forward. and the link with txadmin makes it even better
-anonyme- (thegamer0633@y...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 ZAP-Hosting
ZAP-Hosting is pretty cheap but sometimes it lags for no reason.
In my opinion it's a pretty good site but it's not the best, I host on it only because I don't have a very high budget.
-anonyme- (therodrikemail@p...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 Zap Hosting is amazing
The best site to host VPS, gameservers and rootservers that I have known. They have very low prices and an incredible service
-anonyme- (reeevenge4@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 6 mois à 1 an
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😁 Amazing experience
zap-hosting is one of the cheapest and fastest hosts I've ever seen, the prices are way better than other providers, while providing better performance too
-anonyme- (adamfeakins2@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😃 Amazing Service !
Good Quality everything Just wish it was a bit cheaper and the UI is simple and easy to use other than that 10/10!
-anonyme- (ijaredmc00@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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😁 Best VPS Provider
Best service so far I'm loving it. very good, absurd speed, and incredible support, by far one of the best providers on the market and the cost benefit is great
-anonyme- (pauls3.sed@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 2 ans
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😁 Zap-hosting is best!!
It was one of the best hosting without any issues. I had faced no issues while playing in the server.
-anonyme- (rr100825@g...) / games hub
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 It was one of the best hosting without any issues. I had faced no issues while playing in the server.
-anonyme- (contact.kaeljune@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 zap-hosting let's go!!
I'm hosting a fivem game server there and they are so helpful and quite fast with customer support as well. Really recommend this hosting service a lot. It is a bit on the expensive side but the support is worth it and I do not mind paying more for a great support team!! - KJ
-anonyme- (sideswipedmc@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Love zap they host a great vps
Zap is a graet hosting site for my VPS as it runs fast and very smooth most of the time. Will probably buy more VPS's in the near future :D.
-anonyme- (mx365cent@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 6 mois à 1 an
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😁 Premium network and value choice
I am pleased with the premium network and valuable specifications of Zap Hosting during my first time hosting experience at zap-hosting. Would be even better if the discount is recursive.
-anonyme- (9789150201rohan@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Best hosting with full support
It was one of the best hosting without any issues. I had faced no issues while playing in the server.
-anonyme- (danibmos2006@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 is best
Un servicio muy bueno, en pocas horas resuelven los tickets que se le envían y sobre el precio seria mejorable, pero me gusta. En resumen muy bueno el sitio.
-anonyme- (realspoofer1@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😠 Positive experience with Zap Hosting's safe and user-friendly platform, [...]
I recently purchased hosting services from Zap Hosting and I'm very satisfied with their service. The staff is friendly and helpful, and I feel safe using their platform. Setting up my account was a breeze and their system is user-friendly. Overall, I'm happy with my order and I'm definitely considering purchasing more from them in the future.

My Zap Hosting account name : zap1053032
-anonyme- (ceo977@o...) / ceo977
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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😁 Naprawdę Solidny Hosting !
Naprawdę dobry hosting w stosunku jakość cena ! Za około 50zł można otrzymać wydają maszynę aby postawić serwer np. do gry ze znajomymi . Support na bardzo wysokim poziomie bez problemu pomoże z wszystkimi problemami . Reasumując polecam !
-anonyme- (styletm96@g...) / fivem server
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Zap is the best
Melhor host custo beneficio passa para cá os 5 paus que quero pagar outra VPS para poder jogar minecraft na boa
-anonyme- (realspoofer1@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😠 dd
Excellent customer support and user-friendly control panel. Zap-hosting has exceeded my expectations in every way. A+ service!" #hosting #webhosting #Zap-hosting
-anonyme- (dofusplclient2@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 top je recommante fortement, is the best
c'est un truc que j'ai deja essayé depuis plusieurs temps, sa fait du bien de ester, bon qualité prix. je recommande
-anonyme- (dsdtoracing@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 2 ans
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😁 Zap hosting is pretty good i like using them
THey do a good job I've been using them for about two years now and it's top notch.
i've had my ups and downs but they are reall y the best
-anonyme- (sophialbasquith@h...) / n
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😞 .
Zap hosting is a good hosting. You get quite a lot of features. There are problems sometimes but its mostly good and easy to resolve.
-anonyme- (ramikisuke057@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😃 muy buen servicio, buen precio y fácil de configurar, lo he disfrutado muchísimo, recomendado para jugar con los amigos
-anonyme- (masadfsiuda@g...) / fivem
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 Very nice host! Uptime is very good and the support also. They even do giveaways in their Discord where you can win ZAP credits
-anonyme- (thomtethomte06@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 Its a good hosting and fast in support
Good hosting whit alot of staff and its safe to use. Zap hosting are simple and its fast to setup om. I like my order and will buy more here
-anonyme- (my57665000@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😃 is best!
hello, I've been with Zahosting for about one and a half months and I have to say that for the price it's very good hosting, I'd even dare to say it's the best. the whole page is very clear and not complicated. controlling individual servers is also very simple and functional.
-anonyme- (info.theroyalgaminggameryt@g...) / roy lucas
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 great services
hi zapp hosting is a great services!

its a great services you can buy everything! vpsses fivm servers team speak beamng discord bot hosting etc its really great thx zapp hosting for this great services


