Contabo Negativ Bewertungen #53255 durch bkarasavas@h... auf Feb 2021

Contabo hat ein Negativ Bewertungen auf
Aschauer Strasse 32a
Munich , BY 81549
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Kundenbewertung #53255
-anonym- ( bkarasavas@h... )
Zeit Gehostet 2 bis 3 Jahre
Globale Bewertung
They have problems with hackers. Used to have a M VPS for some years. I used it to test and run python scripts. 99% without any internet traffic. Twice they told me that they had reports that my server attacked other sites. First time two years ago, I panicked and was trying to find what was wrong. Then they said that it's ok and that the problem ended without me doing something. Second time is now. They sent me an email saying about the attack of my server to other sites, that I should respond to. I did respond but after a couple of days they suspended my account and wanted to get paid to bring it back up. Their excuse is possibly that I did not do something immediately. Some kind of action. time is not theirs. And I know that my VPS did not cause any problems because I actually did not do something like that. I consider this extremely unprofessional. Thank god I did not use that VPS for professional reasons. I had 3 VPS servers on Time4VPS and never had any similar problems. I am moving back to them. If you are a pro you should really think twice to get a VPS from Contabo, because all is well and five star reviews...until you have a problem with them. Then they go down to one star because of the way they handle issues. Customer does not come first. Money comes first for them.

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