Phanes.Cloud negativo revisión #58265 por -anónimo- en ene 2022

Phanes.Cloud consiguió un negativo revisión en
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Revisión del cliente #58265
-anónimo- ( -oculto- )
Tiempo alojado 1 a 2 años
Calificación global
Flaunt7 is promoted as free-speech hosting. Not, it is not. If the staff don't like your subject matter, or what they imagine to be your viewpoints, they vandalize non-stop.

Flaunt7 has repeatedly vandalized my several web sites (which are always paid up), escalating to the point of removing the main site entirely leaving the domain empty, and sabotaging another site to take it offline as though it doesn't exist. These are two recent instances of flaunt7 vandalism.

Then, in the past few days, I was locked out of a wordpress admin login and phpmyadmin had no effect to change the password to get me back in. I finally opened a ticket on "high" urgency. Days later, flaunt7 announced they had changed the password for me and gave me the password.

I found my web site had been destroyed by them. They had simply logged in and changed the wordpress theme to a different theme, not at all compatible with my site. It had the effect of ruining my video blog and turning all the video thumbnails blue, and all the text too small to read.

Of course, when I logged back in with my "new" password from flaunt7, the first thing I did was to click on my real theme to reactivate it. This triggered an automatic logout! I was then locked out of my wordpress dashboard. Nice trick by evil flaunt7 trolls on staff, taking my money for this.

By pure luck, I found a back door to get in. Again, I clicked on my real theme to reactivate it, and again this triggered an automatic logout, locking me out, leaving my web site corrupted.

I figured out their trick. They had deactivated my theme and then they had put a "link" onto the thumbnail of my real theme under Appearances. That "link" was used to trigger the surprise logouts.

Using cpanel, I deleted all themes and reuploaded a clean zipped copy of my real theme, and extracted it. A minute later, my site was working again with its real theme. Which proves that flaunt7 had tampered with my installed theme which they took offline, in order to set up the auto-logout, leaving me locked out and my site destroyed.

I then luckily found another backdoor way to change the wordpress login and password. This is the kind of harassment you get from these people if they don't like you for some reason. There doesn't have to be any kind of clash or ill will, they just come after you if they feel like it. Eventually, their vandalism and harassment creates the clash.

And it might be that they got "dirt" about you from some other stalker at another service, maybe a former host. In this case, I have no doubt that flaunt7 is vandalizing my sites as a "favor" to ifastnet, where I previously hosted a web site.

That old web site shows up inside my flaunt7 client area even though I never built it with them. This fact was drawn to their attention, nothing changed. The ifastnet site still is parked in my client area.

ifastnet uses very dirty tactics to make you pay for "free" hosting. The ifastnet site that is parked in my flaunt7 client area as though it's part of a "sub-account" began as a free site. I had signed up and built the little web site. One day, I found the site gone and a trigger attached to a big ad from ifastnet demanding payment. I had no backup of my site. I therefore paid these thugs, logged in, backed it up, downloaded my backup, and then CANCELLED the paid hosting, within the cancellation period. So, they are pissed. This is why flaunt7 is harassing me. Even though I've paid them and even upgraded twice in the past two years, the harassment and vandalism increase all the time.

So, there is a connection between ifastnet, who are vandals and gangstalkers, and flaunt7 who are vandals and gangstalkers.

When flaunt7 removed my main web site a month ago, they pretended it was "external interference". That would seem to imply hackers. But at no time did flaunt7 suggest that my cpanel had been hacked, or raise any alarm about hackers or issue any notice that they were taking care of an "external" problem. That's because the removal was abuse by flaunt7 itself, not by hackers. When I brought the removal to Flaunt7's attention, they asked if I had a backup and they'd restore it for me! I gave them a backup, they restored it. I've been too busy to see if all the pages are there. Anyway, I'm spending my time trying to find another web host.

Other vandalism flaunt7 has done: they have sabotaged plugins, especially backup plugins; and lightbox plugins. They sabotaged a video player plugin which resulted in destroying the page where the video was posted. They have sabotaged the wordpress core more than once. I found a way to restore the damaged site by using a rollback wordpress version plugin. As soon as I was able to change the wordpress version, the damage done by flaunt7 disappeared. Flaunt7 then sabotaged the rollback plugin and damaged the wordpress core again. I had to find a new rollback plugin to get the job done. Sometimes, I have to roll back; sometimes I have to roll forward. It's an endless game for them.

It's a problem finding a web host that doesn't vandalize; that has nothing to do with ifastnet, a shark in the internet that devours all the smaller hosting companies, and then when they find you have sites hosted with the company they devoured, they take you offline again.

Flaunt7 is not reliable. Obviously.

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