Roy Lucas
-anonyme- (kasperkurv@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 kassu
very good server provider, i like very much and its simple. very good price range and ddos protection and works really good
-anonyme- (ppohiproff@g...) / kaiu,edu,ee
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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😁 Very straight up easy and simple
Very straight up easy and simple server hosting , recommended.
I have used zap for half a year now and no problems at all
Support team is very friendly and helpful aswell.
-anonyme- (kysmrdek@g...) / fivem gameserver
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 zap-hosting is very good hosting for good price
hello, I've been with Zahosting for about one and a half months and I have to say that for the price it's very good hosting, I'd even dare to say it's the best. the whole page is very clear and not complicated. controlling individual servers is also very simple and functional.
-anonyme- (dinhdaistudio113@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 zap-hosting verry goof
During my time with zap-hosting which has been nearly 4 months I am very happy with the customer service, my product (server) & the amazing features that come with that. Zap-hosting really does go beyond peoples expectations and that's why I would highly recommend them for you! So if your looking to buy a FiveM Server and its your first time, try zap-hosting and you won't be disappointed.
-anonyme- (hugoahnmeneses@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Good
I recently switched to using Linux server hosting for my website and I couldn't be happier. The customer service team was incredibly helpful in getting me set up and answering any questions I had along the way. The server itself is incredibly stable and I haven't had any downtime since switching. The control panel is user-friendly and allows me to easily manage my website and server settings. Additionally, the pricing is competitive and there are a variety of plans to choose from to suit my specific needs. Overall, I highly recommend Linux server hosting for anyone looking for a reliable and cost-effective hosting solution.
-anonyme- (waxiceqq@g...) / fivem
⏳ Temps hébergé: 6 mois à 1 an
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😁 Very Good Hosting
During my time with zap-hosting which has been nearly 7 months I am very happy with the customer service, my product (server) & the amazing features that come with that. Zap-hosting really does go beyond peoples expectations and that's why I would highly recommend them for you! So if your looking to buy a FiveM Server and its your first time, try zap-hosting and you won't be disappointed.
-anonyme- (help.juicetopia@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 2 ans
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😁 Zap hosting has always been on the top!
They are the most best hosting!!!!! I have been hosting my server there for 2 years now without any problems. I really recommend them. Even if there are some problems they will make a refund and let you keep the money. Big thanks to all of the team there for keeping it up.
-anonyme- (flazzyios1@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Zap-hosting is a amazing hosting provider and I would 100% recommend it!
During my time with zap-hosting which has been nearly 4 months I am very happy with the customer service, my product (server) & the amazing features that come with that. Zap-hosting really does go beyond peoples expectations and that's why I would highly recommend them for you! So if your looking to buy a FiveM Server and its your first time, try zap-hosting and you won't be disappointed.
-anonyme- (dinculeanuflavius414@y...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 Good server provider
This is one of the best hosting providers. Good price range, great customer service, 24/7 coverage. Overall very good!
-anonyme- (zahr.azzam.22@g...) / azrael #12449
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 Zaphosting best hosting web
Zaphosting is the Best Hosting Service I have used to date. They are up 24/7 and they offer support and promotions. Would use again, been a member for yars now.
-anonyme- (2storyrp@g...) / dont have
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 maravilha
melhor vps host no mercado, e como tenho de meter um minimo de 100 caracteres, tou a encher o chourisso, beijinos
-anonyme- (selfsuckdog@g...) / windows 10 vps
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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😁 Zap-hosting is god
Zap-hosting has the best prices in addition to a perfect service with its ultra-intuitive menu. Honestly the best VPS service I've ever tried.
-anonyme- (almonigote10@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 es lo mejor!
muy buen sitio 10/10 lo mejor Estoy contento con ZAP-Hosting
Es bastante bueno en general, obviamente hay algo de margen de mejora. Tiene un gran soporte y fácil uso.
Muy buen hoster para juegos, lo usé para juegos y plataformas como REDM y FIVEM, usé servidores VPS, servidores teamspeak, quedé satisfecho con la calidad y el servicio. El precio es promedio para la calidad que obtienes. Qué más puedo decir, excepto que es un buen y útil host para principiantes (desarrolladores y propietarios de servidores para Redm y Fivem). El soporte del host es útil y eficiente, y también rápido.
-anonyme- (dainis039@i...) / dont have
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 Zap hosting the best
Great hosting website got a lot of plans to choose from. +Nothing could be better than zap hosting gameservers u.c
-anonyme- (plmilonpl@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 Bardzo intuicyjny panel sterowania, cena przyzwoita. Wszystko działa bez problemu, nie ma się do czeog przyczepić
-anonyme- (techrules3@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Good support and fast responsive server. instant server with fast ftp for importing of the files and mods.
-anonyme- (qsaimummar333222111@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😞 the best host and good price
The Best Host And Good Price
Good Luck To All
And I Say To all
Deal with them, they are good
Because of their price and quality of service
-anonyme- (lretizg@u...) / vserver #179747
⏳ Temps hébergé: 6 mois à 1 an
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😁 muy buena pagina
me gusta la agina ya que los precios son muy baratos y te solucionas los inconvenientes de manera rápida
-anonyme- (hjw45h@g...) / fivem
⏳ Temps hébergé: 2 à 3 ans
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😁 ZapHosting is the Best
Zaphosting is the Best Hosting Service I have used to date. They are up 24/7 and they offer support and promotions. Would use again, been a member for yars now.
-anonyme- (lukas.mlli02game@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😠 sads
Its pretty good overall there is obviously some room for improvement. Has great support and easy use
-anonyme- (arivanlur21@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 windows vps
i bought a windows vps and domain i tested a zap hosting products all things from zap hosting so good i like use zap hosting forever
-anonyme- (pedro.batista.miguel9@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Linda e maravilhosa passa para cá os 5 paus
Linda e maravilhosa passa para cá os 5 paus, tenho de escrever 100 caracteres portanto tou a encher chouriços
-anonyme- (castmine12@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😉 Good
Awesome site for fivem servers and VPS, fast support and cheap prices! I use it for Satisfactory and everything has been really smooth!
Tzic (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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😃 Good but not great.
Its pretty good overall there is obviously some room for improvement. Has great support and easy use. Where the improvement is need is at the speed.
-caché- (-caché-) / scphive
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😃 good
Pretty good in my honest opinion, somewhat buggy and difficult to customize everything in the way you want it
-anonyme- (dbrerko@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Zap is very good game host provider
Very good hoster for games, I used it for games and platforms such as REDM and FIVEM, I used VPS servers, teamspeak servers, I was satisfied with the quality and service. The price is average for the quality you get. What more can I say except that it is a good and useful host for beginners (developers and owners of servers for Redm and fivem).. The support of the host is useful and efficient, and also fast.
-caché- (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😃 is bes
No se cae, y el rendimiento para lo pagado es aceptable. La verdad es que lo recomiendo si quieres un host seguro
-caché- (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 is good with budget-priced and has great customer service they always make sure that you know when they're having having an outage and they will always make sure that they keep you satisfied no matter what it takes
Hozpixel (hozkis@h...) / zap hosting
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 This hosting is very profesional, cheap and friendly. I very recommend it! I love that they also offer other locations!
-caché- (-caché-) / voultrex
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 is best!
Zap Hosting is best, Good VPS, immediate attention, it is advisable to buy, has very cheap prices, has no drops, and has a very easy to use panel
-anonyme- (arthamark@g...) / zap697996
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😃 Excellent service!
excellent service! there is always a possibility to get a coupon or cashback and affordable prices are indicated
-anonyme- (admiraldancrow@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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😁 zap hosting is one of the best hosting services i used reacenyrly. they have good support and they reply fast on tickets
N1FF (hanifiktoprak@g...) / https:
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Overall, the service is good. Sometimes the login can be a little buggy, but support is 10/10. Overall would recommend.
-anonyme- (238morgan@g...) / servidor dayz
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 Facil de configurar, Precio economico, tienes la posibilidad de ir mejorando o el servidor o cambiar de juego.
DmentePR (colonjose37227@g...) / zap hosting
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Good Service and fast! I've been using it and it's going great, I'm thinking of continuing with the service because I'm liking it a lot
Joey (palmerjoey70@Y...) / fivemrp
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 1000% recommend this service. Great support and easy communication! We have had 0 issues and it is absolutely brilliant
-anonyme- (-caché-) / fivemserver
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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😁 Absolutely love zap hosting, used them for years across multiple accounts, gotta say my favorite part is the price
Nova22 (san.role.playy@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Really nice hosting platform! I really like it beacouse really good and easy to use.
So cheap and so many givewaways and so many vounchers! You can save so many money!
-caché- (-caché-) / zap hosting
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 easy set up and quick to react to help chat have helped a lot so far i look forward to hosting for many years
-anonyme- (zalohaskriputa@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 2 ans
Note globale
😁 No problems fast respondig on tickets free discounts. You can host serveeer undeerrrr 5 minutes iam veryy happy with zap hostingggg.
-anonyme- (chrtravels@g...) / valheim game hosting
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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😠 My negative review is mainly based off of bad business practices and weak customer service. I signed up so that I could play Valheim with my nephew. If you are playing Vanilla version of games you should be fine performance wise. We used some mods, which slowed down the game. On their site they mention that if you have slow downs, support could possibly help you isolate which add-on might be causing the slow down. However the support tech didn't even both to look at the logs. They used a cookie cutter response that mods can cause excessive memory usage and said we should just upgrade to a more powerful server.

At that time I let them know other providers are less expensive for a server with more memory and that at the end of the current billing cycle I would be terminating our service. Prior to the next billing I went in and cancelled automated billing. When the bill date game around they did not charge me but eventually they went and manually charged my account saying that you [lire la suite...]
-anonyme- (mategun0915@g...) / no domain
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😃 Great provider! There was a problem at the first day, but they documentated everything and helped in everything.
-caché- (renmang93@h...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Great and cheap Valheim server
A cheap and highly customisable gameserver service. With a good amount of variety. The helpdesk is fast and effective. The server management is easy to use and all in a web environment. It has backup methods and that's a plus. You can upgrade the server if you need to improve it, or even take advantage of the discounts that the website offers you. Oh downgrade its features if you no longer need it.
-anonyme- (thanasis2662@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
Note globale
😃 ZAP Hosting is the best!
One of the best hosting providers. I used to have vps for a long time and also webspace. although I had some problems I have to say that it was awesome
-anonyme- (pltrdgms@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
Note globale
😁 En iyi fiyata en iyi hizmet, hızlı cevap ve teslimat. çalıştığım süre boyuncu hiç bir problem yaşamadım.
Best service, fast reply and delivery at the best price. I have not had any problems while working.
-anonyme- (krnlthebest645@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
Note globale
😁 Muy buen servicio. Dan lo que ofrecen, sin más, y más no es necesario. A buen precio sobre todo si pillas ofertas. El soporte es muy bueno, es rapido y se preocupan por ayudarte.
-anonyme- (Ijaredmc0@i...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 I liked many of the services, I know they are going through a complicated time, but it takes a long time to set up
Zay (ryzeshortss@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 is the best
Its really good with support and website ui, i got multiple servers really fast, started and going! CMRP
-anonyme- (akacksthelightbringer@g...) / fivem server
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
Note globale
😁 Muy buen servicio. Dan lo que ofrecen, sin más, y más no es necesario. A buen precio sobre todo si pillas ofertas. El soporte es muy bueno, es rapido y se preocupan por ayudarte.
-anonyme- (tuomas8h@g...) / bluesky
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
Note globale
😁 The hosting company is essentially dedicated to provide game servers. They make available 115 different game server options.

