Indonesia, Yogyakarta 🔧 Shared Hosting - Web Hosting Listing, page no. 2

WHTop offers the biggest webhosting directory with 10 companies targeting Yogyakarta (in Indonesia).

Customers specifically looking for website hosting in DI Yogya; DIY, Indonesia may consider these webspace providers for signup and benefit from geolocation!

🏠 Top 10 cities where are located webhosting companies in this state are:
Yogyakarta (5), Sleman (5), Jogjakarta (1), Bantul (1), Sleman (1), Sinduadi (1), Wirobrajan (1), Kotagede (1), Yogyakarta, Balikpapan (1), Umbulharjo (1) Icon
Things done
Company descriptions is fine
Company address location is complete
Company phone/fax is added
Company Twitter and Facebook accounts are added
"About page" URL or "Contact page" URLs are added
Forum, Blog/Announcements, Knowledgebase or FAQ URLs are added
Products (plans) are added, but some are not updated from over 2 years
Note: Add a promotion or coupon

Jogja Host / logo(Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta) - JogjaHost focuses on providing web hosting and domain services since 2008. With determination and strong commitment we want to realize quality services for Indonesia to go online . This is Unlimited Premium hosting which is the best Indonesian web hosting pioneer. JogjaHost company has the ability: - JogjaHost [...]

  • 👪 No. user reviews: 0
  • 📤 No. plans: 17
  • ✅ No. testimonials: 0
  • 🏆 Alexa Rating263,683
  • 🏆 MOZ DA/PA 25/42
  • 🔗 Links Count24,038

Things done
Company descriptions is fine
Company address location is complete
Company phone/fax is added
"About page" URL or "Contact page" URLs are added
Forum, Blog/Announcements, Knowledgebase or FAQ URLs are added
Products (plans) are added, but some are not updated from over 2 years
Note: Add a promotion or coupon

Things to do
Twitter account is missing
Ardeta Media / logo(Sleman, Yogyakarta) - WE PROVIDE HOSTING FOR YOUR NEEDS! With a very affordable price you can have unlimited server hosting Indonesia. For all hosting services, if you use an automatic payment method, hosting will be active when you make a payment, it only takes seconds, but if you make a payment via bank transfer, then you need to [...]
  • 👪 No. user reviews: 0
  • 📤 No. plans: 15
  • ✅ No. testimonials: 0
  • 🏆 Alexa Rating364,134
  • 🏆 MOZ DA/PA 26/41
  • 🔗 Links Count33,026 Icon
Things done
Company descriptions is fine
Company address location is complete
Company phone/fax is added
Company Twitter and Facebook accounts are added
"About page" URL or "Contact page" URLs are added
Forum, Blog/Announcements, Knowledgebase or FAQ URLs are added
Products (plans) are added
Note: Add a promotion or coupon

Citra Host /👉 Total Reviews: 4
🙌 Average Rating: 8.5 / 10
👍 Good Reviews: 4
👎 Bad Reviews: 0
👈 Official Responses: 0 logo(Jogjakarta, Yogyakarta) - CitraHost, the domain hosting division of CitraWeb Group, has been serving clients since 2000 with a commitment to delivering high-quality hosting solutions to meet online needs. As a brand owned by PT. Citaweb Digital Multisolusi, an Information Technology company based in Yogyakarta, Citrahost is dedicated to [...] 📆 updated Dec 2020

  • 📤 No. plans: 5
  • ✅ No. testimonials: 0
  • 🏆 Alexa Rating663,175
  • 🏆 MOZ DA/PA 19/36
  • 🔗 Links Count853,917 Icon
Things done
Company descriptions is fine
Company address location is complete
Company phone/fax is added
Company Twitter and Facebook accounts are added
Forum, Blog/Announcements, Knowledgebase or FAQ URLs are added
Products (plans) are added, but some are not updated from over 2 years
Note: Add a promotion or coupon

Things to do
"About page" URL or "Contact page" URLs are missing
86% / logo(Sleman, Yogyakarta) - We were also like you customers who were also looking for cheap and fast domains and hosting. Realizing this, we are here to provide what you are looking for and you need, yes cheap hosting and fast access. In you will get: 1. Low price I make sure you also want a low price for your hosting, and [...]
  • 👪 No. user reviews: 0
  • 📤 No. plans: 1
  • ✅ No. testimonials: 0
  • 🏆 Alexa Rating720,110
  • 🏆 MOZ DA/PA 19/46
  • 🔗 Links Count6,407 Icon
Things done
Company descriptions is fine
Company address location is complete
Company phone/fax is added
Company Twitter and Facebook accounts are added
"About page" URL or "Contact page" URLs are added
Forum, Blog/Announcements, Knowledgebase or FAQ URLs are added
Products (plans) are added, but some are not updated from over 2 years
Note: Add a promotion or coupon

IIXMedia / logo(Wirobrajan, Yogyakarta) - If you're seeking online services like hosting, domains, and online media, consider IIXMEDIA.COM: Affordability for All: IIXMEDIA.COM was established with the mission of offering cheap and affordable services accessible to everyone. Moreover, they aim to provide free web-based services in the future. Own Bandwidth: [...]
  • 👪 No. user reviews: 0
  • 📤 No. plans: 13
  • ✅ No. testimonials: 0
  • 🏆 Alexa Rating8,963,921
  • 🏆 MOZ DA/PA 19/45
  • 🔗 Links Count6,625
States in ID Clear filter
  • Yogyakarta 10

📑 Countries Clear filter
  • Indonesia 10

📑 Categories Clear filter
  • 🔧 Shared Hosting 10

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