Bana Hosting positivo revisión #2415 por Stefan (raid400@w...)

Bana Hosting consiguió un positivo revisión en
Bana Hosting
New York , NY
☎ Teléfono +1.5166988297
Revisión del cliente #2415
Stefan ( raid400@w... )
Tiempo alojado 3 a 6 meses
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" Hello all,

I'm from german and before this Hosting-Provider i had a german hoster. My contract leaked, so i had the chance to choose a new provider. Befor this, i had read many reviews and informed me a lot. The most providers cost 5-6 $ with a 2 year plan, but that was to much for me, of the other hand providers that cost 2-3 $ have realy less capacity. Nearly I had survey banahosting, because they promote a 1 month plan with 4,95 $, thats not cheaper than the other providers, but if you choose a 2 year plan, you will only pay 3,33 $. Oke the prise is Oke, so i informed me about banahosting. They have realy good reviews and the capacity is greate, 350 Gb webspace, 3,5 Tb traffic, secure Imap, Php, MySQL..... But the best is the service, banahosting has a live chat, if you have any question, they answer this question. Then I ordered the bana standard package, 4 hours later I got the access data for the webspace. One little adjustment wasn't correct, so I opend a ticket. After 2 minutes I got an answer and the problem was solved. The service is great, they are realy fast, helpful and friendly. The domain transfer from my old provider to banahosting was more complicated, in the live chat they say me what is to do and what they do at the moment and so after a few days and many informations from the live chat the transfer was successful. I want say special thank you to Wilson, Victor and Arelis for the great support.
Now I been one week by banahosting and I'm very pleased, all funktion as desired and the server is realy fast. Almost always I can download with my maximum speed from the connection. So that are 2 Mbit, I think the server is more faster, but I can't check this, if you wan't check the conection speed, you can download this file, let me know how fast you can download it.

I can advise banahosting, the product is great and the service is impressive.

best regards
Stefan "

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