Shared hosting packages at ZAP-Hosting are equipped with Plesk 12 as an essential tool for server management and administration. These hosting solutions also include databases, e-mail boxes, FTP accesses as well as installation of content management systems, such as WordPress. More than that, ZAP-Hosting guarantees backup of files and databases.

VPS plans are available on Linux, FreeBSD and Windows. Plans are also managed through Plesk 12. Firewall protection is controlled by DDoS protection and plans include full root access.
-anonyme- (aymen.bowran34@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Zap-Hosting Honest Review
Great company to work with, I've had a great experience so far. Support is very helpful and answer your questions directly with no issues. Very happy with Zap-Hosting.
-caché- (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 zap-hosting je dobrá volba
Celkově to byla úžasná služba, použil jsem ji k hostování serveru FiveM s 0 problémy. 10/10 bych doporučil každému, kdo hledá levný, ale výkonný server
-anonyme- (jakecoghlan@m...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
Note globale
😃 Overall was an amazing service, I used it to host a Minecraft server with 0 issues. I would 10/10 recommend to anyone looking for a cheap but powerful server
-anonyme- (kaszasp33@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
Note globale
😁 Very good host. Sometimes i play with my friends at this server and i decided to create a big server for my youtube fans, so yeah. Thanks a lot ZAP HOSTING!!!
stividivi (stevyfrost@g...) / no tengo
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😃 me gusto mucho, ultimamente veo buena reseñas del zap-hosting, estoy agusto del servicio que aportan a la comunidad.
-anonyme- (businessnoahford@g...) / new world order
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
Note globale
😁 This is the best hosting I've seen so far, No problems have arisen so far besides temporary downtime, But other than that it works wonders for my server on FiveM
-anonyme- (businessnoahford@g...) / new world order
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
Note globale
😁 Zap-Hosting is the best hosting service hands down, I use it for FiveM and it's amazing. Sure it has some downtime here and then but nothing or nobody is perfect, I'd highly recommend.
-anonyme- (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
Note globale
😁 Was presently surprised not only with the helpfulness of Zap hosting but also the level of quality- my 1st go around was 3 different servers to test all outperformed my expectations!

Help is available through the chat and they will go above and beyond to make sure you receive what you need!
-caché- (viktor@b...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Zap-hosting is awesome!
Awesome site for dedicated servers, fast support and cheap prices! I use it fort Satisfactory and everything has been buttery smooth!
-anonyme- (stifmeister753@g...) / lscity
⏳ Temps hébergé: 2 à 3 ans
Note globale
😁 Very good is
I think ZapHosting is pne pf the best host. Becuse of the many choises of servers. The support Zaphosting provide is one of the best, The support is very knowledgeable and fast to answer and always nice to the customers.

The Txadmin panel is very good and easy to use, With option to even have a discord bot.

The Ftp browser is also good with ”Direct connection” and provide both Filezilla and WinScp

The databse option is also very good. Fast connection and easy usage.

U can even have the chance to get free Zap coins from giveaways the host.

My summary of this is: Very good Hosting, Easy to use And nice support.
spiderlily1900 (astacy841@g...) / riversiderp
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 zap hosting
amazing hosting so easy to handel i say everyone should use it i had 3 friends get zap and they love it
-anonyme- (LIThuania686@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 6 mois à 1 an
Note globale
😁 hosting
very good host platform my friend hosted minecraft server no lag or something and price is nice so ya
-caché- (-caché-) / im hosted a server
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Very good host
Very good host platform my friend hosted minecraft server no lag or something and price is nice so ya
lerdon (lerdon@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Very good sever hosting my fivem server is very easy. They made it easy to setup weither your new or an experianced customer. If your interisted in doing esx server install teh plugin and it is very easy to add your own esx into the database overall very nice server hosting 10/10
-anonyme- (haydenw765@g...) / a fivem server
⏳ Temps hébergé: 6 mois à 1 an
Note globale
😁 100% recommend zap hosting, I have never once had a problem with their service and at this point I dont expect to, I run a FiveM server and it seems to work flawlessly.
-anonyme- ( / invictarp
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
Note globale
😁 Ótimo provedor.
Preços acessíveis e excelente suporte.
Recomendo bastante para quem está a começar ou já é experiente.
Sem razão de queixa dos serviços prestados.
-anonyme- (onlywork1337@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
Note globale
😁 I am using zap hosting for a while now. They have fast support and pretty good hardware.
For the stuff they provide they are very very cheap.
I would vouch for them.
-anonyme- (ekearet@g...) / linux
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
Note globale
😁 Very good is
I think ZapHosting is pne pf the best host. Becuse of the many choises of servers. The support Zaphosting provide is one of the best, The support is very knowledgeable and fast to answer and always nice to the customers.

The Txadmin panel is very good and easy to use, With option to even have a discord bot.

The Ftp browser is also good with ”Direct connection” and provide both Filezilla and WinScp

The databse option is also very good. Fast connection and easy usage.

U can even have the chance to get free Zap coins from giveaways the host.

My summary of this is: Very good Hosting, Easy to use And nice support.
-anonyme- (-caché-) / zap hosting
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
Note globale
😁 Very good sever hosting my fivem server is very easy. They made it easy to setup weither your new or an experianced customer. If your interisted in doing esx server install teh plugin and it is very easy to add your own esx into the database overall very nice server hosting 10/10
-anonyme- (jmpendley@c...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 6 mois à 1 an
Note globale
😠 I have been with them about or just over a year, I cancelled service due to them not working with me over 2 day of service between when my server was going to end and when I could pay.

I have $2.90 in my account they are refusing to return to me, all I want is my money back,.
-anonyme- (cmxxga@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
📅 | -caché-
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Very good is
I think ZapHosting is pne pf the best host. Becuse of the many choises of servers. The support Zaphosting provide is one of the best, The support is very knowledgeable and fast to answer and always nice to the customers.

The Txadmin panel is very good and easy to use, With option to even have a discord bot.

The Ftp browser is also good with ”Direct connection” and provide both Filezilla and WinScp

The databse option is also very good. Fast connection and easy usage.

U can even have the chance to get free Zap coins from giveaways the host.

My summary of this is: Very good Hosting, Easy to use And nice support.

Greeting William!
Sylwia Słupińska (sslupinska@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Zap hosting jest najlepszy!
Zap hosting is the best hosting I have met so far, it has great servers at good prices, an extensive panel that is pleasant to use and many other variations, it also has many server packages to buy and many different things I think that if someone enters there, he will find out for himself!
Sylwia Słupińska (sylslupi) | sslupinska@g...
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Zap hosting jest super to super hosting który pozwala gracza wczuć się w rozgrywke jest tam wiele serwerów do kupna za dosyć mało a każdy serwer to wyjątkowy świat
-anonyme- (slsilkywhitetiger@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
Note globale
😁 is best!
Ocena globalna
Its SOO good i made a gameserver in less then 2 minutes!!, Also learned alot developing and with the easy setup and walkthouugh in server installation it was just a pleasant experience.
stoned7331 (stoned7331@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 is best!
Ocena globalna
Its SOO good i made a gameserver in less then 2 minutes!!, Also learned alot developing and with the easy setup and walkthouugh in server installation it was just a pleasant experience.
-anonyme- (weilunwu321@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 6 mois à 1 an
Note globale
😁 The service they provide is very helpful. The servers are affordable and easy to use. I highly suggest Zaphosting if you are looking for a VPS.
-anonyme- (arivanlur390@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
Note globale
😁 Zap Hosting It's best in hosting!
Very good service, fast and easy to use!
I would recommend using this hosting service.
I bought host for five dollars becuase i wanted to host for my friends.
cmXga (innercitydoj.rp@g...) / 185.249
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
Great hosting, cheap , customer service always there ... Thye are alwasy there to help, and offer all kindas of discount on their services
Hxzee (hxzeeog@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 zap hosting is the best
Very good hosting my teamspeak server is 1000 % up all day all night never got down this is why i love zap hosting
-anonyme- (hands8332@g...) / poi.dd
⏳ Temps hébergé: plus de 3 ans
Note globale
😁 Beste Website. Kann soviel machjen . bester support . bestes team einfach viel zu gut die seite . ich hoffe es wird so bleibem
AggeloukosDev (aggelosioannidis08@g...) / danger roleplay
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Zap-hosting is the best of the best
Zap Hosting is amazing i own a vps and it works flawlessly no lag zero packet loss in my fivem server and is super cheap i would recommend for someone who wants to get a cheap amazing vps
-anonyme- (ashishautar2002@o...) / fivemserver
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 2 ans
Note globale
😁 Its SOO good i made a gameserver in less then 2 minutes!!, Also learned alot developing and with the easy setup and walkthouugh in server installation it was just a pleasant experience.

