EasyHost.be 🆚 Webou - Sep, 2024

We offer the most comprehensive side-by-side comparison from the whole web hosting market, counting lots of signals and stats for each provider. We do our best to keep technical information accurate and up to date, so you can have best comparison experience.

EasyHost.be (easyhost.be) has been added on 📅 and last updated on 📆 . Trusted and verified by WHTOP on 2019.
Webou (webou-pro.com) has been added on 📅 and last updated on 📆 . Trusted and verified by WHTOP on 2020.

Example of working searches for search field: GoDaddy, godaddy.com, Go daddy or even daddy

versus versus



easyhost.be logo
Profile completion status:
Things done
Company descriptions is fine
Company address location is complete
Company phone/fax is added
Company Twitter and Facebook accounts are added
"About page" URL or "Contact page" URLs are added
Forum, Blog/Announcements, Knowledgebase or FAQ URLs are added
Products (plans) are added, but some are not updated from over 2 years
Note: Add a promotion or coupon


webou-pro.com logo
Profile completion status:
Things done
Company descriptions is fine
Company address location is complete
Company Twitter and Facebook accounts are added
"About page" URL or "Contact page" URLs are added
Forum, Blog/Announcements, Knowledgebase or FAQ URLs are added
Products (plans) are added, but some are not updated from over 2 years
Note: Add a promotion or coupon

Things to do
Company phone number/fax is missing

Skaldenstraat 121
Gent 9042

Rue de la westrée 72
Oreye 4360

📧 Emailinfo@e...support@w...
☎ Phone+32 (0) 9 218 79 01 
Ranks🏆 Alexa Rating 428,104▼-41,217 (lower is better)
📈 Domains 4,425▲13 (higher is better)
Alexa Rank in BE 3,105
🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 27/52🔗 Links 275,524
🏆 Alexa Rating 468,059▼-1,701,358 (lower is better)
Alexa Rank in CD 269
🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 24/29🔗 Links 2,246
Languages nl-BE nl-NL en-GB en-US fr-BE fr-LU fr-BE
📄 InfoEasyhost offers a comprehensive range of Internet solutions in Belgium and the Netherlands, including web hosting, domain name registration, dedicated servers, co-location, and managed services. Services: Web Hosting: Easyhost provides affordable web hosting solutions for individuals and companies. Domain Name Registration: The company facilitates the registration of domain names. Dedicated Servers: Easyhost offers dedicated server solutions to meet specific hosting requirements. Co-location: [...] Read full reviewIt all started in 2006. Basically, it was just a personal challenge. How to create a website? What is a domain name? I was fascinated by the opportunities that an Internet presence opens up. But some web hosting was expensive, complicated or unreliable. The few free hosting services were covered with intrusive advertisements, pop-ups, ... In 2009, following an entrepreneurial seminar, Webou Pro was launched while keeping the original motivations: to allow as many people as possible to be [...] Read full review
📡 Established-May, 2006
🏁 Site speedFast, load time 1.0 seconds 80% sites are slower
SEO Links count 89
📣 Social Media
📣 Social Media

🔃 User Shares
easyhost.be IconEasyhost
Started from: May, 2009
  • Tweets: 182
  • Followers: 155
  • Friends: 36
  • Language: nl
  • Last activity:

webou-pro.com IconWebouPro
Started from: May, 2009
  • Tweets: 106
  • Followers: 108
  • Friends: 36
  • Last activity:

easyhost.be IconEasyhost
  • Likes:
  • People talking about them:
  • Last activity:

  • Followers: 18
  • Entity type: Public Company
  • Employee Count: 2-10
  • Industry: Internet

EasyHost.be BlogWebou Blog
🔧 Shared Hosting - 2/4
💡 Plan NameSmall [Linux]START 1 [Linux]
💰 Price€ 4.12/mo.€ 2.99/mo.
💿 Disk Space50 GB5 GB
📶 Data Transferunmeteredunmetered
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimitedunlimited
🆓 Free Domain10
📌 Dedicated IPs00
🔨 Control Panel[In-house]
🌏 Server LocationBelgiumBelgium
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)50 GB of webspace
20 x faster and 100% secure

