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Revisiones totales: 1
Recomendado por: 0
Opuesto: 1
Respuestas oficiales: 0

Teo.lt Revisión 2024. Es teo.lt buen alojamiento web en Lituania?

1 revisión del usuario; 0 respuestas de apoyo; 0 testimonios; 0 productos, 0 promociones, 3 cuentas sociales, Alexa #93919; 📆 listado 2009 (#14582)
Lvovo g. 25
Vilnius , - LT-03501
☎ Teléfono Klientų aptarnavimas mokamu efonu 1817

teo.lt es una empresa inactiva de alojamiento web!
🏆 Alexa Rating 93.919 👤 Opiniones de usuarios 🙌 Promedio 1 de 10
👉 Revisiones totales: 1
👍 Recomendado por: 0
👎 Opuesto: 1
🤝 Respuestas oficiales: 0

💰 Rango de precios $$$
Estado de finalización del perfil:
Cosas hechas
Descripciones de la empresa está bien
La ubicación de la dirección de la empresa está completa
Se ha añadido el teléfono / fax de la empresa
Nota: Añadir una promoción o cupón

Cosas para hacer
Falta la cuenta de Twitter
"Sobre la página" URL o "Página de contacto" URL faltantes
Faltan foros, blogs / anuncios, base de conocimientos o preguntas frecuentes
Faltan productos (planes)

📄 Visión general

🔧 Servicios: Alojamiento webRegistro de Dominio

📜 Acerca de teo.lt

TEO LT, AB Group is the largest integrated telecommunication, IT and television services provider in Lithuania.

TEO Group is a part of TeliaSonera Group, which operates in 20 countries in Europe and Asia.

Having started its operations as a state enterprise in 1992 under the name Lietuvos Telekomas, the Company in 1998 was privatised by then consortium of Swedish Telia AB and Finnish Sonera Oy, Amber Teleholding A/S. The consortium acquired 60 per cent of the Company's shares.

Now TeliaSonera directly and indirectly through its subsidiary, Amber Teleholding A/S, owns 68.08 per cent of the Company's shares.

Within a few years after its privatisation, the Company managed to evolve from an old monopoly state enterprise to one of the most modern telecommunications companies in Eastern and Central Europe focusing on the customer and firmly leading on different telecommunications service markets of Lithuania.

In 2006, the Company's name was changed from AB Lietuvos Telekomas to TEO LT, AB.

Today the Company holds leader positions on Internet, data communication and fixed-line telephony markets. Current capabilities of the Company allow to offer customers state-of-the-art technologies that are not in any way worse than those offered by the world’s most advanced telecommunications market players.

From 2006 TEO provides digital interactive television, based on IP technology (IPTV), and from 2008 digital terrestrial television services.

TEO corporate brand comprises all the activities carried out by the Company – voice, Internet, television, data communication and IT services. Respectively, these activities have four secondary brands: VOX – voice services for residents, ZEBRA – Internet services for residents, GALA – digital television, and TEO VERSLAS (TEO BUSINESS) – Internet, voice telephony, data communication and IT services for business.

Through its subsidiary UAB Lintel, the Company owns the biggest, in terms of business volumes, and the most modern, in terms of technologies and management, call center in Lithuania.

Another subsidiary, UAB Baltic Data Center, is a leading provider of data center and information system management services in the Baltic States.

The Company follows principle of socially responsible business and pays much attention to social activities. TEO supports the Communications History Museum in Kaunas.

Vision of TEO is to be the best partner in communicating with the constantly changing world. By employing the most modern technologies the Company enables its customers to reach people, knowledge and entertainment.

Historical Facts

In February 1992, state enterprise Lietuvos Telekomas was established after the split of state enterprise Lietuvos Paštas (Lithuanian post) and telephone networks

In June 1997, joint-stock company AB Lietuvos Telekomas was registered

In July 1998, the State of Lithuania privatised Lietuvos Telekomas and the consortium Amber Teleholding A/S, established by Swedish Telia AB and Finnish Sonera Oy, acquired 60 per cent a stake in the Company

In August 1999, continuing implementation of the privatisation programme, employees of the Company acquired 4.97 per cent of the Company’s share capital

In June 2000, during the Initial Public Offering the state of Lithuania sold 25 per cent of the Company’s shares to local and international investors

In June 2000, the Company’s shares were included into the Official List of the Vilnius Stock Exchange and Global Depository Receipts – into the trading list of the London Stock Exchange

In March 2001, the Company issued a 3 year LTL 150 million Euro Notes issue

In December 2002, strategic investors of the Company merged into a joint company TeliaSonera AB (publ)

In 2003, the State of Lithuania started to give shares of the Company to the citizens of Lithuania as a compensation for realty redeemable by the State (realty seized during the Soviet times)

In January 2003, the term of the Company‘s Special Share owned by the state of Lithuania expired

In January 2003, the Company lost its exclusive right to install and provide fixed voice telephony services in Lithuania

In May 2006, the Company changed its name into TEO LT, AB

During September-October 2009 TeliaSonera AB (publ) implemented a tender offer and increased its holding in the Company up to 64.90 per cent.