10/10 rating!
-caché- (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Zap Hosting Is best!
Very good service, fast and easy to use!
I would recommend using this hosting service.
I bought host for five dollars becuase i wanted to host for my friends.
agent1178 (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 6 mois à 1 an
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Best hosting provider
Thanks to i have been able to have fun with my community thanks everyone at zap hosting.
MeowFunzie (deepdarknyss@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Loved the fivem hosting works great! Definitely recommended works as expected some of the best hosting for fivem servers in Australia
-caché- (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 is best!
I highly recommend its very good!
Very good experience its very good, very good prices, very good control panel, very good servers. Everything is so good
-anonyme- (roleplay.adria@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
Note globale
😁 There is no FIVEM GAMING hosting plan, best Fivem hosting with best price. Support fast 24/7!

-anonyme- (ghack696@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😠 Ich hatte dort zwei mal einen Server gemietet und dort hatte ich nur Probleme. Entweder kam ich nicht auf den Server drauf weil er die Verbindung verweigert hatte oder die Performance war einfach zu schlecht (hab nur mit einen Kollegen gezockt). Der Support möchte zwar helfen aber weiß selber nicht was Sie tun oder verstehen das Problem nicht. Als ich mein Geld zurück gefordert habe wurde mein Geld nur als "Guthaben" auf der Seite hinterlegt und das geht gar nicht da ich mehrere Tage lang keine Leistung von Seitens ZAP-Hosting nehmen konnte, zudem haben wir eine DDOS Attacke ertragen müssen. Ich werde nie wieder bei ZAP-Hosting einen Server mieten, nicht mal wenn er kostenlos wäre. Also tut euch einen gefallen und sucht euch woanders einen Hoster. Über die Internetseite möchte ich gar nicht erst anfangen. Daten werden in der Konsole ausgegeben und viele Funktionen funktionieren nicht oder sind fehlerhaft.
-anonyme- (robohe3965@l...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
Note globale
😁 It was a great experience to work with zap, everything was ok, the funcionality and the support.
I'd recommend all of you guys to use this host, they can answer you with live chat also with tickets but the live chat is amazing they reply you in 2 3 mins estimate, and they solve all your problems in an amazing time, so thats all also the quality here is very good, also if you are a Ddos attack target, Zap hosting is the best choice for you becouse you can live track the attacks if you pay a little bit more, Cheers.
-anonyme- (Karamla@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
Note globale
😁 I bought a game server from zap-hosting company and I am completely satisfied.
Offers good discounts. An excellent and flawless hosting company
-anonyme- (aaccoouunntt6gtva@g...) / fivem
⏳ Temps hébergé: 6 mois à 1 an
Note globale
😁 I bought game servers and upvotes from zap-hosting and they were of high quality.

Support also responds as quickly as possible and solves the problem.
I have also used their web space.
-anonyme- (aaccoouunntt2gtva@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
Note globale
😁 The hosting team is really strong and there are very high discounts and quality in its services.

Support is always helping
-anonyme- (szczepano2006@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
Note globale
😁 Poprzednio hostowałem serwer SCP SL. Byłem z niego całkiem zadowolony, jednak trochę mnie przeraża cena niektórych hostowanych serwerów. Przydałoby się trochę "uprościć" niektóre funkcje. Z serwera ogólnie jestem zadowolony, i myślę że mógłbym go wykupić ponownie
TheAlemdarGm (thealemdargamer@a...) / thealemdargm
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Zap-hosting is one of the best hosts ever!
Zap hosting is the best game server host for very low price and has got cool resources that can come with it.
juliam2705 (-caché-) / scp sl
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 super fajny ogółem jest bardzo dobry ale lubie placki więc mamy serwer scp sl hosting jest świetny ale troszeczkę drogi ale i tak dobry
-caché- (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 zap is the best
I think Zap-Hosting is the best hosting compare to others becouse they have the best firewall in their price.
-anonyme- (dinaj.developer@g...) / fivem
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
Note globale
😃 I'm talking about FIVEM Hosting, maybe in some other they will not have this issues.

It's worth it for budget servers and for developers to start crating but honestly, for server hosting, I would not recommend it, in the last mount I had some stupid issues like console was showing starting.. after 30sec I refreshed the site and was stopped so command some times don't do its job, the server need a whole year to start, which isn't the case at other hosts. I would not recommend for some community to host fivem servers. But i will give them a good rating because of a price, price is a huge advantage. (50% voucher to be precise)

Zap hosting is only well advertised because it has fivem boosts and some other powerful shits that other hosts didn't have a chance to give.
-anonyme- (ae1584651@g...) / scp:sl server -
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
Note globale
😃 Hosting is good enough, has ready-made presets for hosting games. My game was SCP:SL, which I was able to set up very easily. No lags have been noticed so far. The only downside is that there are no servers in Russia, which is why I will have to choose another hosting next month. If you are a resident of Europe, use it with pleasure!
-anonyme- (kawanos100.ak260@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
Note globale
😁 Zap-hosting is one of the best hosting providers I've tried so far with affordable prices with good service.
-anonyme- (lukegamer378@g...) / zap hosting
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Desde el STAFF os recordamos que hasta el día 31/10/2021. A las 17:00 se realizarán oposiciones de Staff, una vez llegué el día se escogerán entre las 2 personas que mejor lo hicieron.
Majlox (pokopasbre@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: plus de 3 ans
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 This is best hosting ever no lag no ddos best! he giving every time free zap coins giving for birthday good support
Miid123 (rassuke99@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 is the best!!
I love this is the best. 10/100000
Bcz this is good trusted and so many +reps good servers vps and more.
SynfulGFX (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😃 is a solid choice for hosting!
Zap-hosting genuinely is a solid shout when thinking about who to host your server. They are affordable and their user friendly. I went into making a FiveM server with little knowledge and just wanted to make something to kick around with friends in. Had great customization when it came down to picking exactly what I wanted from a server and what I wanted to pay for. Then once I got the server, it could be up in a matter of minutes. They even include some one the most used Mod resources to get you up and going such as vMenu. Strongly recommend going with these guys. Should you have an issue (I only had one, my server didn't start up one time) the team are kind and quick to help!
-anonyme- (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
Note globale
😁 The best site to host on really only downside is that you have to wait to cancel but other than that its a really good site, Quick support & really nice staff members. And also an amazing host in general.
Andas (viliuspij@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 Ich kann diesen Anbieter leider nicht empfehlen. Nach einem hin und her wurde mein Vertrag einfach um ein halbes Jahr verlängert und mir in Rechnung gestellt. Obwohl dieser schon 4 Monate nicht mehr in Nutzung war.
Der Mitarbeiter war sehr unfreundlich und drohte sofort mit Konsequenzen.
Auf Kundenwünsche wird hier ebenfalls nicht eingegangen.
Ich werde nun rechtlich vorgehen müssen.
-anonyme- (Senellosus@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 6 mois à 1 an
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😠 Leider nicht empfehlenswert.
Ich kann diesen Anbieter leider nicht empfehlen. Nach einem hin und her wurde mein Vertrag einfach um ein halbes Jahr verlängert und mir in Rechnung gestellt. Obwohl dieser schon 4 Monate nicht mehr in Nutzung war.
Der Mitarbeiter war sehr unfreundlich und drohte sofort mit Konsequenzen.
Auf Kundenwünsche wird hier ebenfalls nicht eingegangen.
Ich werde nun rechtlich vorgehen müssen.
-anonyme- (officearnold1111@g...) / https:
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 zap is very reliable
very good service zap is very reliable i wouldnt host with anyone else very optional with hosting VPS or more!
-anonyme- (bartkowalow@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Zap-Hosting is the best
This is the best hosting ever.
I have zap hosting and im very happy because i dont have any lags and inputdelay on my server i think Zap hosting is the best hosting in a world. I think everyone should use Zap Hosting
-anonyme- (stoltmann@h...) / fivem
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😠 total Verbuggtes Produkt .
total Verbuggtes Produkt ..
keine Kulanz vom support dabei habe ich das paket seit einer stunde ...und das alles wegen 10 euro :D
der sever war noch völlig leer und nur 35 fps ...
selten sowas unkompetentes erlebt.
wenn man schon so ein schlechtes und unfertiges produkt wie fiveM anbietet sollte man auch zuruckerstatten wenns bei jemand mal nicht geht -also alles in einem abzocke ...Rausgeschmissenes Geld

die halten sich auch nicht an geltendes recht wie das bgb . was besagt das der kaufpreis bei stornierung binnen 14 tagen zuruckgezahlt werden muss die sagen zu mir ok wir haben das storniert behalten das geld aber trz ...da es in coins ausgezahlt wird die man nur auf der seite verwenden kann ..
-anonyme- (tnicol509@g...) / zaphosting
⏳ Temps hébergé: 6 mois à 1 an
Note globale
😁 zaphosting is best
amazing service, they provided a great server with very to no problems, i recommend everybody using there service
-anonyme- (ahmedff35@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 zap-hosting is one of the best hosting providers I've tried so far with affordable prices with good service.
JelleMijNietBellen (lucashirsch706@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 is best
Best Hosting ever,