5 x 100 MB databases

Free SSL certificate
For a secure website

Free domain name
For the first year

50 x 1 GB mailboxes
and e-mail addresses with your domain
INFO (mouse over)Support available 7 days a week
PHPMyAdmin interface
Easy file manager
Backups in 3 clicks
Wordpress installation in 3 clicks
Advanced email management
SSL certificate (https)
Unlimited number of databases
No setup costs
Customizable PHP
Unlimited number of email addresses
The best European [...]
📅 Date PlanJul 2019Dec 2020
💡 Plan NameLarge [Linux]START 2 [Linux]
💰 Price€ 4.47/mo.€ 3.99/mo.
💿 Disk Space100 GB20 GB
📶 Data Transferunmeteredunmetered
🔌 Hosted domainsunlimitedunlimited
🆓 Free Domain10
📌 Dedicated IPs00
🔨 Control Panel[In-house]
🌏 Server LocationBelgiumBelgium
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)100 GB of webspace
20 x faster and 100% secure

15 x 250 MB databases

Free SSL certificate
For a secure website

Free domain name
For the first year

150 x 5 GB mailboxes
and e-mail addresses with your domain
Same as previous plans
📅 Date PlanJul 2019Dec 2020
💡 Plan Name-PREMIUM 1 [Linux]
💰 Price-€ 4.99/mo.
💿 Disk Space-20 GB
📶 Data Transfer-unmetered
🔌 Hosted domains-unlimited
🆓 Free Domain-1
📌 Dedicated IPs-0
🔨 Control Panel-
🌏 Server Location-Belgium
📜 Description-INFO (mouse over)Support available 7 days a week
PHPMyAdmin interface
Backups in 3 clicks
Easy file manager
Wordpress installation in 3 clicks
Create your site in a few clicks
SSL certificate (https)
Advanced email management
2-factor authentication
Unlimited number of email addresses
Unlimited number of [...]
📅 Date Plan-Dec 2020
💡 Plan Name-PREMIUM 2 [Linux]
💰 Price-€ 6.99/mo.
💿 Disk Space-100 GB
📶 Data Transfer-unmetered
🔌 Hosted domains-unlimited
🆓 Free Domain-1
📌 Dedicated IPs-0
🔨 Control Panel-
🌏 Server Location-Belgium
📜 Description-Same as previous plans
📅 Date Plan-Dec 2020
🔧 Website Builder - 3/0
💡 Plan NameSmall Sitebuilder-
💰 Price€ 2.47/mo.-
💿 Disk Spaceunlimited-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain1-
📌 Dedicated IPs0-
🔨 Control Panel -
🌏 Server LocationBelgium-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Free domain name
For the first year

All widgets

1 page

Over 140 themes

100 MB for pictures

Create a professional website without any programming knowledge
Pick your style by selecting one of the 140+ themes
Drag ready-to-use widgets into the website
“Works as a text editor”
📅 Date PlanJul 2019-
💡 Plan NameMedium Sitebuilder-
💰 Price€ 4.95/mo.-
💿 Disk Spaceunlimited-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain1-
📌 Dedicated IPs0-
🔨 Control Panel -
🌏 Server LocationBelgium-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Free domain name
For the first year

All widgets

5 pages

Over 140 themes

1 GB for pictures

Backup up to 2 previous versions

Create a professional website without any programming knowledge
Pick your style by selecting one of the 140+ themes
Drag ready-to-use widgets into the website
📅 Date PlanJul 2019-
💡 Plan NameLarge Sitebuilder-
💰 Price€ 7.43/mo.-
💿 Disk Spaceunlimited-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain1-
📌 Dedicated IPs0-
🔨 Control Panel -
🌏 Server LocationBelgium-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Free domain name
For the first year

All widgets

Unlimited number of pages

Over 140 themes

10 GB for pictures and files

Backup up to 10 previous versions

Extra mobile site

Changing the theme: colour & fonts

Adding files
e.g. a restaurant menu in PDF

Create a professional website [...]
📅 Date PlanJul 2019-
🔧 Emails - 2/0
💡 Plan NameSmall mailbox [Linux]-
💰 Price€ 3.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space5 GB-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain -
🔨 Control Panel -
🌏 Server LocationBelgium-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spam filter & antivirus

E-mail address with your domain

Synchronised with any device

5 GB mailbox
📅 Date PlanJul 2019-
💡 Plan NameLarge mailbox [Linux]-
💰 Price€ 3.00/mo.-
💿 Disk Space25 GB-
📶 Data Transferunmetered-
🔌 Hosted domains -
🆓 Free Domain -
🔨 Control Panel -
🌏 Server LocationBelgium-
📜 DescriptionINFO (mouse over)Spam filter & antivirus