In July 2010 the Company terminated its Global Depository Receipts (GDRs) programme and delisted TEO GDRs from London Stock Exchange.
Sitio web de investigación para teo.lt en octubre 26, 2009 por WebHostingTop

🎁 teo.lt Promociones

No hay ningún código de cupón o promoción en la lista.

📤 teo.lt Planes

No hay productos o servicios listados todavía!

Nota: esta información puede estar desactualizada, esta empresa ya no ofrece servicios de alojamiento web!

Contact Information

📊 Estadísticas web

Focalización: Letonia, Lituania
📂 Detalles para http://www.teo.lt
📥 Sitio web de DNS: MX::edgez.teo.lt => ( Vilnius ) / Telia Lietuva AB
MX::edge.teo.lt => ( Vilnius ) / Telia Lietuva AB
MX::edgep.teo.lt => ( Vilnius ) / Telia Lietuva AB
ns2.telecom.lt => ( Vilnius ) / Telia Lietuva AB
ns1.telecom.lt => ( Vilnius ) / Telia Lietuva AB
🔨 Software de servidor: Apache
📌 Sitio web IP:
📍 Localización de IP: Lithuania, Vilniaus Apskritis, Vilnius - ver los mejores proveedores en Lithuania
🔗 Nombre del ISP / URL del ISP: Telia Lietuva AB, teo.lt

✅ Recomendaciones de clientes

No hay testimonios de usuarios listados.

📋 teo.lt Noticias / Comunicado de prensa

No hay noticias escritas en el idioma es

📣 teo.lt Redes sociales

Acerca de: TEO LT, AB, the largest telecommunication company in Lithuania, was established in 1992. TEO is the largest Lithuanian broadband Internet access and voice telephony services operator, providing integrated telecommunication, IT and TV services to residents and business.

Having the largest experience in the telecommunications business in Lithuania, the Company pays exclusive attention to high quality of services and satisfaction of customer needs.

TEO vision is to be the best partner in communicating with the constantly changing world. By employing the most modern technologies TEO enable its customers to reach people, knowledge and entertainment.

TEO has 605 thousand main lines in services, 386 thousand broadband internet connections, 186 thousand television service users and about 3 thousand employees.

TEO has a strong belief in main values – openness, reliability, business minded, partnership. Acting socially responsibly means, from the viewpoint of TEO, first and [...]

TEO LT, AB (establecido 1992) es un Public Company entidad teniendo 2099 seguidores en LinkedIn y 1001-5000 empleados, industria Telecommunications.
Aún no hay un blog oficial

Opiniones👪 teo.lt Calificaciones de clientes

Las estadísticas rápidas de teo.lt perfil muestra una nota promedio de 1,0 de 10, contando 1 opinión.
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Algunos clientes pueden decir cosas buenas como: "Estoy contento con teo.lt" o cosas malas y quejas como: "esta empresa apesta" o "es horrible", "teo.lt solo generó problemas ", "proveedor de estafa o estafa ", pero ahora es su turno de compartir su experiencia!

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    time4vps.com logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 46.987
    👤 Opiniones de usuarios 👉 Revisiones Totales: 1
    🙌 Puntuación media: 10 / 10
    👍 Buenas críticas: 1
    👎 Malos comentarios: 0
    👈 Respuestas oficiales: 0
  • Estado de finalización del perfil:
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    Foro, Blog / Anuncios, Knowledgebase o Preguntas frecuentes se agregan URL
    Se agregan productos (planes), pero algunos no se actualizan desde hace más de 2 años
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    monovm.com logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 49.342
    👤 Opiniones de usuarios 👉 Revisiones Totales: 50
    🙌 Puntuación media: 8.2 / 10
    👍 Buenas críticas: 42
    👎 Malos comentarios: 8
    👈 Respuestas oficiales: 44
  • Estado de finalización del perfil:
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    La ubicación de la dirección de la empresa está completa
    Se ha añadido el teléfono / fax de la empresa
    "Sobre página" URL o "Página de contacto" URL agregadas
    Foro, Blog / Anuncios, Knowledgebase o Preguntas frecuentes se agregan URL
    Se agregan productos (planes), pero algunos no se actualizan desde hace más de 2 años
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    Cosas para hacer
    Falta la cuenta de Twitter
    serveriai.lt logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 54.227
    👤 Opiniones de usuarios 👉 Revisiones Totales: 1
    🙌 Puntuación media: 1 / 10
    👍 Buenas críticas: 0
    👎 Malos comentarios: 1
    👈 Respuestas oficiales: 0
  • Estado de finalización del perfil:
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    hostens.com logo
    🏆 Alexa Rating 60.095
    👤 Opiniones de usuarios 👉 Revisiones Totales: 4
    🙌 Puntuación media: 1.5 / 10
    👍 Buenas críticas: 0
    👎 Malos comentarios: 4
    👈 Respuestas oficiales: 4

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