Good prices and the nicest and fastest support!!
This is the the best hosting i have ever hosted!!
-anonyme- (marcosmospa@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
Note globale
😁 Muy buen rendimiento y mejor servicio, atencion muy rapida, te ayudan en todo y sobre todo son muy amables
-anonyme- (-caché-) / fivem server
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
Note globale
😁 Brillent Service, easy to use and always works, FiveM server was ready to use and configer within Minutes and as been able to keep up since
-anonyme- (-caché-) / new-world
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😃 zap hosting et un Excellent hébergement beaucoup plus rapide que mon fournisseur précédent. Je suis passé chez zap hosting et j'en suis très satisfait. Un service client de premier ordre bien informé, fiable toujours en temps opportun. Je recommande fortement l'hébergement .zap hosting
-anonyme- (waleede35@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Best server didn't get any lag or issues once i had problem and the support team fixed the problem in ten minutes or less
-anonyme- (qwwqe18@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 6 mois à 1 an
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😁 Отличный хостинг, проблем почти нет. Правда сегодня не предупредив отключили на время один их впс не предупредив
aliahme051 (racker71721@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Zap Hosiitng is best Service
Amazing Service for gamer to host their games, & very cheap and also easy to handle the system . I love to a part of it
-anonyme- (developservertest@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 2 à 3 ans
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Zap hosting on the top
Best hosting they are not scamming , no lags nice prices like best hosting what i ever seen :) I like them alot
RichardHafer2 (richiekiller882@g...) / nocdomain
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 is the best!
Best server-hoster ever. I host a l4d2 server and its already runnig 16 days, not even once there was a lag, crash or any other problem!
-anonyme- (aketovski05@g...) / convicts roleplay
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 2 ans
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Best hosting of all time. I love it. I have 5m server and staff on zap hosting i very very good, on my server is no lags and framedrop
Paketas123441 (iliapapado8719@g...) / minecraft server
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😉 Is good but sometimes overloads and server closes and you need to restart the server.I will suggest to my friends to use this
Eric (helloerik44@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 zap hosting is the best in the whole world
its a very good hosting provider i used to use it for daily bases but i still love it very much like can you imagine?
-anonyme- (nyari.adrian@f...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 is best!
Good servers!I ordered a vps and support the best for helping with members i member at 1 month and the server hosting is good!
📅 (yazuee@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 I can recommend it to everyone!
Generally I’m very happy with zap hosting! The best thing is that they occasionally post gift codes on their social media which you can redeem and get a few bucks for free (only if you are quick enough). Their Gameservers are easy to use and also very good! They have a broad variety of games you can select and can switch between games very quick! Their Webspace offers are also very pleasing and they offer almost always 50% off to new customers which is great. You should try zaphosting!
Ventiator (nikolas94964@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 just amazing
One of the best services our there easy to use cheap and containts lot of features go ahead and buy i suggest it
Eetutus (eemil.kainulainen@g...) / karhurp
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 is best!
Amazing host provider that has very cheap prices. Been using zap for a month and no negativity. Just an amazing provider
-anonyme- (braeyspacey@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 I've had this host a couple times now and honestly every time they have never let me down if it is servers to game servers to domains not once have i had a issue except when i cause the issue (im a noob). Continue to use this host and it is the best host ive used for a while!
-anonyme- (salahmohamad00971@g...) / gaming
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Their servers are very great, one of the best and cheapest servers ever, great and cheap, and the customer service is fast in response.
-anonyme- (willburdis1@g...) / no domain
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
Note globale
😁 I have purchased a Teamspeak Server and a FiveM game server and I am impressed with how efficient the server actually runs, along with how easy it is to add resources onto the server and how wide it can spread.
-anonyme- (darbyprince0618@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 Zap Hosting is Wonderful
Zap Hosting is not only Affordable, But is also very Easy to Use! I love how many options there also is.
EnvidiaosRP (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 ZapHosting Best Hosting
A very very good service, I love this, They have very fast support and they treat you very well when you have any problem giving you solutions
guccical (aasdghsdf@g...) / no.domain
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Best hosting website definitely u should try, like seriously! The only problem though is the ddos protection witch definetely needs an improvement.
-anonyme- (acerlations@g...) / none.none
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Good hoster, they have good servers
Zap hosting is a good server hosters, and their servers are very good. The monitoring panel is very intuitive. I highly recommend it.
MZI (mzigaming1992@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 2 ans
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The best hosting platform I have ever seen. I would even recommend it over ovh cloud. Their website and customer support is amazing.
-anonyme- (keegikolmas420@g...) / ussikesed
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 2 ans
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😁 is best
very good and works sometimes gets ddos but its okey and zap can handle that.
very cheap prizes and gets very offen free coins.
i think zap is best hosting site!!!
Loggerryss (Loggerryss.zap@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 2 ans
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😁 Best hosting ever i love that hosting best hosting in the world pls use that hosting for be the best
📅 (mzigaming1992@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 6 mois à 1 an
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Zap hosting is a very good hosting service with good website and customer care.
Zap hosting is a very good hosting service with good website and customer care. I am using there service for more than a year and I am really satisfied with there rates and customer support.
-anonyme- (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 The best hosting for use another server, vps, root servers, webs spaces, rage servers, minecraft servers,fivem and are so cheap I highly recommend it
-anonyme- (diploas123@g...) / windows vps
⏳ Temps hébergé: 6 mois à 1 an
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 is a really good provider!
Zap-hosting is an awesome provider! Really good for beginners too! I have been using zap-hosting almost for a year.
-anonyme- (vevealogan@g...) / countryrp
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😃 Zap is very useful with first-time users and pricing is way better than hosting services would by again
Hernan3243 (Hernandanielcardozobarrios@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 2 ans
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😁 are so cheap
The best hosting for use another server, vps, root servers, webs spaces, rage servers, minecraft servers,fivem and are so cheap I highly recommend it
gacusplacus (krynio23344@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😃 is very cool!
Zaphosting is just great! The best hosting for VPS, FiveM, Rust and other like this!
Its the best for new people, who want to start with hosting!
-anonyme- (beastyboy5075@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 The best hosting for fivem, vps, root servers, webs spaces, rage servers, minecraft serves and very very inexpensive this was absolutley amazing!
-anonyme- (1davidpraa1@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 es el mejor host con diferencia he tenido muchos hosts y es el mejor esta bien organizado lo compre para jugar five m y no me dio ni un problema el mejor recomendable
byxiko (anbarba98@g...) / zap-hosting
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😃 funciona muy bien todo en perfecto menos algunos fallos que tiene pero se puede arreglar pero esta bien
-anonyme- (coby.script.19@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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😁 is best!
This hosting is a best solution
Servers and webs is top
I need to rebuild my domain and im chosing only
All visit!Thanks
-anonyme- (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Awesome products!
I rented a game server to play Minecraft with my friends and everything was great! The server was directly online, and we had no problems, plus there is a huge selection of modpacks!
-anonyme- (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Ich habe mir einen Gameserver für Minecraft gemietet. Er war sofort online und es gab keine Probleme! Super, wenn man mit seinen Freunden spielen möchte.
D.Q.I.GAMING (dqigamingoficial@g...) / fivem server
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 The Best
The best hosting for fivem, vps, root servers, webs spaces, rage servers, minecraft serves and very very inexpensive
-anonyme- (salahmohamad971@g...) / gaming
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
Note globale
😁 Very nice, wonderful, excellent service, excellent customer service, stable and stable service, and also the host works very well and is stable in performance, so it is one of the best sites that provide this service
Ziad Nagy (ziadmola0@g...) / vicecity.ney
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 if i were u i would select zaphosting its very good servive and best control panel if i were u i would select zaphosting its very good servive and best control panel
-anonyme- (yobeas22@p...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 Very good service, customer service is prompt and everything is great, recommend you to buy from this
-caché- (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 The Best Nothing To Say

Very good Host for beginners And Pros, The interface is easy to use and understand.
-anonyme- (-caché-) / nodimain
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Zap is goot for beginners
Very good software for server hosting beginners, because the interface is really easy to use and understand.
Alex (alekzz@o...) / keine.domain
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😠 Ein Stern zu viel!
Ein Stern leider zu viel.