E-mail address with your domain

Synchronised with any device

25 GB mailbox
📅 Date PlanJul 2019-
🔧 VPN - 0/1
💰 Price-on request
💿 Disk Space- 
📶 Data Transfer-unmetered
🔌 Hosted domains-5
🆓 Free Domain- 
🔨 Control Panel-
🌏 Server Location-Belgium
📜 Description-INFO (mouse over)No limitation
High speed network
Unlimited bandwidth
256-bit AESn encryption
OpenVPN, L2TP-IPsec and PPTP
Simultaneous connections up to 5 devices
Apps for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and Linux
Choice of unlimited virtual locations
Over 40 countries
More than 1000 servers
24/7 support
📅 Date Plan-Dec 2020
💻 Supported Operating Systems
  • Linux
  • Linux
📤 List of products
  • Shared Hosting
  • Domains
  • SSL Certificates
  • Website Builder
  • Emails
  • Shared Hosting
  • Domains
  • VPN
✍️ Support Options
  • Email
  • Help Desk
  • Phone / Toll-Free
  • 0 WHTop support responses
  • Email
  • Help Desk
  • Phone / Toll-Free
  • Live Chat
  • 0 WHTop support responses
💰 Payment Options
  • Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards
  • PayPal
  • Credit / Debit / Prepaid Cards
📉 Compare to similar brands
 EasyHost.be versus
  • telenet.be logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 38,838▲26,779
    📈 Domains 2,048▼-1
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 89/54🔗 Links 380,351

  • combell.com logo

    👉 Total Reviews: 3
    🙌 Average Rating: 4 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 1
    👎 Bad Reviews: 2
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 89,655▼-31,890
    📈 Domains 60,181▲38
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 53/54🔗 Links 1,610,051

  • edpnet.be logo
    edp net

    👉 Total Reviews: 5
    🙌 Average Rating: 1.8 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 0
    👎 Bad Reviews: 5
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 350,794▼-198,499
    📈 Domains 654▲2
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 43/52🔗 Links 223,841

  • kinamo.be logo

    👉 Total Reviews: 1
    🙌 Average Rating: 9 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 1
    👎 Bad Reviews: 0
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 431,064▼-169,525
    📈 Domains 403▼-2
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 40/44🔗 Links 773,591

  • webservice.be logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 1,903,162▼-7,986,476
    📈 Domains 102▼-2
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 13/31🔗 Links 1,452

  • ethera.be logo

    👉 Total Reviews: 1
    🙌 Average Rating: 1 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 0
    👎 Bad Reviews: 1
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 2,222,461▼-9,429,238
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 10/31🔗 Links 330

  • myown.eu logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 2,585,562▼-4,126,155
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 23/48🔗 Links 81,998

  • behostings.com logo
    Be hostings

    👉 Total Reviews: 1
    🙌 Average Rating: 9 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 1
    👎 Bad Reviews: 0
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 3,426,339▼-830,614
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 27/36🔗 Links 1,517

  • nomeo.be logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 3,548,342▲771,001
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 5/52🔗 Links 123,362

Webou versus
  • telenet.be logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 38,838▲26,779
    📈 Domains 2,048▼-1
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 89/54🔗 Links 380,351

  • combell.com logo

    👉 Total Reviews: 3
    🙌 Average Rating: 4 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 1
    👎 Bad Reviews: 2
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 89,655▼-31,890
    📈 Domains 60,181▲38
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 53/54🔗 Links 1,610,051

  • edpnet.be logo
    edp net

    👉 Total Reviews: 5
    🙌 Average Rating: 1.8 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 0
    👎 Bad Reviews: 5
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 350,794▼-198,499
    📈 Domains 654▲2
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 43/52🔗 Links 223,841

  • kinamo.be logo

    👉 Total Reviews: 1
    🙌 Average Rating: 9 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 1
    👎 Bad Reviews: 0
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 431,064▼-169,525
    📈 Domains 403▼-2
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 40/44🔗 Links 773,591

  • webservice.be logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 1,903,162▼-7,986,476
    📈 Domains 102▼-2
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 13/31🔗 Links 1,452

  • ethera.be logo

    👉 Total Reviews: 1
    🙌 Average Rating: 1 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 0
    👎 Bad Reviews: 1
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 2,222,461▼-9,429,238
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 10/31🔗 Links 330

  • myown.eu logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 2,585,562▼-4,126,155
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 23/48🔗 Links 81,998

  • behostings.com logo
    Be hostings

    👉 Total Reviews: 1
    🙌 Average Rating: 9 / 10
    👍 Good Reviews: 1
    👎 Bad Reviews: 0
    👈 Official Responses: 0

    🏆 Alexa Rating 3,426,339▼-830,614
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 27/36🔗 Links 1,517

  • nomeo.be logo

    🏆 Alexa Rating 3,548,342▲771,001
    🏆 SEO MOZ DA/PA 5/52🔗 Links 123,362