123 Reg negative review #13193 by ARD on Oct 2010

123 Reg got a negative review on
123 Reg
5th Floor, The Shipping Building, Old Vinyl Factory, 252 – 254 B
Hayes UB3 1HA
☎ Phone 0345 450 2310
Customer review #13193
ARD ( -no email- )
Time Hosted over 3 years
Global rating
Customer Relation
Control Panel
What a shower of dunces this lot are.

We have been an affiliate for 8 years and got paid regularly until 2 years ago.

We have registered over 1000 domains with them for our clients over the years which all qualified for affiliate commission. Now they say they will not pay fees due since 2008 nor will they supply full details of all transactions.

Support tickets (lots of them) get canned replies and managers to whom we have spoken to on the telephone NEVER call back despite promising to do so.
Their Affiliate manager must be figment of their imagination.
Have spent enough money trying to talk sense to someone in the their support team without sucess.

We don't need the money (and never will). The fees may be minimal but it is the principal involved that makes me continue hounding them.
We are currently moving all domains to another provider, 50% completed already.

Once that's done we`ll move all our hosting solutions and servers to the new company as well.

SUPPORT AT 123-REG IS PATHETIC and their affiliate scheme is crooked
Cheap services company - employ monkees.

We believe they are committing fraud and we hope to see them in court - the cost is worth it, just to hopefully meet one or two of the dummies who run the company.
We would NEVER EVER recommend 123-REG

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