RootServer gekauft, leider für mich unbrauchbar da sich die Hardware ID immer wieder ändert, also zum Support da das Produkt für mich unbrauchbar ist (es ist auch nirgends gekennzeichnet das sich die Hardware ID ändert) die meinten nur gibt kein Geld zurück das ist normal bei uns.

Bestimmt gute 4 Stunden damit verbracht in Tickets und Chat mit wurde überhaupt nicht geholfen auf mein Problem wurde nicht eingegangen und es kam nur die Aussage: "Wir werben nicht mit Server wo die HW ID sich nicht ändert" es müsste genau anders herum sein. Man muss mit nichts werben was Standard ist, man sollte das aufzählen was NICHT Standard ist.

Bei meinem vorherigen Provider hat sich die Hardware ID nicht geändert, also ist das absolut nicht normal und gehört gekennzeichnet!

Nie wieder Zap Hosting, hier geht es nur darum Kohle zu machen nichts anderes!
daniel13306 (eaglesplayground@h...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Good host!
Awesome Host! always online and its working fine
Would host other servers at this place.
-anonyme- (hamzaoubaali04@h...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 this its the best host isee in my life and he soo good i host white him server minecraft and website and a loot of thing
-anonyme- (arthur.coenaers@g...) / redmondcity
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 zap-hosting is great!
Fantastic server works great also a good support, you got a clear vision of everything you can acces and use and if u got any question u need to ask them
gacek (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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😃 is very cool!
Jest to bardzo dobry serwis, który oferuje wiele możliwości hotstingu i nie tylko. Polecam bardzo serdecznie!
-anonyme- (szymekqqxddd@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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😁 666pierogg
zap hosting is the best hosting in the world because it has very cheap servers and a nice public help!
I think there is no better hosting in the world than zaphosting wins it all!
Everything works smoothly and beautifully
Muggy (-caché-) / fivem windows
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😃 very good
very cheap and good website to host servers on. It comes with many features and things to help your servers.
-anonyme- (szymekqqxddd@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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😁 zaphosting is the best
this site is the best because the prices are very small and the administration is very helpful and the servers are installed very quickly, have very good parameters and systems
Shiv (shivamsinghvocab@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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😁 These guys are awesome!
It's super awesome guys! Not only do you get the services, they give us free coupons every monday. Also the service is super fluent!
-anonyme- (hamiltonarchie3@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Review (gbrp)
I bought it and i have no problems no lag everything perfect
support is 24/7 support is friendly and very helpful
-caché- (tohry07@g...) / toment
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 2 ans
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 les meilleur
très bon site je conseille trop , ca fait 1ans que jutilise
merci parceque vous etes là pour nous soutenir au travail
-anonyme- (erizox123@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Its amazing so simple and not that costy at all, I recommend it to everyone, been hosting my server no lag, no bugs, just amazing
-anonyme- (prankerisg@g...) / fivem host
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 best!!
I buyed it and i have no problems no lag everything perfect
support is 24/7 support is friendly,active
-anonyme- (grapart11@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😃 dispongo de un servidor de juegos alojado en un vps de Zap y con el poco tiempo que llevo en el me a ido muy bien y lo que mas me impactó fue el bajo precio de este vps, definitvamente tuve que adquirirlo
-anonyme- (-caché-) / gameserver
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
Note globale
😁 Ich habe bei verschiedenen Hostern Gameserver getestet z.b Nitrado, G-Portal... alle Schrott!!! bei ZAP bisher die Beste Performance, stabile Pingzeiten ganz selten lags im Game und super Interface und dann auch noch günstiger im Preis.
-anonyme- (juanfran2922@g...) / fivem
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 It seems to me a very useful host I recommend it 100, very cheap and very good quality if you are hesitating to buy it, stop doubting and buy it
-anonyme- (ibrahim.altufayli@g...) / no domain yet
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Zap Hosting is the most reliable, cheap, and easy to host, with many vouchers and very fast support, I encourage everyone to host and try it.
The most awesome thing about ZAP they accept cryptocurrencies.
you can try just small period of time without wasting a lot of money.
-anonyme- (e.lihtirafpro@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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😞 zap
zap such a good hosting.. i had a good experience with them.. they have a good plans and they give gifts all the time and that's so good thank you zap
Nuazz (gilbertwilliamsrrp@g...) / zap hosting
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 love zap
i love zap havent have any problems. have used in the past loved it then quit using it to persue others things came back and it is still great
-anonyme- (gamingcreations301@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 ZAP HOsting, is pretty cool and I recommend this site to anyone who is in need of cheap services for good quality!
@TGDOJRP (TGDOJRP@g...) / tgdojrp.cfx
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Zap hosting saved my fivem server!
I’ve been using a VPS through ZAP to host my fivem server and it has been an amazing experience, I really ever deal with the vps being even a little slow!
-anonyme- (crepzes@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 So I've used Zap-Hosting for more than one time, Bought Windows VPS's, Linux Ubuntu VPS's, Storages, and more! And I'm really satisfied with them all, I really am, Thanks Zap-Hosting!
-anonyme- (elfalcocanaldeyt@g...) / fivem server
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 The Best
Es el mejor hosting para webs, servidores, team speaker de fivem es lo mejor al mejor precio y sencillo de hacer
-anonyme- (devgumelo@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Hospedagem incrível nada a reclamar, suporte excelente e serviços com a maior qualidade que já vi em anos realmete posso falar que a ZAP-Hosting e a melhor do mercado tanto em custo e beneficio.
-caché- (-caché-) / dayz server
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😠 Scammers
They are scammers. They stole money and provided no working server. Please stay clear of this company and use a more suitable host.
-anonyme- (Volid22@o...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 Amazing. Used them for just under a month. They have amazing support team if you need help and the speed when I hosted my DayZ I was very satisfied.
AvianMedal (jackralston00@g...) / zap hosting
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 2 ans
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😁 is best
Good Company would recommend for servers. Good customer service as well. Safe and reliable company to host your server.
Tahtaboof2 (yobeas222@p...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Best Service ever
Very good and fast recommend it very good specs for cheap price aswell buy it right now
I hosted windows vps and everything is going good
-anonyme- (nikosmixalas12@g...) / no.domain
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 is the best!!!!
Very great service u should try it, you even get free zap coins every monday and sunday! ain't that amazing.? But the only problem with zap are the databases that are sometimes buggy not all times but it does the job done!! Very Great Work At ZAP-Hosting Guys!!
-anonyme- (diegocrack350@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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😁 is best site!
I love the service they offer, I think it is magnificent. They have great prices and a great quality of support. I love this WEB and I honestly think it is the best of all. 100% recommended
joaozinho01 (joaopedrofigueiredo2020@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 melhor site zap-hosting
Muito bom o site sempre deu maior apoio e suporte em todos os sentidos de compra espero muito usar ainda a zap hosting
Dean Dickinson (deandickinson@l...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 6 mois à 1 an
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 fanatasic host, i use them for all of my servers. I never have any problems when ordering and setting up a server.
-anonyme- (nitrogamingoficialservidores@g...) / fivem server
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 The Best
Zaphosting es el mejor hosting para servidores, webs etc. Es barato, fiable, de calidad, rapido, no se cae el servidor
Filipakamisz (filiplipi2005@g...) / i not hosted domain
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 I have only used it for two months and I am very happy with it.
i usuali used to make a fivem server.
-anonyme- (ismail.akcheshoes@m...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Excellent services, Friendly support staffs and affordable prices. Both Linux and Windows VPS server are fast, stable and reliable.
akk098 (contact@e...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😞 Zap is moderate
Good Hosting overall i tried there services they provide it cheap but sometime vps got offline due to some problems which can leads to business loss
Peptic (Christopher.sauve@h...) / .fivemcom
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Zap hositng
Very good hosting, no problem with us and very good services. Zap is good because they are very close of their client so they can know when a problem occurs and how to resolve it correclty. I got a problem recently and they found the problem in 1 day so its very fast. The answer delay is also very low so you got a answer fastly when you want.
Stupefy (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: plus de 3 ans
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 The best services!
Services of the highest quality, a very well trained staff, the support is always extremely fast in answers, I recommend with great confidence!
Anto (karboncito12@g...) / mysite
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Nice
El mejor alojador, no tuve inconveniente alguno con su panel ni con su atencion al Cliente, ya llevo tiempo y no me causa problema alguno.... Lo recomiendo al 100%
RuKan (-caché-) / i have fivem hosting without domain
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😃 is best!
Zap-Hosting is very good hosting for FiveM, Webhosting, vps hosting. Is very overpriced hosting.
Ivery liked processor performance.And they have good internet providers.
-anonyme- (morehealer@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
Note globale
😁 Very good hosting for websites,gaming servers and more things.I very liked processor performance.And they have good internet providers.
-anonyme- (werasweras514@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
Note globale
😁 I was used this hosting for many things i very liked.The hosting has good internet and good performance processors.
-anonyme- (mowgli.19@o...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 ... just buy it
Zap-hosting shortly you can say " the best vps ever " coupons everytime, support wow.
best price and more ........
-anonyme- (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
Note globale
😁 Zap hosting is so good, nice price and very good performance.
Tehir servers are working properly and it is worth at least testing them.
Everything works correctly
-anonyme- (powerbotdiscord@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 The Best Host Is Zap Hosting!
Hello, I'm here today to share my public review about Zap-Hosting. Really Really Really it's the best hosting ever
-anonyme- (kikopinto19@g...) / five.m
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Zap-hosting is the best
Best place to get FiveM servers absolutelly recommend it. Best place on the market for it. I have never had any problems
-anonyme- (keyvitafit001@g...) / unplugged
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Zap Hosting is really great!
Amazing provider, no crashes and very good service overall.
No downtime, fast restarts whenever was needed and great support team.
I recommend.
-anonyme- (muscleemporer21@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😃 Zap hosting is amazing, Just bought it around a week ago. Looks up to expectations and overall amazing.
Jorge (lvpes10@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 Very good service and hosting. Zap Hosting offers four different options for VPS hosting. While the amount of RAM and SSD storage increases with each tier, all plans include unlimited websites, traffic and email addresses, free SSL certificates, and a 100 percent uptime guarantee.
-anonyme- (daraccoon47@g...) / gaming server
⏳ Temps hébergé: 6 mois à 1 an
Note globale
😁 Best place for any sort of gaming servers. been with them for almost a year, they are unbeatable for the price.
-anonyme- (infoy4nk33@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
Note globale
😁 Very good service overall, 0 downtime and they have a very good DDoS protection, they are fast when answering tickets. Will keep my services on this host.
QueenMomma (queenmomma494@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 Best Service
Its the best provider i have ever seen with so much offers and many things to go!, Buy their vps now,They are the far best providers i have used so far. Its so good
LiteRP (najkeloseq27+continental@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 is the best hosting
Zap hosting is the cheapest and good hosting in europe. Very good anti ddos and fast reply from support
jorgeluis (jorgeluis19717@g...) / zaphosting
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Compré hosting para VALHEIM y llevo casi 2 semanas, hasta el momento todo super no he tenido problema alguno.
Kavin (sudhara20@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 very good service
I bought hosting for ARK Servival Evolved and a week after changed it to another game , everything went good and easy , best hosting ever
-anonyme- (-caché-) / fivem
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
Note globale
😁 Zap hosting is very good place to hold your fivem server u!! Recomend. What can I say. It is a great hosting website, prices are good and affordable, it is easy to move around on the website, the service is quick and great. Your server can be up in less than 5 mins from when you buy it. I would really recommend this hosting for fivem servers either for friends that want a custom server, or for a whole network. They even have resources ready to be installed. Zap-hosting deserves a 5 star from me. I always wanted to have my own Fivem server, due to how I looked at other servers not offering enough for myself, so therefor I started a server up at Zap-hosting. I enjoy the time hosting at them.
-anonyme- (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 2 ans
Note globale
😠 Ich habe 4 Server bei ZAP. Und ein Uptime Montitoring. Die Server bei ZAP stehen teilweise 24h lang. Jetzt gerade auch. Angabe: Es muss eine SSD getauscht werden. Die Bearbeitungszeit der Tickets dauert 38 Tage (ja: Tage).
Über 1,5 Jahre und 4 Server bei denen habe ich in Summe 12 Tage total-Ausfall. Das ist nicht erträglich.
-caché- (-caché-) / gameserver
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😠 Schmutz
Zaphosting ist absoluter Müll geworden fängt dann schon an mit Support Speed ticket kaufen und endet mit gebühren habe 10€ bezahlt und nichts wieder bekommen als ich den Server nach paar Tagen wieder Stoniert habe weil der nicht läuft richtig lächerlich ich mein 10€ tuhen nicht weh aber nicht jeder hat viel Geld und deswegen Achtung geht woanders hin ihr bezahlt mehr aber habt dann auch mehr #Zapschrott
Aroukatos (fotisgamer9@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 zap hosting is amazing
Zap hosting is amazing its fantastic.I made this review to tell you not to wonder whether to choose zap hosting or someone else. Me and my friends who have used zap hosting admit that this is the cheapest host you can get. If you think of using them, stop wondering and do it because it is worth every cent.
-caché- (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 dobrze
Ja EXE20 polecam hosting o nazwie zap-hosting ponieważ dają dużo prezentów oraz przeceny jak i jest to bardzo doby hosting jak i wydajny ale zdalny laguje :)
-anonyme- (cw3r62@g...) / cghc.c
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 good company
everything is great i bought 1 month rust server and everything is good and cheap
everything works perfectly and without any issues
-anonyme- (kutyacraft2@g...) / fivemserver
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
Note globale
😁 Perfect i use only one month ago but very fast,cheap,fantastic.
I use Windows vps a month ago.

I only can recommend zap hosting.
-anonyme- (rendicnicolas@g...) / five: fivem mod (linux) #344919
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 I think it is a gr8 hosting site i does everything for you for the beginers it is gr8... They even aded some more player slots so it is realy good,
-anonyme- (ahmadkamalbaig@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
Note globale
😃 Zap-hosting is a good and cheap platform to host your game severs. They had issues with DDOS in the past, but they are constantly trying to improve. Moreover, if an issue occurs from their side, they always provide compensation and also gives free voucher codes, so also keep looking for them too!
Overall, good experience with very affordable prices!
TheBluekato | heykato2@g...
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 Zap-hosting. Great products, easy to come around overall.
Zap-hosting. What can I say. It is a great hosting website, prices are good and affordable, it is easy to move around on the website, the service is quick and great. Your server can be up in less than 5 mins from when you buy it. I would really recommend this hosting for fivem servers either for friends that want a custom server, or for a whole network. They even have resources ready to be installed. Zap-hosting deserves a 5 star from me. I always wanted to have my own Fivem server, due to how I looked at other servers not offering enough for myself, so therefor I started a server up at Zap-hosting. I enjoy the time hosting at them.
jjonequ (jjonequ@g...) / fivem server
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 is best!
Overall the best. is best!

Its like the most cheapest and the best hosting available so noworries
-anonyme- (dragonknightowner@g...) / nyc freeloaders
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 This server hosting service gave me a very simple and easy experience. I learned a lot with how to manage my files due to how simple it was to work around everything. I recommend this server hoster to beginners and also, pros who need more simplicity I got lots of value for my money and am happy with my purchase.
-anonyme- (kelnersofficial@g...) / zaphosting vps
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 zap hosting is one of the best sites you can find around, i recommend zap hosting to everyone, i am very happy with my vps :)
-caché- | heykato2@g...
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 Zap-hosting. Great products, easy to come around overall.
I came by this hosting inside the fivem client menu, I had always played on other rp servers, but I always thought to myself, these servers doesn't have what I was looking for. I made my own, I am enjoying it. It works as it should, great hosting features, and is ready super quickly. I would recommend Zap-hosting for Gta 5 servers.
mathiaskozabko (zabomathias@g...) / fivem mod linux
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 zap is best
fivem is best i like it very much im using it like 1 month but is sooooo goood. Soooo 10 stars. But the control pannel is caotic i dont now where some things are and if i want to find something like backups it took me some time. Anyway Zap is good when you want to host server and apply your dreams . Soooooooo thanks Zap!
Mare2G (itzmarkobro@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 is best
Best hosting out there. 10+ stars rating. Im using it 3 months and it's best hosting in world. Always kind and good support
-anonyme- (morcovanisul@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
Note globale
😁 I had a fivem host on Zap-Hosting and everything worked perfectly even with 25 players on. The price and quality are perfectly balanced and made for anyone's pocket.
-anonyme- (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 Despite us being with them for less than a month, one of our user is already using their service and they've been more than happy with them.

We ordered CS:GO Game server, for our team and how fast and easy it was to set up, was incredible. On top of that, if you didn't know one thing as in how to set up, they got you covered with documentation. They are a really good ISP provider, who are ready to help with any issue and really friendly on top of that.

If you're looking for a company, that will care about you and a reliable one, than this is the host for you.
-anonyme- (haris.secibovic@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😃 Good hoster, fast support and they pay you if your server makes problem. The panel is easy to control
Dovkius (dovkius@g...) / dovkius
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 zap very good hosting site
very good hosting recommended if you wanna create roleplay or deathmatch server.Very good database system , live console.. its fun to play with friends if youj wanna troll or something like that
-caché- (zekaa26@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 Very good and easy to use and i will recommend to all my fiends.
Shrimpexscp (billyduxbury22@g...) / scp server
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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😁 great support
best support ever! there quality on servers are amazing and are super fast on starting
it comes with preinstalled server mod if you are hosting scp servers and are just fantastic
EnekoLizarragaDev (contactasoftwaretecnologia@g...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😁 The Best hosting of my life
The Best Hosting Provider, That i see in my life, secure host and pay, I will recommend this hosting to all my friends
-anonyme- (bendt.vialkowitsch@g...) / windows cloud server
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
Note globale
😁 Solange man mit Zap-Hosting umgehen kann, klappt alles Perfekt. Das ist die einfachste und beste Lösung zu haben. Manchmal gibt es kurze Aussetzter von der Website, aber um die wird sich direkt gekümmert und ist nach max 5 minuten wieder erreihcbar
-anonyme- (dennys.tschernow@g...) / haben.kein
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
Note globale
😠 Dreiste Abzocke. Haben einen V-Server gekauft, der mindestens Einmal pro Tag abgestürzt ist, zudem gehen die Mitarbeiter ab und zu mal auf deinen Server und löschen Dateien, wenn man aber dann nach einem Backup fragt, wissen die von nichts.

Support sehr inkompetent, auch nach stundenlangen schreiben, können die keine Lösung anbieten o.Ä.
Zudem gehen die nicht auf dein Anliegen ein.
-caché- (-caché-) / valheim server
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😠 gaming server not usable and poor customer service
Recently I wanted to book a Valheim server, only to read in the wiki after placing the order that I have to book an additional option to make it usable. Of course, I quickly canceled the booking (which was not even executed). Now Zap Hosting refuses to refund me the amount and only offers me a credit on their platform. Also contacting customer service did not result in a solution. For me, clearly a case of false advertising, since the service could not be used as described at that time.
-anonyme- (playboyray6996@g...) / hostedgameserver
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
Note globale
😠 Purchased a hosted game server. Website says will be up and running in minutes. Well Ive been waiting 3 days now and all they can say is they dont know when I will get it. Cant even get refund thru them unless you just want credit thru them.. Really terrible way to do business. I cant rate the server because I cant get the one I paid for.. Would not use them.
Buster4126 (Buster4126@g...) / newfarming
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😁 Good hoster, fast support and they pay you if your server makes problem. The panel is easy to control
Darren (Daztats@g...) / zap-hosting
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😠 Theives and liers
Brought and paid for a server, cancelled within an hour. Sent a link to cancel from zap, followed instructions and told no refund was possible because I cancelled and they gave me bad information. Then sent me another invoice and threatened to send it to debt collectors unless a paid it AGAIN!!! Claimed back through PayPal and they lied in there replays, currently seeking league advise and building my legal case. Avoid this scum!!! All over €18 which shows what cheap scum they are.
bprince (bob.prince@p...) / no domain yet
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😠 No service from Zap-hosting
19 January 2021 I ordered a rootserver with zap-hosting. When it was installed and server was running it seemed the server was extremely slow and the helpdesk employee told me he would migrate me to a different host.
20 January 2021, the server was still slow and I decided to order extra memory, cores and bandwidth. After that was completed, and paid by me, it seemed my server had a faulty disk and all my data was lost.
21 January 2021, the server was up and running but was slow again and the helpdesk employee told me that he had to migrate the server to a different host. Unfortunately this didn’t work and the helpdesk employee raised a ticket to resolve and 6 hours later I receive a message that migration was started.
22 January 2021, the server wasn't running and one of the helpdesk employees told me all data was lost and I needed to reinstall the server (Windows server). I wasn’t happy of course but I started the reinstall through your website and it failed again. The helpdesk
-anonyme- (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
Note globale
😠 They are SCAMMERS. They dont wanna refund your service if it was setup already. How you can test it then ? By refunding only Zap Coins ? You support is horrible. I've made a ticket that got a first reply AFTER 24H. Unbelievable in 2021...And please, dont write an automated reply, you are just scamming people that want to be honest. I've tryed your "The Forest" servers and your guy Marcel caused me that 24H downtime because it had moved the machine to another server, but the cause was another one. Prepare better your "sysadmins"
-anonyme- (jmpendley@c...) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
Note globale
😠 I ordered a VPS for FIveM with them. They sent me an email saying the service was setup. I go to start the VPS and it won't start it acts like it wants to start but will not start. Contacted them looking to cancel within 1-2 hours of ordering service, was told no and asked why I wanted to cancel I told them the issue and now its like crickets when it comes to trying to help.
-anonyme- (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
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😠 DO NOT use this. Thieves

DO NOT use this. I bought a VPS from their website and first off the payment went trough twice and I ended up paying 214 instead of 170EUR. I contacted them and they did not want to refund me as they blamed it on the payment gateway. They decided to give me ZAP coins to use on their website which is not useful for me.

Next I started using their VPS and they are LXC Containers, which doesn't support docker. This is not specified anywhere in the VPS description. Again I contact them and they refunded me in ZAP coins.

At the end I ended up loosing 214 EUR and now I have 214 ZAP coins which I can only use on their server and have no use to me.
Shameful service. Straight up thieves
-anonyme- (-caché-) / minecraft server
⏳ Temps hébergé: moins d'un mois
Note globale
😠 Refund policy is a scam.
I provisioned a modded minecraft server, realised the version of modded minecraft was not what I wanted and requested a refund within a day.
Due to their policy, because the server had been "set up" I could not get a refund on my credit card. I could only get a refund in ZAP COINS.
Spoke with customer support, nothing could be done. Goodbye $20.

-anonyme- (-caché-) /
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
Note globale
😠 I tried to cancel the auto renewal and they said it has to be a full week ahead of time. I have a CREDIT for 122 bucks on the account and they also REFUSE to use that money to go towards the renewal. So, what is that credit going to be used towards? Very scammy to not let me cancel my account as well as not utilize money that is already SPENT for them. Avoid this company if possible as they are hosted out of the US so they have no professionalism.
-anonyme- (-caché-)
⏳ Temps hébergé: 3 à 6 mois
Note globale
😠 using scam and intimidation tactics to further get more money after service has been cancelled for a prepaid service
-anonyme- (email@r...)
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 2 ans
Note globale
Been with Zap-Hosting for some time. Have several VPS and several Game servers hosted with them. Recently went to Logín to my dashboard and nothing, have been locked out for days with no reason given. I cannot stress enough that their customer support is appalling, to say the least. Still nowhere closer to being able to log in. Emailed ID Card but no response from their customer support resolving this issue. If I cannot log in then how can I continue to pay the service charges, True Gigamind.
Arcade5M (nlynn0806@g...)
⏳ Temps hébergé: 1 à 3 mois
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Panneau de contrôle
😠 No refunds - Bad support
If I could do 0 stars, I would. I used them for my fivem server, and I used them for two days until I noticed how bad the service was. So I ended up getting a VPS. Then I got a second invoice saying "if you don't add money to your service it will be canceled". In this case, I thought it would be canceled since I couldn't find the cancel button. Nope they still charge you and then do not provide refunds at all, no matter what. Just an average scam. I've used so many good hosts, and so many bad ones all of them offered refunds. DO NOT RECOMMEND.

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